{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, RecursiveDo, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.ColorChooser

    -- * Drawing routines
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Fixed
import Data.IORef
import Data.Ratio
import Data.STRef
import Foreign.C.Types
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Fl_Enumerations as Enumerations
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Fl_Types
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Common
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Dial
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Menu
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Slider
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Window
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Group
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Button
import Numeric
import Text.Printf as Printf
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BChar
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as DVS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as DVSM
import qualified Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.FL as FL
import qualified Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.FLTKHS as LowLevel
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Assets

-- | Bounds of the color chooser subcomponents
data ColorChooserComponentBounds =
    colorChooserHueBoxBounds :: Rectangle -- ^ The bounds of the hue box
  , colorChooserSliderBounds :: Rectangle -- ^ The bounds of the saturation slider
  , colorChooserPreviewPaneBounds :: Rectangle -- ^ The bounds of the byte\/hex\/decimal color readout and color swatch preview pane.
  } deriving Show

-- | Layout of color chooser subcomponents
data ColorChooserComponentLayout =
    paddingWidthPercentage :: Double -- ^ Left\/right padding
  , paddingHeightPercentage :: Double -- ^ Top\/bottom padding
  , betweenPaddingPercent :: Double -- ^ % of color chooser width to set as padding /between/ subcomponents
  , hueBoxWidthPercentage :: Double -- ^ % of color chooser width dedicated to the hue box
  , sliderWidthPercentage :: Double -- ^ % of color chooser width dedicated to the saturation slider
  , hueBoxHandleRadius :: Double -- ^ Radius of the indicator you drag around the hue box to change color
  , previewPanePercentage :: Double -- ^ % of color chooser width dedicated to the preview pane
  } deriving Show

-- | The state of color chooser, passed around as in 'IORef' and updated in callbacks, etc.
data ColorChooserState =
    colorChooserValue :: Between0And1
  , colorChooserR :: Between0And1
  , colorChooserG :: Between0And1
  , colorChooserB :: Between0And1
  , colorChooserHue :: Between0And6
  , colorChooserSaturation :: Between0And1
  , colorChooserHueImage :: Ref LowLevel.RGBImage
  , colorChooserMode :: ColorChooserMode
  } deriving Show

-- | Max width of the saturation slider if the color chooser is resized
maxSliderWidth :: Width
maxSliderWidth = Width 30

-- | The default layout of color chooser subcomponents
makeColorChooserComponentLayout :: Size -> Width -> Int -> ColorChooserComponentLayout
makeColorChooserComponentLayout (Size (Width w) (Height h)) (Width maxSliderWidth) gaugeHeight =
  let calculatedSliderWidth = 0.15 `percentOf` w
      gaugeStart = gaugeHeight `intDiv` 2
      maxSliderWidthPercentage :: Double
      maxSliderWidthPercentage = (fromIntegral maxSliderWidth) / (fromIntegral w)
      _sliderWidthPercentage :: Double
      _sliderWidthPercentage =
        if calculatedSliderWidth > maxSliderWidth
        then maxSliderWidthPercentage
        else 0.15
      _betweenPaddingPercent = 0.02
      hueBoxHandleRadius =
        let r = (fromIntegral (if (w<h) then w else h))*0.03
        in if (r>(fromIntegral gaugeStart)) then (fromIntegral gaugeStart) else r
      _previewPanePercentage = 0.25
    paddingWidthPercentage = 0.01
  , paddingHeightPercentage = 0.01
  , betweenPaddingPercent = _betweenPaddingPercent
  , hueBoxWidthPercentage = 1.0 - (_betweenPaddingPercent + _sliderWidthPercentage + _previewPanePercentage)
  , sliderWidthPercentage = _sliderWidthPercentage
  , hueBoxHandleRadius = hueBoxHandleRadius
  , previewPanePercentage = _previewPanePercentage

hueBoxHandleSvg :: String
hueBoxHandleSvg =
  "<svg width=\"%f\" height=\"%f\" viewBox=\"%f %f %f %f\" >"
  ++ "<circle cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" r=\"%f\" fill-opacity=\"0.0\" stroke=\"black\" />"
  ++ "</svg>"

