{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- | Coroutines implemented with extensible effects
module Control.Eff.Coroutine( Yield (..)
                            , withCoroutine
                            , yield
                            , runC
                            , Y (..)
                            ) where

import Control.Eff
import Control.Eff.Extend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Co-routines
-- The interface is intentionally chosen to be the same as in transf.hs
-- | The yield request: reporting a value of type e and suspending
-- the coroutine. Resuming with the value of type b
data Yield a b v where
  Yield :: a -> Yield a b b

-- | Yield a value of type a and suspend the coroutine.
yield :: (Member (Yield a b) r) => a -> Eff r b
yield x = send (Yield x)

-- | Status of a thread: done or reporting the value of the type a
--   (For simplicity, a co-routine reports a value but accepts unit)
--   Type parameter @r@ is the effect we're yielding from.
--   Type parameter @a@ is the type that is yielded.
--   Type parameter @w@ is the type of the value returned from the
--   coroutine when it has completed.
data Y r w a = Y (w -> Eff r (Y r w a)) a
             | Done

-- | Return a pure value
withCoroutine :: Monad m => b -> m (Y r w a)
withCoroutine = const $ return Done
-- | Given a continuation and a request, respond to it
instance Handle (Yield a b) (Eff r (Y r b a)) where
  handle k (Yield a) = return $ Y k a

-- | Launch a thread and report its status
runC :: Eff (Yield a b ': r) w -> Eff r (Y r b a)
runC = handle_relay withCoroutine