elerea-2.9.0: A minimalistic FRP library

Safe HaskellNone




This module provides leak-free and referentially transparent higher-order discrete signals. Unlike in FRP.Elerea.Simple, the sampling action has an extra argument that will be globally distributed to every node and can be used to update the state. For instance, it can hold the time step between the two samplings, but it could also encode all the external input to the system.


The signal abstraction

data Signal a Source #

A signal represents a value changing over time. It can be thought of as a function of type Nat -> a, where the argument is the sampling time, and the Monad instance agrees with the intuition (bind corresponds to extracting the current sample). Signals and the values they carry are denoted the following way in the documentation:

s = <<s0 s1 s2 ...>>

This says that s is a signal that reads s0 during the first sampling, s1 during the second and so on. You can also think of s as the following function:

s t_sample = [s0,s1,s2,...] !! t_sample

Signals are constrained to be sampled sequentially, there is no random access. The only way to observe their output is through start.


Monad Signal Source # 


(>>=) :: Signal a -> (a -> Signal b) -> Signal b #

(>>) :: Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal b #

return :: a -> Signal a #

fail :: String -> Signal a #

Functor Signal Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b #

(<$) :: a -> Signal b -> Signal a #

Applicative Signal Source # 


pure :: a -> Signal a #

(<*>) :: Signal (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b #

(*>) :: Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal b #

(<*) :: Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal a #

Bounded t => Bounded (Signal t) Source # 


minBound :: Signal t #

maxBound :: Signal t #

Enum t => Enum (Signal t) Source # 


succ :: Signal t -> Signal t #

pred :: Signal t -> Signal t #

toEnum :: Int -> Signal t #

fromEnum :: Signal t -> Int #

enumFrom :: Signal t -> [Signal t] #

enumFromThen :: Signal t -> Signal t -> [Signal t] #

enumFromTo :: Signal t -> Signal t -> [Signal t] #

enumFromThenTo :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t -> [Signal t] #

Eq (Signal a) Source #

Equality test is impossible.


(==) :: Signal a -> Signal a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Signal a -> Signal a -> Bool #

Floating t => Floating (Signal t) Source # 


pi :: Signal t #

exp :: Signal t -> Signal t #

log :: Signal t -> Signal t #

sqrt :: Signal t -> Signal t #

(**) :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

logBase :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

sin :: Signal t -> Signal t #

cos :: Signal t -> Signal t #

tan :: Signal t -> Signal t #

asin :: Signal t -> Signal t #

acos :: Signal t -> Signal t #

atan :: Signal t -> Signal t #

sinh :: Signal t -> Signal t #

cosh :: Signal t -> Signal t #

tanh :: Signal t -> Signal t #

asinh :: Signal t -> Signal t #

acosh :: Signal t -> Signal t #

atanh :: Signal t -> Signal t #

log1p :: Signal t -> Signal t #

expm1 :: Signal t -> Signal t #

log1pexp :: Signal t -> Signal t #

log1mexp :: Signal t -> Signal t #

Fractional t => Fractional (Signal t) Source # 


(/) :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

recip :: Signal t -> Signal t #

fromRational :: Rational -> Signal t #

Integral t => Integral (Signal t) Source # 


quot :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

rem :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

div :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

mod :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

quotRem :: Signal t -> Signal t -> (Signal t, Signal t) #

divMod :: Signal t -> Signal t -> (Signal t, Signal t) #

toInteger :: Signal t -> Integer #

Num t => Num (Signal t) Source # 


(+) :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

(-) :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

(*) :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

negate :: Signal t -> Signal t #

abs :: Signal t -> Signal t #

signum :: Signal t -> Signal t #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Signal t #

Ord t => Ord (Signal t) Source # 


compare :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Ordering #

(<) :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Bool #

(<=) :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Bool #

(>) :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Bool #

(>=) :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Bool #

max :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

min :: Signal t -> Signal t -> Signal t #

Real t => Real (Signal t) Source # 


toRational :: Signal t -> Rational #

Show (Signal a) Source #

The Show instance is only defined for the sake of Num...