-- | Draw the hue box subcomponent in the given 'Box', takes the 'Double'
-- indicator handle radius, the 'Int' slider gauge height so it can align itself
-- with it.
drawHueBox :: Double -> Int -> IORef ColorChooserState -> Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> Ref LowLevel.Box ->IO ()
drawHueBox handleRadius gaugeHeight stateRef c b = do
  state <- readIORef stateRef
  bounds <- LowLevel.getRectangle b
  let hueBox = hueBoxBounds bounds handleRadius gaugeHeight
  color <- commonColor
  let slightlyDarker = Enumerations.colorAverage color blackColor 0.80
  let spec =
            borderBoxHoveringColor = slightlyDarker
          , borderBoxColor = slightlyDarker
          , borderBoxFocusedColor = slightlyDarker
          , borderBoxFillColor = lightBackground
          , borderBoxBounds = hueBox
  let (x',y',w',h') = fromRectangle hueBox
  LowLevel.flcRectfWithColor bounds (borderBoxFillColor spec)
  drawBorderBox b spec True
  iM <- LowLevel.copy (colorChooserHueImage state) (Just (Size (Width (w'-2)) (Height (h'-2))))
    (return ())
    (\i -> do
        LowLevel.draw i (Position (X (x'+1)) (Y (y'+1)))
        LowLevel.destroy i)
  let svg =
       Printf.printf hueBoxHandleSvg
         (handleRadius*2) (handleRadius*2) (-handleRadius) (-handleRadius) (handleRadius*2) (handleRadius*2)
  iE <- LowLevel.svgImageNew ((TE.encodeUtf8 . T.pack) svg)
  case iE of
    Left _ -> throwIO (userError ("drawHueBox: the generated SVG is invalid: \n" ++ svg))
    Right i -> do
      hue <- LowLevel.getHue c
      saturation <- LowLevel.getSaturation c
      case hue of
        Left _ -> throwIO (userError ("drawHueBox: hue out of range, must be between 0 and 6."))
        Right (Between0And6 hue) ->
          case saturation of
            Left _ -> throwIO (userError ("drawHueBox: saturation out of range, must be between 0 and 1."))
            Right (Between0And1 saturation) ->
              let (PrecisePosition (PreciseX xp') (PreciseY yp')) =
                    fromHs (hue, saturation) (PreciseSize (PreciseWidth (fromIntegral w')) (PreciseHeight (fromIntegral h')))
                  pos = (Position (X (x'+(truncate (xp'-handleRadius)))) (Y (y'+(truncate (yp'-handleRadius)))))
              in do
              LowLevel.draw i pos
              LowLevel.destroy i
              LowLevel.drawLabel b Nothing

-- | Calculate the bounds of the hue box based on the overall 'Rectangle'
-- bounds, the 'Double' radius of the indicator circle (half the indicator
-- circle can be outside the box so the center is always within it), and the
-- 'Int' saturation slider height so the hue box can position itself
-- accordingly.
hueBoxBounds :: Rectangle -> Double -> Int -> Rectangle
hueBoxBounds hueBoxOuterRect handleRadius gaugeHeight =
  let (x',y',w',h') = fromRectangle hueBoxOuterRect
        x'+(truncate handleRadius)
      , y'+ (gaugeHeight `intDiv` 2)
      , w'-(truncate (handleRadius*2.0))
      , h'-gaugeHeight

-- | Calculate the overall bounds of all the subcomponents
makeColorChooserComponentBounds :: ColorChooserComponentLayout -> Rectangle -> Int -> ColorChooserComponentBounds
makeColorChooserComponentBounds layout rect gaugeHeight =
  let (x',y',w',h') = fromRectangle rect
      paddingWidth = (paddingWidthPercentage layout) `percentOf` w'
      paddingHeight =  (paddingHeightPercentage layout) `percentOf` h'
      gaugeStart = gaugeHeight `intDiv` 2
      innerRectWidth = w'-(paddingWidth*2)
      innerRectHeight = h'-(paddingHeight*2)
      betweenPadding = (betweenPaddingPercent layout) `percentOf` innerRectWidth
      outerHueBoxWidth = (hueBoxWidthPercentage layout) `percentOf` innerRectWidth
      sliderWidth = (sliderWidthPercentage layout) `percentOf` innerRectWidth
      previewPaneWidth = (previewPanePercentage layout) `percentOf` innerRectWidth
      colorChooserSliderBounds =
        toRectangle (x'+paddingWidth+outerHueBoxWidth,y'+paddingHeight,sliderWidth,innerRectHeight)
    , colorChooserHueBoxBounds =
        toRectangle (x'+paddingWidth,y'+paddingHeight,outerHueBoxWidth,innerRectHeight)
    , colorChooserPreviewPaneBounds =
        toRectangle (x'+paddingWidth+outerHueBoxWidth+sliderWidth+betweenPadding, y'+(if (gaugeStart > paddingHeight) then gaugeStart else paddingHeight), previewPaneWidth, innerRectHeight)

-- | From (hue,saturation) and the size of the hue box calculate corresponding position in the hue box.
fromHs :: (Double,Double) -> PreciseSize -> PrecisePosition
fromHs (hue,saturation) (PreciseSize (PreciseWidth w) (PreciseHeight h)) =
  let x = hue/6.0*w
      y = (1.0-saturation)*h
       (PreciseX (if (x<0) then 0.0 else if (x>w) then w else x))
       (PreciseY (if (y<0) then 0.0 else if (y>h) then h else y)))

-- | Calculate the (hue,saturation) from a point in the hue box
toHs :: PrecisePosition -> (Double,Double)
toHs (PrecisePosition (PreciseX x) (PreciseY y)) =
  let h = 6.0*x `mod'` 6.0
      s = 1.0 - y
      if (h < 0.0)
      then 0.0
      else h
      if (s < 0.0)
      then 0.0
        if (s > 1.0)
        then 1.0
        else s

