module Network.Mail.Parse.Decoders.BodyDecoder where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC

import Codec.MIME.Parse (parseMIMEType)
import Codec.MIME.Type

import Data.Either.Combinators (mapLeft, fromRight')
import Data.Either.Utils (maybeToEither)
import Data.Either (isRight)

import Data.List (find)

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text.ICU.Convert as ICU
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import Network.Mail.Parse.Types
import Network.Mail.Parse.Decoders.FormatDecoders (qpDec, decodeB64)
import Network.Mail.Parse.Utils (findHeader)

-- |Remove transfer encoding from a string of bytes
transferDecode :: BSC.ByteString -> Text -> Either (BSC.ByteString, BSC.ByteString) BSC.ByteString
transferDecode body encoding = case T.toLower encoding of
  "quoted-printable" -> qpDec body
  "q" -> qpDec body
  "base64" -> decodeB64 body
  "b" -> decodeB64 body
  _ -> Right body

-- |Transform a string of bytes with a given encoding
-- into a UTF-8 string of bytes
encodingToUtf :: BSC.ByteString -> Text -> Text
encodingToUtf body encoding = case T.toLower encoding of
  "utf-8" -> decodeUtf8 body
  _ -> ICU.toUnicode converter body
    where converter = unsafePerformIO $ (T.unpack encoding) (Just True)

-- |Reverse content transfer encoding applied to the body.
decodeBody :: [Header] -> BSC.ByteString -> BSC.ByteString
decodeBody headers body =
  if isRight decodedBody
    then fromRight' decodedBody
    else body
  where decodedBody = findHeader "Content-Transfer-Encoding" headers >>=
          return . headerContents >>=
          \h -> mapLeft (const "Decoding error") (transferDecode body h)

-- |Given a set of headers it tries to figure out
-- the transfer encoding and charset and normalizes
-- the contents into an UTF-8 encoded Text.
-- It will recover from errors, wherever possible
decodeTextBody :: [Header] -> BSC.ByteString -> Text
decodeTextBody headers body =
  if isRight charset
    then encodingToUtf decodedBody $ fromRight' charset
    else decodeUtf8 decodedBody
  where decodedBody = decodeBody headers body
        charset = findHeader "Content-Type" headers >>=
          \h -> maybeToEither "" (parseMIMEType $ headerContents h) >>=
          \m -> maybeToEither "" $ find (\x -> paramName x == "charset") (mimeParams m) >>=
          return . paramValue