{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable
, EmptyDataDecls
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, FunctionalDependencies
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, TypeFamilies
, UndecidableInstances
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds
, EmptyDataDecls
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, FunctionalDependencies
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, OverloadedStrings
, UndecidableInstances
, ScopedTypeVariables
, InstanceSigs
, Rank2Types
module Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Internal where
import Control.Arrow ((***), first)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throw, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (ap, MonadPlus(..), void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource, release)
import Data.Acquire (with, allocateAcquire, Acquire)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (intersperse)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.PersistentImport
import Database.Persist.Sql.Util (entityColumnNames, entityColumnCount, parseEntityValues, isIdField, hasCompositeKey)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as R
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as W
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.PersistentImport
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
:: ( PersistEntity a
, BackendCompatible SqlBackend (PersistEntityBackend a) )
=> SqlQuery (SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom (SqlExpr (Entity a))))
fromStart = x
x = do
let ed = entityDef (getVal x)
ident <- newIdentFor (entityDB ed)
let ret = EEntity ident
from_ = FromStart ident ed
return (EPreprocessedFrom ret from_)
getVal :: SqlQuery (SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom (SqlExpr (Entity a)))) -> Proxy a
getVal = const Proxy
:: ( PersistEntity a
, BackendCompatible SqlBackend (PersistEntityBackend a) )
=> SqlQuery (SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom (SqlExpr (Maybe (Entity a)))))
fromStartMaybe = maybelize <$> fromStart
maybelize :: SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom (SqlExpr (Entity a)))
-> SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom (SqlExpr (Maybe (Entity a))))
maybelize (EPreprocessedFrom ret from_) = EPreprocessedFrom (EMaybe ret) from_
:: IsJoinKind join
=> SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom a)
-> SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom b)
-> SqlQuery (SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom (join a b)))
fromJoin (EPreprocessedFrom lhsRet lhsFrom)
(EPreprocessedFrom rhsRet rhsFrom) = Q $ do
let ret = smartJoin lhsRet rhsRet
from_ = FromJoin lhsFrom
(reifyJoinKind ret)
return (EPreprocessedFrom ret from_)
:: SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom a)
-> SqlQuery a
fromFinish (EPreprocessedFrom ret from_) = Q $ do
W.tell mempty { sdFromClause = [from_] }
return ret
where_ :: SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlQuery ()
where_ expr = Q $ W.tell mempty { sdWhereClause = Where expr }
on :: SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlQuery ()
on expr = Q $ W.tell mempty { sdFromClause = [OnClause expr] }
groupBy :: (ToSomeValues a) => a -> SqlQuery ()
groupBy expr = Q $ W.tell mempty { sdGroupByClause = GroupBy $ toSomeValues expr }
orderBy :: [SqlExpr OrderBy] -> SqlQuery ()
orderBy exprs = Q $ W.tell mempty { sdOrderByClause = exprs }
asc :: PersistField a => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr OrderBy
asc = EOrderBy ASC
desc :: PersistField a => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr OrderBy
desc = EOrderBy DESC
limit :: Int64 -> SqlQuery ()
limit n = Q $ W.tell mempty { sdLimitClause = Limit (Just n) Nothing }
offset :: Int64 -> SqlQuery ()
offset n = Q $ W.tell mempty { sdLimitClause = Limit Nothing (Just n) }
distinct :: SqlQuery a -> SqlQuery a
distinct act = Q (W.tell mempty { sdDistinctClause = DistinctStandard }) >> act
distinctOn :: [SqlExpr DistinctOn] -> SqlQuery a -> SqlQuery a
distinctOn exprs act = Q (W.tell mempty { sdDistinctClause = DistinctOn exprs }) >> act
don :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr DistinctOn
don = EDistinctOn
distinctOnOrderBy :: [SqlExpr OrderBy] -> SqlQuery a -> SqlQuery a
distinctOnOrderBy exprs act =
distinctOn (toDistinctOn <$> exprs) $ do
orderBy exprs
toDistinctOn :: SqlExpr OrderBy -> SqlExpr DistinctOn
toDistinctOn (EOrderBy _ f) = EDistinctOn f
toDistinctOn EOrderRandom =
error "We can't select distinct by a random order!"
rand :: SqlExpr OrderBy
rand = EOrderRandom
having :: SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlQuery ()
having expr = Q $ W.tell mempty { sdHavingClause = Where expr }
locking :: LockingKind -> SqlQuery ()
locking kind = Q $ W.tell mempty { sdLockingClause = Monoid.Last (Just kind) }
sub_select :: PersistField a => SqlQuery (SqlExpr (Value a)) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
sub_select = sub SELECT
:: forall typ val. (PersistEntity val, PersistField typ)
=> SqlExpr (Entity val)
-> EntityField val typ
-> SqlExpr (Value typ)
EEntity ident ^. field
| isComposite = ECompositeKey $ \info -> dot info <$> compositeFields pdef
| otherwise = ERaw Never $ \info -> (dot info $ persistFieldDef field, [])
isComposite = isIdField field && hasCompositeKey ed
dot info x = useIdent info ident <> "." <> fromDBName info (fieldDB x)
ed = entityDef $ getEntityVal (Proxy :: Proxy (SqlExpr (Entity val)))
Just pdef = entityPrimary ed
withNonNull :: PersistField typ
=> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe typ))
-> (SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlQuery a)
-> SqlQuery a
withNonNull field f = do
where_ $ not_ $ isNothing field
f $ veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValue field
(?.) :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField typ) =>
SqlExpr (Maybe (Entity val)) -> EntityField val typ -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe typ))
EMaybe r ?. field = just (r ^. field)
val :: PersistField typ => typ -> SqlExpr (Value typ)
val v = ERaw Never $ const ("?", [toPersistValue v])
isNothing :: PersistField typ => SqlExpr (Value (Maybe typ)) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
isNothing (ERaw p f) = ERaw Parens $ first ((<> " IS NULL") . parensM p) . f
isNothing (ECompositeKey f) = ERaw Parens $ flip (,) [] . (intersperseB " AND " . map (<> " IS NULL")) . f
just :: SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe typ))
just (ERaw p f) = ERaw p f
just (ECompositeKey f) = ECompositeKey f
nothing :: SqlExpr (Value (Maybe typ))
nothing = unsafeSqlValue "NULL"
joinV :: SqlExpr (Value (Maybe (Maybe typ))) -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe typ))
joinV (ERaw p f) = ERaw p f
joinV (ECompositeKey f) = ECompositeKey f
countRows :: Num a => SqlExpr (Value a)
countRows = unsafeSqlValue "COUNT(*)"
count :: Num a => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
count = countHelper "" ""
countDistinct :: Num a => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
countDistinct = countHelper "(DISTINCT " ")"
not_ :: SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
not_ (ERaw p f) = ERaw Never $ \info -> let (b, vals) = f info
in ("NOT " <> parensM p b, vals)
not_ (ECompositeKey _) = throw (CompositeKeyErr NotError)
(==.) :: PersistField typ => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
(==.) = unsafeSqlBinOpComposite " = " " AND "
(>=.) :: PersistField typ => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
(>=.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " >= "
(>.) :: PersistField typ => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
(>.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " > "
