{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, OverloadedStrings, AllowAmbiguousTypes, GADTs, CPP, ExistentialQuantification, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Tabs
    -- * Tab Helpers and Handlers
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Dispatch (safeCast)
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Fl_Enumerations
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Fl_Types
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Dispatch
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Common
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.FL as FL
import qualified Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.FLTKHS as LowLevel
import Graphics.UI.FLTK.Theme.Light.Assets

-- | Visual properties of tabs
data TabSpec =
    tabRadius :: Int, -- ^ The corner radius of each tab
    tabHorizontalPadding :: Int, -- ^ Left\/right padding between a tab edge and its label
    tabVerticalPadding :: Int, -- ^ Top\/bottom padding between a tab edge and its label
    tabInactiveBorderColor :: Color, -- ^ Color of tabs not currently in focus
    tabBorderColor :: Color, -- ^ Border color of active tab
    tabFillColor :: Color,
    tabViewOffset :: IORef Int, -- ^ Location of the left edge of a tab relative to left edge of the widget itself.
    tabPartiallyVisible :: Int

-- | Custom tab drawing function
drawTabs :: TabSpec -> Ref LowLevel.Tabs -> IO ()
drawTabs spec t = do
  bounds <- LowLevel.getRectangle t
  (selectedMaybe, _,widths) <- lightTabPositionsCustom spec t
  when (not (null widths)) $ do
    (Height tabHeight) <- lightTabHeightCustom spec t
    offset <- readIORef (tabViewOffset spec)
    let Rectangle (Position (X tabsX) (Y tabsY)) (Size (Width tabsWidth) (Height tabsHeight)) = bounds
        (AtIndex tabSelectedIndex) = maybe (AtIndex 0) id selectedMaybe
        offsetWidths = map (\(X x,Width w) -> (X (x+offset), Width w)) widths
        (X tabSelectedX, Width tabSelectedWidth) = offsetWidths !! tabSelectedIndex
    oldShortcut <- LowLevel.flcDrawShortcut
    oldColor <- LowLevel.flcColor
    LowLevel.flcSetDrawShortcut (Just NormalDrawShortcut)
    cs <- LowLevel.getArray t
    damages <- LowLevel.getDamage t
    when (elem DamageAll damages || elem DamageScroll damages)
      (let (X leftMostX,_) = head offsetWidths
           rightMostX = let (X rightX, Width w) = last offsetWidths in rightX + w
           indexedWidths = zip (map AtIndex [0 ..]) offsetWidths
           tabBorder yOffset openBorder = do
             LowLevel.flcPushClip (Rectangle (Position (X tabsX) yOffset) (Size (Width tabsWidth) (Height tabsHeight)))
             LowLevel.flcVertex (toPrecisePosition (Position (X leftMostX) yOffset))
             LowLevel.flcVertex (toPrecisePosition (Position (X tabSelectedX) yOffset))
             LowLevel.flcVertex (toPrecisePosition (Position (X (tabSelectedX + tabSelectedWidth)) yOffset))
             LowLevel.flcVertex (toPrecisePosition (Position (X (tabsX+tabsWidth)) yOffset))
             let widgetBorder =
                   case openBorder of
                     OpenBorderTop ->
                         (Position (X tabsX) (Y (tabsY+tabHeight)))
                         (Size (Width tabsWidth) (Height (tabsHeight-(abs tabHeight))))
                     OpenBorderBottom ->
                         (Position (X tabsX) (Y tabsY))
                         (Size (Width tabsWidth) (Height (tabsHeight-(abs tabHeight))))
             mapM_ (LowLevel.flcVertex . toPrecisePosition) (roundedBoxPoints widgetBorder Nothing (Just openBorder))
           drawTab openBorder yOffset (AtIndex i, (X tabX,Width tabWidth)) = do
             let tabPosition = Position (X tabX) yOffset
                 tabRectangle = Rectangle tabPosition (Size (Width tabWidth) (Height (abs tabHeight)))
             oldColor <- LowLevel.flcColor
             -- blank it out first
             drawBorderBox t
                     borderBoxBounds = tabRectangle,
                     borderBoxFocusedColor = tabFillColor spec,
                     borderBoxHoveringColor = tabFillColor spec,
                     borderBoxColor = tabFillColor spec,
                     borderBoxFillColor = tabFillColor spec
             if (i == tabSelectedIndex) then
               LowLevel.flcSetColor (tabBorderColor spec)
               else LowLevel.flcSetColor (tabInactiveBorderColor spec)
             mapM_ (LowLevel.flcVertex . toPrecisePosition) (roundedBoxPoints tabRectangle (Just (tabRadius spec)) (Just openBorder))
             let widget = cs !! i
             oldLabeltype <- LowLevel.getLabeltype widget
             case oldLabeltype of { NoLabelType -> LowLevel.setLabeltype widget NormalLabelType ResolveImageLabelDoNothing; _ -> return () }
             tabAlign <- LowLevel.getTabAlign t
             LowLevel.drawLabel widget (Just (tabRectangle, Alignments [tabAlign]))
             LowLevel.setLabeltype widget oldLabeltype ResolveImageLabelDoNothing
             LowLevel.flcSetColor oldColor
        if (tabHeight < 0)
        then do
          oldColor <- LowLevel.flcColor
          let yOffset = tabsY + tabsHeight - (abs tabHeight)
          LowLevel.flcPushClip (toRectangle (tabsX,yOffset,tabsWidth,abs tabHeight))
          mapM_ (drawTab OpenBorderTop (Y yOffset)) indexedWidths
          LowLevel.flcSetColor (tabBorderColor spec)
          tabBorder (Y yOffset) OpenBorderBottom
          LowLevel.flcSetColor oldColor
        else do
          oldColor <- LowLevel.flcColor
          LowLevel.flcPushClip (toRectangle (tabsX,tabsY,tabsWidth,tabHeight))
          mapM_ (drawTab OpenBorderBottom (Y tabsY)) indexedWidths
          LowLevel.flcSetColor (tabBorderColor spec)
          tabBorder (Y (tabsY + tabHeight)) OpenBorderTop
          LowLevel.flcSetColor oldColor)
    if (elem DamageAll damages)
      then LowLevel.drawChild t (cs !! tabSelectedIndex)
      else LowLevel.updateChild t (cs !! tabSelectedIndex)
    LowLevel.flcSetColor oldColor
    LowLevel.flcSetDrawShortcut oldShortcut

