-- |
-- Module  :  ForSyDe.Shallow.MoC.Dataflow
-- Copyright   :  (c) ForSyDe Group, KTH 2007-2008
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  forsyde-dev@ict.kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- The dataflow library defines data types, process constructors and
-- functions to model dataflow process networks, as described by Lee and
-- Parks in Dataflow process networks, IEEE Proceedings, 1995 ([LeeParks95]).
-- Each process is defined by a set of firing rules and corresponding
-- actions. A process fires, if the incoming signals match a firing
-- rule. Then the process consumes the matched tokens and executes the
-- action corresponding to the firing rule.

module ForSyDe.Shallow.MoC.Dataflow
  -- * Data Types       
  -- | The data type @FiringToken@ defines the data type for tokens. The
  --   constructor @Wild@ constructs a token wildcard, the constructor
  --   @Value a@ constructs a token with value @a@.
  -- A sequence (pattern) matches a signal, if the sequence is a prefix of
  -- the signal. The following list illustrates the firing rules:
  --   * [⊥] matches always  (/NullS/ in ForSyDe)
  --   * [*] matches signal with at least one token (/[Wild]/ in ForSyDe)
  --   * [v] matches signal with v as its first value (/[Value v]/ in ForSyDe)
  --   * [*,*] matches signals with at least two tokens (/[Wild,Wild]/ in ForSyDe) 
  FiringToken(Wild, Value),
  -- * Combinational Process Constructors 
  -- | Combinatorial processes
  -- do not have an internal state. This means, that the output
  -- signal only depends on the input signals.
  -- To illustrate the concept of data flow processes, we create a
  -- process that selects tokens from two inputs according to a
  -- control signal.
  -- The process has the following firing rules [LeeParks95]:
  --   * R1 = {[*], ⊥, [T]}
  --   * R2 = {⊥, [*], [F]}
  -- The corresponding ForSyDe formulation of the firing rules is:
  -- @
  --  selectRules = [ ([Wild], [], [Value True]),
  --                  ([], [Wild], [Value False]) ]
  -- @
  -- For the output we formulate the following set of output functions:
  -- @
  --  selectOutput xs ys _  = [ [headS xs], [headS ys] ]
  -- @
  -- The select process /selectDF/ is then defined by:
  -- @
  --  selectDF :: Eq a => Signal a -> Signal a 
  --           -> Signal Bool -> Signal a
  --  selectDF =  zipWith3DF selectRules selectOutput
  -- @
  -- Given the signals /s1/, /s2/ and /s3/
  -- @
  --  s1 = signal [1,2,3,4,5,6]
  --  s2 = signal [7,8,9,10,11,12]
  --  s3 = signal [True, True, False, False, True, True]
  -- @
  -- the executed process gives the following results:
  -- @ 
  --  DataflowLib> selectDF s1 s2 s3
  --  {1,2,7,8,3,4} :: Signal Integer
  -- @
  -- The library contains the following combinational process
  -- constructors:
  mapDF, zipWithDF, zipWith3DF, 
  -- * Sequential Process Constructors 
  -- | Sequential processes have
  -- an internal state. This means, that the output signal may
  -- depend internal state and on the input signal. 
  -- As an example we can view a process calculating the running sum
  -- of the input tokens. It has only one firing rule, which is
  -- illustrated below.
  -- @
  --  Firing Rule    Next State    Output
  --  ------------------------------------
  --  (*,[*])        state + x     {state}
  -- @
  -- A dataflow process using these firing rules and the initial state
  -- 0 can be formulated in ForSyDe as
  -- @
  --  rs xs = mealyDF firingRule nextState output initState xs
  --    where 
  --      firingRule         = [(Wild, [Wild])]
  --      nextState state xs = [(state + headS xs)]
  --      output state _     = [[state]]
  --      initState          = 0
  -- @
  -- Execution of the process gives
  -- @     
  --  DataflowLib> rs (signal[1,2,3,4,5,6])
  --  {0,1,3,6,10,15} :: Signal Integer
  -- @
  -- Another 'running sum' process /rs2/ takes two tokens, pushes
  -- them into a queue of five elements and calculates the sum as
  -- output.
  -- @
  --  rs2 = mealyDF fs ns o init
  --    where 
  --      init        = [0,0,0,0,0]
  --      fs          = [(Wild, ([Wild, Wild]))]
  --      ns state xs = [drop 2 state ++ fromSignal (takeS 2 xs)]
  --      o state _   = [[(sum state)]]
  -- @
  -- Execution of the process gives
  -- @
  --  DataflowLib>rs2 (signal [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
  --  {0,3,10,20,30} :: Signal Integer
  -- @
  scanlDF, mooreDF, mealyDF
    ) where