(<=.) :: PersistField typ => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
(<=.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " <= "
(<.) :: PersistField typ => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
(<.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " < "
(!=.) :: PersistField typ => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
(!=.) = unsafeSqlBinOpComposite " != " " OR "
(&&.) :: SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
(&&.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " AND "
(||.) :: SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
(||.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " OR "
(+.) :: PersistField a => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
(+.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " + "
(-.) :: PersistField a => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
(-.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " - "
(/.) :: PersistField a => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
(/.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " / "
(*.) :: PersistField a => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
(*.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " * "
random_ :: (PersistField a, Num a) => SqlExpr (Value a)
random_ = unsafeSqlValue "RANDOM()"
round_ :: (PersistField a, Num a, PersistField b, Num b) => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b)
round_ = unsafeSqlFunction "ROUND"
ceiling_ :: (PersistField a, Num a, PersistField b, Num b) => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b)
ceiling_ = unsafeSqlFunction "CEILING"
floor_ :: (PersistField a, Num a, PersistField b, Num b) => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b)
floor_ = unsafeSqlFunction "FLOOR"
sum_ :: (PersistField a, PersistField b) => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe b))
sum_ = unsafeSqlFunction "SUM"
min_ :: (PersistField a) => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe a))
min_ = unsafeSqlFunction "MIN"
max_ :: (PersistField a) => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe a))
max_ = unsafeSqlFunction "MAX"
avg_ :: (PersistField a, PersistField b) => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe b))
avg_ = unsafeSqlFunction "AVG"
castNum :: (Num a, Num b) => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b)
castNum = veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValue
castNumM :: (Num a, Num b) => SqlExpr (Value (Maybe a)) -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe b))
castNumM = veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValue
coalesce :: PersistField a => [SqlExpr (Value (Maybe a))] -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe a))
coalesce = unsafeSqlFunctionParens "COALESCE"
coalesceDefault :: PersistField a => [SqlExpr (Value (Maybe a))] -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
coalesceDefault exprs = unsafeSqlFunctionParens "COALESCE" . (exprs ++) . return . just
lower_ :: SqlString s => SqlExpr (Value s) -> SqlExpr (Value s)
lower_ = unsafeSqlFunction "LOWER"
like :: SqlString s => SqlExpr (Value s) -> SqlExpr (Value s) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
like = unsafeSqlBinOp " LIKE "
ilike :: SqlString s => SqlExpr (Value s) -> SqlExpr (Value s) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
ilike = unsafeSqlBinOp " ILIKE "
(%) :: SqlString s => SqlExpr (Value s)
(%) = unsafeSqlValue "'%'"
concat_ :: SqlString s => [SqlExpr (Value s)] -> SqlExpr (Value s)
concat_ = unsafeSqlFunction "CONCAT"
(++.) :: SqlString s => SqlExpr (Value s) -> SqlExpr (Value s) -> SqlExpr (Value s)
(++.) = unsafeSqlBinOp " || "
castString :: (SqlString s, SqlString r) => SqlExpr (Value s) -> SqlExpr (Value r)
castString = veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValue
subList_select :: PersistField a => SqlQuery (SqlExpr (Value a)) -> SqlExpr (ValueList a)
subList_select = EList . sub_select
valList :: PersistField typ => [typ] -> SqlExpr (ValueList typ)
valList [] = EEmptyList
valList vals = EList $ ERaw Parens $ const ( uncommas ("?" <$ vals)
, map toPersistValue vals )
justList :: SqlExpr (ValueList typ) -> SqlExpr (ValueList (Maybe typ))
justList EEmptyList = EEmptyList
justList (EList v) = EList (just v)
in_ :: PersistField typ => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (ValueList typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
v `in_` e = ifNotEmptyList e False $ unsafeSqlBinOp " IN " v (veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValueList e)
notIn :: PersistField typ => SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (ValueList typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
v `notIn` e = ifNotEmptyList e True $ unsafeSqlBinOp " NOT IN " v (veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValueList e)
exists :: SqlQuery () -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
exists = unsafeSqlFunction "EXISTS " . existsHelper
notExists :: SqlQuery () -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
notExists = unsafeSqlFunction "NOT EXISTS " . existsHelper
set :: PersistEntity val => SqlExpr (Entity val) -> [SqlExpr (Update val)] -> SqlQuery ()
set ent upds = Q $ W.tell mempty { sdSetClause = map apply upds }
apply (ESet f) = SetClause (f ent)
(=.) :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField typ) => EntityField val typ -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Update val)
field =. expr = setAux field (const expr)
(+=.) :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField a) => EntityField val a -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Update val)
field +=. expr = setAux field (\ent -> ent ^. field +. expr)
(-=.) :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField a) => EntityField val a -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Update val)
field -=. expr = setAux field (\ent -> ent ^. field -. expr)
(*=.) :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField a) => EntityField val a -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Update val)
field *=. expr = setAux field (\ent -> ent ^. field *. expr)
(/=.) :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField a) => EntityField val a -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Update val)
field /=. expr = setAux field (\ent -> ent ^. field /. expr)
(<#) :: (a -> b) -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Insertion b)
(<#) _ (ERaw _ f) = EInsert Proxy f
(<#) _ (ECompositeKey _) = throw (CompositeKeyErr ToInsertionError)
(<&>) :: SqlExpr (Insertion (a -> b)) -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Insertion b)
(EInsert _ f) <&> (ERaw _ g) = EInsert Proxy $ \x ->
let (fb, fv) = f x
(gb, gv) = g x
in (fb <> ", " <> gb, fv ++ gv)
(EInsert _ _) <&> (ECompositeKey _) = throw (CompositeKeyErr CombineInsertionError)
case_ :: PersistField a => [(SqlExpr (Value Bool), SqlExpr (Value a))] -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
case_ = unsafeSqlCase
toBaseId :: ToBaseId ent => SqlExpr (Value (Key ent)) -> SqlExpr (Value (Key (BaseEnt ent)))
toBaseId = veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValue
{-# DEPRECATED random_ "Since 2.6.0: `random_` is not uniform across all databases! Please use a specific one such as 'Database.Esqueleto.PostgreSQL.random_', 'Database.Esqueleto.MySQL.random_', or 'Database.Esqueleto.SQLite.random_'" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED rand "Since 2.6.0: `rand` ordering function is not uniform across all databases! To avoid accidental partiality it will be removed in the next major version." #-}
infixl 9 ^.
infixl 7 *., /.
infixl 6 +., -.
infixr 5 ++.
infix 4 ==., >=., >., <=., <., !=.
infixr 3 &&., =., +=., -=., *=., /=.
