{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} -- can't use Safe due to IsList instances
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}

-- The following two extensions are used only in examples:

-- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Control.Monad.List.Exotic
-- Description : Non-standard monads on the list functor
-- Copyright   : (c) Dylan McDermott, Maciej Piróg, Tarmo Uustalu, 2020
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer  : maciej.adam.pirog@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- The usual list monad is only one of infinitely many ways to turn
-- the List functor into a monad. This module collects a number of
-- such exotic "list monads". Most of them have been introduced in the
-- paper [Degrading Lists](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maciejpirog/exotic-list-monads/master/degrading-lists.pdf)
-- by Dylan McDermott, Maciej Piróg, Tarmo Uustalu (PPDP 2020).
-- __Notes:__
-- * Types marked with \"(?)\" have not been formally verified to be
-- monads (yet), though they were thoroughly tested with billions of
-- QuickCheck tests.
-- * Monads in this module are presented in terms of @join@ rather
-- than '>>='. In each case 'return' is singleton (it is not known if
-- there exists a monad on lists with a different return).
-- * For readability, code snippets in this documentation assume the
-- @OverloadedLists@ and @OverloadedStrings@ extensions, which allow
-- us to omit some @newtype@ constructors. Example definitions of
-- joins of monads always skip the @newtype@ constructors, that is,
-- assume '>>=' is always defined as follows for a particular local
-- @join@:
-- @
-- m '>>=' f = 'wrap' $ join $ 'map' ('unwrap' . f) $ 'unwrap' m
--  where
--   join = ...
-- @
-- * The definitions of monads are optimized for readability and not
-- run-time performance. This is because the monads in this module
-- don't seem to be of any practical use, they are more of a
-- theoretical curiosity.
module Control.Monad.List.Exotic
  -- * List monads in general

    ListMonad(wrap, unwrap)
  , DualListMonad(..)
  , isSingle

  -- * Monads with finite presentation

  -- $finite_presentation

  -- ** Pointed magmas

  , PointedMagma(..)
  , FreeRBPM(..)

  -- ** The Global Failure monad

  , ZeroSemigroup
  , GlobalFailure(..)

  -- ** The Maze Walk monad

  , PalindromeAlgebra
  , palindromize
  , MazeWalk(..)

  -- ** The Discrete Hybrid monad

  , LeaningAlgebra
  , safeLast
  , DiscreteHybrid(..)

  -- ** The List Unfold monad

  , SkewedAlgebra
  , ListUnfold(..)

  -- ** The Stutter monad

  , StutterAlgebra
  , replicateLast
  , Stutter(..)

  -- ** The Stutter-Keeper monad  

  , StutterKeeperAlgebra
  , StutterKeeper(..)

  -- ** The Stutter-Stutter monad

  , StutterStutterAlgebra
  , StutterStutter(..)

  -- * Other monads

  -- $no_finite_presentation

  -- ** The Mini monad

  , Mini(..)

  -- ** The Odd monad (?)

  , Odd(..)

  -- ** The Short Stutter-Keeper monad (?)

  , ShortStutterKeeper(..)

  ) where

import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Control.Monad (ap, join)
import GHC.Exts (IsList(..), IsString(..), Constraint)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Monoid (Monoid)

-- List monads in general --

-- | In this module, a \"list monad\" is a monad in which the
-- underlying functor is isomorphic to List. We require:
-- @
-- wrap . unwrap  ==  id
-- unwrap . wrap  ==  id
-- @
-- There is a default implementation provided if @m@ is known to be a
-- list (meaning @m a@ is an instance of 'GHC.Exts.IsList' for all
-- @a@).
class (Monad m) => ListMonad m where

  wrap   :: [a] -> m a
  default wrap   :: (IsList (m a), Item (m a) ~ a) => [a] -> m a
  wrap = fromList

  unwrap :: m a -> [a]
  default unwrap :: (IsList (m a), Item (m a) ~ a) => m a -> [a]
  unwrap = toList

instance ListMonad []

liftListFun :: (ListMonad m) => ([a] -> [a]) -> m a -> m a
liftListFun f = wrap . f . unwrap