import ForSyDe.Shallow.Core 


data FiringToken a = Wild
       | Value a deriving (Eq, Show)


-- |The process constructor @mapDF@ takes a list of firing rules, a
-- list of corresponding output functions and generates a data flow
-- process with one input and one output signal.
mapDF :: Eq a => [[FiringToken a]] 
 -> (Signal a -> [[b]]) -> Signal a -> Signal b

mapDF _ _ NullS = NullS 
mapDF rs as xs  = output +-+ mapDF rs as xs'
    xs'         = if matchedRule < 0 then
                    consumeDF rule xs
    matchedRule = (matchDF rs xs)
    rule        = rs !! matchedRule
    output      = if matchedRule < 0 then
                    signal ((as xs) !! matchedRule)
-- |The process constructors @zipWithDF@ takes a list of firing rules,
-- a list of corresponding output functions to generate a data flow
-- process with two input signals and one output signal.
zipWithDF :: (Eq a, Eq b) => 
             [([FiringToken b], [FiringToken a])] 
          -> (Signal b -> Signal a -> [[c]]) -> Signal b 
          -> Signal a -> Signal c

zipWithDF _ _ NullS NullS = NullS
zipWithDF rs as xs ys     = output +-+ zipWithDF rs as xs' ys'
    (xs', ys')  = if matchedRule < 0 then
                    (NullS, NullS)
                    consume2DF rule xs ys
    matchedRule = (match2DF rs xs ys)
    rule        = rs !! matchedRule
    output      = if matchedRule < 0 then
                    signal ((as xs ys) !! matchedRule)

-- |The process constructors @zipWith3DF@ takes a list of firing
-- rules, a list of corresponding output functions to generate a data
-- flow process with three input signals and one output signal.
zipWith3DF :: (Eq a, Eq b, Eq c) => 
              [([FiringToken a],[FiringToken b],[FiringToken c])] 
           -> (Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> [[d]]) 
           -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d
zipWith3DF _ _ NullS NullS NullS = NullS
zipWith3DF rs as xs ys zs = output +-+ zipWith3DF rs as xs' ys' zs'
    (xs', ys', zs') = if matchedRule < 0 then
                        (NullS, NullS, NullS)
                        consume3DF rule xs ys zs
    matchedRule     = (match3DF rs xs ys zs)
    rule            = rs !! matchedRule
    output          = if matchedRule < 0 then
                        signal ((as xs ys zs) !! matchedRule)

-- | The process constructor @scanlDF@ implements a finite state
-- machine without output decoder in the ForSyDe methodology. It takes
-- a set of firing rules and a set of corresponding next state
-- functions as arguments. A firing rule is a tuple. The first value
-- is a pattern for the state, the second value corresponds to an
-- input pattern. When a pattern matches, the process fires, the
-- corresponding next state is executed, and the tokens matching the
-- pattern are consumed.
scanlDF :: (Eq a, Eq b) => [(FiringToken b,[FiringToken a])]      
        -> (b -> Signal a -> [b]) 
        -> b -> Signal a -> Signal b
scanlDF _  _  _     NullS   = NullS
scanlDF fs ns state xs      = (unitS state) 
                              +-+ scanlDF fs ns state' xs'
     xs'         = if matchedRule < 0 then
                     consumeDF rule xs
     matchedRule = matchStDF fs state xs
     rule        = snd (fs !! matchedRule)
     state'      = if matchedRule < 0 then
                     error "No rule matches the pattern!"
                     (ns state xs) !! matchedRule