-- | Generate the hue box image
generateImage :: Size -> IO (Ref LowLevel.RGBImage)
generateImage size@(Size (Width w') (Height h')) =
  let toRgb :: Double -> CUChar
      toRgb v = toEnum (truncate (255*v+0.5))
  in do
    m <- DVSM.replicate (w'*h'*3) ((toEnum 0) :: CUChar)
    mapM_ (\r ->
            let yIncrement :: Double
                yIncrement = (fromIntegral r / (fromIntegral h'))
               (\i ->
                  let offset = (w'*r+i)*3
                      xIncrement :: Double
                      xIncrement = ((fromIntegral i) / (fromIntegral w'))
                      (h,s) = toHs (PrecisePosition (PreciseX xIncrement) (PreciseY yIncrement))
                  in do
                    rgbM <- LowLevel.hsv2Rgb (Between0And6 h, Between0And1 s, Between0And1 1.0)
                    case rgbM of
                      Nothing -> throwIO (userError (Printf.printf "Could not convert hsv (%d,%d,%d) to rgb." h s (1.0 :: Double)))
                      Just (Between0And1 r, Between0And1 g, Between0And1 b) -> do
                        DVSM.write m offset (toRgb r)
                        DVSM.write m (offset+1) (toRgb g)
                        DVSM.write m (offset+2) (toRgb b)
               [0 .. w'-1])
          [0 .. h'-1]
    im <- DVS.unsafeFreeze m
    LowLevel.rgbImageNew im size Nothing Nothing

-- | Generate the background of the saturation slider
generateVImage :: RGB -> Size -> IO (Ref LowLevel.SVGImage)
generateVImage (r',g',b') (Size (Width w') (Height h')) =
  let svgString :: String
      svgString =
        "<svg width=\"" ++ (show w') ++ "\" height=\"" ++ (show h') ++ "\"/>\n" ++
        "<defs>\n" ++
        "<linearGradient id=\"saturationGradient\" x1=\"25\" y1=\"180\" x2=\"25\" >\n" ++
        "<stop offset=\"0\" stop-color=\"black\" />\n" ++
        "<stop offset=\"1\" stop-color=\"" ++ "rgb(" ++ (show r') ++ "," ++ (show g') ++ "," ++ (show b') ++ ")\"/>\n"  ++
        "</linearGradient>\n" ++
        "</defs>\n" ++
        "<rect width=\"" ++ (show w') ++ "\" height=\"" ++ (show h') ++ "\" fill=\"url(#saturationGradient)\"/>\n" ++
  in do
    iE <- LowLevel.svgImageNew (BChar.pack svgString)
    case iE of
      Left _ -> throwIO (userError ("generateVImage': the generated SVG is invalid: \n" ++ svgString))
      Right i -> return i

-- | Handle all events inside the hue box given the 'Double' indicator radius and the 'Int' gauge height.
handleHueBox :: Double -> Int -> Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> Ref LowLevel.Box -> Event -> IO (Either UnknownEvent ())
handleHueBox handleRadius gaugeHeight c b e = do
  rect <- LowLevel.getRectangle b
  (Right (Between0And6 currH)) <- LowLevel.getHue c
  (Right (Between0And1 currS)) <- LowLevel.getSaturation c
  (Right (Between0And1 v)) <- LowLevel.getValue c
  let focusMe = do
        vf <- FL.visibleFocus
        when vf (LowLevel.redraw b)
      hueBoxRect = hueBoxBounds rect handleRadius gaugeHeight
      updateHsv =
        let (x',y',w',h') = fromRectangle hueBoxRect
        in do
        vf <- FL.visibleFocus
        when vf ((FL.setFocus b) >> LowLevel.redraw b)
        (Position (X ex)(Y ey)) <- FL.eventPosition
        let xDiff = ex-x'
            xIncrement =
              if (xDiff <= 0) then 0.0
                fromIntegral (if (xDiff > w'-1) then w'-1 else xDiff) / fromIntegral w'
            yIncrement = fromIntegral (ey-y') / fromIntegral h'
            (h,s) = toHs (PrecisePosition (PreciseX xIncrement) (PreciseY yIncrement))
        ctrlPressed <- FL.containsEventState Kb_CtrlState
        r <- LowLevel.setHsv c
                Between0And6 (if ctrlPressed then currH else h)
              , Between0And1 s
              , Between0And1 v
        case r of
          Left NoChange -> return ()
          Right _ -> LowLevel.doCallback c
  case e of
    Push -> updateHsv >> return (Right ())
    Drag -> updateHsv >> return (Right ())
    Focus -> focusMe >>  return (Right ())
    Unfocus -> focusMe >> return (Right ())
    Keydown ->
        let (PrecisePosition (PreciseX x) (PreciseY y)) = fromHs (currH,currS) (toPreciseSize (rectangleSize rect))
        in do
        key <- FL.eventKey
        let newXY = case key of
              SpecialKeyType Kb_Up -> Just (x,y-3)
              SpecialKeyType Kb_Down -> Just (x,y+3)
              SpecialKeyType Kb_Left -> Just (x-3,y)
              SpecialKeyType Kb_Right -> Just (x+3,y)
              _ -> Nothing
        case newXY of
          Nothing -> return (Left UnknownEvent)
          Just (newX,newY) ->
            let (_,_,w',h') = fromRectangle hueBoxRect
                (h,s) = toHs (PrecisePosition (PreciseX (newX/(fromIntegral w'))) (PreciseY (newY/(fromIntegral h'))))
            in do
            r <- LowLevel.setHsv c (Between0And6 h, Between0And1 s, Between0And1 v)
            case r of
              Left NoChange -> return ()
              Right _ -> LowLevel.doCallback c
            return (Right ())
    _ -> return (Left UnknownEvent)