-- | Damage the tabs widget appropriately for redraw
lightTabRedrawTabs :: Ref LowLevel.Tabs -> IO ()
lightTabRedrawTabs t = do
  bounds <- LowLevel.getRectangle t
  let (tabsX,tabsY,tabsWidth,tabsHeight) = fromRectangle bounds
  (Height tabHeight) <- LowLevel.tabHeight t
  LowLevel.setDamageInside t [DamageScroll]
    (if (tabHeight < 0)
      then toRectangle (tabsX,tabsY+tabsHeight-(abs tabHeight),tabsWidth,(abs tabHeight))
      else toRectangle (tabsX,tabsY,tabsWidth,tabHeight))

-- | Handles all events to the tab
lightTabHandleCustom :: TabSpec -> Ref LowLevel.Tabs -> Event -> IO (Either UnknownEvent ())
lightTabHandleCustom spec t e = do
  bounds <- LowLevel.getRectangle t
  let (tabsX,tabsY,tabsWidth,tabsHeight) = fromRectangle bounds
  offset <- readIORef (tabViewOffset spec)
  pos@(Position _ (Y y')) <- FL.eventPosition
  nextIndexAndWidget <- lightTabWhichCustom spec t pos
  (_,_,widths) <- lightTabPositionsCustom spec t
  let nextWidget = fmap (\(_,w) -> w) nextIndexAndWidget
      nextIndex = fmap (\(i,_) -> i) nextIndexAndWidget
      setSelectedWidget = LowLevel.setPush t nextWidget >> return (Right ())
      offsetWidths = map (\(X x, Width w) -> (X (x+offset), Width w)) widths
      adjustOffset newOffset = writeIORef (tabViewOffset spec) (offset-newOffset)
      partiallyShow i =
        let (_,Width w) = offsetWidths !! i in
        if (w >= (tabPartiallyVisible spec))
        then (tabPartiallyVisible spec)
        else w
      handleRelease = do
        tabBarRect <- tabBarRectangle spec t
        if (not (insideRectangle pos tabBarRect))
          then LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e
          else do
            lastSelected <- LowLevel.getPush t
            _ <- LowLevel.setPush t (Nothing :: (Maybe (Ref LowLevel.Widget)))
            case lastSelected of
              Nothing -> return (Right ())
              Just w -> do
                vf <- FL.visibleFocus
                when vf
                    imFocused <- refPtrEquals w t
                    if imFocused then lightTabRedrawTabs t
                    else FL.setFocus(t) >> lightTabRedrawTabs t)
                changed <- LowLevel.setValue t lastSelected
                case changed of
                  Left NoChange -> do
                    whens <- LowLevel.getWhen t
                    when (WhenNotChanged `elem` whens) (LowLevel.setChanged t >> LowLevel.doCallback t)
                  Right () -> LowLevel.setChanged t >> LowLevel.doCallback t
                deleted <- isNull w
                if (not deleted)
                  then LowLevel.tooltipSetCurrent (Just w) >> return (Right())
                  else return (Right ())
      handlePush =
        let adjustWhenNot yOutsideRange =
              if yOutsideRange then LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e
                case nextIndex of
                  Just (AtIndex i) ->
                    let (X x, Width w) = offsetWidths !! i
                        rightOverflow = (x+w) - (tabsX+tabsWidth)
                        leftOverflow = x-tabsX
                    in do
                    case i of
                      _ | i == 0 -> adjustOffset leftOverflow
                        | i == (length widths - 1) -> adjustOffset (if (rightOverflow < 0) then 0 else rightOverflow)
                        | otherwise ->
                            if (rightOverflow >= 0)
                            then adjustOffset (rightOverflow + partiallyShow (i+1))
                            else if (leftOverflow < 0)
                                 then adjustOffset (leftOverflow - partiallyShow (i-1))
                                 else return ()
                  _ -> setSelectedWidget
        in do
        (Height tabHeight) <- LowLevel.tabHeight t
        if (tabHeight < 0)
        then adjustWhenNot (y' < tabsY + tabsHeight - (abs tabHeight))
        else adjustWhenNot (y' > tabsY + tabHeight)

