falsify-0.1.0: Property-based testing with internal integrated shrinking
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Support for falsify in the tasty framework

As is customary, this also re-exports parts of the falsify API, but not modules such as Test.Falsify.Range that are intended to be imported qualified.


Test property

testProperty :: TestName -> Property' String () -> TestTree Source #

Generalization of testPropertyWith using default options

Configure test behaviour

data TestOptions Source #





Instances details
Default TestOptions Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Falsify.Internal.Driver.Tasty


def :: TestOptions #

data Verbose Source #

Verbose output

Note that if a test fails (and we were not expecting failure) we show the logs independent of verbosity.



data ExpectFailure Source #

Do we expect the property to fail?

If ExpectFailure, the test will fail if the property does not fail. Note that if we expect failure for a property, then we can stop at the first failed test; the number of tests to run for the property becomes a maximum rather than a goal.



data Gen a Source #

Generator of a random value

Generators can be combined through their Functor, Applicative and Monad interfaces. The primitive generator is prim, but most users will probably want to construct their generators using the predefined from Test.Falsify.Generator as building blocks.

Generators support "internal integrated shrinking". Shrinking is integrated in the sense of Hedgehog, meaning that we don't write a separate shrinker at all, but the shrink behaviour is implied by the generator. For example, if you have a generator genList for a list of numbers, then

filter even <$> genList

will only generate even numbers, and that property is automatically preserved during shrinking. Shrinking is internal in the sense of Hypothesis, meaning that unlike in Hedgehog, shrinking works correctly even in the context of monadic bind. For example, if you do

do n <- genListLength
   replicateM n someOtherGen

then we can shrink n and the results from someOtherGen in any order (that said, users may prefer to use the dedicated list generator for this purpose, which improves on this in a few ways).

NOTE: Gen is NOT an instance of Alternative; this would not be compatible with the generation of infinite data structures. For the same reason, we do not have a monad transformer version of Gen either.


Instances details
Applicative Gen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Falsify.Internal.Generator.Definition


pure :: a -> Gen a #

(<*>) :: Gen (a -> b) -> Gen a -> Gen b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen c #

(*>) :: Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen b #

(<*) :: Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen a #

Functor Gen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Falsify.Internal.Generator.Definition


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Gen a -> Gen b #

(<$) :: a -> Gen b -> Gen a #

Monad Gen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Falsify.Internal.Generator.Definition


(>>=) :: Gen a -> (a -> Gen b) -> Gen b #

(>>) :: Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen b #

return :: a -> Gen a #

Selective Gen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Falsify.Internal.Generator.Definition


select :: Gen (Either a b) -> Gen (a -> b) -> Gen b #


pattern Fn :: (a -> b) -> Fun a b Source #

Pattern synonym useful when generating functions of one argument

pattern Fn2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Fun (a, b) c Source #

Pattern synonym useful when generating functions of two arguments

pattern Fn3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Fun (a, b, c) d Source #

Pattern synonym useful when generating functions of three arguments