-- | Every list monad has a dual, in which join is defined as
-- @
-- join . reverse . fmap reverse
-- @
-- (where join is the join of the original list monad), while return is
-- @
-- reverse . return
-- @
-- (where return is the return of the original list monad).
newtype DualListMonad m a = DualListMonad { unDualListMonad :: m a }
 deriving (Functor)

instance (ListMonad m) => Applicative (DualListMonad m) where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance (ListMonad m) => Monad (DualListMonad m) where
  return = DualListMonad . liftListFun reverse . return
  DualListMonad m >>= f = DualListMonad $ liftListFun reverse $
    liftListFun reverse m >>= liftListFun reverse . unDualListMonad . f

instance (ListMonad m, IsList (m a)) => IsList (DualListMonad m a) where
  type Item (DualListMonad m a) = Item (m a)
  toList (DualListMonad m) = toList m
  fromList xs = DualListMonad (fromList xs)

instance (ListMonad m) => ListMonad (DualListMonad m) where
  wrap   = DualListMonad . wrap
  unwrap = unwrap . unDualListMonad

-- | Checks if a given list is a singleton (= list of length one).
isSingle :: [a] -> Bool
isSingle [_] = True
isSingle _   = False

-- $finite_presentation
-- This section contains monads that come about from free algebras of
-- theories with a finite number of operations, represented as type
-- classes. Coincidentally, all theories in this module have one
-- binary and one nullary operation, that is, each is a subclass of
-- "PointedMagma" with additional laws. (So does the usual list monad,
-- where the subclass is monoid.) It is not known if there exists a
-- list monad that have a finite presentation but necessarily with a
-- different set of operations (there are such monads on non-empty
-- lists, for example, 'Control.Monad.List.NonEmpty.Exotic.HeadTails'
-- and 'Control.Monad.List.NonEmpty.Exotic.HeadsTail').

-- Pointed magamas --

-- | Pointed magmas are structures with one binary operation and one
-- constant. In general, no laws are imposed.
class PointedMagma a where
  eps  :: a
  (<>) :: a -> a -> a

instance PointedMagma [a] where
  eps  = []
  (<>) = (++)

-- | A class for __free right-braketed__ (subclasses of)
-- __pointed magmas__.
-- Most of the monads defined in this module arise from subclasses of
-- 'PointedMagma', in which we do not assume any additional methods,
-- but require the instances to satisfy additional equations. This
-- means that the monad is not only an instance of such a class that
-- defines a type of algebra, but it is /free/ such algebra.
-- In particular, we consider theories @c@ in which the equations have
-- the following shapes:
-- @
-- x '<>' 'eps'       ==  ...
-- 'eps' '<>' x       ==  ...
-- (x '<>' y) '<>' z  ==  ...
-- @
-- Moreover, when read left-to-right, they form a terminating and
-- confluent rewriting system with normal forms of the following
-- shape:
-- @
-- 'eps'
-- x '<>' (y '<>' ( ... (z '<>' t) ... ))
-- @
-- This class offers a witness that a particular list monad @m@ is a free algebra of
-- the theory @c@. This gives us the function
-- @
-- foldRBPM _ ('unwrap' -> []) = 'eps'
-- foldRBPM f ('unwrap' -> xs) = 'foldr1' ('<>') ('map' f xs)
-- @
-- which is the unique lifting of an interpretation of generators to a
-- homomorphism (between algebras of this sort) from the list monad to
-- any algebra (an instance) of @c@.
-- Note that the default definition of 'foldRBPM' is always the right
-- one for right-bracketed subclasses of 'PointedMagma', so it is
-- enough to declare the relationship, for example:
-- @
-- instance FreeRBPM [] 'Data.Monoid.Monoid'
-- @
class (ListMonad m) => FreeRBPM m (c :: * -> Constraint) | m -> c where
  foldRBPM :: (PointedMagma a, c a) => (x -> a) -> m x -> a
  foldRBPM _ (unwrap -> []) = eps
  foldRBPM f (unwrap -> xs) = foldr1 (<>) (map f xs)