infixr 2 ||., `like`, `ilike`
infixl 2 `InnerJoin`, `CrossJoin`, `LeftOuterJoin`, `RightOuterJoin`, `FullOuterJoin`
when_ :: expr (Value Bool) -> () -> expr a -> (expr (Value Bool), expr a)
when_ cond _ expr = (cond, expr)
then_ :: ()
then_ = ()
else_ :: expr a -> expr a
else_ = id
newtype Value a = Value { unValue :: a } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
instance Functor Value where
fmap f (Value a) = Value (f a)
instance Applicative Value where
(<*>) (Value f) (Value a) = Value (f a)
pure = Value
instance Monad Value where
(>>=) x f = valueJoin $ fmap f x
where valueJoin (Value v) = v
newtype ValueList a = ValueList a deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
data SomeValue where
SomeValue :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SomeValue
class ToSomeValues a where
toSomeValues :: a -> [SomeValue]
instance ( ToSomeValues a
, ToSomeValues b
) => ToSomeValues (a, b) where
toSomeValues (a,b) = toSomeValues a ++ toSomeValues b
instance ( ToSomeValues a
, ToSomeValues b
, ToSomeValues c
) => ToSomeValues (a, b, c) where
toSomeValues (a,b,c) = toSomeValues a ++ toSomeValues b ++ toSomeValues c
instance ( ToSomeValues a
, ToSomeValues b
, ToSomeValues c
, ToSomeValues d
) => ToSomeValues (a, b, c, d) where
toSomeValues (a,b,c,d) = toSomeValues a ++ toSomeValues b ++ toSomeValues c ++
toSomeValues d
instance ( ToSomeValues a
, ToSomeValues b
, ToSomeValues c
, ToSomeValues d
, ToSomeValues e
) => ToSomeValues (a, b, c, d, e) where
toSomeValues (a,b,c,d,e) = toSomeValues a ++ toSomeValues b ++
toSomeValues c ++ toSomeValues d ++ toSomeValues e
instance ( ToSomeValues a
, ToSomeValues b
, ToSomeValues c
, ToSomeValues d
, ToSomeValues e
, ToSomeValues f
) => ToSomeValues (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
toSomeValues (a,b,c,d,e,f) = toSomeValues a ++ toSomeValues b ++
toSomeValues c ++ toSomeValues d ++ toSomeValues e ++ toSomeValues f
instance ( ToSomeValues a
, ToSomeValues b
, ToSomeValues c
, ToSomeValues d
, ToSomeValues e
, ToSomeValues f
, ToSomeValues g
) => ToSomeValues (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
toSomeValues (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) = toSomeValues a ++ toSomeValues b ++
toSomeValues c ++ toSomeValues d ++ toSomeValues e ++ toSomeValues f ++
toSomeValues g
instance ( ToSomeValues a
, ToSomeValues b
, ToSomeValues c
, ToSomeValues d
, ToSomeValues e
, ToSomeValues f
, ToSomeValues g
, ToSomeValues h
) => ToSomeValues (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) where
toSomeValues (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) = toSomeValues a ++ toSomeValues b ++
toSomeValues c ++ toSomeValues d ++ toSomeValues e ++ toSomeValues f ++
toSomeValues g ++ toSomeValues h
data InnerJoin a b = a `InnerJoin` b
data CrossJoin a b = a `CrossJoin` b
data LeftOuterJoin a b = a `LeftOuterJoin` b
data RightOuterJoin a b = a `RightOuterJoin` b
data FullOuterJoin a b = a `FullOuterJoin` b
data JoinKind =
| CrossJoinKind
| LeftOuterJoinKind
| RightOuterJoinKind
| FullOuterJoinKind
deriving Eq
class IsJoinKind join where
smartJoin :: a -> b -> join a b
reifyJoinKind :: join a b -> JoinKind
instance IsJoinKind InnerJoin where
smartJoin a b = a `InnerJoin` b
reifyJoinKind _ = InnerJoinKind
instance IsJoinKind CrossJoin where
smartJoin a b = a `CrossJoin` b
reifyJoinKind _ = CrossJoinKind
instance IsJoinKind LeftOuterJoin where
smartJoin a b = a `LeftOuterJoin` b
reifyJoinKind _ = LeftOuterJoinKind
instance IsJoinKind RightOuterJoin where
smartJoin a b = a `RightOuterJoin` b
reifyJoinKind _ = RightOuterJoinKind
instance IsJoinKind FullOuterJoin where
smartJoin a b = a `FullOuterJoin` b
reifyJoinKind _ = FullOuterJoinKind
data OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException =
OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
instance Exception OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException where
data PreprocessedFrom a
data OrderBy
data DistinctOn
data Update typ
data Insertion a
data LockingKind =
| ForUpdateSkipLocked
| ForShare
| LockInShareMode
class PersistField a => SqlString a where
instance (a ~ Char) => SqlString [a] where
instance SqlString T.Text where
instance SqlString TL.Text where
instance SqlString B.ByteString where
instance SqlString Html where
instance SqlString a => SqlString (Maybe a) where
class ToBaseId ent where
type BaseEnt ent :: *
toBaseIdWitness :: Key (BaseEnt ent) -> Key ent
from :: From a => (a -> SqlQuery b) -> SqlQuery b
from = (from_ >>=)
class From a where
from_ :: SqlQuery a
instance ( FromPreprocess (SqlExpr (Entity val))
) => From (SqlExpr (Entity val)) where
from_ = fromPreprocess >>= fromFinish
instance ( FromPreprocess (SqlExpr (Maybe (Entity val)))
) => From (SqlExpr (Maybe (Entity val))) where
from_ = fromPreprocess >>= fromFinish
instance ( FromPreprocess (InnerJoin a b)
) => From (InnerJoin a b) where
from_ = fromPreprocess >>= fromFinish
instance ( FromPreprocess (CrossJoin a b)
) => From (CrossJoin a b) where
from_ = fromPreprocess >>= fromFinish
instance ( FromPreprocess (LeftOuterJoin a b)
) => From (LeftOuterJoin a b) where
from_ = fromPreprocess >>= fromFinish
instance ( FromPreprocess (RightOuterJoin a b)
) => From (RightOuterJoin a b) where
from_ = fromPreprocess >>= fromFinish
instance ( FromPreprocess (FullOuterJoin a b)
) => From (FullOuterJoin a b) where
from_ = fromPreprocess >>= fromFinish
instance ( From a
, From b
) => From (a, b) where
from_ = (,) <$> from_ <*> from_
instance ( From a
, From b
, From c
) => From (a, b, c) where
from_ = (,,) <$> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_
instance ( From a
, From b
, From c
, From d
) => From (a, b, c, d) where
from_ = (,,,) <$> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_
