{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, QuantifiedConstraints #-}
-- | Types and functions for type-safe(er) interaction between processes.
-- All messages sent between processes are eventually converted to 'Dynamic' values
-- which carry little type information.
-- A step towards a more controlled and type safe process interaction model is
-- done with the facilities defined in this module.
-- The metaphor for communication is a /stateless protocol/ that describes the
-- messages handled by a process.
-- A /protocol/ is represented by a custom data type, often a /phantom/ type,
-- which is then used to form specific instances of type classes data/type families,
-- to determine the messages, the replies, the servers and clients, associated with
-- specific task, that needs to be executed concurrently.
-- This module contains a mechanism to specify what kind of messages (aka
-- /requests/) an 'Endpoint' can handle.
-- The Endpoint wraps a 'ProcessId' and carries the protocol phantom-type, to indicate the messages
-- that a process repsonds to.
-- The associated data type 'Pdu' defines the messages or /requests/ along
-- with the corresponding responses.
-- Request handling can be either blocking, if a response is required, or
-- non-blocking.
-- A process can /serve/ a specific protocol by using the functions provided by
-- the "Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol.EffectfulServer" and
-- "Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol.EffectfulServer" modules.
-- To enable a process to use such a /service/, the functions provided in
-- "Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol.Client" should be used.
module Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol
  ( HasPdu(..)
  , deserializePdu
  , Embeds
  , Pdu(..)
  , Synchronicity(..)
  , ProtocolReply
  , Tangible
  , TangiblePdu
  , Endpoint(..)
  , fromEndpoint
  , proxyAsEndpoint
  , asEndpoint
  , HasPduPrism(..)
  , toEmbeddedEndpoint
  , fromEmbeddedEndpoint

import           Control.Eff.Concurrent.Misc
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Eff.Concurrent.Process
import           Control.Lens
import           Data.Dynamic
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.Typeable ()
import           Data.Type.Pretty
import           Type.Reflection

-- | A server process for /protocol/.
-- Protocols are represented by phantom types, which are used in different places to
-- index type families and type class instances.
-- A 'Process' can send and receive any messages. An 'Endpoint'
-- wraps around a 'ProcessId' and carries a phantom type to indicate
-- the kinds of messages accepted by the process.
-- As a metaphor, communication between processes can be thought of waiting for
-- and sending __protocol data units__ belonging to some protocol.
newtype Endpoint protocol = Endpoint { _fromEndpoint :: ProcessId }
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable, NFData)

instance Typeable protocol => Show (Endpoint protocol) where
  showsPrec d (Endpoint c) =
    showParen (d>=10)
    (showSTypeRep (SomeTypeRep (typeRep @protocol)) . showsPrec 10 c)

-- | This type class and the associated data family defines the
-- __protocol data units__ (PDU) of a /protocol/.
-- A Protocol in the sense of a communication interface description
-- between processes.
-- The first parameter is usually a user defined type that identifies the
-- protocol that uses the 'Pdu's are. It maybe a /phantom/ type.
-- The second parameter specifies if a specific constructor of an (GADT-like)
-- @Pdu@ instance is 'Synchronous', i.e. returns a result and blocks the caller
-- or if it is 'Asynchronous'
-- Example:
-- >
-- > data BookShop deriving Typeable
-- >
-- > instance Typeable r => HasPdu BookShop r where
-- >   data instance Pdu BookShop r where
-- >     RentBook  :: BookId   -> Pdu BookShop ('Synchronous (Either RentalError RentalId))
-- >     BringBack :: RentalId -> Pdu BookShop 'Asynchronous
-- >     deriving Typeable
-- >
-- > type BookId = Int
-- > type RentalId = Int
-- > type RentalError = String
-- >
-- @since 0.25.1
class (Typeable protocol) =>
   HasPdu (protocol :: Type) where
  -- | A type level list Protocol phantom types included in the associated 'Pdu' instance.
  -- This is just a helper for better compiler error messages.
  -- It relies on 'Embeds' to add the constraint 'HasPduPrism'.
  -- @since 0.29.0
  type family EmbeddedPduList protocol :: [Type]
  type instance EmbeddedPduList protocol = '[]

  -- | The __protocol data unit__ type for the given protocol.
  data family Pdu protocol (reply :: Synchronicity)