instance FreeRBPM [] Data.Monoid.Monoid

-- The Global Failure monad --

-- | A zero semigroup has an associative binary operation and a
-- constant that is absorbing on both sides. That is, the following
-- equations hold:
-- @
-- x '<>' 'eps'       ==  'eps'
-- 'eps' '<>' x       ==  'eps'
-- (x '<>' y) '<>' z  ==  x '<>' (y '<>' z)
-- @
class (PointedMagma a) => ZeroSemigroup a

-- | The Global Failure monad arises from free zero semigroups. It
-- implements a kind of nondeterminism similar to the usual List
-- monad, but failing (= producing an empty list) in one branch makes
-- the entire computation fail.  Its join is defined as:
-- @
-- join xss | any null xss = []
--          | otherwise    = concat xss
-- @
-- For example:
-- >>> [1, 2, 3] >>= (\n -> [1..n]) :: GlobalFailure Int
-- GlobalFailure [1,1,2,1,2,3]
-- >>> [1, 0, 3] >>= (\n -> [1..n]) :: GlobalFailure Int
-- GlobalFailure []
newtype GlobalFailure a = GlobalFailure { unGlobalFailure :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance IsString (GlobalFailure Char)

instance Applicative GlobalFailure where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad GlobalFailure where
  return x = GlobalFailure [x]
  GlobalFailure xs >>= f = GlobalFailure $ join $ map (unGlobalFailure . f) xs
    join xss | any null xss = []
             | otherwise    = concat xss

instance IsList (GlobalFailure a) where
  type Item (GlobalFailure a) = a
  toList   = unGlobalFailure
  fromList = GlobalFailure

instance ListMonad GlobalFailure

instance PointedMagma (GlobalFailure a) where
  m <> t = join $ GlobalFailure $ [m, t]
  eps    = GlobalFailure []

instance ZeroSemigroup (GlobalFailure a)

instance FreeRBPM GlobalFailure ZeroSemigroup

-- The Maze Walk monad --

-- | A palindrome algebra is a pointed magma that satisfies the
-- following equations:
-- @
-- x '<>' 'eps'       ==  'eps'
-- 'eps' '<>' x       ==  'eps'
-- (x '<>' y) '<>' z  ==  x '<>' (y '<>' (x '<>' z))
-- @
class (PointedMagma a) => PalindromeAlgebra a

-- | Turns a list into a palindrome by appending it and its reversed
-- init. For example:
-- @
-- palindromize []       ==  []
-- palindromize \"Ringo\"  ==  \"RingogniR\"
-- @
palindromize :: [a] -> [a]
palindromize [] = []
palindromize xs = xs ++ reverse (init xs)

-- | The Maze Walk monad arises from free palindrome algebras. Its
-- join is defined as:
-- @
-- join xss | null xss     = []
--          | any null xss = []
--          | otherwise    = concatMap palindromize (init xss) ++ last xss
-- @
-- Intuitively, it is a list of values one encounters when walking a
-- path in a maze.  The bind operation attaches to each value a new
-- "corridor" to visit.  In our walk we explore every such
-- corridor. For example, consider the following expression:
-- >>> join ["John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"] :: MazeWalk Char
-- MazeWalk "JohnhoJPauluaPGeorgegroeGRingo"
-- It represents a walk through the following maze (the entrance is
-- marked with \">\"):
-- @
--   ┌────┬──────┐
--   │L U │ N G O│
--   ├─┤A ┴ I┌───┘
--  > J P G R│
-- ┌─┘O ┬ E ┌┘
-- │N H │ O └──┐
-- └────┤ R G E│
--      └──────┘
-- @
-- First, we take the J-O-H-N path. When we reach its end, we turn
-- around and go back to J, so our walk to this point is J-O-H-N-H-O-J
-- (hence the connection with palindromes).  Then, we explore the
-- P-A-U-L corridor, adding P-A-U-L-U-A-P to our walk. The same
-- applies to G-E-O-R-G-E. But when at the end of R-I-N-G-O, we have
-- explored the entire maze, so our walk is done (this is why we do
-- not palindromize the last element).
newtype MazeWalk a = MazeWalk { unMazeWalk :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance IsString (MazeWalk Char)