instance ( From a
, From b
, From c
, From d
, From e
) => From (a, b, c, d, e) where
from_ = (,,,,) <$> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_
instance ( From a
, From b
, From c
, From d
, From e
, From f
) => From (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
from_ = (,,,,,) <$> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_
instance ( From a
, From b
, From c
, From d
, From e
, From f
, From g
) => From (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
from_ = (,,,,,,) <$> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_
instance ( From a
, From b
, From c
, From d
, From e
, From f
, From g
, From h
) => From (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) where
from_ = (,,,,,,,) <$> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_ <*> from_
class FromPreprocess a where
fromPreprocess :: SqlQuery (SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom a))
instance ( PersistEntity val
, BackendCompatible SqlBackend (PersistEntityBackend val)
) => FromPreprocess (SqlExpr (Entity val)) where
fromPreprocess = fromStart
instance ( PersistEntity val
, BackendCompatible SqlBackend (PersistEntityBackend val)
) => FromPreprocess (SqlExpr (Maybe (Entity val))) where
fromPreprocess = fromStartMaybe
instance ( FromPreprocess a
, FromPreprocess b
, IsJoinKind join
) => FromPreprocess (join a b) where
fromPreprocess = do
a <- fromPreprocess
b <- fromPreprocess
fromJoin a b
data EsqueletoError =
CompositeKeyErr CompositeKeyError
| UnexpectedCaseErr UnexpectedCaseError
| SqlBinOpCompositeErr SqlBinOpCompositeError
deriving (Show)
instance Exception EsqueletoError
data CompositeKeyError =
| ToInsertionError
| CombineInsertionError
| FoldHelpError
| SqlCaseError
| SqlBinOpError
| SqlCastAsError
| MakeOnClauseError
| MakeExcError
| MakeSetError
| MakeWhereError
| MakeHavingError
deriving (Show)
data UnexpectedCaseError =
| MakeFromError
| UnsupportedSqlInsertIntoType
| InsertionFinalError
| NewIdentForError
| UnsafeSqlCaseError
deriving (Show)
data SqlBinOpCompositeError =
| NullPlaceholdersError
| DeconstructionError
deriving (Show)
newtype SqlQuery a =
Q { unQ :: W.WriterT SideData (S.State IdentState) a }
instance Functor SqlQuery where
fmap f = Q . fmap f . unQ
instance Monad SqlQuery where
return = Q . return
m >>= f = Q (unQ m >>= unQ . f)
instance Applicative SqlQuery where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
type SqlEntity ent = (PersistEntity ent, PersistEntityBackend ent ~ SqlBackend)
data SideData = SideData { sdDistinctClause :: !DistinctClause
, sdFromClause :: ![FromClause]
, sdSetClause :: ![SetClause]
, sdWhereClause :: !WhereClause
, sdGroupByClause :: !GroupByClause
, sdHavingClause :: !HavingClause
, sdOrderByClause :: ![OrderByClause]
, sdLimitClause :: !LimitClause
, sdLockingClause :: !LockingClause
instance Semigroup SideData where
SideData d f s w g h o l k <> SideData d' f' s' w' g' h' o' l' k' =
SideData (d <> d') (f <> f') (s <> s') (w <> w') (g <> g') (h <> h') (o <> o') (l <> l') (k <> k')
instance Monoid SideData where
mempty = SideData mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
mappend = (<>)
data DistinctClause =
| DistinctStandard
| DistinctOn [SqlExpr DistinctOn]
instance Semigroup DistinctClause where
DistinctOn a <> DistinctOn b = DistinctOn (a <> b)
DistinctOn a <> _ = DistinctOn a
DistinctStandard <> _ = DistinctStandard
DistinctAll <> b = b
instance Monoid DistinctClause where
mempty = DistinctAll
mappend = (<>)
data FromClause =
FromStart Ident EntityDef
| FromJoin FromClause JoinKind FromClause (Maybe (SqlExpr (Value Bool)))
| OnClause (SqlExpr (Value Bool))
newtype SetClause = SetClause (SqlExpr (Value ()))
collectOnClauses :: [FromClause] -> Either (SqlExpr (Value Bool)) [FromClause]
collectOnClauses = go []
go [] (f@(FromStart _ _):fs) = fmap (f:) (go [] fs)
go acc (OnClause expr :fs) = findMatching acc expr >>= flip go fs
go acc (f:fs) = go (f:acc) fs
go acc [] = return $ reverse acc
findMatching (f : acc) expr =
case tryMatch expr f of
Just f' -> return (f' : acc)
Nothing -> (f:) <$> findMatching acc expr
findMatching [] expr = Left expr
tryMatch expr (FromJoin l k r onClause) =
matchR `mplus` matchC `mplus` matchL
matchR = (\r' -> FromJoin l k r' onClause) <$> tryMatch expr r
matchL = (\l' -> FromJoin l' k r onClause) <$> tryMatch expr l
matchC = case onClause of
Nothing | k /= CrossJoinKind
-> return (FromJoin l k r (Just expr))
| otherwise -> mzero
Just _ -> mzero
tryMatch _ _ = mzero
data WhereClause = Where (SqlExpr (Value Bool))
| NoWhere
instance Semigroup WhereClause where
NoWhere <> w = w
w <> NoWhere = w
Where e1 <> Where e2 = Where (e1 &&. e2)
instance Monoid WhereClause where
mempty = NoWhere
mappend = (<>)
newtype GroupByClause = GroupBy [SomeValue]
instance Semigroup GroupByClause where
GroupBy fs <> GroupBy fs' = GroupBy (fs <> fs')
instance Monoid GroupByClause where
mempty = GroupBy []
mappend = (<>)
type HavingClause = WhereClause
type OrderByClause = SqlExpr OrderBy
data LimitClause = Limit (Maybe Int64) (Maybe Int64)
instance Semigroup LimitClause where
Limit l1 o1 <> Limit l2 o2 =
Limit (l2 `mplus` l1) (o2 `mplus` o1)
instance Monoid LimitClause where
mempty = Limit mzero mzero
mappend = (<>)
type LockingClause = Monoid.Last LockingKind
newtype Ident = I T.Text
newtype IdentState = IdentState { inUse :: HS.HashSet T.Text }
initialIdentState :: IdentState
initialIdentState = IdentState mempty
newIdentFor :: DBName -> SqlQuery Ident
newIdentFor = Q . lift . try . unDBName
try orig = do
s <- S.get
let go (t:ts) | t `HS.member` inUse s = go ts
| otherwise = use t
go [] = throw (UnexpectedCaseErr NewIdentForError)
go (possibilities orig)
possibilities t = t : map addNum [2..]
