{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}

module Eventloop.Module.Websocket.Canvas.Types where

import Control.Concurrent.MVar

import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import Control.DeepSeq

import Eventloop.Types.Common

type CanvasSystemReceiveBuffer = MVar SystemCanvasIn

instance Show (MVar a) where

    show _ = "CanvasSystemReceiveBuffer"

type Opcode = Int

type ScreenMetric = Int

type ScreenX = ScreenMetric

type ScreenY = ScreenMetric

type ScreenWidth = ScreenMetric

type ScreenHeight = ScreenMetric

type ScreenRadius = ScreenMetric

type ScreenAngle = ScreenMetric -- ^In degrees

type ScreenPoint = (ScreenX, ScreenY)

type ScreenDimensions = (ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight)

type ScreenStartingPoint = ScreenPoint

type ScreenControlPoint = ScreenPoint

type ScreenEndPoint = ScreenPoint

type ScreenStartingAngle = ScreenAngle

type ScreenEndAngle = ScreenAngle

type CanvasId = NumericId

type ZIndex = Int

type ScreenColorMetric = Int

type ScreenRed = ScreenColorMetric

type ScreenGreen = ScreenColorMetric

type ScreenBlue = ScreenColorMetric

type ScreenAlpha = Float

type ScreenColor = (ScreenRed, ScreenGreen, ScreenBlue, ScreenAlpha)

type ScreenPixel = ScreenColor

type ColorStopOffset = Float

type ScreenCircle = (ScreenPoint, ScreenRadius)

type ScaleUnit = Float

type ScaleX = ScaleUnit

type ScaleY = ScaleUnit

type ScreenLineThickness = Float

type FontFamily = [Char]

type FontSize = Int -- In Pixels

data RoutedMessageIn = InUserCanvas CanvasIn

                     | InSystemCanvas SystemCanvasIn

                     deriving (Eq, Show)


data RoutedMessageOut = OutUserCanvas CanvasOut

                      | OutSystemCanvas SystemCanvasOut

                      deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 2100-}

data SystemCanvasIn = SystemMeasuredText CanvasText ScreenDimensions {- ^Opcode: 2101-}

                    deriving (Eq, Show)


{- |Opcode: 2000-}

data SystemCanvasOut = SystemMeasureText CanvasText  {- ^Opcode: 2001-}

                     deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)


{- |Opcode: 0100-}

data CanvasIn = MeasuredText CanvasText ScreenDimensions {- ^Opcode: 0101-}

              deriving (Eq, Show)

{- Main types -}

{- | Reserved type words
     Type: t      | Opcode
     Arguments: a | List of arguments for that data type
     Route: r     | Either 's' for system or 'u' for user
     Object: o    | The object that is beneath
     {'r': 's', 'o': {SystemMeasuredText object}}
     SystemMeasuredText object: {'t':2102, 'a':[CanvasId, CanvasText object, ScreenDimensions]}

{- |Opcode: 0200-}

data CanvasOut = SetupCanvas CanvasId ZIndex ScreenDimensions CSSPosition {- ^Opcode: 0201-}

               | TeardownCanvas CanvasId {- ^Opcode: 0202-}

               | CanvasOperations CanvasId [CanvasOperation] {- ^Opcode: 0203-}

               | MeasureText CanvasText {- ^Opcode: 0204-}

               deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)


{- |Opcode: 0300-}

data CanvasOperation = DrawPath ScreenStartingPoint [ScreenPathPart] PathStroke PathFill {- ^Opcode: 0301 -}

                     | DrawText CanvasText ScreenPoint TextStroke TextFill {- ^Opcode: 0302 -}

                     | DoTransform CanvasTransform {- ^Opcode: 0303 -}

                     | Clear ClearPart {- ^Opcode: 0304 -}

                     | Frame {- ^Opcode: 0305 -}

                     deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 0400-}

data ScreenPathPart = MoveTo ScreenPoint {- ^Opcode: 0401-}

                    | LineTo ScreenPoint {- ^Opcode: 0402-}

                    | BezierCurveTo ScreenControlPoint ScreenControlPoint ScreenEndPoint {- ^Opcode: 0403-}

                    | QuadraticCurveTo ScreenControlPoint ScreenEndPoint {- ^Opcode: 0404-}

                    | ArcTo ScreenControlPoint ScreenControlPoint ScreenRadius {- ^Opcode: 0405-}

                    | Arc ScreenCircle ScreenStartingAngle ScreenEndAngle {- ^Opcode: 0406-}

                    | Rectangle ScreenPoint ScreenDimensions {- ^Opcode: 0407-}

                    | ClosePath {- ^Opcode: 0408-}

                    deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- Styling of Shapes -}

{- |Opcode: 0500-}

type PathRenderStrokeStyle = RenderStyle

data PathStroke = PathStroke ScreenLineThickness PathRenderStrokeStyle {- ^Opcode: 0501-}

