{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}

module Faker
    -- * Types
  , FakerSettings
  , FakerException(..)
  , defaultFakerSettings
    -- * Setters
  , setLocale
  , setRandomGen
  , setDeterministic
  , setNonDeterministic
    -- * Getters
  , getRandomGen
  , getLocale
  , getDeterministic
    -- * Generators
  , generate
  , generateWithSettings
  ) where

import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable
import System.Random (StdGen, mkStdGen, newStdGen, split)

data FakerSettings = FakerSettings
  { fslocale :: Text -- ^ Locale settings for your fake data source.
  , fsrandomGen :: StdGen -- ^ Standard random generator
  , fsDeterministic :: Bool -- ^ Controls whether you want
                            -- deterministic out. This overrides
                            -- fsrandomGen.
  } deriving (Show)

data FakerException
  = InvalidLocale String -- ^ This is thrown when it is not able to
                         -- find the fake data source for your
                         -- localization.
  | InvalidField String Text -- ^ The 'String' represents the field is
                             -- trying to resolve and the 'Text' field
                             -- is something you passed on.
  | NoDataFound FakerSettings -- ^ This is thrown when you have no
                              -- data. This may likely happen for
                              -- locales other than `en`.
  deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Exception FakerException

-- | Default faker settings with locale of \"en\" and Deterministic output.
defaultFakerSettings :: FakerSettings
defaultFakerSettings =
    {fslocale = "en", fsrandomGen = (mkStdGen 10000), fsDeterministic = True}

-- | Sets the locale. Note that for any other locale apart from
-- \"en\", you need to make sure that the data is acutally present. In
-- case no data is found, 'NoDataFound' exception will be thrown. You
-- can check the presence of the data in a particular locale by
-- inspecting the `yml` file of the corresponding locale. The file
-- would be bundled along with the particular Hackage release.
setLocale :: Text -> FakerSettings -> FakerSettings
setLocale localeTxt fs = fs {fslocale = localeTxt}

-- | Sets the random generator
setRandomGen :: StdGen -> FakerSettings -> FakerSettings
setRandomGen gen fs = fs {fsrandomGen = gen}

-- | Get the random generator
getRandomGen :: FakerSettings -> StdGen
getRandomGen settings = fsrandomGen settings

-- | Get the Locale settings for your fake data source
getLocale :: FakerSettings -> Text
getLocale FakerSettings {..} = fslocale

-- | Set the output of fakedata to be deterministic. With this you
-- will get the same ouput for the functions every time.
-- @
-- λ> import qualified Faker.Name as FN
-- λ> :t FN.name
-- FN.name :: Fake Text
-- λ> generateWithSettings (setDeterministic defaultFakerSettings) FN.name
-- "Antony Langosh"
-- λ> generateWithSettings (setDeterministic defaultFakerSettings) FN.name
-- "Antony Langosh"
-- @

setDeterministic :: FakerSettings -> FakerSettings
setDeterministic fs = fs {fsDeterministic = True}

-- | Set the output of fakedata to be non deterministic. With this you
-- will get different ouput for the fake functions.
-- @
-- λ> generateWithSettings (setNonDeterministic defaultFakerSettings) FN.name
-- "Macy Shanahan"
-- λ> generateWithSettings (setNonDeterministic defaultFakerSettings) FN.name
-- "Rudy Dickinson II"
-- @

setNonDeterministic :: FakerSettings -> FakerSettings
setNonDeterministic fs = fs {fsDeterministic = False}

-- | Check if the fake data output is deterministic or not. A True
-- value indicates that it is deterministic.
getDeterministic :: FakerSettings -> Bool
getDeterministic FakerSettings {..} = fsDeterministic

-- | Fake data type. This is the type you will be using to produce
-- fake values.
newtype Fake a = Fake
  { unFake :: FakerSettings -> IO a

instance Functor Fake where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Fake a -> Fake b
  fmap f (Fake h) =
      (\r -> do
         a <- h r
         let b = f a
         pure b)

instance Applicative Fake where
  pure x = Fake (\_ -> pure x)
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Fake where
  return :: a -> Fake a
  return x = Fake (\_ -> return x)
  (>>=) :: Fake a -> (a -> Fake b) -> Fake b
  (Fake h) >>= k =
      (\settings ->
         let stdGen = getRandomGen settings
             (r1, _) = split stdGen
             m = do
               (item :: a) <- h settings
               let (Fake k1) = k item
               k1 (setRandomGen r1 settings)
          in m)

instance MonadIO Fake where
  liftIO :: IO a -> Fake a
  liftIO xs = Fake (\_ -> xs >>= pure)

-- | Generate fake value with 'defaultFakerSettings'
-- @
-- λ> import qualified Faker.Name as FN
-- λ> generate FN.name
-- "Antony Langosh"
-- @
generate :: Fake a -> IO a
generate (Fake f) = f defaultFakerSettings

-- | Generate fake value with supplied 'FakerSettings'
-- @
-- λ> generateWithSettings defaultFakerSettings FN.name
-- "Antony Langosh"
-- @
generateWithSettings :: FakerSettings -> Fake a -> IO a
generateWithSettings settings (Fake f) = do
  let deterministic = getDeterministic settings
  stdGen <-
    if deterministic
      then pure $ getRandomGen settings
      else newStdGen
  let newSettings = setRandomGen stdGen settings
  f newSettings