eventuo11y- An event-oriented observability library
CopyrightCopyright 2022 Shea Levy.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




This is the primary module needed to write new EventBackends.



data EventBackend m r s Source #

A backend for creating Events.

Different EventBackends will be used to emit instrumentation to different systems. Multiple backends can be combined with pairEventBackend.

A simple EventBackend for logging to a Handle can be created with jsonHandleBackend.

Typically the entrypoint for some eventuo11y-instrumented code will take an EventBackend, polymorphic in r and possibly m. Calling code can use subEventBackend to place the resulting events in its hierarchy.

From an EventBackend, new events can be created via selectors (of type s f for some field type f), typically with the resource-safe allocation functions. Selectors are values which designate the general category of event being created, as well as the type of fields that can be added to it. For example, a web service's selector type may have a ServicingRequest constructor, whose field type includes a ResponseCode constructor which records the HTTP status code.

Selectors are intended to be of a domain specific type per unit of functionality within an instrumented codebase, implemented as a GADT (but see DynamicEventSelector for a generic option).

Implementations must ensure that EventBackends and their underlying Events are safe to use across threads.

The monad we're instrumenting in.
The type of event references used in this EventBackend. See reference.
The type of event selectors.




data EventImpl m r f Source #

The internal implementation of an Event.

All fields have corresponding event manipulation functions, except that finalizeImpl and failImpl can assume that they will only ever be called once (i.e., EventImpl implementations do not have to implement locking internally).




unitEventBackend :: Applicative m => EventBackend m () s Source #

A no-op EventBackend.

This can be used if calling instrumented code from an un-instrumented context, or to purposefully ignore instrumentation from some call.

unitEventBackend is the algebraic unit of pairEventBackend.

pairEventBackend :: Applicative m => EventBackend m a s -> EventBackend m b s -> EventBackend m (a, b) s Source #

An EventBackend which sequentially generates Events in the two given EventBackends.

This can be used to emit instrumentation in multiple ways (e.g. logs to grafana and metrics on a prometheus HTML page).

hoistEventBackend Source #


:: (Functor m, Functor n) 
=> (forall x. m x -> n x)

Natural transformation from m to n.

-> EventBackend m r s 
-> EventBackend n r s 

Hoist an EventBackend along a given natural transformation into a new monad.

narrowEventBackend Source #


:: Functor m 
=> (forall f. s f -> t f)

Inject a narrow selector into the wider selector type.

-> EventBackend m r t 
-> EventBackend m r s 

Narrow an EventBackend to a new selector type via a given injection function.

A typical usage, where component A calls component B, would be to have A's selector type have a constructor to take any value of B's selector type (and preserve the field) and then call narrowEventBackend with that constructor when invoking functions in B.

See narrowEventBackend' for a more general, if unweildy, variant.

narrowEventBackend' Source #


:: Functor m 
=> (forall f. s f -> forall a. (forall g. t g -> (f -> g) -> a) -> a)

Simultaneously inject a narrow selector into the wider selector type and the narrow selector's field into the wider selector's field type.

-> EventBackend m r t 
-> EventBackend m r s 

Narrow an EventBackend to a new selector type via a given injection function.

See narrowEventBackend for a simpler, if less general, variant.


Generic helper to make operations idempotent.

newtype OnceFlag m Source #

A flag to ensure only one operation from some class is performed, once.

Typically consumed via runOnce




  • checkAndSet :: m FlagState

    Get the state of the OnceFlag, and set the flag.

    This operation should be atomic, and ideally would only return NewlySet once. In monads that don't support it, at a minimum it must be monotonic (once one caller gets AlreadySet, all callers will).

data FlagState Source #

The state of a OnceFlag



The flag was not set, but is now


The flag was already set

runOnce :: Monad m => OnceFlag m -> m () -> m () Source #

Run an operation if no other operations using this OnceFlag have run.

hoistOnceFlag Source #


:: (forall x. f x -> g x)

Natural transformation from f to g

-> OnceFlag f 
-> OnceFlag g 

Hoist a OnceFlag along a given natural transformation into a new monad.

alwaysNewOnceFlag :: Applicative m => OnceFlag m Source #

A OnceFlag which is always NewlySet.

Only safe to use if the operations to be guarded by the flag are already idempotent.