{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ForSyDe.ForSyDeErr
-- Copyright   :  (c) ES Group, KTH/ICT/ES 2007-2013
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  forsyde-dev@ict.kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- ForSyDe error-related types and functions.
module ForSyDe.Deep.ForSyDeErr 
  module Control.Monad.Error,
  module Debug.Trace) where

import ForSyDe.Deep.Ids

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad.Error 
import Data.Dynamic
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (Loc)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr
import Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (render)
import Data.Typeable.FSDTypeRepLib

-- ForSyDeErr

-- | All Errors thrown or displayed in ForSyDe
data ForSyDeErr = 
  -- Used in ForSyDe.ForSyDeErr              
  InconsistentContexts                       |
  -- Used in ForSyDe.Netlist
  EvalErr String                             |

  -- Used in ForSyDe.System.*
  -- | Not a variable name
  NonVarName Name                            | 
  -- | Incompatible system function
  IncomSysF  Name Type                       | 
  -- | Incompatible input interface length                
  InIfaceLength   (SysId,Int) ([String],Int)  | 
  -- | Incompatible output interface length
  OutIfaceLength  (SysId,Int) ([String],Int)  |
  -- | Multiply defined port identifier                
  MultPortId  PortId                         |
  -- | Multiply defined process identifier                
  MultProcId  ProcId                         |
  -- | The system contains components from different subsystems with
  --   the same Identifiers                
  SubSysIdClash SysId (Maybe Loc) (Maybe Loc) |
  -- | Not a SysDef variable
  NonSysDef Name Type                        |

  -- Used in ForSyDe.Proc.ProcFun 
  -- | Incorrect Declarations provided to create a ProcFun
  IncorrProcFunDecs [Dec]                    |

  -- Used in ForSyDe.Netlist.Traversable     
  -- | Inconsistent output tag
  InconsOutTag                               |

  -- Used in ForSyDe.Backend.Simulate
  -- | Inconsistent System Definition Port
  InconsSysDefPort PortId                    | 
  -- | Dynamic type mismatch
  DynMisMatch Dynamic TypeRep                |
  -- | Signature mismatch
  SigMisMatch Type                           |
  -- | Simulation input signals length mismatch
  InLengthMisMatch Int Int                   | 

  -- Used in ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.*
  -- | Empty VHDL identifier
  EmptyVHDLId                                |
  -- | Incorrect Basic VHDL Identifier
  IncVHDLBasId String                        |
  -- | Incorrect Extended VHDL Identifier
  IncVHDLExtId String                        |
  -- | Function untranslatable to VHDL (function name and error raised)
  UntranslatableVHDLFun VHDLFunErr           |
  -- | Expresion untranslatable to VHDL
  UntranslatableVHDLExp Exp VHDLExpErr       |
  -- Common Backend errors              
  -- | UnsUpported type
  UnsupportedType FSDTypeRep                 |
  -- | Reserved identifier
  ReservedId String                          |
  -- | Unsupported process
  UnsupportedProc                            |
  -- | Quartus Failed
  QuartusFailed                              |
  -- | Ghdl Failed
  GhdlFailed                                 |
  -- | Modelsim Failed
  ModelsimFailed                             |

  -- | Other Errors
  Other String           

-- | Function translation errors in the VHDL backend
data VHDLFunErr =
  -- | Polymorphic declaration
  PolyDec Dec                  |
  -- | Unsupported declaration block
  UnsupportedDecBlock  [Dec]   |
  -- | Insufficient number of parameters 
  InsParamNum Name Int         |
  -- | Unsupported input pattern in function 
  UnsupportedFunPat Pat        |
  -- | Multiple clauses
  MultipleClauses [Clause]     |
  -- | Guards in case alternatives are not supported
  FunGuardedBody Body          |
  -- | A general Error which applies to a function
  --   (e.g. its name or parameters are not a VHDL identifier,
  --         an error in an inner expression ... )
  GeneralErr ForSyDeErr

