{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ForSyDe.Deep.Netlist
-- Copyright   :  (c) ES Group, KTH/ICT/ES 2007-2013
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  forsyde-dev@ict.kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module provides a definition for the netlist of a system description, 
-- which is used as the intermediate representation of the embedded compiler.
-- The netlist is modelled as a directed cyclic graph whose nodes 
-- are shared using Observable Sharing ("ForSyDe.OSharing").
-- /This module is based on Lava2000/: <http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~koen/Lava/>

module ForSyDe.Deep.Netlist  where

import ForSyDe.Deep.Ids
import ForSyDe.Deep.OSharing (URef, newURef, readURef)
import {-# SOURCE #-} ForSyDe.Deep.System.SysDef 
 (SysDef(..), PrimSysDef(..), oIface)
import ForSyDe.Deep.Process.ProcFun (TypedProcFun(..))
import ForSyDe.Deep.ForSyDeErr
import ForSyDe.Deep.Process.ProcVal (ProcVal(..))

import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Typeable.FSDTypeRepLib

-- Netlist

-- | The netlist of a system is modelled as a directed cyclic graph but is
-- really equivalently implemented as a set of (possibly overlapping) trees
-- capable of sharing nodes between them.
-- There is no specific data structure for the netlist itself. Instead, a
-- netlist is simply represented by its outputs. Each output is the root node
-- of a tree ('NlTree'). The NlTrees can (and probably will) have common nodes.
-- It is important to note that, due to the use of trees, the only way to
-- traverse a 'Netlist' is from its outputs to its inputs.

newtype Netlist container = Netlist {netlistOuts :: (container NlTree)}

-- NlNode

-- | A node of the netlist can be either a process, component instances or
-- special nodes to help traversing the graph.  
-- Since the netlist graph is implemented with trees, they only store
-- information about their inputs (which are their child nodes in the tree).

data  NlNode inputi =
             -- Ports
             InPort  PortId               | -- ^ Input Ports of the system 
             -- Processes
             Proc ProcId (NlProc inputi)

-- | A process node
--   Note that vectors and transformed to lists puls an Int parameter 
--   indicating its size
data NlProc inputi =
 -- Constant signal 
 Const ProcVal  | -- ^ A signal with constant value
                  --   During all its periods        
 -- | mapSY and zipWithSY processes
 ZipWithNSY (TypedProcFun Dynamic) -- Process function in dynamic form
            [inputi]                                | 
 -- | Vector version of zipWithNSY
 ZipWithxSY (TypedProcFun ([Dynamic] -> Dynamic))     -- Process function 
                                                      -- with dynamic arguments 
             [inputi]                               | 
 -- ^ Inverse of ZipWithNSY
 UnzipNSY [FSDTypeRep] -- Type of the elements in the input tuple
                       -- (type of outputs)
          (Dynamic -> [Dynamic]) -- Dynamic version of the unzipping function
                                 -- for the concrete, monomorphic types
                                 -- of the process
          inputi                                    | 
 -- | Vector version of UnzipSY
 UnzipxSY FSDTypeRep -- Type of elements in the input vector
                     -- (and type of the outputs)
          Int -- Size of output vector (Number of output signals)
          (Dynamic -> [Dynamic])             
          inputi                                    |  

 -- | delaySY process
 DelaySY    ProcVal    inputi                       | 
 -- A System Instance is considered a special process
 -- | System Instance
 SysIns PrimSysDef [inputi]                 

-- NlEdge

-- FIXME: The NLNodeOut should merely be an integer

-- | The node connection is carried out by directed edges modelled as 
--   Unsafe Unmutable References (allowing to share nodes) connected 
--   in the output->input direction (remember we are using trees). 
--   Since the node to which the edge is directed can have various outputs 
--   (e.g a system instance) the edge is tagged to indicate to what 
--   output it refers to.
data NlEdge node = NlEdge (ForSyDe.Deep.OSharing.URef node) NlNodeOut

-- FIXME: output tags are ugly, create a variant of NlNode which takes outputs in account