instance Applicative MazeWalk where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad MazeWalk where
  return x = MazeWalk [x]
  MazeWalk xs >>= f = MazeWalk $ join $ map (unMazeWalk . f) xs
    join xss | null xss || any null xss
             = []
             | otherwise
             = concatMap palindromize (init xss) ++ last xss

instance IsList (MazeWalk a) where
  type Item (MazeWalk a) = a
  toList   = unMazeWalk
  fromList = MazeWalk

instance ListMonad MazeWalk

instance PointedMagma (MazeWalk a) where
  m <> t = join $ MazeWalk $ [m, t]
  eps    = MazeWalk []

instance PalindromeAlgebra (MazeWalk a)

instance FreeRBPM MazeWalk PalindromeAlgebra

-- The Discrete Hybrid monad --

-- | Instances should satisfy the following:
-- @
-- x '<>' 'eps'       ==  'eps'
-- 'eps' '<>' x       ==  x
-- (x '<>' y) '<>' z  ==  y '<>' z
-- @
class (PointedMagma a) => LeaningAlgebra a

-- | A singleton list with the last element of the argument,
-- if it exists. Otherwise, empty.
-- @
-- safeLast \"Roy\"  ==  \"y\"
-- safeLast []     ==  []
-- @
safeLast :: [a] -> [a]
safeLast [] = []
safeLast xs = [last xs]

-- | The Discrete Hybrid monad arises from free leaning algebras. Its
-- join is defined as:
-- @
-- join xss | null xss        = []
--          | null (last xss) = []
--          | otherwise       = concatMap safeLast (init xss) ++ last xss
-- @
-- For example:
-- >>> join ["Roy", "Kelton", "Orbison"] :: DiscreteHybrid Char
-- DiscreteHybrid "ynOrbison"
-- >>> join ["Roy", "", "Orbison"] :: DiscreteHybrid Char
-- DiscreteHybrid "yOrbison"
-- Different versions of hybrid monads originate from Renato Neves's
-- [PhD thesis](http://alfa.di.uminho.pt/~nevrenato/pdfs/thesis.pdf).
newtype DiscreteHybrid a = DiscreteHybrid { unDiscreteHybrid :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance IsString (DiscreteHybrid Char)

instance Applicative DiscreteHybrid where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad DiscreteHybrid where
  return x = DiscreteHybrid [x]
  DiscreteHybrid xs >>= f = DiscreteHybrid $ join $ map (unDiscreteHybrid . f) xs
    join xss | null xss        = []
             | null (last xss) = []
             | otherwise       = concatMap safeLast (init xss) ++ last xss

instance IsList (DiscreteHybrid a) where
  type Item (DiscreteHybrid a) = a
  toList   = unDiscreteHybrid
  fromList = DiscreteHybrid

instance ListMonad DiscreteHybrid

instance PointedMagma (DiscreteHybrid a) where
  m <> t = join $ DiscreteHybrid $ [m, t]
  eps    = DiscreteHybrid []

instance LeaningAlgebra (DiscreteHybrid a)

instance FreeRBPM DiscreteHybrid LeaningAlgebra

-- The List Unfold monad --

-- | A skewed algebra allows only right-nested composition of the
-- binary operation. Every other expression is equal to 'eps'.
-- @
-- x '<>' 'eps'       ==  'eps'
-- 'eps' '<>' x       ==  'eps'
-- (x '<>' y) '<>' z  ==  'eps'
-- @
class (PointedMagma a) => SkewedAlgebra a

