flickr-0.3.3: Haskell binding to the Flickr API

MaintainerSigbjorn Finne <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Infered


Description API, searching, managing and access a user's photos.



addTags :: PhotoID -> [Tag] -> FM ()Source

Add tags to a photo.

delete :: PhotoID -> FM ()Source

Delete a photo from flickr.

getAllContexts :: PhotoID -> FM ([Photoset], [PhotoPool])Source

Returns all visible sets and pools the photo belongs to.

getContactsPhotos :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool -> [PhotoInfo] -> FM [Photo]Source

Fetch a list of recent photos from the calling users' contacts.

getContactsPublicPhotos :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool -> [PhotoInfo] -> FM [Photo]Source

Fetch a list of recent public photos from a users' contacts.

getContext :: PhotoID -> FM (Photo, Photo)Source

Fetch a list of recent photos from the calling users' contacts.

getCounts :: [DateString] -> [DateString] -> FM [PhotoCount]Source

Gets a list of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user.

getExif :: PhotoID -> Maybe String -> FM [EXIF]Source

Retrieves a list of EXIFTIFFGPS tags for a given photo. The calling user must have permission to view the photo.

getFavorites :: PhotoID -> FM [(User, Date)]Source

Returns the list of people who have favorited a given photo.

getInfo :: PhotoID -> Maybe String -> FM PhotoDetailsSource

Get information about a photo. The calling user must have permission to view the photo.

getNotInSet :: Maybe DateInterval -> Maybe DateInterval -> Maybe Privacy -> Maybe MediaType -> [PhotoInfo] -> FM [Photo]Source

Returns a list of your photos that are not part of any sets.

getPerms :: PhotoID -> FM PermissionsSource

Get permissions for a photo.

getRecent :: [PhotoInfo] -> FM [Photo]Source

Returns a list of the latest public photos uploaded to flickr.

getSizes :: PhotoID -> FM [SizeDetails]Source

Returns the available sizes for a photo. The calling user must have permission to view the photo.

getUntagged :: Maybe DateInterval -> Maybe DateInterval -> Maybe Privacy -> Maybe MediaType -> [PhotoInfo] -> FM [Photo]Source

Returns a list of your photos with no tags.

getWithGeoData :: Maybe DateInterval -> Maybe DateInterval -> Maybe Privacy -> Maybe SortKey -> Maybe MediaType -> [PhotoInfo] -> FM [Photo]Source

Returns a list of your geo-tagged photos.

getWithoutGeoData :: Maybe DateInterval -> Maybe DateInterval -> Maybe Privacy -> Maybe SortKey -> Maybe MediaType -> [PhotoInfo] -> FM [Photo]Source

Returns a list of your photos which haven't been geo-tagged.

recentlyUpdated :: DateString -> [PhotoInfo] -> FM (PhotoContext, [Photo])Source

Return a list of your photos that have been recently created or which have been recently modified. Recently modified may mean that the photo's metadata (title, description, tags) may have been changed or a comment has been added (or just modified somehow :-)

removeTag :: Tag -> FM ()Source

Remove a tag from a photo.

search :: Maybe UserID -> SearchConstraints -> [PhotoInfo] -> FM (PhotoContext, [Photo])Source

Return a list of photos matching some criteria. Only photos visible to the calling user will be returned. To return private or semi-private photos, the caller must be authenticated with read permissions, and have permission to view the photos. Unauthenticated calls will only return public photos.

setContentType :: PhotoID -> ContentType -> FM ()Source

Set the content type of a photo.

setDates :: PhotoID -> Maybe DateString -> Maybe DateString -> Maybe DateGranularity -> FM ()Source

Set one or both of the dates for a photo.

setMeta :: PhotoID -> Title -> Description -> FM ()Source

Set the meta information for a photo.

setPerms :: PhotoID -> Permissions -> FM ()Source

Set permissions for a photo.

setSafetyLevel :: PhotoID -> Maybe Safety -> Maybe Bool -> FM ()Source

Set the safety level of a photo.

setTags :: PhotoID -> [Tag] -> FM ()Source

Set the tags for a photo.

getPhotoURL :: PhotoDetails -> URLStringSource

locate the URL for the photo..local, non-Flickr, helper function. Returns '<unknown>' if cannot be located.