-- | The process constructor @mooreDF@ implements a Moore finite state
-- machine in the ForSyDe methodology. It takes a set of firing rules,
-- a set of corresponding next state functions and a set of output
-- functions as argument. A firing rule is a tuple. The first value is
-- a pattern for the state, the second value corresponds to an input
-- pattern. When a pattern matches, the process fires, the
-- corresponding next state and output functions are executed, and the
-- tokens matching the pattern are consumed.
mooreDF :: (Eq a, Eq b) => [(FiringToken b,[FiringToken a])] 
        -> (b -> Signal a -> [b]) -> (b -> [c]) 
        -> b -> Signal a -> Signal c
mooreDF _  _  _ _     NullS = NullS
mooreDF fs ns o state xs    = output +-+ mooreDF fs ns o state' xs'
    xs'         = if matchedRule < 0 then
                    consumeDF rule xs
    matchedRule = matchStDF fs state xs
    rule        = snd (fs !! matchedRule)
    output      = signal (o state)
    state'      = if matchedRule < 0 then
                    error "No rule matches the pattern!"
                    (ns state xs) !! matchedRule 

-- | The process constructor @mealyDF@ implements the most general
-- state machine in the ForSyDe methodology. It takes a set of firing
-- rules, a set of corresponding next state functions and a set of
-- output functions as argument. A firing rule is a tuple. The first
-- value is a pattern for the state, the second value corresponds to
-- an input pattern. When a pattern matches, the process fires, the
-- corresponding next state and output functions are executed, and the
-- tokens matching the pattern are consumed.
mealyDF :: (Eq a, Eq b) => [(FiringToken b,[FiringToken a])] 
        -> (b -> Signal a -> [b]) -> (b -> Signal a -> [[c]]) 
        -> b -> Signal a -> Signal c
mealyDF _  _  _ _     NullS     = NullS
mealyDF fs ns o state xs = output +-+ mealyDF fs ns o state' xs'
    xs'         = if matchedRule < 0 then
                    consumeDF rule xs
    matchedRule = matchStDF fs state xs
    rule        = snd (fs !! matchedRule)
    output      = signal ((o state xs) !! matchedRule)
    state'      = if matchedRule < 0 then
                    error "No rule matches the pattern!"
                    (ns state xs) !! matchedRule  


-- The function 'prefixDF' takes a pattern and a signal and returns
-- 'True', if the pattern is a prefix from the signal.
prefixDF :: Eq a => [FiringToken a] -> Signal a -> Bool
prefixDF [] _    = True
prefixDF _ NullS = False
prefixDF (Wild:ps)      (_:-xs) = prefixDF ps xs
prefixDF ((Value p):ps) (x:-xs) = if p == x then
                                    prefixDF ps xs

-- The function 'consumeDF' takes a pattern and a signal and consumes
-- the pattern from the signal. The functions 'consume2DF' and
-- 'consume3DF' work in the same way as 'consumeDF', but with two and
-- three input signals.
consumeDF :: Eq a => [FiringToken a] 
          -> Signal a -> Signal a
consumeDF _  NullS =  NullS           
consumeDF [] xs    =  xs
consumeDF (Wild:ts)    (_:-xs)  =  consumeDF ts xs     
consumeDF (Value t:ts) (x:-xs)  =  if t == x then
                                     consumeDF ts xs
                                     error "Tokens not correct"

consume2DF :: (Eq a, Eq b) => 
              ([FiringToken a], [FiringToken b]) 
           -> Signal a -> Signal b -> (Signal a, Signal b)
consume2DF (px, py) xs ys = (consumeDF px xs,
                             consumeDF py ys)

consume3DF :: (Eq a, Eq b, Eq c) => 
              ([FiringToken a], [FiringToken b], [FiringToken c]) 
           -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c 
           -> (Signal a,Signal b,Signal c)
consume3DF (px, py, pz) xs ys zs = (consumeDF px xs,
                                    consumeDF py ys,
                                    consumeDF pz zs)