-- | The List Unfold monad arises from free skewed algebras. It
-- implements a form of nondeterminism similar to the usual list
-- monad, but new choices may arise only in the last element (so the
-- bind operation can only rename other elements), essentially
-- unfolding a list. If new choices arise in the "init" of the list,
-- the entire computation fails. Also, failure is always global. The
-- join operation is defined as follows:
-- @
-- join xss | null xss                        = []
--          | any null xss                    = []
--          | any (not . isSingle) (init xss) = []
--          | otherwise                       = concat xss
-- @
-- For example:
-- >>> [1,1,1,4] >>= \x -> [1..x] :: ListUnfold Int
-- ListUnfold [1,1,1,1,2,3,4]
-- >>> [1,2,1,4] >>= \x -> [1..x] :: ListUnfold Int
-- ListUnfold []
-- >>> [1,0,1,4] >>= \x -> [1..x] :: ListUnfold Int
-- ListUnfold []
newtype ListUnfold a = ListUnfold { unListUnfold :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance IsString (ListUnfold Char)

instance Applicative ListUnfold where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad ListUnfold where
  return x = ListUnfold [x]
  ListUnfold xs >>= f = ListUnfold $ join $ map (unListUnfold . f) xs
    join xss | null xss || any null xss
             = []
             | any (not . isSingle) (init xss)
             = []
             | otherwise
             = concat xss

instance IsList (ListUnfold a) where
  type Item (ListUnfold a) = a
  toList   = unListUnfold
  fromList = ListUnfold

instance ListMonad ListUnfold

instance PointedMagma (ListUnfold a) where
  m <> t = join $ ListUnfold $ [m, t]
  eps    = ListUnfold []

instance SkewedAlgebra (ListUnfold a)

instance FreeRBPM ListUnfold SkewedAlgebra

-- The Stutter monad --

-- | A stutter algebra (for a given natural number @n@) is a pointed
-- magma that satisfies the following equations:
-- @
-- x '<>' 'eps'       ==  'foldr1' ('<>') ('replicate' (n + 2) x)
-- 'eps' '<>' x       ==  'eps'  
-- (x '<>' y) '<>' z  ==  'eps'
-- @
class (KnownNat n, PointedMagma a) => StutterAlgebra n a

-- | Repeat the last element on the list @n@ additional times, that is:
-- @
-- replicateLast n [] = []
-- replicateLast n xs = xs ++ replicate n (last xs)
-- @
replicateLast :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
replicateLast _ [] = []
replicateLast n xs = xs ++ replicate n (last xs)

-- | The Stutter monad arises from free stutter algebras. Its join is
-- a concat of the longest prefix consisting only of singletons with a
-- \"stutter\" on the last singleton (that is, the last singleton is
-- additionally repeated @n+1@ times for an @n@ fixed in the type). It
-- doesn't stutter only when the init consists only of singletons and
-- the last list is non-empty. The join can thus be defined as follows
-- (omitting the conversion of the type-level 'Nat' @n@ to a run-time
-- value):
-- @
-- join xss | null xss
--          = []
--          | any (not . isSingle) (init xss) || null (last xss)
--          = replicateLast (n + 1) (concat $ takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
--          | otherwise
--          = concat xss
-- @
-- The 'Stutter' monad is quite similar to 'ListUnfold'. The
-- difference is that when the latter fails (that is, its join results
-- in an empty list), the former stutters on the last singleton.
-- Examples:
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "buckle", "my", "shoe"] :: Stutter 5 Char
-- Stutter "12222222"
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "buckle"] :: Stutter 5 Char
-- Stutter "12buckle"
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "", "my", "shoe"] :: Stutter 5 Char
-- Stutter "12222222"
newtype Stutter (n :: Nat) a = Stutter { unStutter :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance (KnownNat n) => IsString (Stutter n Char)