  case e of
    Push -> handlePush
    Drag -> handleRelease
    Release -> handleRelease
    Keydown -> do
      (selectedMaybe,_,widths) <- lightTabPositionsCustom spec t
      eventKey <- FL.eventKey
      case eventKey of
        SpecialKeyType Kb_Left ->
          case selectedMaybe of
            Just (AtIndex i) ->
              if (i == 0) then LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e
                let (X x, _) = offsetWidths !! (i-1)
                    currOffset = x - tabsX
                in do
                 if (currOffset >= 0)
                 then return ()
                 else adjustOffset (currOffset - (if (i > 1) then partiallyShow (i-2) else 0))
                 LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e
            _ -> LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e
        SpecialKeyType Kb_Right ->
          case selectedMaybe of
            Just (AtIndex i) ->
              if (i == ((length widths) - 1)) then LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e
                let (X x,Width w) = offsetWidths !! (i+1)
                    currOffset = (x+w) - (tabsX+tabsWidth)
                in do
                 when (currOffset >= 0) (adjustOffset (currOffset + (if (i < (length widths - 2)) then partiallyShow (i+2) else 0)))
                 LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e
            _ -> LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e
        _ -> LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e
    _ -> LowLevel.handleTabsBase (safeCast t) e

-- | Calculate the width and x coordinate of each tab
lightTabPositionsCustom :: TabSpec -> Ref LowLevel.Tabs -> IO (Maybe AtIndex, Int, [(X,Width)])
lightTabPositionsCustom spec t = do
  bounds <- LowLevel.getRectangle t
  cs <- LowLevel.getArray t
  let Rectangle (Position (X x) _) _ = bounds
  selected <- selectedTab (zip (map AtIndex [0 ..]) cs)
  widths <-
      (\c -> do
          oldLabeltype <- LowLevel.getLabeltype c
          oldAlign <- LowLevel.getAlign c
          case oldLabeltype of { NoLabelType -> LowLevel.setLabeltype c NormalLabelType ResolveImageLabelDoNothing; _ -> return () }
          (Size (Width width') _) <- LowLevel.measureLabel c Nothing
          tabAlign <- LowLevel.getTabAlign t
          LowLevel.setAlign c (Alignments [tabAlign])
          LowLevel.setLabeltype c oldLabeltype ResolveImageLabelDoNothing
          LowLevel.setAlign c oldAlign
          return (width' + (tabHorizontalPadding spec) * 2)
  let xOffsets = zip (map X (map ((+) x) (scanl (+) 0 widths))) (map Width widths)
  return (selected, (0 :: Int), xOffsets)
   selectedTab :: [(AtIndex, Ref LowLevel.WidgetBase)] -> IO (Maybe AtIndex)
   selectedTab [] = return Nothing
   selectedTab ((i,w):ws) = do
     v <- LowLevel.getVisible w
     if v then return (Just i) else selectedTab ws

-- | Calculate the height of each tab, a negative height indicates tabs are along the bottom
lightTabHeightCustom :: TabSpec -> Ref LowLevel.Tabs -> IO Height
lightTabHeightCustom spec t = do
  cs <- LowLevel.getArray t
  if (null cs)
    then return (Height 0)
    else do
     (Y y) <- LowLevel.getY t
     (Height h) <- LowLevel.getH t
     tops <- mapM (\c -> do {(Y y) <- LowLevel.getY c; return (y+(tabVerticalPadding spec)*2);}) cs
     bottoms <- mapM (\c -> do {(Y y) <- LowLevel.getY c; (Height h) <- LowLevel.getH c; return (y+h-(tabVerticalPadding spec)*2);}) cs
     let topGap = minimum (map (\cy -> cy - y) tops)
         bottomGap = y+h - (maximum bottoms)
         height = if (bottomGap > topGap) then
                    if bottomGap <= 0 then 0 else (-bottomGap)
                    else if topGap <= 0 then 0 else topGap
     return (Height height)

