fst- Finite state transducers

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




Main API for finite-state transducer library. Importing this module gives you access to the folllowing functions.

Regular expressions

Functions for constructing a simplified regular expression.

 s          :: a -> Reg a              -- symbol
 eps        :: Reg a                   -- epsilon
 empty      :: Reg a                   -- empty set
 allS       :: Reg a                   -- all symbol
 star       :: Reg a -> Reg a          -- kleene’s star
 plus       :: Reg a -> Reg a          -- kleene’s plus
 complement :: Reg a -> Reg a          -- complement
 (<|>)      :: Reg a -> Reg a -> Reg a -- union
 (|>)       :: Reg a -> Reg a -> Reg a -- product
 (<&>)      :: Reg a -> Reg a -> Reg a -- intersection
 (<->)      :: Reg a -> Reg a -> Reg a -- set minus
 symbols    :: Reg a -> a              -- collect all symbols.

Regular relations

Functions for constructing a simplified regular relation.

 r       :: a -> a -> Reg a            -- relation
 empty   :: RReg a                     -- empty set
 idR     :: Reg a -> RReg a            -- identity
 star    :: RReg a -> RReg a           -- kleene’s star
 plus    :: RReg a -> RReg a           -- kleene’s plus
 (<|>)   :: RReg a -> RReg a -> RReg a -- union
 (|>)    :: RReg a -> RReg a -> RReg a -- product
 (<*>)   :: Reg a -> Reg a -> RReg a   -- cross product
 (<.>)   :: RReg a -> RReg a -> RReg a -- composition
 symbols :: RReg a -> a                -- collect all symbols

Parsing regular relations

Functions for parsing regular relations.

parseProgram takes a string containing a fstStudio program, and try to parse it - if unsuccessful, it returns a error message. parseExp parses a string containing a regular relation.

 parseProgram :: String -> Either String (RReg String)
 parseExp     :: String -> Either String (RReg String)

Construction and running

Functions for constructing and running a nite state transducer. The function compile construct a deterministic, epsilonfree, minimal transducer, and compileN construct a epsilonfree, possibly non-deterministic, non-minimal transducer. The Sigma type provides a way to add symbols that is not present in the regular relation. applyDown and applyUp are used to run the transducer.

 type Sigma a = [a]

 compile         :: Ord a => RReg a -> Sigma a -> Transducer a
 compileN        :: Ord a => RReg a -> Sigma a -> Transducer a
 determinize     :: Ord a => Transducer a -> Transducer a
 minimize        :: Ord a => Transducer a -> Transducer a
 unionT          :: Ord a => Transducer a -> Transducer a -> Transducer a
 productT        :: Ord a => Transducer a -> Transducer a -> Transducer a
 starT           :: Ord a => Transducer a -> Transducer a
 compositionT    :: Ord a => Transducer a -> Transducer a -> Transducer a
 emptyTransducer :: Transducer a
 applyDown       :: Ord a => Transducer a -> [a] -> Maybe [[a]]
 applyUp         :: Ord a => Transducer a -> [a] -> Maybe [[a]]
 load            :: FilePath -> IO (Either String (Transducer String))
 save            :: FilePath -> Transducer String -> IO (Either String ())

Transducer Information

Functions for getting information about a built transducer.

type StateTy = Int

 states              :: Transducer a -> [StateTy]
 isFinal             :: Transducer a -> StateTy -> Bool
 initial             :: Transducer a -> StateTy
 finals              :: Transducer a -> [StateTy]
 transitonsU         :: Transducer a -> (StateTy,a) -> [(a,StateTy)]
 transitionsD        :: Transducer a -> (StateTy,a) -> [(a,StateTy)]
 showTransducer      :: Transducer a -> String
 numberOfStates      :: Transducer a -> Int
 numberOfTransitions :: Transducer a -> Int


Functions on regular expressions and relations


data Transducer a Source

Data type for a transducer

Transducer-building functions

compile :: Ord a => RReg a -> Sigma a -> Transducer aSource

Construct a deterministic, epsilon-free, minimal transducer

compileN :: Ord a => RReg a -> Sigma a -> Transducer aSource

Construct an epsilon-free, possibly non-deterministic, non-minimal transducer

minimize :: Ord a => Transducer a -> Transducer aSource

Make a transducer minimal

determinize :: Ord a => Transducer a -> Transducer aSource

Make a transducer deterministic

emptyTransducer :: Ord a => Transducer aSource

The empty transucer

Query functions on transducer

numberOfStates :: Ord a => Transducer a -> IntSource

Return the number of states in a transducer

numberOfTransitions :: Ord a => Transducer a -> IntSource

Return the number of transitions in a transducer

transitions :: Eq a => Transducer a -> (StateTy, Relation a) -> [StateTy]Source

Get transition as a list of states

showTransducer :: Show a => Transducer a -> StringSource

Show a transducer

Transducer combinators

unionT :: Eq a => Transducer a -> Transducer a -> Transducer aSource

Union of two transducers

productT :: Eq a => Transducer a -> Transducer a -> Transducer aSource

Product of two transducers

starT :: Eq a => Transducer a -> Transducer aSource

Kleene star of two transducers

compositionT :: Eq a => Transducer a -> Transducer a -> Transducer aSource

Compose two transducers

File IO functions

load :: FilePath -> ErrorT String IO (Transducer String)Source

Load a transducer from file

save :: FilePath -> Transducer String -> ErrorT String IO ()Source

Save a transducer from file

open :: FilePath -> ErrorT String IO StringSource

Open a file and return contents as string

saveToFile :: FilePath -> String -> ErrorT String IO ()Source

Save contents (as string) to a file

Parse functions

parseProgram :: String -> Either String (RReg String)Source

Parse a program from a string

parseExp :: String -> Either String (RReg String)Source

Parse a regular expression from a string

Run functions

applyUp :: Eq a => Transducer a -> [a] -> Maybe [[a]]Source

Apply a transducer upwards

applyDown :: Eq a => Transducer a -> [a] -> Maybe [[a]]Source

Apply a transducer downwards