instance Show VHDLFunErr where
  show (PolyDec dec) = "polymorphic daclaration:\n" ++
           pprint dec ++
           "\nDeclarations within a ProcFun must be monomorphic in order to be " ++
           "translatable to VHDL"
  show (UnsupportedDecBlock decs) = "Unsupported declaration block:\n" ++
   concatMap pprint decs ++
   "All declaration blocks within a process function must follow the following " ++
   "pattern:\n" ++
   "   name1 :: type\n" ++
   "   name1 arg1 arg2 ... = defintion1\n" ++
   "   name2 :: type\n" ++
   "   name2 arg1 arg2 .... = defintion2\n"   
  show (FunGuardedBody body) = "guards are not supported in functions:\n" ++
                               (render.to_HPJ_Doc.(pprBody True)) body
  show (InsParamNum name n) = 
    "insufficient number of parameters (" ++ show n ++ ") in the defintion of `" ++
    pprint name ++
    "'\n point free definitons are not suported by the VHDL backend"
  show (UnsupportedFunPat pat) = 
      "input pattern `" ++ pprint pat ++ "' is not supported"
  show (MultipleClauses cs) = "multiple clauses (" ++ 
                              (show.length) cs ++ "):\n" ++ pprint cs
  show (GeneralErr err) = show err

-- | Expression translation errors in the VHDL backend
data VHDLExpErr =
  -- | Guards in case alternatives are not supported
  CaseGuardedBody Body     |
  -- Unsupported case pattern 
  UnsupportedCasePat Pat   |
  -- | Where constructs in case alternatives are not supported
  CurryUnsupported Int Int |
  -- | Unkown identifier
  UnkownIdentifier Name    |
  -- Unsupported literal
  UnsupportedLiteral       |
  -- Sections are not supported
  Section                  |
  -- Lambda Abstractions are not supported
  LambdaAbstraction        |
  -- Conditional expressions are only supported in a function body
  Conditional              |
  -- Case expressions are only supported in a function body
  Case                     |
  -- Do expressions are not supported
  Do                       |
  -- List comprehensions are not supported
  ListComprehension        |
  -- Arithmetic sequences are not supported
  ArithSeq                 |
  -- Lists are not supported
  List                     |
  -- Signature expressiosn are not supported
  Signature                |
  -- Record expressions are not supported
  Record                   |
  -- Unsupported expression generic error
  -- it shouldn't be raised, just for pattern completeness

instance Show VHDLExpErr where
 show (CaseGuardedBody body) = 
  "guards are not supported in case alternatives:\n" ++
  (render.to_HPJ_Doc.(pprBody True)) body
 show (UnsupportedCasePat pat) = "unsupported case pattern: `" ++ 
                                 pprint pat ++ "'"
 show (CurryUnsupported expected real) =
    "Currification is not supported, all arguments must be fully supplied\n"++
    "  Expected arguments: " ++ show expected ++ " Provided arguments: " ++ 
    show real 
 show (UnkownIdentifier name) = "unkown identifier `" ++ pprint name ++ "'"
 show UnsupportedLiteral = "unsupported literal" 
 show Section            = "sections are not supported"
 show LambdaAbstraction  = "lambda abstractions are not supported"
 show Conditional        = "conditional expressions are only supported within" 
                           ++ " a function body"
 show Case               = "case expressions are only supported within" 
                           ++ " a function body"
 show Do                 = "do expressions are not suupported"
 show ListComprehension  = "list comprehensions are not supported"
 show ArithSeq           = "arithmetic sequences are not supported"
 show List               = "lists are not supported" 
 show Signature          = "signature expressions are not supported"
 show Record             = "record expressions are not supported"
 show Unsupported        = "unsupported expression"