-- The function 'matchDF' checks, which firing rule, starting from 0, is
-- matched by the input signal. If no firing rule matches, the output is
-- '-1'. The functions 'maptch2S' and 'match3DF' work in the same way
-- for two and three inputs.
matchDF :: (Num a, Eq b) => 
           [[FiringToken b]] -> Signal b -> a
matchDF rs xs       =  matchDF' 0 rs xs
  where matchDF' _ []     _    =  -1
        matchDF' n (r:rs) xs   =  if prefixDF r xs then
                                    matchDF' (n+1) rs xs

match2DF :: (Num a, Eq b, Eq c) => 
            [([FiringToken b], [FiringToken c])]
         -> Signal b -> Signal c -> a
match2DF rs xs ys       =  match2DF' 0 rs xs ys
  where match2DF' _ [] _ _     =  -1
        match2DF' n ((rx, ry):rs) xs ys
          =  if prefixDF rx xs &&
                prefixDF ry ys 
               match2DF' (n+1) rs xs ys

match3DF :: (Num a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d) => 
            [([FiringToken b], [FiringToken d], [FiringToken c])]
         -> Signal b -> Signal d -> Signal c -> a
match3DF rs xs ys zs    = match3DF' 0 rs xs ys zs
  where match3DF' _ [] _ _ _   = -1 
        match3DF' n ((rx, ry, rz):rs) xs ys zs 
          =  if prefixDF rx xs &&
                prefixDF ry ys &&
                prefixDF rz zs 
               match3DF' (n+1) rs xs ys zs  

-- The function 'matchStDF' works in the same way as 'matchDF', but it
-- looks on patterns that include the state.
matchStDF :: (Num a, Eq b, Eq c) => 
             [(FiringToken c,[FiringToken b])] 
          -> c -> Signal b -> a
matchStDF rs state xs       = matchStDF' 0 rs state xs
  where matchStDF' _ [] _ _     =  -1
        matchStDF' n (r:rs) state xs    
          =  if prefixDF (snd r) xs && 
                matchState (fst r) state
               matchStDF' (n+1) rs state xs  
matchState :: Eq a => FiringToken a -> a -> Bool
matchState Wild      _ = True
matchState (Value v) x = x == v 


selectRules :: [([FiringToken a], [FiringToken a1], [FiringToken Bool])]
selectRules = [ ([Wild], [], [Value True]),
       ([], [Wild], [Value False]) ]

selectOutput :: Signal t1 -> Signal t1 -> t -> [[t1]]
selectOutput xs ys _ =  [ [headS xs], [headS ys] ]

selectDF        :: Eq a => Signal a -> Signal a 
               -> Signal Bool -> Signal a
selectDF        =  zipWith3DF selectRules selectOutput

s1 :: Signal Integer
s1 = signal [1,2,3,4,5,6]
s2 :: Signal Integer
s2 = signal [7,8,9,10,11,12]
s3 :: Signal Bool
s3 = signal [True, True, False, False, True, True]

rs :: (Eq c, Num c) => Signal c -> Signal c
rs xs           = mealyDF firingRule nextState output initState xs
   where firingRule     = [(Wild, [Wild])]
     nextState state xs     = [(state + headS xs)]
     output state _         = [[state]]
     initState      = 0

rs2 :: Signal Integer -> Signal Integer
rs2        = mealyDF fs ns o init
   where init      = [0,0,0,0,0]
     fs        = [(Wild, ([Wild, Wild]))]
     ns state xs   = [drop 2 state ++ fromSignal (takeS 2 xs)]
     o state _     = [[(sum state)]]