instance (KnownNat n) => Applicative (Stutter n) where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance (KnownNat n) => Monad (Stutter n) where
  return x = Stutter [x]
  Stutter xs >>= f = Stutter $ join $ map (unStutter . f) xs
    join xss | null xss
             = []
             | any (not . isSingle) (init xss) || null (last xss)
             = let n = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
               in  replicateLast (n + 1) (concat $ takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
             | otherwise
             = concat xss

instance (KnownNat n) => IsList (Stutter n a) where
  type Item (Stutter n a) = a
  toList   = unStutter
  fromList = Stutter

instance (KnownNat n) => ListMonad (Stutter n)

instance (KnownNat n) => PointedMagma (Stutter n a) where
  m <> t = join $ Stutter $ [m, t]
  eps    = Stutter []

instance (KnownNat n) => StutterAlgebra n (Stutter n a)

instance (KnownNat n) => FreeRBPM (Stutter n) (StutterAlgebra n)

-- $no_finite_presentation
-- While all list monads have presentations in terms of operations and
-- equations, some require infinitely many operations. This section
-- contains monads that are either known to require infinitely many
-- operations, or those for which no finite presentation is known, but
-- we don't know for sure that such a presentation doesn't exist.

-- The Stutter-Keeper monad --

-- | A stutter-keeper algebra (for a given natural number @n@) is a pointed
-- magma that satisfies the following equations:
-- @
-- x '<>' 'eps'       ==  'foldr1' ('<>') ('replicate' (n + 2) x)
-- 'eps' '<>' x       ==  'eps'  
-- (x '<>' y) '<>' z  ==  x '<>' y
-- @
class (KnownNat n, PointedMagma a) => StutterKeeperAlgebra n a

-- | The stutter-keeper monad arises from free stutter-keeper
-- algebras. Its join stutters (as in the 'Stutter' monad) if the
-- first non-singleton list in empty. Otherwise, it keeps the
-- singleton prefix, and keeps the first non-singleton list. The join
-- can thus be defined as follows (omitting the conversion of the
-- type-level 'Nat' @n@ to a run-time value):
-- @
-- join xss | null xss
--          = []
--          | null (head (dropWhile isSingle (init xss) ++ [last xss]))
--          = replicateLast (n + 1) (concat $ takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
--          | otherwise
--          = map head (takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
--             ++ head (dropWhile isSingle (init xss) ++ [last xss])
-- @
-- Examples:
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "buckle", "my", "shoe"] :: StutterKeeper 5 Char
  -- StutterKeeper "12buckle"
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "buckle"] :: StutterKeeper 5 Char
-- StutterKeeper "12buckle"
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "", "my", "shoe"] :: StutterKeeper 5 Char
-- StutterKeeper "12222222"
newtype StutterKeeper (n :: Nat) a = StutterKeeper { unStutterKeeper :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance (KnownNat n) => IsString (StutterKeeper n Char)

instance (KnownNat n) => Applicative (StutterKeeper n) where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance (KnownNat n) => Monad (StutterKeeper n) where
  return x = StutterKeeper [x]
  StutterKeeper xs >>= f = StutterKeeper $ join $ map (unStutterKeeper . f) xs
    join xss | null xss
             = []
             | null (head (dropWhile isSingle (init xss) ++ [last xss]))
             = let n = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
               in  replicateLast (n + 1) (concat $ takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
             | otherwise
             = map head (takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
                ++ head (dropWhile isSingle (init xss) ++ [last xss])

instance (KnownNat n) => IsList (StutterKeeper n a) where
  type Item (StutterKeeper n a) = a
  toList   = unStutterKeeper
  fromList = StutterKeeper

instance (KnownNat n) => ListMonad (StutterKeeper n)

instance (KnownNat n) => PointedMagma (StutterKeeper n a) where
  m <> t = join $ StutterKeeper $ [m, t]
  eps    = StutterKeeper []

instance (KnownNat n) => StutterKeeperAlgebra n (StutterKeeper n a)

instance (KnownNat n) => FreeRBPM (StutterKeeper n) (StutterKeeperAlgebra n)