-- | Deserialize a 'Pdu' from a 'Dynamic' i.e. from a message received by a process.
-- @since 0.25.1
deserializePdu :: (Typeable (Pdu protocol reply)) => Dynamic -> Maybe (Pdu protocol reply)
deserializePdu = fromDynamic

-- | A constraint that requires that the @outer@ 'Pdu' has a clause to
-- embed values from the @inner@ 'Pdu'.
-- Also, this constraint requires a 'HasPduPrism' instance, as a proof for
-- a possible conversion
-- of an embedded 'Pdu' value into to the enclosing 'Pdu'.
-- This generates better compiler error messages, when an embedding of a 'Pdu'
-- into another.
-- This is provided by 'HasPdu' instances. The instances are required to
-- provide a list of embedded 'Pdu' values in 'EmbeddedPduList'.
-- Note that every type embeds itself, so @Embeds x x@ always holds.
-- @since 0.29.0
type Embeds outer inner = (HasPduPrism outer inner, CheckEmbeds outer inner)

-- ---------- Type Machinery:
type family CheckEmbeds outer inner :: Constraint where
  CheckEmbeds outer outer = ()
  CheckEmbeds outer inner =
      (EmbeddedPduList outer)
      (EmbeddedPduList outer)
    ~ 'IsEmbeddedProtocol

data IsEmbeddedProtocol k  = IsEmbeddedProtocol | IsNotAnEmbeddedProtocol k [k]

type family IsProtocolOneOf (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) (orig :: [k]) :: IsEmbeddedProtocol k where
  IsProtocolOneOf x '[] orig = 'IsNotAnEmbeddedProtocol x orig
  IsProtocolOneOf x (x ': xs) orig = 'IsEmbeddedProtocol
  IsProtocolOneOf x (y ': xs) orig = IsProtocolOneOf x xs orig

-- --------------------------

type instance ToPretty (Pdu x y) =
  PrettySurrounded (PutStr "<") (PutStr ">") ("protocol" <:> ToPretty x <+> ToPretty y)

-- | A set of constraints for types that can evaluated via 'NFData', compared via 'Ord' and presented
-- dynamically via 'Typeable', and represented both as values
-- via 'Show'.
-- @since 0.23.0
type Tangible i =
  ( NFData i
  , Typeable i
  , Show i

-- | A 'Constraint' that bundles the requirements for the
-- 'Pdu' values of a protocol.
-- This ensures that 'Pdu's can be strictly and deeply evaluated and shown
-- such that for example logging is possible.
-- @since 0.24.0
type TangiblePdu p r =
  ( Typeable p
  , Typeable r
  , Tangible (Pdu p r)
  , HasPdu p

-- | The (promoted) constructors of this type specify (at the type level) the
-- reply behavior of a specific constructor of an @Pdu@ instance.
data Synchronicity =
  Synchronous Type -- ^ Specify that handling a request is a blocking operation
                   -- with a specific return type, e.g. @('Synchronous (Either
                   -- RentalError RentalId))@
  | Asynchronous -- ^ Non-blocking, asynchronous, request handling
    deriving Typeable

-- | This type function takes an 'Pdu' and analysis the reply type, i.e. the 'Synchronicity'
-- and evaluates to either @t@ for an
-- @Pdu x ('Synchronous' t)@ or to '()' for an @Pdu x 'Asynchronous'@.
-- @since 0.24.0
type family ProtocolReply (s :: Synchronicity) where
  ProtocolReply ('Synchronous t) = t
  ProtocolReply 'Asynchronous = ()

type instance ToPretty (Endpoint a) = ToPretty a <+> PutStr "endpoint"

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2) => HasPdu (a1, a2) where
  type instance EmbeddedPduList (a1, a2) = '[a1, a2]
  data instance Pdu (a1, a2) r where
          ToPduLeft :: Pdu a1 r -> Pdu (a1, a2) r
          ToPduRight :: Pdu a2 r -> Pdu (a1, a2) r

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3) => HasPdu (a1, a2, a3) where
  type instance EmbeddedPduList (a1, a2, a3) = '[a1, a2, a3]
  data instance Pdu (a1, a2, a3) r where
    ToPdu1 :: Pdu a1 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3) r
    ToPdu2 :: Pdu a2 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3) r
    ToPdu3 :: Pdu a3 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3) r

