folds-0.7: Beautiful Folding

Safe HaskellTrustworthy




data L a b Source

A Moore Machine


forall r . L (r -> b) (r -> a -> r) r 


Corepresentable L Source 
Profunctor L Source 
Choice L Source 
Closed L Source 
Costrong L Source 
Folding L Source

efficient prefix, leaky postfix

Scan L Source 
AsL' L Source

We can convert from a lazy left folding to a strict left folding.

AsL1' L Source 
AsRM L Source

We can convert from a lazy left folding to a right or monoidal fold

AsRM1 L Source 
Cosieve L [] Source 
Monad (L a) Source 
Functor (L a) Source 
MonadFix (L a) Source 
Applicative (L a) Source 
Distributive (L a) Source 
Representable (L a) Source 
MonadZip (L a) Source 
Comonad (L a) Source 
ComonadApply (L a) Source 
Apply (L a) Source 
Bind (L a) Source 
Extend (L a) Source 
MonadReader [a] (L a) Source 
type Corep L = [] Source 
type Rep (L a) = [a] Source 

unfoldL :: (s -> (b, a -> s)) -> s -> L a b Source

Construct a Moore machine from a state valuation and transition function