{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

-- | Provides the 'TeamMember' type; note that this has an additional field
-- compared to the 'User' type, 'isTeamCaptain' and lacks much of the context
-- provided by the 'User' type.
-- Generally instantiated by 'Web.ExtraLife.API.teamMembers' (returned as a List)
module Web.ExtraLife.TeamMember where

import Prelude
import Data.Time    as Time
import Data.Text             ( Text )
import GHC.Generics          ( Generic )

import Data.Aeson   as Aeson

-- | Represents a single member of a given team
data TeamMember =
    TeamMember { displayName     :: !Text
               , fundraisingGoal :: Float
               , participantID   :: Int
               , teamName        :: Text
               , eventName       :: Text
               , avatarImageURL  :: !String
               , createdDateUTC  :: !Time.UTCTime
               , sumDonations    :: Float
               , teamID          :: Int
               , isTeamCaptain   :: Bool
               , numDonations    :: Int
               } deriving ( Show, Generic )
instance FromJSON TeamMember
instance ToJSON TeamMember