showsPrec :: Int -> Signal a -> ShowS #

show :: Signal a -> String #

showList :: [Signal a] -> ShowS #

data SignalGen p a Source #

A signal generator is the only source of stateful signals. It can be thought of as a function of type Nat -> Signal p -> a, where the result is an arbitrary data structure that can potentially contain new signals, the first argument is the creation time of these new signals, and the second is a globally accessible input signal. It exposes the MonadFix interface, which makes it possible to define signals in terms of each other. Unlike the simple variant, the denotation of signal generators differs from that of signals. We will use the following notation for generators:

g = <|g0 g1 g2 ...|>

Just like signals, generators behave as functions of time, but they can also refer to the input signal:

g t_start s_input = [g0,g1,g2,...] !! t_start

The conceptual difference between the two notions is that signals are passed a sampling time, while generators expect a start time that will be the creation time of all the freshly generated signals in the resulting structure.


Monad (SignalGen p) Source # 


(>>=) :: SignalGen p a -> (a -> SignalGen p b) -> SignalGen p b #

(>>) :: SignalGen p a -> SignalGen p b -> SignalGen p b #

return :: a -> SignalGen p a #

fail :: String -> SignalGen p a #

Functor (SignalGen p) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SignalGen p a -> SignalGen p b #

(<$) :: a -> SignalGen p b -> SignalGen p a #

MonadFix (SignalGen p) Source # 


mfix :: (a -> SignalGen p a) -> SignalGen p a #

Applicative (SignalGen p) Source # 


pure :: a -> SignalGen p a #

(<*>) :: SignalGen p (a -> b) -> SignalGen p a -> SignalGen p b #

(*>) :: SignalGen p a -> SignalGen p b -> SignalGen p b #

(<*) :: SignalGen p a -> SignalGen p b -> SignalGen p a #

MonadIO (SignalGen p) Source # 


liftIO :: IO a -> SignalGen p a #

MonadBase (SignalGen p) (SignalGen p) Source # 


liftBase :: SignalGen p α -> SignalGen p α #

Embedding into I/O

start Source #


:: SignalGen p (Signal a)

the generator of the top-level signal

-> IO (p -> IO a)

the computation to sample the signal

Embedding a signal into an IO environment. Repeated calls to the computation returned cause the whole network to be updated, and the current sample of the top-level signal is produced as a result. The computation accepts a global parameter that will be distributed to all signals. For instance, this can be the time step, if we want to model continuous-time signals. This is the only way to extract a signal generator outside the network, and it is equivalent to passing zero to the function representing the generator.


    smp <- start (stateful 10 (+))
    res <- forM [5,3,2,9,4] smp
    print res



external Source #


:: a

initial value

-> IO (SignalGen p (Signal a), a -> IO ())

the generator to create the signal and an IO function to feed it

A signal that can be directly fed through the sink function returned. This can be used to attach the network to the outer world. The signal always yields the value last written to the sink at the start of the superstep. In other words, if the sink is written less frequently than the network sampled, the output remains the same during several samples. If values are pushed in the sink more frequently, only the last one before sampling is visible on the output.

externalMulti Source #


:: IO (SignalGen p (Signal [a]), a -> IO ())

a generator for the event signal and the associated sink

An event-like signal that can be fed through the sink function returned. The signal carries a list of values fed in since the last sampling, i.e. it is constantly [] if the sink is never invoked. The order of elements is reversed, so the last value passed to the sink is the head of the list.

unsafeExternal Source #


:: a

initial value

-> IO (Signal a, a -> IO ())

the signal and an IO function to feed it

A signal that can be directly fed through the sink function returned. This can be used to attach the network to the outer world. Note that this is optional, as all the input of the network can be fed in through the global parameter, although that is not really convenient for many signals.

As for why this construct is unsafe, consult the explanation for the equivalent in FRP.Elerea.Simple.

Basic building blocks

delay Source #


:: a

initial output

-> Signal a

the signal to delay

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

The delay combinator is the elementary building block for adding state to the signal network by constructing delayed versions of a signal that emit a given value at creation time and the previous output of the signal afterwards (-- is undefined):

delay x0 s = <| <<x0 s0 s1 s2 s3 ...>>
                <<-- x0 s1 s2 s3 ...>>
                <<-- -- x0 s2 s3 ...>>
                <<-- -- -- x0 s3 ...>>

It can be thought of as the following function (which should also make it clear why the return value is SignalGen):

delay x0 s t_start s_input t_sample
  | t_start == t_sample = x0
  | t_start < t_sample  = s (t_sample-1)
  | otherwise           = error \"Premature sample!\"

The way signal generators are extracted by generator ensures that the error can never happen. It is also clear that the behaviour of delay is not affected in any way by the global input.