-- | Calculate the bounds of the area inside the tab containing other widgets
lightTabClientAreaCustom :: TabSpec -> Ref LowLevel.Tabs -> LowLevel.TabsHeightOffset -> IO Rectangle
lightTabClientAreaCustom spec t tOffset = do
  cs <- LowLevel.getArray t
  case cs of
    (c:_) -> LowLevel.getRectangle c
    _ -> do
      lf <- LowLevel.getLabelfont t
      ls <- LowLevel.getLabelsize t
      (Height h) <- LowLevel.flcHeightOfFont lf ls
      let paddedHeight = h+(tabVerticalPadding spec * 2)
      (tabsX,tabsY,tabsW,tabsH) <- fmap fromRectangle (LowLevel.getRectangle t)
      let clientArea = case tOffset of
                         LowLevel.TabsAtTop Nothing -> (tabsX,tabsY+paddedHeight,tabsW,tabsH-paddedHeight)
                         LowLevel.TabsAtBottom Nothing -> (tabsX,tabsY,tabsW,tabsH-paddedHeight)
                         LowLevel.TabsAtTop (Just o) -> (tabsX,tabsY+o,tabsW,tabsH-o)
                         LowLevel.TabsAtBottom (Just o) -> (tabsX,tabsY,tabsW,tabsH-o)
      return (toRectangle clientArea)

-- | Calcuate the bounds of the tab bar
tabBarRectangle :: TabSpec -> Ref LowLevel.Tabs -> IO Rectangle
tabBarRectangle spec t = do
  (tabsX,tabsY,tabsW,tabsH) <- fmap fromRectangle (LowLevel.getRectangle t)
  (Height tabHeight) <- lightTabHeightCustom spec t
    (if (tabHeight < 0)
      then toRectangle (tabsX,tabsY+tabsH-(abs tabHeight),tabsW,abs tabHeight)
      else toRectangle (tabsX,tabsY,tabsW,tabHeight))

-- | Determine which tab was just selected
lightTabWhichCustom :: TabSpec -> Ref LowLevel.Tabs -> Position -> IO (Maybe (AtIndex, Ref LowLevel.WidgetBase))
lightTabWhichCustom spec t pos = do
  tabBarRect <- tabBarRectangle spec t
  if (not (insideRectangle pos tabBarRect))
    then return Nothing
    else do
      let (_,tabBarY,_,tabBarHeight) = fromRectangle tabBarRect
      (_,_,widths) <- lightTabPositionsCustom spec t
      offset <- readIORef (tabViewOffset spec)
      let tab = find
                  (\(_,(x,w)) -> insideRectangle pos (Rectangle (Position x (Y tabBarY)) (Size w (Height tabBarHeight))))
                  (zip (map AtIndex [0 ..]) (map (\(X x, Width w) -> (X (x+offset), Width w)) widths))
      cs <- LowLevel.getArray t
      return (fmap (\(AtIndex i, _) -> (AtIndex i,cs !! i)) tab)

-- | A default 'TabSpec'
tabSpec :: (?assets :: Assets) => Rectangle -> IO TabSpec
tabSpec rectangle = do
  borderColor <- commonSelectionColor
  color <- commonColor
  offset <- newIORef 0
       tabRadius = 1
     , tabHorizontalPadding = 10
     , tabVerticalPadding = 3
     , tabInactiveBorderColor = colorAverage color blackColor 0.97
     , tabBorderColor = borderColor
     , tabFillColor = lightBackground
     , tabViewOffset = offset
     , tabPartiallyVisible = 20

tabsNew :: (?assets :: Assets) => Rectangle -> Maybe T.Text -> IO (Ref LowLevel.Tabs)
tabsNew rectangle label = do
  spec <- tabSpec rectangle
  t <- LowLevel.tabsCustom
               LowLevel.tabDrawCustom = drawTabs spec
             , LowLevel.tabPositionsCustom = lightTabPositionsCustom spec
             , LowLevel.tabHeightCustom = lightTabHeightCustom spec
             , LowLevel.tabWhichCustom = lightTabWhichCustom spec
             , LowLevel.tabRedrawTabs = lightTabRedrawTabs
             , LowLevel.tabClientArea = lightTabClientAreaCustom spec
                 LowLevel.handleCustom = Just (lightTabHandleCustom spec)
  p <- LowLevel.getParent t
  color <- maybe (return lightBackground) LowLevel.getColor p
  LowLevel.setColor t color
  LowLevel.setLabelfont t commonFont
  LowLevel.setLabelsize t commonFontSize
  return t