-- | Draw the saturation slider using the current color to fill in the background image
drawSaturationSlider :: IORef ColorChooserState -> Ref LowLevel.Slider -> IO ()
drawSaturationSlider stateRef s = do
  bounds <- LowLevel.getRectangle s
  state <- readIORef stateRef
  damages <- LowLevel.getDamage s
  let gaugeImageBounds = gaugeImageRectangle mkGaugeSliderSpec bounds
  when True -- (DamageExpose `elem` damages)
       c <- LowLevel.getColor s
       LowLevel.flcRectfWithColor gaugeImageBounds c
       rgbM <- LowLevel.hsv2Rgb (colorChooserHue state, colorChooserSaturation state, Between0And1 1.0)
       maybe (return ())
         (\rgb -> do
             i <- generateVImage (extractRgb rgb) (rectangleSize gaugeImageBounds)
             LowLevel.draw i (rectanglePosition gaugeImageBounds)
             LowLevel.destroy i)
  when ((DamageAll `elem` damages) || (DamageExpose `elem` damages))
    (drawSlider s (Just mkGaugeSliderSpec) bounds)

-- | Calculate the bounds of the saturation slider
gaugeImageRectangle :: GaugeSliderSpec -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
gaugeImageRectangle spec bounds =
  let (gX,gY,gW,gH) = fromRectangle (gaugeBoxBounds False spec bounds)
      imageSize = Size (Width (gW-2)) (Height (gH-2))
      imagePosition = (Position (X (gX+1)) (Y (gY+1)))
  in (Rectangle imagePosition imageSize)

extractRgb :: (Between0And1, Between0And1, Between0And1) -> RGB
extractRgb (Between0And1 _r, Between0And1 _g, Between0And1 _b) = (truncate (_r*255.0), truncate (_g*255.0), truncate (_b*255.0))

-- | Update all the controls based on the dial selected HSV
updateHsv :: IORef ColorChooserState -> Ref LowLevel.Slider -> Ref LowLevel.Box -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.Group -> Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> (Between0And6, Between0And1, Between0And1) -> IO Int
updateHsv stateRef slider hueBox rInput gInput bInput previewGroup colorChooser (Between0And6 _h, Between0And1 _s, Between0And1 _v) =
  let h =
        let __h = _h `mod'` 6.0
        in if (__h<0) then __h+6.0 else __h
      s =
        if (_s<0) then 0.0 else if (_s>1.0) then 1.0 else _s
      v =
        if (_v<0) then 0.0 else if (_v>1.0) then 1.0 else _v
  in do
   state <- readIORef stateRef
   let (Between0And6 currH) = colorChooserHue state
       (Between0And1 currS) = colorChooserSaturation state
       (Between0And1 currV) = colorChooserValue state
       changed :: Int
       changed = runST (do
           ref <- newSTRef 0
           when (h /= currH) (writeSTRef ref 1)
           when (s /= currS) (writeSTRef ref 1)
           when (v /= currV) (writeSTRef ref 1)
           readSTRef ref)
   when (h /= currH)
       LowLevel.setDamage hueBox [DamageScroll]
       LowLevel.setDamage slider [DamageExpose]
       LowLevel.setDamage previewGroup [DamageExpose]
       modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserHue = Between0And6 h }))
   when (s /= currS)
       LowLevel.setDamage hueBox [DamageScroll]
       LowLevel.setDamage slider [DamageExpose]
       LowLevel.setDamage previewGroup [DamageExpose]
       modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserSaturation = Between0And1 s }))
   when (v /= currV)
       _ <- LowLevel.setValue slider (1-v)
       LowLevel.setDamage previewGroup [DamageExpose]
       modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserValue = Between0And1 v }))
   when (changed == 1)
       rgb <- LowLevel.hsv2Rgb (Between0And6 h, Between0And1 s, Between0And1 v)
       LowLevel.setChanged colorChooser
       case rgb of
         Just (r,g,b) -> modifyIORef stateRef (\s -> s { colorChooserR = r, colorChooserG = g, colorChooserB = b })
         Nothing -> return ()
       setValuators rInput gInput bInput colorChooser)
   setValuators rInput gInput bInput colorChooser
   return changed