Example (requires the DoRec extension):

    smp <- start $ do
        rec let fib'' = liftA2 (+) fib' fib
            fib' <- delay 1 fib''
            fib <- delay 1 fib'
        return fib
    res <- replicateM 7 (smp undefined)
    print res



snapshot :: Signal a -> SignalGen p a Source #

A formal conversion from signals to signal generators, which effectively allows for retrieving the current value of a previously created signal within a generator. This includes both signals defined in an external scope as well as those created earlier in the same generator. It can be modelled by the following function:

snapshot s t_start s_input = s t_start

generator Source #


:: Signal (SignalGen p a)

the signal of generators to run

-> SignalGen p (Signal a)

the signal of generated structures

A reactive signal that takes the value to output from a signal generator carried by its input with the sampling time provided as the start time for the generated structure. It is possible to create new signals in the monad, which is the key to defining dynamic data-flow networks.

generator << <|x00 x01 x02 ...|>
             <|x10 x11 x12 ...|>
             <|x20 x21 x22 ...|>
          >> = <| <<x00 x11 x22 ...>>
                  <<x00 x11 x22 ...>>
                  <<x00 x11 x22 ...>>

It can be thought of as the following function:

generator g t_start s_input t_sample = g t_sample t_sample s_input

It has to live in the SignalGen monad, because it needs to maintain an internal state to be able to cache the current sample for efficiency reasons. However, this state is not carried between samples, therefore start time doesn't matter and can be ignored. Also, even though it does not make use of the global input itself, part of its job is to distribute it among the newly generated signals.

Refer to the longer example at the bottom of FRP.Elerea.Simple to see how it can be used.

memo Source #


:: Signal a

the signal to cache

-> SignalGen p (Signal a)

a signal observationally equivalent to the argument

Memoising combinator. It can be used to cache results of applicative combinators in case they are used in several places. It is observationally equivalent to return in the SignalGen monad.

memo s = <|s s s s ...|>

For instance, if s = f <$> s', then f will be recalculated once for each sampling of s. This can be avoided by writing s <- memo (f <$> s') instead. However, memo incurs a small overhead, therefore it should not be used blindly.

All the functions defined in this module return memoised signals. Just like delay, it is independent of the global input.

till Source #


:: Signal Bool

the boolean input signal

-> SignalGen p (Signal Bool)

a one-shot signal true only the first time the input is true

A signal that is true exactly once: the first time the input signal is true. Afterwards, it is constantly false, and it holds no reference to the input signal. For instance (assuming the rest of the input is constantly False):

till <<False False True True False True ...>> =
    <| <<False False True  False False False False False False False ...>>
       << ---  False True  False False False False False False False ...>>
       << ---   ---  True  False False False False False False False ...>>
       << ---   ---   ---  True  False False False False False False ...>>
       << ---   ---   ---   ---  False True  False False False False ...>>
       << ---   ---   ---   ---   ---  True  False False False False ...>>
       << ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---  False False False False ...>>

It is observationally equivalent to the following expression (which would hold onto s forever):

till s = do
    step <- transfer False (const (||)) s
    dstep <- delay False step
    memo (liftA2 (/=) step dstep)


    smp <- start $ do
        accum <- stateful 0 (+)
        tick <- till ((>=10) <$> accum)
        return $ liftA2 (,) accum tick
    res <- forM [4,1,3,5,2,8,6] smp
    print res



input :: SignalGen p (Signal p) Source #

The common input signal that is fed through the function returned by start, unless we are in an embedded generator. It is equivalent to the following function:

input t_start s_input = s_input


    smp <- start $ do
        sig <- input
        return (sig*2)
    res <- forM [4,1,3,5,2,8,6] smp
    print res



embed :: Signal p' -> SignalGen p' a -> SignalGen p a Source #

Embed a generator with an overridden input signal. It is equivalent to the following function:

embed s g t_start s_input = g t_start s


    smp <- start $ do
        sig <- input
        embed (sig*2) $ do
            sig <- input
            return (sig+1)
    res <- forM [4,1,3,5,2,8,6] smp
    print res



