foldl-transduce- Transducers for foldl folds.

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




This module builds on module Control.Foldl, adding stateful transducers and grouping operations.


Transducer types

type Transduction a b = forall x. Fold b x -> Fold a x Source

A (possibly stateful) transformation on the inputs of a Fold.

Functions constructed with combinators like premap or handles from Control.Foldl also typecheck as a Transduction.

type Transduction' a b r = forall x. Fold b x -> Fold a (r, x) Source

A more general from of Transduction that adds new information to the return value of the Fold.

data Transducer i o r Source

A stateful process that transforms a stream of inputs into a stream of outputs, and may optionally demarcate groups in the stream of outputs.

Composed of a step function, an initial state, and a extraction function.

The step function returns a triplet of:

  • The new internal state.
  • List of outputs belonging to the last segment detected in the previous step.
  • A list of lists of outputs belonging to segments detected in the current step. If the list is empty, that means no splitting has taken place in the current step. Transducers that do not perform grouping never return anything other than [] here. In effect, they treat the whole stream as a single group.

    The extraction function returns the Transducers own result value, as well as any pending output.


forall x . Transducer (x -> i -> (x, [o], [[o]])) x (x -> (r, [o], [[o]])) 

class ToTransducer t where Source

Helps converting monadic transducers (over Identity) into pure ones.


toTransducer :: t i o r -> Transducer i o r Source

Monadic transducer types

type TransductionM m a b = forall x. Monad m => FoldM m b x -> FoldM m a x Source

Like Transduction, but works on monadic Folds.

type TransductionM' m a b r = forall x. FoldM m b x -> FoldM m a (r, x) Source

Like Transduction', but works on monadic Folds.

data TransducerM m i o r Source

Like Transducer, but monadic.


forall x . TransducerM (x -> i -> m (x, [o], [[o]])) (m x) (x -> m (r, [o], [[o]])) 


(~) (* -> *) m m' => ToTransducerM m (TransducerM m') 
ToTransducer (TransducerM Identity) 
(Functor m, Monad m) => Bifunctor (TransducerM m i) 
Monad m => Functor (TransducerM m i o) 
Monad m => Extend (TransducerM m i o) 

class ToTransducerM m t where Source

Helps converting pure transducers into monadic ones.


toTransducerM :: t i o r -> TransducerM m i o r Source


Monad m => ToTransducerM m Transducer 
(~) (* -> *) m m' => ToTransducerM m (TransducerM m') 

Applying transducers

transduce :: ToTransducer t => t i o s -> Transduction i o Source

Apply a Transducer to a Fold, discarding the return value of the Transducer.

>>> L.fold (transduce (Transducer (\_ i -> ((),[i],[])) () (\_ -> ('r',[],[]))) L.list) [1..7]

transduce' :: ToTransducer t => t i o s -> Transduction' i o s Source

Generalized version of transduce that preserves the return value of the Transducer.

>>> L.fold (transduce' (Transducer (\_ i -> ((),[i],[])) () (\_ -> ('r',[],[]))) L.list) [1..7]

transduceM :: (Monad m, ToTransducerM m t) => t i o s -> TransductionM m i o Source

Like transduce, but works on monadic Folds.

transduceM' :: (Monad m, ToTransducerM m t) => t i o s -> TransductionM' m i o s Source

Like transduce', but works on monadic Folds.

transduceK :: Monad m => (i -> m [o]) -> TransductionM m i o Source

Transduce with a Kleisli arrow that returns a list.

Folding over groups

folds :: ToTransducer t => t a b s -> Fold b c -> Transduction a c Source

Summarizes each of the groups demarcated by the Transducer using a Fold.

The result value of the Transducer is discarded.

>>> L.fold (folds (chunksOf 3) L.sum L.list) [1..7]

folds' :: ToTransducer t => t a b s -> Fold b c -> Transduction' a c s Source

Like folds, but preserves the return value of the Transducer.

>>> L.fold (folds' (chunksOf 3) L.sum L.list) [1..7]

foldsM :: (Applicative m, Monad m, ToTransducerM m t) => t a b s -> FoldM m b c -> TransductionM m a c Source

Monadic version of folds.

foldsM' :: (Applicative m, Monad m, ToTransducerM m t) => t a b s -> FoldM m b c -> TransductionM' m a c s Source

Monadic version of folds'.