-- The StutterStutter monad --

-- | A stutter-stutter algebra (for given natural numbers @n@ and @m@)
-- is a pointed magma that satisfies the following equations:
-- @
-- x '<>' 'eps'       ==  'foldr1' ('<>') ('replicate' (n + 2) x)
-- 'eps' '<>' x       ==  'eps'  
-- (x '<>' y) '<>' z  ==  'foldr1' ('<>') ('replicate' (m + 2) x)
-- @
class (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, PointedMagma a) => StutterStutterAlgebra n m a

-- | The stutter-stutter monad arises from free stutter-stutter
-- algebras. It is similar to 'StutterKeeper', but instead of keeping
-- the first non-singleton list, it stutters on its first element
-- (unless the first non-singleton list is also the last list, in
-- which case it is kept in the result). The join can thus be defined
-- as follows (omitting the conversion of the type-level nats to
-- run-time values):
-- @
-- join xss | null xss
--          = []
--          | null (head (dropWhile isSingle (init xss) ++ [last xss]))
--          = replicateLast (n + 1) (concat $ takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
--          | any (not . isSingle) (init xss) || null (last xss)
--          = concat (takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
--             ++ replicate (m + 2) (head (head (dropWhile isSingle (init xss))))
--          | otherwise
--          = concat xss
-- @
-- Examples:
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "buckle", "my", "shoe"] :: StutterStutter 5 10 Char
-- StutterStutter "12bbbbbbbbbbbb"
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "buckle"] :: StutterStutter 5 10 Char
-- StutterStutter "12buckle"
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "", "my", "shoe"] :: StutterStutter 5 10 Char
-- StutterStutter "12222222"
newtype StutterStutter (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) a = StutterStutter { unStutterStutter :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => IsString (StutterStutter n m Char)

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Applicative (StutterStutter n m) where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Monad (StutterStutter n m) where
  return x = StutterStutter [x]
  StutterStutter xs >>= f = StutterStutter $ join $ map (unStutterStutter . f) xs
    join xss | null xss
             = []
             | null (head (dropWhile isSingle (init xss) ++ [last xss]))
             = let n = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
               in  replicateLast (n + 1) (concat $ takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
             | any (not . isSingle) (init xss) || null (last xss)
             = let m = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m)
               in  concat (takeWhile isSingle (init xss))
                    ++ replicate (m + 2) (head (head (dropWhile isSingle (init xss))))
             | otherwise
             = concat xss

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => IsList (StutterStutter n m a) where
  type Item (StutterStutter n m a) = a
  toList   = unStutterStutter
  fromList = StutterStutter

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => ListMonad (StutterStutter n m)

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => PointedMagma (StutterStutter n m a) where
  m <> t = join $ StutterStutter $ [m, t]
  eps    = StutterStutter []

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat m)
  => StutterStutterAlgebra n m (StutterStutter n m a)

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat m)
  => FreeRBPM (StutterStutter n m) (StutterStutterAlgebra n m)

-- The Mini monad --

-- | The Mini monad is the minimal list monad, meaning that its join
-- fails (= results in an empty list) for all values except the ones
-- that appear in the unit laws (i.e., a singleton or a list of
-- singletons):
-- @
-- join xss | isSingle xss     = concat xss
--          | all isSingle xss = concat xss
--          | otherwise        = []
-- @
-- For example:
-- >>> join ["HelloThere"] :: Mini Char
-- Mini "HelloThere"
-- >>> join ["Hello", "There"] :: Mini Char
-- Mini ""
-- It does not arise from a subclass of 'PointedMagma' (or any
-- algebraic theory with a finite number of operations for that 
-- matter).
newtype Mini a = Mini { unMini :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance IsString (Mini Char)