addNum :: Int -> T.Text
addNum = T.append t . T.pack . show
use t = do
S.modify (\s -> s { inUse = HS.insert t (inUse s) })
return (I t)
type IdentInfo = (SqlBackend, IdentState)
useIdent :: IdentInfo -> Ident -> TLB.Builder
useIdent info (I ident) = fromDBName info $ DBName ident
data SqlExpr a where
EEntity :: Ident -> SqlExpr (Entity val)
EMaybe :: SqlExpr a -> SqlExpr (Maybe a)
ERaw :: NeedParens -> (IdentInfo -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
ECompositeKey :: (IdentInfo -> [TLB.Builder]) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
EList :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (ValueList a)
EEmptyList :: SqlExpr (ValueList a)
EOrderBy :: OrderByType -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr OrderBy
EOrderRandom :: SqlExpr OrderBy
EDistinctOn :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr DistinctOn
ESet :: (SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlExpr (Value ())) -> SqlExpr (Update val)
EPreprocessedFrom :: a -> FromClause -> SqlExpr (PreprocessedFrom a)
EInsert :: Proxy a -> (IdentInfo -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])) -> SqlExpr (Insertion a)
EInsertFinal :: PersistEntity a => SqlExpr (Insertion a) -> SqlExpr InsertFinal
data InsertFinal
data NeedParens = Parens | Never
parensM :: NeedParens -> TLB.Builder -> TLB.Builder
parensM Never = id
parensM Parens = parens
data OrderByType = ASC | DESC
instance ToSomeValues (SqlExpr (Value a)) where
toSomeValues a = [SomeValue a]
fieldName :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField typ)
=> IdentInfo -> EntityField val typ -> TLB.Builder
fieldName info = fromDBName info . fieldDB . persistFieldDef
setAux :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField typ)
=> EntityField val typ
-> (SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlExpr (Value typ))
-> SqlExpr (Update val)
setAux field mkVal = ESet $ \ent -> unsafeSqlBinOp " = " name (mkVal ent)
where name = ERaw Never $ \info -> (fieldName info field, mempty)
sub :: PersistField a => Mode -> SqlQuery (SqlExpr (Value a)) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
sub mode query = ERaw Parens $ \info -> toRawSql mode info query
fromDBName :: IdentInfo -> DBName -> TLB.Builder
fromDBName (conn, _) = TLB.fromText . connEscapeName conn
existsHelper :: SqlQuery () -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
existsHelper = sub SELECT . (>> return true)
true :: SqlExpr (Value Bool)
true = val True
ifNotEmptyList :: SqlExpr (ValueList a) -> Bool -> SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
ifNotEmptyList EEmptyList b _ = val b
ifNotEmptyList (EList _) _ x = x
countHelper :: Num a => TLB.Builder -> TLB.Builder -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
countHelper open close (ERaw _ f) = ERaw Never $ first (\b -> "COUNT" <> open <> parens b <> close) . f
countHelper _ _ (ECompositeKey _) = countRows
unsafeSqlCase :: PersistField a => [(SqlExpr (Value Bool), SqlExpr (Value a))] -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
unsafeSqlCase when (ERaw p1 f1) = ERaw Never buildCase
buildCase :: IdentInfo -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
buildCase info =
let (b1, vals1) = f1 info
(b2, vals2) = mapWhen when info
in ( "CASE" <> b2 <> " ELSE " <> parensM p1 b1 <> " END", vals2 <> vals1)
mapWhen :: [(SqlExpr (Value Bool), SqlExpr (Value a))] -> IdentInfo -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
mapWhen [] _ = throw (UnexpectedCaseErr UnsafeSqlCaseError)
mapWhen when' info = foldl (foldHelp info) (mempty, mempty) when'
foldHelp :: IdentInfo -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue]) -> (SqlExpr (Value Bool), SqlExpr (Value a)) -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
foldHelp info (b0, vals0) (ERaw p1' f1', ERaw p2 f2) =
let (b1, vals1) = f1' info
(b2, vals2) = f2 info
in ( b0 <> " WHEN " <> parensM p1' b1 <> " THEN " <> parensM p2 b2, vals0 <> vals1 <> vals2 )
foldHelp _ _ _ = throw (CompositeKeyErr FoldHelpError)
unsafeSqlCase _ (ECompositeKey _) = throw (CompositeKeyErr SqlCaseError)
unsafeSqlBinOp :: TLB.Builder -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b) -> SqlExpr (Value c)
unsafeSqlBinOp op (ERaw p1 f1) (ERaw p2 f2) = ERaw Parens f
f info = let (b1, vals1) = f1 info
(b2, vals2) = f2 info
in ( parensM p1 b1 <> op <> parensM p2 b2
, vals1 <> vals2 )
unsafeSqlBinOp _ _ _ = throw (CompositeKeyErr SqlBinOpError)
{-# INLINE unsafeSqlBinOp #-}
unsafeSqlBinOpComposite :: TLB.Builder -> TLB.Builder -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b) -> SqlExpr (Value c)
unsafeSqlBinOpComposite op _ a@(ERaw _ _) b@(ERaw _ _) = unsafeSqlBinOp op a b
unsafeSqlBinOpComposite op sep a b = ERaw Parens $ compose (listify a) (listify b)
listify :: SqlExpr (Value x) -> IdentInfo -> ([TLB.Builder], [PersistValue])
listify (ECompositeKey f) = flip (,) [] . f
listify (ERaw _ f) = deconstruct . f
deconstruct :: (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue]) -> ([TLB.Builder], [PersistValue])
deconstruct ("?", [PersistList vals]) = (replicate (length vals) "?", vals)
deconstruct (b', []) = (TLB.fromLazyText <$> TL.splitOn "," (TLB.toLazyText b'), [])
deconstruct _ = throw (SqlBinOpCompositeErr DeconstructionError)
compose f1 f2 info
| not (null v1 || null v2) = throw (SqlBinOpCompositeErr NullPlaceholdersError)
| length b1 /= length b2 = throw (SqlBinOpCompositeErr MismatchingLengthsError)
| otherwise = (bc, vc)
(b1, v1) = f1 info
(b2, v2) = f2 info
bc = intersperseB sep [x <> op <> y | (x, y) <- zip b1 b2]
vc = v1 <> v2
unsafeSqlValue :: TLB.Builder -> SqlExpr (Value a)
unsafeSqlValue v = ERaw Never $ const (v, mempty)
{-# INLINE unsafeSqlValue #-}
unsafeSqlFunction :: UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument a =>
TLB.Builder -> a -> SqlExpr (Value b)
unsafeSqlFunction name arg =
ERaw Never $ \info ->
let (argsTLB, argsVals) =
uncommas' $ map (\(ERaw _ f) -> f info) $ toArgList arg
in (name <> parens argsTLB, argsVals)
unsafeSqlExtractSubField :: UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument a =>
TLB.Builder -> a -> SqlExpr (Value b)
unsafeSqlExtractSubField subField arg =
ERaw Never $ \info ->
let (argsTLB, argsVals) =
uncommas' $ map (\(ERaw _ f) -> f info) $ toArgList arg