Group operations

type Infinite e = Cofree Identity e Source

Infinite list of values.

newtype ReifiedTransduction a b Source

Helper for storing a Transduction safely on a container.

groups Source


:: ToTransducer t 
=> t a b s 
-> Infinite (ReifiedTransduction b c)

infinite list of transductions

-> Transduction a c 

Processes each of the groups demarcated by a Transducer using a Transduction taken from an unending supply, returning a Transduction what works over the undivided stream of inputs.

The return value of the Transducer is discarded.

>>> L.fold (groups (chunksOf 2) (evenly (transduce (surround "<" ">"))) L.list) "aabbccdd"
>>> :{
      transducers = flip C.unfold 0 $ \i -> (,)
         (ReifiedTransduction (transduce (surround (show i) []))) 
         (Identity (succ i))
    in L.fold (groups (chunksOf 2) transducers L.list) "aabbccdd"

evenly :: Transduction b c -> Infinite (ReifiedTransduction b c) Source

Use the same Transduction for each group.

bisect Source


:: ToTransducer t 
=> t a b s 
-> Transduction b c


-> Transduction b c 
-> Transduction a c 

Use one transduction to process the first group, and another for the second and all subsequent groups.

type Moore a b = Cofree ((->) a) b Source

Unending machine that gives you a b whenever you give it an a.

newtype ReifiedTransduction' a b r Source

Helper for storing a ReifiedTransduction safely on a container.

groups' Source


:: ToTransducer t 
=> t a b s 
-> Fold u v

auxiliary Fold that aggregates the u values produced for each group

-> Moore u (ReifiedTransduction' b c u)

a machine that eats u values and spits transductions

-> Transduction' a c (s, v) 

Generalized version of groups that preserves the return value of the Transducer.

A summary value for each group is also calculated. These values are aggregated for the whole stream, with the help of an auxiliary Fold.

>>> :{
        transductions = evenly' $ \f ->
            transduce (surround "<" ">") (liftA2 (,) L.list f)
    in  L.fold (groups' (chunksOf 2) L.list transductions L.list) "aabbccdd"

evenly' :: Transduction' b c u -> Moore u (ReifiedTransduction' b c u) Source

Use the same Transduction' for each group.

Ignores the inputs to the Moore machine.

Monadic group operations

newtype ReifiedTransductionM m a b Source

Helper for storing a TransductionM safely on a container.

groupsM Source


:: (Monad m, ToTransducerM m t) 
=> t a b s 
-> Infinite (ReifiedTransductionM m b c) 
-> TransductionM m a c 

Monadic version of groups.

evenlyM :: TransductionM m b c -> Infinite (ReifiedTransductionM m b c) Source

Monadic version of evenly.

bisectM Source


:: ToTransducerM m t 
=> t a b s 
-> TransductionM m b c


-> TransductionM m b c 
-> TransductionM m a c 

Monadic version of bisect.

newtype ReifiedTransductionM' m a b r Source

Helper for storing a TransductionM' safely on a container.

groupsM' Source


:: (Monad m, ToTransducerM m t) 
=> t a b s 
-> FoldM m u v 
-> Moore u (ReifiedTransductionM' m b c u)

a machine that eats u values and spits transductions

-> TransductionM' m a c (s, v) 

Monadic version of groups'.

evenlyM' :: TransductionM' m b c u -> Moore u (ReifiedTransductionM' m b c u) Source

Monadic version of evenly'.


ignore :: Transducer a b () Source

Ignore all the inputs coming into the fold.

Polymorphic in both inputs and outputs.

surround :: (Traversable p, Traversable s) => p a -> s a -> Transducer a a () Source

Adds a prefix and a suffix to the stream arriving into a Fold.