-- | Update all the controls based on the dial selected RGB value
updateRgb :: IORef ColorChooserState -> Ref LowLevel.Slider -> Ref LowLevel.Box -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.Group -> Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> (Between0And1, Between0And1, Between0And1) -> IO Int
updateRgb stateRef slider hueBox rValue gValue bValue previewGroup c rgb@(Between0And1 r, Between0And1 g, Between0And1 b) = do
  state <- readIORef stateRef
  let (Between0And1 currR) = colorChooserR state
      (Between0And1 currG) = colorChooserG state
      (Between0And1 currB) = colorChooserB state
      changed = runST (do
        ref <- newSTRef 0
        when (r /= currR) (writeSTRef ref 1)
        when (g /= currG) (writeSTRef ref 1)
        when (b /= currB) (writeSTRef ref 1)
        readSTRef ref)
  when (r /= currR)
       LowLevel.setDamage hueBox [DamageScroll]
       LowLevel.setDamage slider [DamageExpose]
       LowLevel.setDamage previewGroup [DamageExpose]
       modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserR = Between0And1 r }))
  when (g /= currG)
       LowLevel.setDamage hueBox [DamageScroll]
       LowLevel.setDamage slider [DamageExpose]
       LowLevel.setDamage previewGroup [DamageExpose]
       modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserG = Between0And1 g }))
  when (b /= currB)
       LowLevel.setDamage hueBox [DamageScroll]
       LowLevel.setDamage slider [DamageExpose]
       LowLevel.setDamage previewGroup [DamageExpose]
       modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserB = Between0And1 b }))
  when (changed == 1)
      rgb <- LowLevel.rgb2Hsv rgb
      LowLevel.setChanged c
      case rgb of
        Just (h,s,v) -> modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserHue = h,  colorChooserSaturation = s, colorChooserValue = v })
        Nothing -> return ())
  setValuators rValue gValue bValue c
  return changed

-- | Update the dials if the preview mode is changed from RGB->Hex->HSV->Byte mode
modeMenuCallback :: IORef ColorChooserState -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> Ref LowLevel.Choice -> IO ()
modeMenuCallback stateRef rValue gValue bValue chooser choice = do
  (AtIndex i) <- LowLevel.getValue choice
  case i of
    0 -> modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserMode = RgbMode })
    1 -> modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserMode = ByteMode })
    2 -> modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserMode = HexMode })
    3 -> modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserMode = HsvMode })
    _ -> throwIO (userError "modeMenuCallback: Only RGB, Byte, Hex and Hsv are valid modes.")
  setValuators rValue gValue bValue chooser

-- | React to changes the dials in the preview pane
colorDialCallback :: Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> IO ()
colorDialCallback rValue gValue bValue c = do
  rV <- LowLevel.getValue rValue
  gV <- LowLevel.getValue gValue
  bV <- LowLevel.getValue bValue
  m <- LowLevel.getMode c
  _ <- case m of
         HsvMode -> LowLevel.setHsv c (Between0And6 rV, Between0And1 gV, Between0And1 bV)
         _ -> LowLevel.setRgb c (Between0And1 rV, Between0And1 gV, Between0And1 bV)
  LowLevel.doCallback c

-- | React to changes in the saturation slider
sliderCallback :: IORef ColorChooserState -> Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> Ref LowLevel.Slider -> IO ()
sliderCallback stateRef c slider = do
  state <- readIORef stateRef
  v <- LowLevel.getValue slider
  _ <- LowLevel.setHsv c (colorChooserHue state, colorChooserSaturation state, Between0And1 (1.0-v))
  LowLevel.doCallback c