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4) => HasPdu (a1, a2, a3, a4) where
  type instance EmbeddedPduList (a1, a2, a3, a4) = '[a1, a2, a3, a4]
  data instance Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4) r where
    ToPdu1Of4 :: Pdu a1 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4) r
    ToPdu2Of4 :: Pdu a2 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4) r
    ToPdu3Of4 :: Pdu a3 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4) r
    ToPdu4Of4 :: Pdu a4 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4) r

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4, HasPdu a5) => HasPdu (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) where
  type instance EmbeddedPduList (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) = '[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]
  data instance Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) r where
    ToPdu1Of5 :: Pdu a1 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) r
    ToPdu2Of5 :: Pdu a2 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) r
    ToPdu3Of5 :: Pdu a3 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) r
    ToPdu4Of5 :: Pdu a4 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) r
    ToPdu5Of5 :: Pdu a5 r -> Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) r

-- | Tag a 'ProcessId' with an 'Pdu' type index to mark it a 'Endpoint' process
-- handling that API
proxyAsEndpoint :: proxy protocol -> ProcessId -> Endpoint protocol
proxyAsEndpoint = const Endpoint

-- | Tag a 'ProcessId' with an 'Pdu' type index to mark it a 'Endpoint' process
-- handling that API
asEndpoint :: forall protocol . ProcessId -> Endpoint protocol
asEndpoint = Endpoint

-- | A class for 'Pdu' instances that embed other 'Pdu'.
-- This is a part of 'Embeds' provide instances for your
-- 'Pdu's but in client code use the 'Embeds' constraint.
-- Instances of this class serve as proof to 'Embeds' that
-- a conversion into another 'Pdu' actually exists.
-- A 'Prism' for the embedded 'Pdu' is the center of this class
-- Laws: @embeddedPdu = prism' embedPdu fromPdu@
-- @since 0.29.0
 (Typeable protocol, Typeable embeddedProtocol)
  => HasPduPrism protocol embeddedProtocol where

  -- | A 'Prism' for the embedded 'Pdu's.
    :: forall (result :: Synchronicity)
    . Prism' (Pdu protocol result) (Pdu embeddedProtocol result)
  embeddedPdu = prism' embedPdu fromPdu

  -- | Embed the 'Pdu' value of an embedded protocol into the corresponding
  --  'Pdu' value.
    :: forall (result :: Synchronicity)
    . Pdu embeddedProtocol result -> Pdu protocol result
  embedPdu = review embeddedPdu
  -- | Examine a 'Pdu' value from the outer protocol, and return it, if it embeds a 'Pdu' of
  -- embedded protocol, otherwise return 'Nothing'/
    :: forall (result :: Synchronicity)
    . Pdu protocol result -> Maybe (Pdu embeddedProtocol result)
  fromPdu = preview embeddedPdu

-- | Convert an 'Endpoint' to an endpoint for an embedded protocol.
-- See 'Embeds', 'fromEmbeddedEndpoint'.
-- @since 0.25.1
toEmbeddedEndpoint :: forall inner outer . Embeds outer inner => Endpoint outer -> Endpoint inner
toEmbeddedEndpoint (Endpoint e) = Endpoint e

-- | Convert an 'Endpoint' to an endpoint for a server, that embeds the protocol.
-- See 'Embeds', 'toEmbeddedEndpoint'.
-- @since 0.25.1
fromEmbeddedEndpoint ::  forall outer inner . HasPduPrism outer inner => Endpoint inner -> Endpoint outer
fromEmbeddedEndpoint (Endpoint e) = Endpoint e

instance (Typeable a) => HasPduPrism a a where
  embeddedPdu = prism' id Just
  embedPdu = id
  fromPdu = Just

instance (Typeable a1, Typeable a2) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2) a1 where
  embedPdu = ToPduLeft
  fromPdu (ToPduLeft l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (Typeable a1, Typeable a2) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2) a2 where
  embeddedPdu =
    prism' ToPduRight $ \case
      ToPduRight r -> Just r
      ToPduLeft _ -> Nothing