in ("EXTRACT" <> parens (subField <> " FROM " <> argsTLB), argsVals)
unsafeSqlFunctionParens :: UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument a =>
TLB.Builder -> a -> SqlExpr (Value b)
unsafeSqlFunctionParens name arg =
ERaw Never $ \info ->
let (argsTLB, argsVals) =
uncommas' $ map (\(ERaw p f) -> first (parensM p) (f info)) $ toArgList arg
in (name <> parens argsTLB, argsVals)
unsafeSqlCastAs :: T.Text -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b)
unsafeSqlCastAs t (ERaw p f) =
ERaw Never $ \info ->
let (b, v) = f info
in ("CAST" <> parens ( parensM p b <> " AS " <> TLB.fromText t), v )
unsafeSqlCastAs _ (ECompositeKey _) = throw (CompositeKeyErr SqlCastAsError)
class UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument a where
toArgList :: a -> [SqlExpr (Value ())]
instance (a ~ Value b) => UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument (SqlExpr a) where
toArgList = (:[]) . veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValue
instance UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument a =>
UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument [a] where
toArgList = concatMap toArgList
instance ( UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument a
, UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument b
) => UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument (a, b) where
toArgList (a, b) = toArgList a ++ toArgList b
instance ( UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument a
, UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument b
, UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument c
) => UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument (a, b, c) where
toArgList = toArgList . from3
instance ( UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument a
, UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument b
, UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument c
, UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument d
) => UnsafeSqlFunctionArgument (a, b, c, d) where
toArgList = toArgList . from4
veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValue :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b)
veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValue (ERaw p f) = ERaw p f
veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValue (ECompositeKey f) = ECompositeKey f
veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValueList :: SqlExpr (ValueList a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValueList (EList v) = v
veryUnsafeCoerceSqlExprValueList EEmptyList = throw (UnexpectedCaseErr EmptySqlExprValueList)
rawSelectSource :: ( SqlSelect a r
, MonadIO m1
, MonadIO m2
=> Mode
-> SqlQuery a
-> SqlReadT m1 (Acquire (C.ConduitT () r m2 ()))
rawSelectSource mode query =
conn <- projectBackend <$> R.ask
let _ = conn :: SqlBackend
res <- R.withReaderT (const conn) (run conn)
return $ (C..| massage) `fmap` res
run conn =
uncurry rawQueryRes $
first builderToText $
toRawSql mode (conn, initialIdentState) query
massage = do
mrow <- C.await
case process <$> mrow of
Just (Right r) -> C.yield r >> massage
Just (Left err) -> liftIO $ throwIO $ PersistMarshalError err
Nothing -> return ()
process = sqlSelectProcessRow
selectSource :: ( SqlSelect a r
, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend
, IsPersistBackend backend
, PersistQueryRead backend
, PersistStoreRead backend, PersistUniqueRead backend
, MonadResource m )
=> SqlQuery a
-> C.ConduitT () r (R.ReaderT backend m) ()
selectSource query = do
res <- lift $ rawSelectSource SELECT query
(key, src) <- lift $ allocateAcquire res
lift $ release key
select :: ( SqlSelect a r
, MonadIO m
=> SqlQuery a -> SqlReadT m [r]
select query = do
res <- rawSelectSource SELECT query
conn <- R.ask
liftIO $ with res $ flip R.runReaderT conn . runSource
runSource :: Monad m =>
C.ConduitT () r (R.ReaderT backend m) ()
-> R.ReaderT backend m [r]
runSource src = C.runConduit $ src C..| CL.consume
rawEsqueleto :: ( MonadIO m, SqlSelect a r, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend)
=> Mode
-> SqlQuery a
-> R.ReaderT backend m Int64
rawEsqueleto mode query = do
conn <- R.ask
uncurry rawExecuteCount $
first builderToText $
toRawSql mode (conn, initialIdentState) query
delete :: ( MonadIO m )
=> SqlQuery ()
-> SqlWriteT m ()
delete = void . deleteCount
deleteCount :: ( MonadIO m )
=> SqlQuery ()
-> SqlWriteT m Int64
deleteCount = rawEsqueleto DELETE
( MonadIO m, PersistEntity val
, BackendCompatible SqlBackend (PersistEntityBackend val)
=> (SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlQuery ())
-> SqlWriteT m ()
update = void . updateCount
( MonadIO m, PersistEntity val
, BackendCompatible SqlBackend (PersistEntityBackend val)
=> (SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlQuery ())
-> SqlWriteT m Int64
updateCount = rawEsqueleto UPDATE . from
builderToText :: TLB.Builder -> T.Text
builderToText = TL.toStrict . TLB.toLazyTextWith defaultChunkSize
defaultChunkSize = 1024 - 32
:: (SqlSelect a r, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend)
=> Mode -> (backend, IdentState) -> SqlQuery a -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
toRawSql mode (conn, firstIdentState) query =
let ((ret, sd), finalIdentState) =
flip S.runState firstIdentState $
W.runWriterT $
unQ query
SideData distinctClause
lockingClause = sd
info = (projectBackend conn, finalIdentState)
in mconcat
[ makeInsertInto info mode ret
, makeSelect info mode distinctClause ret
, makeFrom info mode fromClauses
, makeSet info setClauses
, makeWhere info whereClauses
, makeGroupBy info groupByClause
, makeHaving info havingClause
, makeOrderBy info orderByClauses
, makeLimit info limitClause orderByClauses
, makeLocking lockingClause
data Mode =
uncommas :: [TLB.Builder] -> TLB.Builder
uncommas = intersperseB ", "
intersperseB :: TLB.Builder -> [TLB.Builder] -> TLB.Builder
intersperseB a = mconcat . intersperse a . filter (/= mempty)
uncommas' :: Monoid a => [(TLB.Builder, a)] -> (TLB.Builder, a)
uncommas' = (uncommas *** mconcat) . unzip
makeInsertInto :: SqlSelect a r => IdentInfo -> Mode -> a -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeInsertInto info INSERT_INTO ret = sqlInsertInto info ret
makeInsertInto _ _ _ = mempty