-- | Set the dials according the selected color
setValuators :: Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.FillDial -> Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> IO ()
setValuators rInput gInput bInput c = do
  let toThreeDecimals v = fromIntegral (truncate (v*1000)) / 1000
  m <- LowLevel.getMode c
  case m of
    RgbMode -> do
      rgbE <- LowLevel.getRgb c
      case rgbE of
        Left _ -> return ()
        Right (Between0And1 r, Between0And1 g, Between0And1 b) -> do
          mapM_ (\i -> do
                    LowLevel.range i 0 1
                    LowLevel.setStep i (1%1000)
                    LowLevel.precision i 3)
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue rInput r
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue gInput g
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue bInput b
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor rInput redColor
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor gInput greenColor
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor bInput blueColor
          LowLevel.setLabel rInput (T.pack (show (toThreeDecimals r)))
          LowLevel.setLabel gInput (T.pack (show (toThreeDecimals g)))
          LowLevel.setLabel bInput (T.pack (show (toThreeDecimals b)))
          return ()
    HsvMode -> do
      hsvE <- LowLevel.getHsv c
      case hsvE of
        Left _ -> return ()
        Right (Between0And6 h, Between0And1 s, Between0And1 v) -> do
          LowLevel.range rInput 0 6
          LowLevel.setStep rInput (1%1000)
          mapM_ (\i -> do
                    LowLevel.range i 0 1
                    LowLevel.setStep i (1%1000))
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue rInput h
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue gInput s
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue bInput v
          color <- commonFillColor
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor rInput color
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor gInput color
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor bInput color
          LowLevel.setLabel rInput (T.pack (show (toThreeDecimals h)))
          LowLevel.setLabel gInput (T.pack (show (toThreeDecimals s)))
          LowLevel.setLabel bInput (T.pack (show (toThreeDecimals v)))
          return ()
    HexMode -> do
      rgbE <- LowLevel.getRgb c
      case rgbE of
        Left _ -> return ()
        Right (Between0And1 r, Between0And1 g, Between0And1 b) -> do
          mapM_ (\i -> do
                    LowLevel.range i 0 1
                    LowLevel.setStep i 1
                    LowLevel.precision i 3)
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue rInput r
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue gInput g
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue bInput b
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor rInput redColor
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor gInput greenColor
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor bInput blueColor
          LowLevel.setLabel rInput (T.pack ("0x" ++ (showHex (truncate (255*r+0.5)) "")))
          LowLevel.setLabel gInput (T.pack ("0x" ++ (showHex (truncate (255*g+0.5)) "")))
          LowLevel.setLabel bInput (T.pack ("0x" ++ (showHex (truncate (255*b+0.5)) "")))
          return ()
    ByteMode -> do
      rgbE <- LowLevel.getRgb c
      case rgbE of
        Left _ -> return ()
        Right (Between0And1 r, Between0And1 g, Between0And1 b) -> do
          mapM_ (\i -> do
                    LowLevel.range i 0 1
                    LowLevel.setStep i 1
                    LowLevel.precision i 3)
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue rInput r
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue gInput g
          _ <- LowLevel.setValue bInput b
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor rInput redColor
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor gInput greenColor
          LowLevel.setSelectionColor bInput blueColor
          LowLevel.setLabel rInput (T.pack (show (truncate (255*r+0.5))))
          LowLevel.setLabel gInput (T.pack (show (truncate (255*g+0.5))))
          LowLevel.setLabel bInput (T.pack (show (truncate (255*b+0.5))))
          return ()
  LowLevel.getParent rInput >>= maybe (return ()) LowLevel.redrawLabel

fillBoxWithColor :: Ref LowLevel.Box -> Color -> IO ()
fillBoxWithColor b color = do
  bounds <- LowLevel.getRectangle b
  let slightlyDarker = Enumerations.colorAverage color blackColor 0.80
  let spec =
            borderBoxHoveringColor = slightlyDarker
          , borderBoxColor = slightlyDarker
          , borderBoxFocusedColor = slightlyDarker
          , borderBoxFillColor = color
          , borderBoxBounds = bounds
  drawBorderBox b spec True

drawPreviewColor :: Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> Ref LowLevel.Box -> IO ()
drawPreviewColor c b = do
  rgbE <- LowLevel.getRgb c
    (\_ -> return ())
    (\rgb -> do
        color <- rgbColorWithRgb (extractRgb rgb)
        fillBoxWithColor b color)

drawCurrentColor :: Color -> Ref LowLevel.Box -> IO ()
drawCurrentColor c b = fillBoxWithColor b c

drawColorDials :: (?assets :: Assets) => Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser -> IORef ColorChooserState -> Rectangle -> Maybe Color -> IO (Ref LowLevel.FillDial,Ref LowLevel.FillDial,Ref LowLevel.FillDial,Ref LowLevel.Group)
drawColorDials c stateRef rect initialColor =
  let modeMenuHeight = 20
      colorDialHeight = 40
      modeMenuPadding = 3
      (x',y',w',_) = fromRectangle rect
      dialSize = Size (Width colorDialHeight) (Height colorDialHeight)
  in do
  modeMenu <- choiceNew (toRectangle (x',y',w',modeMenuHeight)) Nothing
  rgbI <- LowLevel.add modeMenu "RGB" Nothing (Nothing :: Maybe (Ref LowLevel.MenuItem -> IO ())) (MenuItemFlags [])
  _ <- LowLevel.add modeMenu "Byte" Nothing (Nothing :: Maybe (Ref LowLevel.MenuItem -> IO ())) (MenuItemFlags [])
  _ <- LowLevel.add modeMenu "Hex" Nothing (Nothing :: Maybe (Ref LowLevel.MenuItem -> IO ())) (MenuItemFlags [])
  _ <- LowLevel.add modeMenu "HSV" Nothing (Nothing :: Maybe (Ref LowLevel.MenuItem -> IO ())) (MenuItemFlags [])
  _ <- LowLevel.setValue modeMenu (LowLevel.MenuItemByIndex rgbI)
  let colorDialGroupY = y'+modeMenuHeight+modeMenuPadding
      colorDialGroupH = 3*colorDialHeight
  colorDialGroup <- groupNew (toRectangle (x',colorDialGroupY,w',colorDialGroupH)) Nothing
  LowLevel.begin colorDialGroup
  let rValuePosition = Position (X x') (Y (y'+modeMenuHeight+modeMenuPadding))
      gValuePosition = Position (X x') (Y (y'+modeMenuHeight+modeMenuPadding+colorDialHeight))
      bValuePosition = Position (X x') (Y (y'+modeMenuHeight+modeMenuPadding+(2*colorDialHeight)))
  rValue <- fillDialNew (Rectangle rValuePosition dialSize) Nothing
  gValue <- fillDialNew (Rectangle gValuePosition dialSize) Nothing
  bValue <- fillDialNew (Rectangle bValuePosition dialSize) Nothing
  mapM_ (\w -> do
           LowLevel.setAlign w (Alignments [AlignTypeRight])
           LowLevel.setCallback w (\_ -> colorDialCallback rValue gValue bValue c))
  LowLevel.end colorDialGroup
  previewGroup <- groupNew (toRectangle (x',colorDialGroupY+colorDialGroupH,w',colorDialGroupY-y')) Nothing
  let previewBoxHeight = 20 -- (h'-colorDialGroupH-modeMenuHeight-modeMenuPadding) `intDiv` 2
  LowLevel.begin previewGroup
  _ <- LowLevel.boxCustom (toRectangle (x',colorDialGroupY+colorDialGroupH+modeMenuPadding,w',previewBoxHeight-modeMenuPadding)) Nothing
         (Just (drawPreviewColor c))
  case initialColor of
    Just initialColor' -> do
      _ <- LowLevel.boxCustom (toRectangle (x',colorDialGroupY+colorDialGroupH+modeMenuPadding+previewBoxHeight,w',previewBoxHeight-modeMenuPadding)) Nothing
             (Just (drawCurrentColor initialColor'))
      return ()
    Nothing -> return ()
  LowLevel.end previewGroup
  LowLevel.setResizable previewGroup (Nothing :: Maybe (Ref LowLevel.Widget))
  LowLevel.setCallback modeMenu (modeMenuCallback stateRef rValue gValue bValue c)
  return (rValue, gValue, bValue,previewGroup)

