family-tree- A family tree library for the Haskell programming language.

Safe HaskellNone




This module is for Family Trees.

It uses lenses for the manipulation of people. For the usage of lenses, see Control.Lens

It is reccomended to use Data.Binary to do saving and loading.



Main types

data Person Source

The basic type for a person. Nothing meaning unknown (or otherwise non-existent, for intance a death date for someone still alive) is a convention used throughout this library.

data Family Source

The basic type for a family. Which person is head1 and which is head2 is arbitrary, but try to use a consistent rule

data Event Source

The basic type for an event. For example:

   Event {
     _eventInfo = "Battle of Agincourt"
     _eventDate = fromGregorianValid 1415 10 25
     _eventAttendees = IM.empty

data FamilyTree Source

The core structure of a family tree.

ID types

The various ID types represent an identifier for a person, family, or event. While the constructors are exported, it is probably better to use the various Traversals for manipulation, as they echo the changes around the tree automatically.

Other types

data Location Source

The Location type. Either a coordinate or a placename.

data Relationship Source

The Relationship type. Marriage is the default for similarity to GEDCOM.


Other Text 



newTree :: Text -> FamilyTreeSource

Creates a new tree with a given name.

addPerson :: FamilyTree -> (PersonID, FamilyTree)Source

Adds a person with minimal information, returning the updated family tree and the ID of the new person.

addFamily :: FamilyTree -> (FamilyID, FamilyTree)Source

Adds a family with minimal information, returning the updated family tree and the ID of the new family.

addEvent :: FamilyTree -> (EventID, FamilyTree)Source

Adds an event with minimal information, returning the updated family tree and the ID of the new event.


traversePerson :: PersonID -> IndexedTraversal' PersonID FamilyTree PersonSource

Constructs a Traversal for the manipulation of a person in a family tree, from that person's ID.

traverseFamily :: FamilyID -> IndexedTraversal' FamilyID FamilyTree FamilySource

Constructs a Traversal for the manipulation of a family in a family tree, from that family's ID.

traverseEvent :: EventID -> IndexedTraversal' EventID FamilyTree EventSource

Constructs a Traversal for the manipulation of an event in a family tree, from that event's ID.


deletePerson :: PersonID -> FamilyTree -> FamilyTreeSource

Deletes a person from the family tree, removing all references to them.

deleteFamily :: FamilyID -> FamilyTree -> FamilyTreeSource

Deletes a family from the family tree, removing all references to it.

deleteEvent :: EventID -> FamilyTree -> FamilyTreeSource

Deletes an event from the family tree, removing all references to it.

Utility functions