-- | Internal module containing internal helpers that didn't
-- make it into their own library.
module Control.Eff.Concurrent.Misc
  ( showSTypeRepPrec
  , showSTypeRep
  , showSTypeable
  , showSPrecTypeable

import           Data.Dynamic
import           Data.Typeable ()
import           Type.Reflection

-- | Render a 'Typeable' to a 'ShowS'.
-- @since 0.28.0
showSTypeable :: forall message . Typeable message => ShowS
showSTypeable = showSTypeRep (SomeTypeRep (typeRep @message))

-- | Render a 'Typeable' to a 'ShowS' with a precedence parameter.
-- @since 0.28.0
showSPrecTypeable :: forall message . Typeable message => Int -> ShowS
showSPrecTypeable d = showSTypeRepPrec d (SomeTypeRep (typeRep @message))

-- | This is equivalent to @'showSTypeRepPrec' 0@
-- @since 0.24.0
showSTypeRep :: SomeTypeRep -> ShowS
showSTypeRep = showSTypeRepPrec 0

-- | An internal utility to print 'Typeable' without the kinds.
-- This is like 'showsPrec' in that it accepts a /precedence/ parameter,
-- and the result is in parentheses when the precedence is higher than 9.
-- @since 0.24.0
showSTypeRepPrec :: Int -> SomeTypeRep -> ShowS
showSTypeRepPrec _d (SomeTypeRep tr) =
      (con, conArgs) = splitApps tr

      renderArgs =
        foldr1 (\f acc -> showString ", " . f . acc)
               (showSTypeRepPrec 10 <$> conArgs)

   in  showString (tyConName con) .
          if not (null conArgs) then
                showChar '<'
              . renderArgs
              . showChar '>'
          else id