colorChooserNew :: (?assets :: Assets) => Rectangle -> Maybe T.Text -> Maybe Color -> IO (Ref LowLevel.ColorChooser)
colorChooserNew rect l' initialColor =
  let layout = makeColorChooserComponentLayout (rectangleSize rect) maxSliderWidth defaultGaugeHeight
      componentBounds = makeColorChooserComponentBounds layout rect defaultGaugeHeight
  in mdo
  let initialState =
          colorChooserR = Between0And1 1.0
        , colorChooserG = Between0And1 1.0
        , colorChooserB = Between0And1 1.0
        , colorChooserHue = Between0And6 0.0
        , colorChooserSaturation = Between0And1 0.0
        , colorChooserValue = Between0And1 1.0
        , colorChooserHueImage = hueImage
        , colorChooserMode = RgbMode
  stateRef <- newIORef initialState
  c <- LowLevel.colorChooserCustom rect l' Nothing
               LowLevel.getModeCustom = \_ -> fmap colorChooserMode (readIORef stateRef)
             , LowLevel.setModeCustom = \_ m -> modifyIORef stateRef (\state -> state { colorChooserMode = m })
             , LowLevel.hueCustom = \_ -> fmap colorChooserHue (readIORef stateRef)
             , LowLevel.saturationCustom = \_ -> fmap colorChooserSaturation (readIORef stateRef)
             , LowLevel.valueCustom = \_ -> fmap colorChooserValue (readIORef stateRef)
             , LowLevel.rCustom = \_ -> fmap colorChooserR (readIORef stateRef)
             , LowLevel.gCustom = \_ -> fmap colorChooserG (readIORef stateRef)
             , LowLevel.bCustom = \_ -> fmap colorChooserB (readIORef stateRef)
             , LowLevel.hsvCustom = updateHsv stateRef g b rValue gValue bValue previewGroup
             , LowLevel.rgbCustom = updateRgb stateRef g b rValue gValue bValue previewGroup
  cs <- LowLevel.getArray c
  mapM_ LowLevel.hide cs
  numChildren <- LowLevel.children c
  mapM_ (LowLevel.removeIndex c . AtIndex) [0 .. numChildren-1]
  let color = lightBackground
  LowLevel.setColor c color
  LowLevel.begin c
  hueImage <- generateImage (rectangleSize (colorChooserHueBoxBounds componentBounds))
  b <- LowLevel.boxCustom (colorChooserHueBoxBounds componentBounds) Nothing
         (Just (drawHueBox (hueBoxHandleRadius layout) defaultGaugeHeight stateRef c))
         (Just (LowLevel.defaultCustomWidgetFuncs {LowLevel.handleCustom = (Just (handleHueBox (hueBoxHandleRadius layout) defaultGaugeHeight c))}))
  g <- LowLevel.sliderCustom
         (colorChooserSliderBounds componentBounds)
         (Just (drawSaturationSlider stateRef))
         (Just (LowLevel.defaultCustomWidgetFuncs {
                   LowLevel.handleCustom = Just (\s e -> do
                                                    res <- handleHover s e
                                                    case res of
                                                      Left _ -> LowLevel.handleSliderBase (LowLevel.safeCast s) e
                                                      Right _ -> return (Right ())
  sliderSetup (LowLevel.safeCast g)
  LowLevel.setCallback g (sliderCallback stateRef c)
  let (paneX, _, paneW, _) = fromRectangle (colorChooserPreviewPaneBounds componentBounds)
      (Rectangle (Position _ (Y hueBoxY)) (Size _ (Height hueBoxHeight))) = hueBoxBounds (colorChooserHueBoxBounds componentBounds)(hueBoxHandleRadius layout) defaultGaugeHeight
  rgbE <- LowLevel.getRgb c
  let previewPaneDialBounds = toRectangle (paneX,hueBoxY,paneW,hueBoxHeight)
  previewPaneDialGroup <- groupNew previewPaneDialBounds Nothing
  LowLevel.begin previewPaneDialGroup
  (rValue,gValue,bValue,previewGroup) <- drawColorDials c stateRef (toRectangle (paneX,hueBoxY,paneW,hueBoxHeight)) initialColor
  LowLevel.end previewPaneDialGroup
  LowLevel.setResizable previewPaneDialGroup (Nothing :: (Maybe (Ref LowLevel.Widget)))
    (\_ -> return ())
    (\(Between0And1 r,Between0And1 g,Between0And1 b) -> do
        _ <- LowLevel.setValue rValue r
        _ <- LowLevel.setValue gValue g
        _ <- LowLevel.setValue bValue b
        setValuators rValue gValue bValue c
        return ())
  LowLevel.end c
  LowLevel.setResizable c (Just b)
  LowLevel.setColor c color
  LowLevel.setBox c BorderBox
  LowLevel.setLabelfont c commonFont
  LowLevel.setLabelsize c commonFontSize
  commonSelectionColor >>= LowLevel.setSelectionColor c
  return c