instance Applicative Mini where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Mini where
  return x = Mini [x]
  Mini xs >>= f = Mini $ join $ map (unMini . f) xs
    join xss | isSingle xss || all isSingle xss
             = concat xss
             | otherwise
             = []

instance IsList (Mini a) where
  type Item (Mini a) = a
  toList   = unMini
  fromList = Mini

instance ListMonad Mini

-- The Odd monad --

-- | The join of the Odd monad is a concat of the inner lists provided
-- there is an odd number of them, and that all of them are of odd
-- length themselves. Otherwise (modulo cases needed for the unit
-- laws), it returns an empty list.
-- @
-- join xss | isSingle xss               = concat xss
--          | all isSingle xss           = concat xss
--          | odd (length xss)
--             && all (odd . length) xss = concat xss 
--          | otherwise                  = []
-- @
-- For example:
-- >>> join ["Elvis", "Presley"] :: Odd Char
-- Odd ""
-- >>> join ["Elvis", "Aaron", "Presley"] :: Odd Char
-- Odd "ElvisAaronPresley"
-- >>> join ["Roy", "Kelton", "Orbison"] :: Odd Char
-- Odd ""
-- At the moment, it is unclear whether it comes from a finite
-- algebraic theory (or that it is indeed a monad).
newtype Odd a = Odd { unOdd :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance IsString (Odd Char)

instance Applicative Odd where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Odd where
  return x = Odd [x]
  Odd xs >>= f = Odd $ join $ map (unOdd . f) xs
    join xss | isSingle xss || all isSingle xss
             = concat xss
             | odd (length xss) && all (odd . length) xss
             = concat xss
             | otherwise
             = []

instance IsList (Odd a) where
  type Item (Odd a) = a
  toList   = unOdd
  fromList = Odd

instance ListMonad Odd

-- The Short Stutter-Keeper monad --

-- | This monad works just like the 'StutterKeeper' monad but it takes
-- a prefix of the result of join of length @p+2@ (unless the unit
-- laws say otherwise). Thus, its join is defined as follows (omitting
-- the conversion of the type-level 'Nat' @p@ to a run-time value):
-- @
-- join xss | isSingle xss     = concat xss
--          | all isSingle xss = concat xss
--          | otherwise        = take (p + 2) $ toList
--                                 ((Control.Monad.join $ StutterKeeper $ fmap StutterKeeper xss)
--                                   :: StutterKeeper n _)
-- @
-- For example:
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "buckle", "my", "shoe"] :: ShortStutterKeeper 5 2 Char
-- ShortStutterKeeper "12bu"
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "buckle"] :: ShortStutterKeeper 5 2 Char
-- ShortStutterKeeper "12bu"
-- >>> join ["1", "2", "", "my", "shoe"] :: ShortStutterKeeper 5 2 Char
-- ShortStutterKeeper "1222"
-- Compare the 'Control.Monad.List.NonEmpty.Exotic.ShortFront' monad
-- on non-empty lists.
newtype ShortStutterKeeper (n :: Nat) (p :: Nat) a =
  ShortStutterKeeper { unShortStutterKeeper :: [a] }
 deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat p) => IsString (ShortStutterKeeper n p Char)

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat p) => Applicative (ShortStutterKeeper n p) where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat p) => Monad (ShortStutterKeeper n p) where
  return x = ShortStutterKeeper [x]
  ShortStutterKeeper xs >>= f = ShortStutterKeeper $ join $ map (unShortStutterKeeper . f) xs
   where join xss | isSingle xss = concat xss
                  | all isSingle xss = concat xss
                  | otherwise
                  = let p = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy p)
                    in  take (p + 2) $ toList
                        ((Control.Monad.join $ StutterKeeper $ fmap StutterKeeper xss)
                          :: StutterKeeper n _)

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat p) => IsList (ShortStutterKeeper n p a) where
  type Item (ShortStutterKeeper n p a) = a
  toList   = unShortStutterKeeper
  fromList = ShortStutterKeeper

instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat p) => ListMonad (ShortStutterKeeper n p)