makeSelect :: SqlSelect a r => IdentInfo -> Mode -> DistinctClause -> a -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeSelect info mode_ distinctClause ret = process mode_
process mode =
case mode of
SELECT -> withCols selectKind
DELETE -> plain "DELETE "
UPDATE -> plain "UPDATE "
selectKind =
case distinctClause of
DistinctAll -> ("SELECT ", [])
DistinctStandard -> ("SELECT DISTINCT ", [])
DistinctOn exprs -> first (("SELECT DISTINCT ON (" <>) . (<> ") ")) $
uncommas' (processExpr <$> exprs)
where processExpr (EDistinctOn f) = materializeExpr info f
withCols v = v <> sqlSelectCols info ret
plain v = (v, [])
makeFrom :: IdentInfo -> Mode -> [FromClause] -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeFrom _ _ [] = mempty
makeFrom info mode fs = ret
ret = case collectOnClauses fs of
Left expr -> throw $ mkExc expr
Right fs' -> keyword $ uncommas' (map (mk Never) fs')
keyword = case mode of
UPDATE -> id
_ -> first ("\nFROM " <>)
mk _ (FromStart i def) = base i def
mk paren (FromJoin lhs kind rhs monClause) =
first (parensM paren) $
mconcat [ mk Never lhs
, (fromKind kind, mempty)
, mk Parens rhs
, maybe mempty makeOnClause monClause
mk _ (OnClause _) = throw (UnexpectedCaseErr MakeFromError)
base ident@(I identText) def =
let db@(DBName dbText) = entityDB def
in ( if dbText == identText
then fromDBName info db
else fromDBName info db <> (" AS " <> useIdent info ident)
, mempty )
fromKind InnerJoinKind = " INNER JOIN "
fromKind CrossJoinKind = " CROSS JOIN "
fromKind LeftOuterJoinKind = " LEFT OUTER JOIN "
fromKind RightOuterJoinKind = " RIGHT OUTER JOIN "
fromKind FullOuterJoinKind = " FULL OUTER JOIN "
makeOnClause (ERaw _ f) = first (" ON " <>) (f info)
makeOnClause (ECompositeKey _) = throw (CompositeKeyErr MakeOnClauseError)
mkExc :: SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException
mkExc (ERaw _ f) =
OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException $
TL.unpack $ TLB.toLazyText $ fst (f info)
mkExc (ECompositeKey _) = throw (CompositeKeyErr MakeExcError)
makeSet :: IdentInfo -> [SetClause] -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeSet _ [] = mempty
makeSet info os = first ("\nSET " <>) . uncommas' $ concatMap mk os
mk (SetClause (ERaw _ f)) = [f info]
mk (SetClause (ECompositeKey _)) = throw (CompositeKeyErr MakeSetError)
makeWhere :: IdentInfo -> WhereClause -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeWhere _ NoWhere = mempty
makeWhere info (Where (ERaw _ f)) = first ("\nWHERE " <>) (f info)
makeWhere _ (Where (ECompositeKey _)) = throw (CompositeKeyErr MakeWhereError)
makeGroupBy :: IdentInfo -> GroupByClause -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeGroupBy _ (GroupBy []) = (mempty, [])
makeGroupBy info (GroupBy fields) = first ("\nGROUP BY " <>) build
build :: (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
build = uncommas' $ map match fields
match :: SomeValue -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
match (SomeValue (ERaw _ f)) = f info
match (SomeValue (ECompositeKey f)) = (mconcat $ f info, mempty)
makeHaving :: IdentInfo -> WhereClause -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeHaving _ NoWhere = mempty
makeHaving info (Where (ERaw _ f)) = first ("\nHAVING " <>) (f info)
makeHaving _ (Where (ECompositeKey _)) = throw (CompositeKeyErr MakeHavingError)
makeOrderByNoNewline ::
IdentInfo -> [OrderByClause] -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeOrderByNoNewline _ [] = mempty
makeOrderByNoNewline info os = first ("ORDER BY " <>) . uncommas' $ concatMap mk os
mk :: OrderByClause -> [(TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])]
mk (EOrderBy t (ERaw p f)) = [first ((<> orderByType t) . parensM p) (f info)]
mk (EOrderBy t (ECompositeKey f)) =
let fs = f info
vals = repeat []
in zip (map (<> orderByType t) fs) vals
mk EOrderRandom = [first (<> "RANDOM()") mempty]
orderByType ASC = " ASC"
orderByType DESC = " DESC"
makeOrderBy :: IdentInfo -> [OrderByClause] -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeOrderBy _ [] = mempty
makeOrderBy info is =
let (tlb, vals) = makeOrderByNoNewline info is
in ("\n" <> tlb, vals)
{-# DEPRECATED EOrderRandom "Since 2.6.0: `rand` ordering function is not uniform across all databases! To avoid accidental partiality it will be removed in the next major version." #-}
makeLimit :: IdentInfo -> LimitClause -> [OrderByClause] -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeLimit (conn, _) (Limit ml mo) orderByClauses =
let limitRaw = connLimitOffset conn (v ml, v mo) hasOrderClause "\n"
hasOrderClause = not (null orderByClauses)
v = maybe 0 fromIntegral
in (TLB.fromText limitRaw, mempty)
makeLocking :: LockingClause -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
makeLocking = flip (,) [] . maybe mempty toTLB . Monoid.getLast
toTLB ForUpdate = "\nFOR UPDATE"
toTLB ForUpdateSkipLocked = "\nFOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED"
toTLB ForShare = "\nFOR SHARE"
toTLB LockInShareMode = "\nLOCK IN SHARE MODE"
parens :: TLB.Builder -> TLB.Builder
parens b = "(" <> (b <> ")")
class SqlSelect a r | a -> r, r -> a where
sqlSelectCols :: IdentInfo -> a -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
sqlSelectColCount :: Proxy a -> Int
sqlSelectProcessRow :: [PersistValue] -> Either T.Text r
sqlInsertInto :: IdentInfo -> a -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
sqlInsertInto = throw (UnexpectedCaseErr UnsupportedSqlInsertIntoType)
instance SqlSelect (SqlExpr InsertFinal) InsertFinal where
sqlInsertInto info (EInsertFinal (EInsert p _)) =
let fields = uncommas $
map (fromDBName info . fieldDB) $
entityFields $
entityDef p
table = fromDBName info . entityDB . entityDef $ p
in ("INSERT INTO " <> table <> parens fields <> "\n", [])
sqlSelectCols info (EInsertFinal (EInsert _ f)) = f info
sqlSelectColCount = const 0
sqlSelectProcessRow =
const (Right (throw (UnexpectedCaseErr InsertionFinalError)))
instance SqlSelect () () where
sqlSelectCols _ _ = ("1", [])
sqlSelectColCount _ = 1
sqlSelectProcessRow _ = Right ()
instance PersistEntity a => SqlSelect (SqlExpr (Entity a)) (Entity a) where
sqlSelectCols info expr@(EEntity ident) = ret
process ed = uncommas $
map ((name <>) . TLB.fromText) $
entityColumnNames ed (fst info)
name = useIdent info ident <> "."