>>> L.fold (transduce (surround "prefix" "suffix") L.list) "middle"

Used as a splitter, it puts the prefix, the original stream and the suffix in separate groups:

>>> L.fold (groups (surround "prefix" "suffix") (evenly (transduce (surround "[" "]"))) L.list) "middle"

surroundIO :: (Traversable p, Traversable s, Functor m, MonadIO m) => m (p a) -> m (s a) -> TransducerM m a a () Source

Like surround, but the prefix and suffix are obtained using a IO action.

>>> L.foldM (transduceM (surroundIO (return "prefix") (return "suffix")) (L.generalize L.list)) "middle"


chunksOf :: Int -> Transducer a a () Source

Splits a stream into chunks of fixed size.

>>> L.fold (folds (chunksOf 2) L.list L.list) [1..7]
>>> L.fold (groups (chunksOf 2) (evenly (transduce (surround [] [0]))) L.list) [1..7]

splitAt :: Int -> Transducer a a () Source

Splits the stream at a given position.

>>> L.fold (bisect (splitAt 2) (transduce ignore) id L.list) [1..5]

chunkedSplitAt :: StableFactorialMonoid m => Int -> Transducer m m () Source

Similar to splitAt, but works with streams of "chunked" data like bytestrings, texts, vectors, lists of lists...

>>> L.fold (bisect (chunkedSplitAt 7) (transduce ignore) id L.list) [[1..5],[6..9]]

splitWhen :: (a -> Bool) -> Transducer a a () Source

>>> L.fold (bisect (splitWhen (>3)) id (transduce ignore) L.list) [1..5]

splitLast :: Transducer a a (Maybe a) Source

Puts the last element of the input stream (if it exists) in a separate group.

>>> L.fold (bisect splitLast id (transduce ignore) L.list) [1..5]

chunkedStripPrefix Source


:: (LeftGCDMonoid i, StableFactorialMonoid i, Traversable t, Monad m) 
=> t i 
-> TransducerM (ExceptT ([i], Maybe i) m) i i () 

Strip a prefix from a stream of "chunked" data, like packed text.

If the prefix doesn't match, fail with the unmatched part of the prefix and the input that caused the error.

>>> runExceptT $ L.foldM (transduceM (chunkedStripPrefix [[1..2],[3..4]]) (L.generalize L.list)) [[1..5],[6..9]]
Right [[5],[6,7,8,9]]
>>> runExceptT $ L.foldM (transduceM (chunkedStripPrefix [[1..2],[3,77,99]]) (L.generalize L.list)) [[1..5],[6..9]]
Left ([[77,99]],Just [4,5])

Transducer utilities

foldify :: Transducer i o s -> Fold i s Source

Transforms a Transducer into a Fold by forgetting about the data sent downstream.

foldifyM :: Functor m => TransducerM m i o s -> FoldM m i s Source

Monadic version of foldify.

condense :: Fold a r -> Transducer a r r Source

Transforms a Fold into a Transducer that sends the return value of the Fold downstream when upstream closes.

condenseM :: Applicative m => FoldM m a r -> TransducerM m a r r Source

Monadic version of condense.

hoistTransducer :: Monad m => (forall a. m a -> n a) -> TransducerM m i o s -> TransducerM n i o s Source

Changes the base monad used by a TransducerM.

Fold utilities

quiesce :: Monad m => FoldM (ExceptT e m) a r -> FoldM m a (Either e r) Source

Turn a FoldM that fails abruptly into one that encodes the error into its return value.

Can be useful when combining fallible FoldMs with non-fallible ones.

>>> L.foldM (quiesce (FoldM (\_ _-> throwE ()) (return ()) (\_ -> throwE ()))) [1..7]
Left ()

quiesceWith :: (Functor m, Monad m) => FoldM m a v -> FoldM (ExceptT e m) a r -> FoldM m a (Either (e, v) r) Source

Generalized version of quiesce to turn a fallible FoldM into another that starts a "fallback fold" when it encounters an error.

"Start folding this way, if you encounter an error, start folding this other way".

>>> L.foldM (quiesceWith (L.generalize L.length) (FoldM (\_ _-> throwE ()) (return ()) (\_ -> throwE ()))) [1..7]
Left ((),7)

hoistFold :: Monad m => (forall a. m a -> n a) -> FoldM m i r -> FoldM n i r Source

Changes the base monad used by a FoldM.