flcColorChooser :: (?assets :: Assets) => Maybe T.Text -> Maybe Rectangle -> Maybe Color -> Maybe ColorChooserMode -> IO (Maybe Color)
flcColorChooser name rectM initialColor mode =
  let buttonBarHeight = 50
      colorChooserPadding = 5
      windowBounds = maybe ((Rectangle (Position (X 215) (Y 200)) (Size (Width 400) (Height (200 + buttonBarHeight))))) id rectM
      colorChooserBounds =
        let (_,_,w',h') = fromRectangle windowBounds
        in toRectangle(colorChooserPadding,0,w'-(colorChooserPadding*2),h'-buttonBarHeight)
      buttonBarBounds =
        let (_,_,w',h') = fromRectangle windowBounds
        in toRectangle (colorChooserPadding,h'-buttonBarHeight,w'-(colorChooserPadding*2),buttonBarHeight)
      buttonWidth = 65
      buttonHeight = 30
      cancelButtonBounds =
        let (buttonGroupX, buttonGroupY, buttonGroupW, buttonGroupH) = fromRectangle buttonBarBounds
        in toRectangle (buttonGroupX+buttonGroupW-buttonWidth, buttonGroupY+((buttonGroupH-buttonHeight) `intDiv` 2),buttonWidth,buttonHeight)
      okButtonBounds =
        let (buttonGroupX, buttonGroupY, buttonGroupW, buttonGroupH) = fromRectangle buttonBarBounds
        in toRectangle (buttonGroupX+buttonGroupW-buttonWidth-5-buttonWidth,buttonGroupY+((buttonGroupH-buttonHeight) `intDiv` 2),buttonWidth,buttonHeight)
      showUntilHidden w = do
        isShown <- LowLevel.shown w
        if isShown then FL.wait >> showUntilHidden w
          else return ()
      buttonCallback :: IORef Bool -> Ref LowLevel.DoubleWindow -> Bool -> Ref LowLevel.Button -> IO ()
      buttonCallback selectedRef w v _ = do
        LowLevel.hide w
        writeIORef selectedRef v
  in do
    okSelectedRef <- newIORef False
    window <- doubleWindowNew (rectangleSize windowBounds) (Just (rectanglePosition windowBounds)) name
    LowLevel.begin window
    cc <- colorChooserNew colorChooserBounds Nothing initialColor
    buttonGroup <- groupNew buttonBarBounds Nothing
    LowLevel.begin buttonGroup
    okButton <- okButtonNew okButtonBounds
    cancelButton <- cancelButtonNew cancelButtonBounds
    LowLevel.setCallback okButton (buttonCallback okSelectedRef window True)
    LowLevel.setCallback cancelButton (buttonCallback okSelectedRef window False)
    LowLevel.end buttonGroup
    LowLevel.end window
    LowLevel.setModal window
    LowLevel.hotSpot window (LowLevel.ByWidget window) Nothing
    LowLevel.setResizable window (Just cc)
    LowLevel.showWidget window
    showUntilHidden window
    okSelected <- readIORef okSelectedRef
    if okSelected
      then do
      rgb <- LowLevel.getRgb cc
      case rgb of
        Left OutOfRange -> throwIO (userError "flcColorChooser: RGB value selected is out of range.")
        Right rgb' -> rgbColorWithRgb (extractRgb rgb') >>= return . Just
      else return initialColor