free-operational- Operational Applicative, Alternative, Monad and MonadPlus, built with free types.

Safe HaskellNone



Applicative programs over an operational-style instruction set, implemented on top of the Ap free Applicative type.



newtype ProgramAp instr a Source

An Applicative program over instruction set instr. This is modeled after the Program type from operational (, but this one is an Applicative, not a Monad. This makes it less powerful, but in exchange for the sacrificed power ProgramAp is suceptible to much stronger static analysis.

For examples of this (though applied to free applicatives), see:

See also the examples in Control.Alternative.Operational.




toAp :: Ap (Yoneda instr) a

Interpret a ProgramAp as a free applicative (Ap).


Operational instr (ProgramAp instr) 
Functor (ProgramAp instr) 
Applicative (ProgramAp instr) 

interpretAp :: forall instr f a. Applicative f => (forall x. instr x -> f x) -> ProgramAp instr a -> f aSource

Evaluate a ProgramAp by interpreting each instruction as an Applicative action. Example Reader implementation:

 type Reader r a = ProgramAp (ReaderI r) a

 data ReaderI r a where
     Ask :: ReaderI r r
 ask :: Reader r r
 ask = singleton Ask
 runReader :: forall r a. Reader r a -> r -> a
 runReader = interpretAp evalI
     where evalI :: forall a. ReaderI r a -> r -> a
           evalI Ask = id

fromProgramAp :: (Operational instr f, Applicative f) => ProgramAp instr a -> f aSource

Lift a ProgramAp into any other Operational program type that is at least as strong as Applicative; e.g., lift an applicative program into a monadic one. Note that not all applicatives are monads, so a lifted program may "lose" some of the interpretations that the original could be given.

data ProgramViewAp instr a whereSource

A friendly concrete tree view type for ProgramAp. Unlike the :>>= constructor in the ProgramView type of Control.Monad.Operational, whose second data member is a function that consumes an instruction result to generate the rest of the program, our :<**> constructor exposes the rest of program immediately.

Note that the ProgramViewAp type normalizes the program into a different ordering and bracketing than the applicative <*> operator does. The :<**> constructor is an analogue of <**> :: Applicative f => f a -> f (a -> b) -> f b from Control.Applicative. The normalization means that you get a list-like structure with instructions as the elements (in the same order as their effects) and Pure as the terminator.

A static analysis example, based on Capriotti and Kaposi (2013,

 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

 import Control.Operational.Applicative
 data FileSystemI a where
     Read  :: FilePath -> FileSystemI String 
     Write :: FilePath -> String -> FileSystemI ()
 -- | Count how many file accesses a program does.
 count :: ProgramAp FileSystemI a -> Int
 count = count' . viewAp
     where count' :: forall x. ProgramViewAp FileSystemI x -> Int
           count' (Pure _)   = 0
           count' (_ :<**> k) = succ (count' k)

Or actually, just this:

 count :: ProgramAp FileSystemI a -> Int
 count = length . instructions

You can also use the ProgramViewAp to interpret the program, in the style of the operational package. Example implementation of a simple terminal language in this style:

 data TermI a where
     Say :: String -> TermI ()
     Get :: TermI String
 say :: String -> ProgramAp TermI ()
 say = singleton . Say
 get :: ProgramAp TermI String
 get = singleton Get
 prompt :: String -> ProgramAp TermI String
 prompt str = say str *> get
 runTerm :: ProgramAp TermI a -> IO a
 runTerm = eval . viewAp
     where eval :: forall x. ProgramViewAp TermI x -> IO x
           eval (Pure a) = pure a
           eval (Say str :<**> k) = putStr str <**> eval k
           eval (Get :<**> k)     = getLine    <**> eval k 

 example :: ProgramAp TermI (String, String)
 example = (,) <$> prompt "First question: " <*> prompt "Second question: "
 -- example = Say "First question: " :<**> (Get :<**> (Say "Second question: " :<**> (Get :<**> Pure (\_ a _ b -> (a, b)))))

But as a general rule, interpretAp makes for shorter, less repetitive, fooler-proof interpreters:

 runTerm :: ProgramAp TermI a -> IO a
 runTerm = interpretAp evalI
     where evalI :: forall x. TermI x -> IO x
           evalI (Say str)   = putStr str
           evalI Get         = getLine


Pure :: a -> ProgramViewAp instr a 
:<**> :: instr a -> ProgramViewAp instr (a -> b) -> ProgramViewAp instr b 

viewAp :: ProgramAp instr a -> ProgramViewAp instr aSource

Materialize a ProgramAp as a concrete tree. Note that ProgramAp's Functor and Applicative instances normalize their programs, so the view term may not look like the code that created it. Instructions however will appear in the order that their effects should happen, from left to right.

compileAp :: ProgramViewAp instr a -> ProgramAp instr aSource

Compile a ProgramViewAp back into a ProgramAp.

foldProgramViewAp :: (forall x. instr x -> r -> r) -> r -> ProgramViewAp instr a -> rSource

instructions :: ProgramAp instr a -> [AnyInstr instr]Source

data AnyInstr instr Source


forall a . AnyInstr (instr a)