-- | The different outputs which the different nodes can have
data NlNodeOut = InPortOut        |
                 ConstOut         |
                 ZipWithNSYOut    |
                 ZipWithxSYOut    |
                 UnzipNSYOut Int  |
                 UnzipxSYOut Int  |
                 DelaySYOut       |
                 SysInsOut PortId 
 deriving (Show, Eq)                

-- | Get the output tags of a node
outTags :: NlNode a -> [NlNodeOut]
outTags (InPort  _) = [InPortOut]
outTags (Proc _ proc) =
 case proc of
   Const _ -> [ConstOut]
   ZipWithNSY _ _ -> [ZipWithNSYOut]
   ZipWithxSY _ _ -> [ZipWithxSYOut] 
   UnzipNSY types _ _  -> map UnzipNSYOut [1..length types]
   UnzipxSY _ nout _ _  -> map UnzipxSYOut [1..nout]
   DelaySY    _ _  -> [DelaySYOut]
   SysIns primSysDefRef _ -> 
       map (SysInsOut . fst) ((oIface . readURef . unPrimSysDef) primSysDefRef)


-- NlTree

-- | We tie the knot to connect nodes through 'NlEdge's, building a Tree which
--   can have shared nodes.  
-- That is done by storing 'NlTree's as the the input information of each node
-- of the tree. Child nodes of the tree are closer to the inputs of the system
-- and parents are closer to the outputs.

newtype NlTree = NlTree  {rootEdge :: (NlEdge (NlNode NlTree))}

-- NlSignal

-- | A 'NlTree', or more preciselly its root 'NlEdge', is after all, how
-- signals are implemented in the netlist.
type NlSignal = NlTree

-- | Get the tag of a signal
nlSignalNlOut :: NlSignal -> NlNodeOut
nlSignalNlOut (NlTree (NlEdge _ tag)) = tag

-- Signal

-- | A signal can be seen as wire which carries values of certain type 
--   and which can be connected and processed by the two computational 
--   entities of a ForSyDe system: processes and block instances.

--   A Signal is internally represented as an edge of the graph representing
--   the system netlist.  
--   The phantom type parameter ensures type-consistency for the signal
--   processing functions.  

newtype Signal a = Signal {unSignal :: NlSignal}
 deriving Typeable

-- Helper functions

-- FIXME: All these newWhatever functions probably shouldn't be here

-- | Generate a signal pointing to an 'InPort' node
newInPort :: PortId -> NlSignal
newInPort id = NlTree (NlEdge (newURef (InPort id)) InPortOut)

-- | Generate a reference to a new 'SysIns' node
newSysIns :: ProcId -> SysDef a -> [NlSignal] 
             -> URef (NlNode NlSignal)
newSysIns id (SysDef primSysDef) inputInfo = 
    newURef (Proc id (SysIns primSysDef inputInfo))   

-- | Generate the output signal of a node
newNodeOutSig :: URef (NlNode NlSignal)  -- ^ Reference to the node 
              -> NlNodeOut               -- ^ Output tag
              -> NlSignal
newNodeOutSig ref mTag  = NlTree (NlEdge ref mTag)

-- | Evaluate the output of a process within a synchronous period
--   The inputs and outputs are given in dynamic form
eval :: NlNode Dynamic -> [(NlNodeOut, Dynamic)]
eval node = case node of
 InPort _ -> intError evalStr (EvalErr "InPort")
 Proc _ proc -> case proc of
    Const pv -> [(ConstOut, dyn pv)]
    ZipWithNSY fun dynArgs
      -> [(ZipWithNSYOut, foldl1 dynApp ((tval fun) : dynArgs))]  
    ZipWithxSY fun dynListArg
      -> [(ZipWithxSYOut, (tval fun) dynListArg)]
    UnzipNSY _ fun dynArg
      -> zipWith (\n dyn -> (UnzipNSYOut n, dyn))
                 (fun dynArg) 
    UnzipxSY _ _ fun dynArg
      -> zipWith (\n dyn -> (UnzipxSYOut n, dyn))
                 (fun  dynArg) 
    DelaySY _ _                   
      -> intError evalStr (EvalErr "DelaySY")
    SysIns  _ _                   
      -> intError evalStr (EvalErr "SysIns")
 where evalStr = "ForSyDe.Netlist.eval"