Derived combinators

stateful Source #


:: a

initial state

-> (p -> a -> a)

state transformation

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

A direct stateful transformation of the input. The initial state is the first output, and every following output is calculated from the previous one and the value of the global parameter (which might have been overridden by embed).


    smp <- start (stateful "" (:))
    res <- forM "olleh~" smp
    print res



transfer Source #


:: a

initial internal state

-> (p -> t -> a -> a)

state updater function

-> Signal t

input signal

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

A stateful transfer function. The current input affects the current output, i.e. the initial state given in the first argument is considered to appear before the first output, and can never be observed. Every output is derived from the current value of the input signal, the global parameter (which might have been overridden by embed) and the previous output. It is equivalent to the following expression:

Example (assuming a delta time is passed to the sampling function in each step):

integral x0 s = transfer x0 (\dt v x -> x+dt*v)

Example for using the above:

    smp <- start (integral 3 (pure 2))
    res <- replicateM 7 (smp 0.1)
    print res



transfer2 Source #


:: a

initial internal state

-> (p -> t1 -> t2 -> a -> a)

state updater function

-> Signal t1

input signal 1

-> Signal t2

input signal 2

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

A variation of transfer with two input signals.

transfer3 Source #


:: a

initial internal state

-> (p -> t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> a -> a)

state updater function

-> Signal t1

input signal 1

-> Signal t2

input signal 2

-> Signal t3

input signal 3

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

A variation of transfer with three input signals.

transfer4 Source #


:: a

initial internal state

-> (p -> t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4 -> a -> a)

state updater function

-> Signal t1

input signal 1

-> Signal t2

input signal 2

-> Signal t3

input signal 3

-> Signal t4

input signal 4

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

A variation of transfer with four input signals.

Signals with side effects

The following combinators are primarily aimed at library implementors who wish build abstractions to effectful libraries on top of Elerea.

execute :: IO a -> SignalGen p a Source #

An IO action executed in the SignalGen monad. Can be used as liftIO.

effectful Source #


:: IO a

the action to be executed repeatedly

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

A signal that executes a given IO action once at every sampling.

In essence, this combinator provides cooperative multitasking capabilities, and its primary purpose is to assist library writers in wrapping effectful APIs as conceptually pure signals. If there are several effectful signals in the system, their order of execution is undefined and should not be relied on.


    act <- start $ do
        ref <- execute $ newIORef 0
        let accum n = do
                x <- readIORef ref
                putStrLn $ "Accumulator: " ++ show x
                writeIORef ref $! x+n
                return ()
        effectful1 accum =<< input
    forM_ [4,9,2,1,5] act


Accumulator: 0
Accumulator: 4
Accumulator: 13
Accumulator: 15
Accumulator: 16

Another example (requires mersenne-random):

    smp <- start $ effectful randomIO :: IO (IO Double)
    res <- replicateM 5 smp
    print res



effectful1 Source #


:: (t -> IO a)

the action to be executed repeatedly

-> Signal t

parameter signal

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

A signal that executes a parametric IO action once at every sampling. The parameter is supplied by another signal at every sampling step.

effectful2 Source #


:: (t1 -> t2 -> IO a)

the action to be executed repeatedly

-> Signal t1

parameter signal 1

-> Signal t2

parameter signal 2

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

Like effectful1, but with two parameter signals.

effectful3 Source #


:: (t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> IO a)

the action to be executed repeatedly

-> Signal t1

parameter signal 1

-> Signal t2

parameter signal 2

-> Signal t3

parameter signal 3

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

Like effectful1, but with three parameter signals.

effectful4 Source #


:: (t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4 -> IO a)

the action to be executed repeatedly

-> Signal t1

parameter signal 1

-> Signal t2

parameter signal 2

-> Signal t3

parameter signal 3

-> Signal t4

parameter signal 4

-> SignalGen p (Signal a) 

Like effectful1, but with four parameter signals.