{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module System.Etc.Internal.Resolver.File (resolveFiles) where

import           RIO
import           RIO.Directory (doesFileExist)
import qualified RIO.HashMap   as HashMap
import qualified RIO.Set       as Set
import qualified RIO.Text      as Text
import qualified RIO.Vector    as Vector

#ifdef WITH_YAML
import qualified Data.Yaml as YAML

import qualified Data.Aeson          as JSON
import qualified Data.Aeson.Internal as JSON (IResult (..), iparse)
import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as LB8

import System.Environment (lookupEnv)

import qualified System.Etc.Internal.Spec.Types as Spec
import           System.Etc.Internal.Types      hiding (filepath)


data ConfigFile
  = JsonFile Text LB8.ByteString
  | YamlFile Text LB8.ByteString
  deriving (Show, Eq)


  :: Monad m
  => Maybe (Spec.ConfigValue cmd)
  -> Int
  -> FileSource
  -> JSON.Value
  -> m ConfigValue
parseConfigValue mSpec fileIndex fileSource json = case json of
  JSON.Object object -> SubConfig <$> foldM
    (\acc (key, subConfigValue) -> do
      let msubConfigSpec = do
            spec <- mSpec
            case spec of
              Spec.SubConfig hsh -> HashMap.lookup key hsh
              _ ->
                -- TODO: This should be an error given the config doesn't match spec
                fail "configuration spec and configuration value are different"

      value1 <- parseConfigValue msubConfigSpec fileIndex fileSource subConfigValue
      return $ HashMap.insert key value1 acc
    (HashMap.toList object)

  _ ->
    let mToValue = do
          spec <- mSpec
          case spec of
            Spec.ConfigValue{} -> return $ boolToValue (Spec.isSensitive spec)
            _ -> fail "configuration spec and configuration value are different"

        toValue = fromMaybe Plain mToValue
    in  return $ ConfigValue (Set.singleton $ File fileIndex fileSource (toValue json))

eitherDecode :: ConfigFile -> Either String JSON.Value
#ifdef WITH_YAML
eitherDecode contents0 =
  case contents0 of
    JsonFile _ contents ->
      JSON.eitherDecode contents
    YamlFile _ contents ->
      YAML.decodeEither (LB8.toStrict contents)
eitherDecode contents0 = case contents0 of
  JsonFile _        contents -> JSON.eitherDecode contents
  YamlFile filepath _        -> Left ("Unsupported yaml file: " <> Text.unpack filepath)

  :: MonadThrow m => Spec.ConfigValue cmd -> Int -> FileSource -> ConfigFile -> m Config
parseConfig spec fileIndex fileSource contents = case eitherDecode contents of
  Left err -> throwM $ InvalidConfiguration Nothing (Text.pack err)

  Right json ->
    case JSON.iparse (parseConfigValue (Just spec) fileIndex fileSource) json of
      JSON.IError _ err    -> throwM $ InvalidConfiguration Nothing (Text.pack err)
      JSON.ISuccess result -> return (Config result)

readConfigFile :: MonadThrow m => Text -> IO (m ConfigFile)
readConfigFile filepath =
  let filepathStr = Text.unpack filepath
      fileExists <- doesFileExist filepathStr
      if fileExists
        then do
          contents <- LB8.readFile filepathStr
          if ".json" `Text.isSuffixOf` filepath
            return $ return (JsonFile filepath contents)
            if (".yaml" `Text.isSuffixOf` filepath) || (".yml" `Text.isSuffixOf` filepath)
              then return $ return (YamlFile filepath contents)
              else return
                (throwM $ InvalidConfiguration Nothing "Unsupported file extension")
        else return $ throwM $ ConfigurationFileNotFound filepath

  :: Spec.ConfigSpec cmd -> [FileSource] -> IO (Config, [SomeException])
readConfigFromFileSources spec fileSources =
    & zip [1 ..]
    & mapM
        (\(fileIndex, fileSource) -> do
          mContents <- readConfigFile (fileSourcePath fileSource)
            (   mContents
            >>= parseConfig (Spec.SubConfig $ Spec.specConfigValues spec)
    & (foldl'
        (\(result, errs) eCurrent -> case eCurrent of
          Left  err     -> (result, err : errs)
          Right current -> (result `mappend` current, errs)
        (mempty, []) <$>

processFilesSpec :: Spec.ConfigSpec cmd -> IO (Config, [SomeException])
processFilesSpec spec = case Spec.specConfigFilepaths spec of
  Nothing -> readConfigFromFileSources spec []
  Just (Spec.FilePathsSpec paths) ->
    readConfigFromFileSources spec (map FilePathSource paths)
  Just (Spec.FilesSpec fileEnvVar paths0) -> do
    let getPaths = case fileEnvVar of
          Nothing       -> return $ map FilePathSource paths0
          Just filePath -> do
            envFilePath <- lookupEnv (Text.unpack filePath)
            let envPath =
                  maybeToList (EnvVarFileSource filePath . Text.pack <$> envFilePath)
            return $ map FilePathSource paths0 ++ envPath

    paths <- getPaths
    readConfigFromFileSources spec paths


Gathers configuration values from a list of files specified on the
@etc/filepaths@ entry of a Config Spec. This will return a Configuration Map
with values from all filepaths merged in, and a list of errors in case there was
an error reading one of the filepaths.

  :: Spec.ConfigSpec cmd -- ^ Config Spec
  -> IO (Config, Vector SomeException) -- ^ Configuration Map with all values from files filled in and a list of warnings
resolveFiles spec = do
  (config, exceptions) <- processFilesSpec spec
  return (config, Vector.fromList exceptions)