dynamodb-simple- Typesafe library for working with DynamoDB database

Safe HaskellNone




Module for creating filter conditions

Example as used in nested structure for scan:

scanCond (hashitem' <!:> "a" <.> author' <.> name' ==. "x") 20


Condition datatype

data FilterCondition t Source #

Filter condition. Use with scan, query, update and delete methods.

Filtering on primary key is not allowed.


Not (FilterCondition t)

Negate condition

Logical operators

(&&.) :: FilterCondition t -> FilterCondition t -> FilterCondition t infixr 3 Source #

AND for combining conditions.

(||.) :: FilterCondition t -> FilterCondition t -> FilterCondition t infixr 3 Source #

OR for combining conditions

Equality comparisons

(==.) :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, DynamoEncodable typ) => Column typ ctyp col -> typ -> FilterCondition tbl infix 4 Source #

Tests for equality. Automatically adjusts query to account for missing attributes.

Note: checks against empty values esentially translate to attrMissing.

(/=.) :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, DynamoEncodable typ) => Column typ ctyp col -> typ -> FilterCondition tbl infix 4 Source #

a /= b === Not (a == b)

(>=.) :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, DynamoEncodable typ, Ord typ) => Column typ ctyp col -> typ -> FilterCondition tbl infix 4 Source #

(>.) :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, DynamoEncodable typ, Ord typ) => Column typ ctyp col -> typ -> FilterCondition tbl infix 4 Source #

(<=.) :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, DynamoEncodable typ, Ord typ) => Column typ ctyp col -> typ -> FilterCondition tbl infix 4 Source #

(<.) :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, DynamoEncodable typ, Ord typ) => Column typ ctyp col -> typ -> FilterCondition tbl infix 4 Source #

Extended functions

attrExists :: InCollection col tbl FullPath => Column typ TypColumn col -> FilterCondition tbl Source #

Check existence of attribute.

attrMissing :: InCollection col tbl FullPath => Column typ TypColumn col -> FilterCondition tbl Source #

Checks non-existence of an attribute

beginsWith :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, IsText typ) => Column typ TypColumn col -> Text -> FilterCondition tbl Source #

Comparison for text columns.

contains :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, IsText typ) => Column typ TypColumn col -> Text -> FilterCondition tbl Source #

CONTAINS condition for text-like attributes.

setContains :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, DynamoScalar v a) => Column (Set a) TypColumn col -> a -> FilterCondition tbl Source #

CONTAINS condition for sets.

valIn :: (InCollection col tbl FullPath, DynamoScalar v typ) => Column typ ctyp col -> [typ] -> FilterCondition tbl Source #

a IN (b, c, d); the list may contain up to 100 values.

between :: (Ord typ, InCollection col tbl FullPath, DynamoScalar v typ) => Column typ ctyp col -> (typ, typ) -> FilterCondition tbl Source #

Numeric/string range comparison.

size :: Column typ TypColumn col -> Column Int TypSize col Source #

Size (i.e. number of bytes) of saved attribute.