-- | Utility functions to work with 'Arrow's.
module Control.Arrow.Util where

import Control.Arrow

-- | Constantly produce the same output.
constantly :: Arrow a => b -> a c b
constantly = arr . const
{-# INLINE constantly #-}

-- import Control.Category (id)
-- import Prelude hiding (id)

-- (&&&!) :: Arrow a => a b c -> a b () -> a b c
-- a1 &&&! a2 = (a1 &&& a2) >>> arr fst

-- sink :: Arrow a => a b c -> a c () -> a b c
-- a1 `sink` a2 = a1 >>> (id &&& a2) >>> arr fst

-- * Apply functions at the end.
-- | Alternative name for '^<<'.
elementwise :: Arrow a => (c -> d) -> a b c -> a b d
elementwise = (^<<)

-- | Apply a curried function with two arguments to the outputs of two arrows.
elementwise2 :: Arrow a => (c -> d -> e) -> a b c -> a b d -> a b e
elementwise2 op a1 a2 = (a1 &&& a2) >>^ uncurry op