                | NoPathStroke {- ^Opcode: 0502-}

                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 0600-}

type PathRenderFillStyle = RenderStyle

data PathFill = PathFill PathRenderFillStyle {- ^Opcode: 0601-}

              | NoPathFill {- ^Opcode: 0602-}

              deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 0700-}

type CanvasColorStop = (ColorStopOffset, ScreenColor)

data RenderStyle = CanvasColor ScreenColor {- ^Opcode: 0701-}

                 | CanvasGradient CanvasGradientType [CanvasColorStop] {- ^Opcode:0702-}

                 | CanvasPattern CanvasImage PatternRepetition {- ^Opcode: 0703-}

                     deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 0800-}                     

data CanvasImage = CanvasElement CanvasId ScreenPoint ScreenDimensions {- ^Opcode: 0801-}

                 | ImageData ScreenDimensions [ScreenPixel] {- ^Opcode: 0802 
                                                            [ScreenPixel] should be as long as width * height * 4. Each quad is red,green,blue,alpha

                 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 0900-}                 

data PatternRepetition = Repeat {- ^Opcode: 0901-}

                       | RepeatX {- ^Opcode: 0902-}

                       | RepeatY {- ^Opcode: 0903-} 

                       | NoRepeat {- ^Opcode: 0904-}

                       deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 1000-}

data CanvasGradientType = RadialGradient ScreenCircle ScreenCircle {- ^Opcode: 1001
                                                                       First circle = inner circle, Second circle is enclosing circle

                        | LinearGradient ScreenPoint ScreenPoint {- ^Opcode: 1002-}

                        deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- To Draw Text -}

{- |Opcode: 1200-}

data CanvasText = CanvasText [Char] Font Alignment {- ^Opcode: 1201-}

                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 1300-}

data Font = Font FontFamily FontSize {- ^Opcode: 1301-}

          deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 1400-}

type TextStrokeRenderStyle = RenderStyle

type TextFillRenderStyle = RenderStyle

data TextStroke = TextStroke ScreenLineThickness TextStrokeRenderStyle {- ^Opcode: 1401-}

                | NoTextStroke {- ^Opcode: 1402-}

                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 2400-}

data TextFill = TextFill TextFillRenderStyle {- ^Opcode: 2401-}

              | NoTextFill {- ^Opcode: 2402-}

              deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 1500-}

data Alignment = AlignLeft {- ^Opcode: 1501-}

               | AlignRight {- ^Opcode: 1502-}

               | AlignCenter {- ^Opcode: 1503-}

               deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)


{- Transform The Canvas -}

{- |Opcode: 1600-}

type TransformUnit = Float                        

type TransformationMatrix  = (TransformUnit, TransformUnit, TransformUnit, TransformUnit, TransformUnit, TransformUnit)

data CanvasTransform = Save {- ^Opcode: 1601-}

                     | Restore {- ^Opcode: 1602-}

                     | Translate ScreenPoint {- ^Opcode: 1603-}

                     | Rotate ScreenAngle {- ^Opcode: 1604-}

                     | Scale ScaleX ScaleY {- ^Opcode: 1605-}

                     | Transform TransformationMatrix {- ^Opcode: 1606-}

                     | SetTransform TransformationMatrix {- ^Opcode: 1607-}

                     | ResetTransform {- ^Opcode: 1608-}

                     deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- CSS Position of DOM elements -}

{- |Opcode: 2200-}

type CSSLeftOffset = CSSUnit

type CSSTopOffset = CSSUnit

type CSSMeasurements = (CSSLeftOffset, CSSTopOffset)

data CSSPosition = CSSPosition CSSBindPoint CSSMeasurements {- ^Opcode: 2201-}

                 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

{- |Opcode: 2300-}

data CSSBindPoint = CSSFromCenter {- ^Opcode: 2301-}

                  | CSSFromDefault {- ^Opcode: 2302 Usually this is the top left corner of the element -}

                  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)


{- |Opcode: 1800-}

data CSSUnit = CSSPixels Int {- ^Opcode: 1801-}

             | CSSPercentage Int {- ^Opcode: 1802-}

             deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)


{- |Opcode: 1900 -}

data ClearPart = ClearRectangle ScreenPoint ScreenDimensions {- ^Opcode: 1901-}

               | ClearCanvas {- ^Opcode: 1902-}

               deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)