-- | Show errors
instance Show ForSyDeErr where
 show InconsistentContexts = "Inconsistent contexts"
 show (EvalErr str) = "Non evaluable node (" ++ show str ++ ")"
 show (NonVarName name) = show name ++ " is not a variable name."
 show (IncomSysF fName inctype) = 
   "Incompatible system function type\n"++
   show strFName ++ " was expected to have type:\n" ++
   "  Signal i1 -> Signal i2 -> ..... -> Signal in ->\n" ++
   "  (Signal o1, Signal o2, ... , Signal om)\n" ++
   "  with n <- |N U {0} and m <- |N U {0}\n"  ++ 
   "       i1 .. in, o1 .. im monomorphic types\n" ++
   "However " ++ strFName ++ " has type\n  " ++
   "  " ++ pprint inctype
  where strFName = show fName
 show (InIfaceLength sysInInfo portIdsInInfo) =
    showIfaceLength "input interface" sysInInfo portIdsInInfo
 show (OutIfaceLength sysOutInfo portIdsOutInfo) =
    showIfaceLength "output interface" sysOutInfo portIdsOutInfo
 show (MultPortId  portId) = 
   "Multiply defined port identifier " ++ show portId
 show (MultProcId procId) = 
   "Multiply defined process identifier " ++ show procId
 show (SubSysIdClash subSysId mLoc1 mLoc2) =
   "System contains components of different subsystems " ++ 
   "(defined at locations " ++ finalLoc1 ++ " and " ++ finalLoc2 ++ ") " ++
   "which share the same system identifier (`"++subSysId++")"
  where finalLoc1 = fromMaybe "<unkown>" mLoc1
        finalLoc2 = fromMaybe "<unkown>" mLoc2 
 show (NonSysDef name t) = 
   "A variable with SysDef type was expected\n" ++
   "However " ++ show name ++ " has type " ++ pprint t
 show (IncorrProcFunDecs decs) =
  "Only a function declaration (possibly precedeeded by a signature)" ++ 
  "is accepted\n"++ 
  "The specific, incorrect declarations follow:\n" ++
  pprint decs
 show InconsOutTag = "Inconsistent output tag"
 show (InconsSysDefPort id) = "Inconsistent port in SysDef: " ++ show id
 show (DynMisMatch dyn rep) = 
   "Type matching error in dynamic value with typerep " ++ 
   show (dynTypeRep dyn) ++
   "\n(Expected type: " ++ show rep ++ " )."
 show (SigMisMatch t) = 
  "Signal mismatch:  expected a Signal type but got " ++ pprint t 
 show (InLengthMisMatch l1 l2) = 
   "Cannot simulate: simulation arguments length-mismatch: " ++ 
     show l1 ++ " /= " ++ show l2
 show EmptyVHDLId = "Empty VHDL identifier"
 show (IncVHDLBasId id)  = "Incorrect VHDL basic identifier " ++ 
                           "`" ++ id ++ "'"
 show (IncVHDLExtId id)  = "Incorrect VHDL extended identifier " ++ 
                           "`" ++ id ++ "'"
 show (UnsupportedType tr) = "Unsupported type " ++ show tr
 show (ReservedId str)  = "Identifier `" ++ str ++ "' is reserved"
 show UnsupportedProc = "Unsupported process"
 show (UntranslatableVHDLFun err) = 
    "Untranslatable function: " ++ show err     
 show (UntranslatableVHDLExp exp err) = 
    "Untranslatable expression `" ++ pprint exp ++ "': " ++ show err     
 show QuartusFailed = "Quartus failed"
 show GhdlFailed = "Ghdl failed"
 show ModelsimFailed = "Modelsim failed"
 show (Other str) = str 

-- | help function for the show instance
showIfaceLength :: String -> (SysId, Int) -> ([String],Int) -> String
showIfaceLength ifaceMsg  (sysName, sysIfaceL) (ifaceIds, ifaceL) = 
   "Incorrect length of " ++ ifaceMsg  ++ " (" ++ show ifaceL ++ ")\n" ++
   "  " ++ show ifaceIds ++ "\n" ++    
   sysName ++ " expects an " ++ show ifaceMsg ++ " length of " ++
   show sysIfaceL 

-- Context Error

-- | A context error: a 'ForSyDeErr' with context information (indicating where
--   the error ocurred)
data ContextErr = ContextErr Context ForSyDeErr

-- | A context: it indicates where an error ocurred.
data Context =
 -- | Empty context 
 EmptyC | 
 -- | In a System definition 
 SysDefC SysId (Maybe Loc) | 
 -- | In a Process
 ProcC   SysId (Maybe Loc) ProcId | 
 -- | In a Proces Function
 ProcFunC SysId (Maybe Loc) ProcId Name Loc | 
 -- | In  a Process value
 ProcValC SysId (Maybe Loc) ProcId Exp

-- | type indicating a location in the user's source
--   code
type Loc = String

-- | Set a process context from a system context
setProcC :: ProcId -- ^ Identifier of the process
        -> Context -- ^ system context
        -> Context
setProcC pid (SysDefC sysid mSysloc) = ProcC sysid mSysloc pid 
setProcC _ _ = intError funName InconsistentContexts
 where funName = "ForSyDe.ForSyDeErr.setProcC" 

-- | Set a process function context from a process context 
setProcFunC :: Name -- ^ Function name
        -> Loc -- ^ Function location
        -> Context -- ^ system context
        -> Context
setProcFunC name loc (ProcC sysid sysloc pid) = 
 ProcFunC sysid sysloc pid name loc
setProcFunC _ _ _ = intError funName InconsistentContexts
 where funName = "ForSyDe.ForSyDeErr.setProcFunC" 