instance (Typeable a1, Typeable a2, Typeable a3) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3) a1 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu1
  fromPdu (ToPdu1 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (Typeable a1, Typeable a2, Typeable a3) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3) a2 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu2
  fromPdu (ToPdu2 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (Typeable a1, Typeable a2, Typeable a3) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3) a3 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu3
  fromPdu (ToPdu3 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (NFData (Pdu a1 r), NFData (Pdu a2 r)) => NFData (Pdu (a1, a2) r) where
  rnf (ToPduLeft x) = rnf x
  rnf (ToPduRight y) = rnf y

instance (Show (Pdu a1 r), Show (Pdu a2 r)) => Show (Pdu (a1, a2) r) where
  showsPrec d (ToPduLeft x) = showsPrec d x
  showsPrec d (ToPduRight y) = showsPrec d y

instance (NFData (Pdu a1 r), NFData (Pdu a2 r), NFData (Pdu a3 r)) => NFData (Pdu (a1, a2, a3) r) where
  rnf (ToPdu1 x) = rnf x
  rnf (ToPdu2 y) = rnf y
  rnf (ToPdu3 z) = rnf z

instance (Show (Pdu a1 r), Show (Pdu a2 r), Show (Pdu a3 r)) => Show (Pdu (a1, a2, a3) r) where
  showsPrec d (ToPdu1 x) = showsPrec d x
  showsPrec d (ToPdu2 y) = showsPrec d y
  showsPrec d (ToPdu3 z) = showsPrec d z

instance (NFData (Pdu a1 r), NFData (Pdu a2 r), NFData (Pdu a3 r), NFData (Pdu a4 r)) => NFData (Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4) r) where
  rnf (ToPdu1Of4 x) = rnf x
  rnf (ToPdu2Of4 y) = rnf y
  rnf (ToPdu3Of4 z) = rnf z
  rnf (ToPdu4Of4 w) = rnf w

instance (Show (Pdu a1 r), Show (Pdu a2 r), Show (Pdu a3 r), Show (Pdu a4 r)) => Show (Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4) r) where
  showsPrec d (ToPdu1Of4 x) = showsPrec d x
  showsPrec d (ToPdu2Of4 y) = showsPrec d y
  showsPrec d (ToPdu3Of4 z) = showsPrec d z
  showsPrec d (ToPdu4Of4 w) = showsPrec d w

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3, a4) a1 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu1Of4
  fromPdu (ToPdu1Of4 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3, a4) a2 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu2Of4
  fromPdu (ToPdu2Of4 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3, a4) a3 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu3Of4
  fromPdu (ToPdu3Of4 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3, a4) a4 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu4Of4
  fromPdu (ToPdu4Of4 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (Typeable r, NFData (Pdu a1 r), NFData (Pdu a2 r), NFData (Pdu a3 r), NFData (Pdu a4 r), NFData (Pdu a5 r)) => NFData (Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) r) where
  rnf (ToPdu1Of5 x) = rnf x
  rnf (ToPdu2Of5 y) = rnf y
  rnf (ToPdu3Of5 z) = rnf z
  rnf (ToPdu4Of5 w) = rnf w
  rnf (ToPdu5Of5 w) = rnf w

instance (Show (Pdu a1 r), Show (Pdu a2 r), Show (Pdu a3 r), Show (Pdu a4 r), Show (Pdu a5 r)) => Show (Pdu (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) r) where
  showsPrec d (ToPdu1Of5 x) = showsPrec d x
  showsPrec d (ToPdu2Of5 y) = showsPrec d y
  showsPrec d (ToPdu3Of5 z) = showsPrec d z
  showsPrec d (ToPdu4Of5 w) = showsPrec d w
  showsPrec d (ToPdu5Of5 v) = showsPrec d v

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4, HasPdu a5) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) a1 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu1Of5
  fromPdu (ToPdu1Of5 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4, HasPdu a5) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) a2 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu2Of5
  fromPdu (ToPdu2Of5 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4, HasPdu a5) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) a3 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu3Of5
  fromPdu (ToPdu3Of5 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4, HasPdu a5) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) a4 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu4Of5
  fromPdu (ToPdu4Of5 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

instance (HasPdu a1, HasPdu a2, HasPdu a3, HasPdu a4, HasPdu a5) => HasPduPrism (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) a5 where
  embedPdu = ToPdu5Of5
  fromPdu (ToPdu5Of5 l) = Just l
  fromPdu _ = Nothing

makeLenses ''Endpoint