ret = let ed = entityDef $ getEntityVal $ return expr
in (process ed, mempty)
sqlSelectColCount = entityColumnCount . entityDef . getEntityVal
sqlSelectProcessRow = parseEntityValues ed
where ed = entityDef $ getEntityVal (Proxy :: Proxy (SqlExpr (Entity a)))
getEntityVal :: Proxy (SqlExpr (Entity a)) -> Proxy a
getEntityVal = const Proxy
instance PersistEntity a => SqlSelect (SqlExpr (Maybe (Entity a))) (Maybe (Entity a)) where
sqlSelectCols info (EMaybe ent) = sqlSelectCols info ent
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . fromEMaybe
fromEMaybe :: Proxy (SqlExpr (Maybe e)) -> Proxy (SqlExpr e)
fromEMaybe = const Proxy
sqlSelectProcessRow cols
| all (== PersistNull) cols = return Nothing
| otherwise = Just <$> sqlSelectProcessRow cols
instance PersistField a => SqlSelect (SqlExpr (Value a)) (Value a) where
sqlSelectCols = materializeExpr
sqlSelectColCount = const 1
sqlSelectProcessRow [pv] = Value <$> fromPersistValue pv
sqlSelectProcessRow pvs = Value <$> fromPersistValue (PersistList pvs)
materializeExpr :: IdentInfo -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> (TLB.Builder, [PersistValue])
materializeExpr info (ERaw p f) =
let (b, vals) = f info
in (parensM p b, vals)
materializeExpr info (ECompositeKey f) =
let bs = f info
in (uncommas $ map (parensM Parens) bs, [])
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
) => SqlSelect (a, b) (ra, rb) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
sqlSelectColCount = uncurry (+) . (sqlSelectColCount *** sqlSelectColCount) . fromTuple
fromTuple :: Proxy (a,b) -> (Proxy a, Proxy b)
fromTuple = const (Proxy, Proxy)
sqlSelectProcessRow =
let x = getType processRow
getType :: SqlSelect a r => (z -> Either y (r,x)) -> Proxy a
getType = const Proxy
colCountFst = sqlSelectColCount x
processRow row =
let (rowFst, rowSnd) = splitAt colCountFst row
in (,) <$> sqlSelectProcessRow rowFst
<*> sqlSelectProcessRow rowSnd
in colCountFst `seq` processRow
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c) (ra, rb, rc) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from3P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to3 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from3P :: Proxy (a,b,c) -> Proxy ((a,b),c)
from3P = const Proxy
from3 :: (a,b,c) -> ((a,b),c)
from3 (a,b,c) = ((a,b),c)
to3 :: ((a,b),c) -> (a,b,c)
to3 ((a,b),c) = (a,b,c)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d) (ra, rb, rc, rd) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
, sqlSelectCols esc d
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from4P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to4 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from4P :: Proxy (a,b,c,d) -> Proxy ((a,b),(c,d))
from4P = const Proxy
from4 :: (a,b,c,d) -> ((a,b),(c,d))
from4 (a,b,c,d) = ((a,b),(c,d))
to4 :: ((a,b),(c,d)) -> (a,b,c,d)
to4 ((a,b),(c,d)) = (a,b,c,d)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
, SqlSelect e re
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d, e) (ra, rb, rc, rd, re) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d, e) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
, sqlSelectCols esc d
, sqlSelectCols esc e
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from5P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to5 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from5P :: Proxy (a,b,c,d,e) -> Proxy ((a,b),(c,d),e)
from5P = const Proxy
to5 :: ((a,b),(c,d),e) -> (a,b,c,d,e)
to5 ((a,b),(c,d),e) = (a,b,c,d,e)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
, SqlSelect e re
, SqlSelect f rf
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d, e, f) (ra, rb, rc, rd, re, rf) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d, e, f) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
, sqlSelectCols esc d
, sqlSelectCols esc e
, sqlSelectCols esc f
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from6P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to6 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from6P :: Proxy (a,b,c,d,e,f) -> Proxy ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f))
from6P = const Proxy
to6 :: ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f)) -> (a,b,c,d,e,f)
to6 ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f)) = (a,b,c,d,e,f)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
, SqlSelect e re
, SqlSelect f rf
, SqlSelect g rg
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) (ra, rb, rc, rd, re, rf, rg) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
, sqlSelectCols esc d
, sqlSelectCols esc e
, sqlSelectCols esc f
, sqlSelectCols esc g
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from7P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to7 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from7P :: Proxy (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) -> Proxy ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),g)
from7P = const Proxy
to7 :: ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),g) -> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
to7 ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),g) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
, SqlSelect e re
, SqlSelect f rf
, SqlSelect g rg
, SqlSelect h rh
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) (ra, rb, rc, rd, re, rf, rg, rh) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
, sqlSelectCols esc d
, sqlSelectCols esc e
, sqlSelectCols esc f
, sqlSelectCols esc g
, sqlSelectCols esc h
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from8P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to8 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from8P :: Proxy (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) -> Proxy ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h))
from8P = const Proxy
to8 :: ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h)) -> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
to8 ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h)) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
, SqlSelect e re
, SqlSelect f rf
, SqlSelect g rg
, SqlSelect h rh
, SqlSelect i ri
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) (ra, rb, rc, rd, re, rf, rg, rh, ri) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
, sqlSelectCols esc d
, sqlSelectCols esc e
, sqlSelectCols esc f
, sqlSelectCols esc g
, sqlSelectCols esc h
, sqlSelectCols esc i
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from9P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to9 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from9P :: Proxy (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) -> Proxy ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),i)
from9P = const Proxy
to9 :: ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),i) -> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)
to9 ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),i) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
, SqlSelect e re
, SqlSelect f rf
, SqlSelect g rg
, SqlSelect h rh
, SqlSelect i ri
, SqlSelect j rj
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) (ra, rb, rc, rd, re, rf, rg, rh, ri, rj) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
, sqlSelectCols esc d
, sqlSelectCols esc e
, sqlSelectCols esc f
, sqlSelectCols esc g
, sqlSelectCols esc h
, sqlSelectCols esc i
, sqlSelectCols esc j
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from10P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to10 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from10P :: Proxy (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) -> Proxy ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),(i,j))
from10P = const Proxy
to10 :: ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),(i,j)) -> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)
to10 ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),(i,j)) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
, SqlSelect e re
, SqlSelect f rf
, SqlSelect g rg
, SqlSelect h rh
, SqlSelect i ri
, SqlSelect j rj
, SqlSelect k rk
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) (ra, rb, rc, rd, re, rf, rg, rh, ri, rj, rk) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
, sqlSelectCols esc d
, sqlSelectCols esc e
, sqlSelectCols esc f
, sqlSelectCols esc g
, sqlSelectCols esc h
, sqlSelectCols esc i
, sqlSelectCols esc j
, sqlSelectCols esc k
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from11P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to11 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from11P :: Proxy (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) -> Proxy ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),(i,j),k)
from11P = const Proxy
to11 :: ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),(i,j),k) -> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)
to11 ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),(i,j),k) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
, SqlSelect e re
, SqlSelect f rf
, SqlSelect g rg
, SqlSelect h rh
, SqlSelect i ri
, SqlSelect j rj
, SqlSelect k rk
, SqlSelect l rl
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) (ra, rb, rc, rd, re, rf, rg, rh, ri, rj, rk, rl) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc c
, sqlSelectCols esc d
, sqlSelectCols esc e
, sqlSelectCols esc f
, sqlSelectCols esc g
, sqlSelectCols esc h
, sqlSelectCols esc i
, sqlSelectCols esc j
, sqlSelectCols esc k
, sqlSelectCols esc l
sqlSelectColCount = sqlSelectColCount . from12P
sqlSelectProcessRow = fmap to12 . sqlSelectProcessRow
from12P :: Proxy (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) -> Proxy ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),(i,j),(k,l))
from12P = const Proxy
to12 :: ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),(i,j),(k,l)) -> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l)
to12 ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f),(g,h),(i,j),(k,l)) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l)
instance ( SqlSelect a ra
, SqlSelect b rb
, SqlSelect c rc
, SqlSelect d rd
, SqlSelect e re
, SqlSelect f rf
, SqlSelect g rg
, SqlSelect h rh
, SqlSelect i ri
, SqlSelect j rj
, SqlSelect k rk
, SqlSelect l rl
, SqlSelect m rm
) => SqlSelect (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) (ra, rb, rc, rd, re, rf, rg, rh, ri, rj, rk, rl, rm) where
sqlSelectCols esc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) =
[ sqlSelectCols esc a
, sqlSelectCols esc b
, sqlSelectCols esc