-- | Set a process value context from a process context 
setProcValC :: Exp -- ^ Expression value
        -> Context -- ^ system context
        -> Context
setProcValC exp (ProcC sysid sysloc pid) = ProcValC sysid sysloc pid exp
setProcValC _ _ = intError funName InconsistentContexts
 where funName = "ForSyDe.ForSyDeErr.setProcValC" 

instance Show Context where
 show EmptyC = ""
 show (SysDefC id mLoc)   = "system definition `" ++ id ++ 
                           "' (created in " ++ finalLoc ++ ")"
  where finalLoc = fromMaybe "<unkown>" mLoc
 show (ProcC sysid sysloc pid) = "process `" ++ pid ++ "' belonging to " ++ 
                      show (SysDefC sysid sysloc)
 show (ProcFunC sysid sysloc pid fName fLoc) = 
   "process function `" ++ pprint fName ++ "' (created in " ++ fLoc ++ ") " ++
   " used by  " ++  show (ProcC sysid sysloc pid)
 show (ProcValC sysid sysloc pid valExp) =
   "process argument `" ++ pprint valExp ++ "' used by  "
   ++ show (ProcC sysid sysloc pid)

instance Show ContextErr where
 show (ContextErr cxt err) = case cxt of
  EmptyC -> show err
  _ -> show err ++ "\nin " ++ show cxt

-- Error Monad

-- | We make ForSyDeErr an instance of the Error class to be able to throw it
-- as an exception.
instance Error ForSyDeErr where
 noMsg  = Other "An Error has ocurred"
 strMsg = Other

instance Error ContextErr where
 noMsg = ContextErr EmptyC noMsg
 strMsg = \str ->  ContextErr EmptyC (strMsg str)

-- | 'EProne' represents failure using Left ForSyDeErr  or a successful 
--   result of type a using Right a
--  'EProne' is implicitly an instance of 
--   ['MonadError']  (@Error e => MonadError e (Either e)@)
--   ['Monad']       (@Error e => Monad (Either e)@)
type EProne = Either ForSyDeErr
-- FIXME: Rethink Eprone so that it takes contexts in account

-- Helper functions

-- | Throws a an error caused by improper use of a user-exported function
uError :: String -- ^ User-exported function which cuased the error 
          -> ForSyDeErr -- ^ Error to show
          -> a
uError funName err = error $ "User error in " ++ funName ++ ": " ++ 
                             show err ++ "\n"

-- | Throws an internal error
intError :: String     -- ^ Function which caused the internal error 
         -> ForSyDeErr -- ^ Error to show
         -> a
intError funName err = error $ "Internal error in " ++ funName ++ ": " ++ 
                               show err ++ "\n" ++
                               "Please report!"

-- | lift an Either expression to an Error Monad
liftEither :: MonadError e m => Either e a  -> m a
liftEither = either throwError return

-- | An error reporting function for Quasi monads
--   Executing in the monad will stop inmideately after calling qError
-- Note, it does not work for GHC<6.8
-- see <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1265>
qError :: Quasi m => String      -- ^ The name of the function  
                                 --   called in the splice 
                     -> ForSyDeErr  -- ^ Error to show
                     -> m a
qError fname err =  fail $ "Error when calling " ++ fname ++ ":\n"  ++ 
                           show err

-- | Stop execution, find the enclosing qRecover
--   if a recover is not found, it is considered as an internal error
--   and the string provided will used as a reference to 
--   the origin of the error.
-- Note, it does not work for GHC<6.8
-- see <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1265>
qGiveUp :: Quasi m  =>  String -> m a
qGiveUp name = fail $ "qGiveUp: Internal error in " ++ name ++ 
                      ", please report."

-- | Output a trace message in a quasi monad (similar to 'putTraceMsg')
qPutTraceMsg :: Quasi m => String -> m ()
qPutTraceMsg msg = qRunIO (putTraceMsg msg)

-- | Print an Error
printError :: Show a => a -> IO ()
printError = putStrLn.("Error: "++).show

-- | Print a VHDL compilation error
printVHDLError :: Show a => a -> IO b
printVHDLError = error.("VHDL Compilation Error: "++).show

-- | Print a GraphML compilation error
printGraphMLError :: Show a => a -> IO ()
printGraphMLError = putStrLn.("VHDL Compilation Error: "++).show