{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns           #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Data.Type.Functor.Product
-- Copyright   : (c) Justin Le 2018
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : justin@jle.im
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Generalized functor products based on lifted 'Foldable's.
-- For example, @'Rec' f '[a,b,c]@ from /vinyl/ contains an @f a@, @f b@,
-- and @f c@.
-- @'PMaybe' f ('Just a)@ contains an @f a@ and @'PMaybe' f 'Nothing@
-- contains nothing.
-- Also provide data types for "indexing" into each foldable.

module Data.Type.Functor.Product (
  -- * Classes
    FProd(..), Shape
  , PureProd(..), pureShape
  , PureProdC(..), ReifyConstraintProd(..)
  , AllConstrainedProd
  -- ** Functions
  , indexProd, mapProd, foldMapProd, hmap, zipProd
  , imapProd, itraverseProd, ifoldMapProd
  , generateProd, generateProdA
  , selectProd, indices
  , eqProd, compareProd
  -- *** Over singletons
  , indexSing, singShape
  , foldMapSing, ifoldMapSing
  -- * Instances
  , Rec(..), Index(..), withPureProdList
  , PMaybe(..), IJust(..)
  , PEither(..), IRight(..)
  , NERec(..), NEIndex(..), withPureProdNE
  , PTup(..), ISnd(..)
  , PIdentity(..), IIdentity(..)
  , sameIndexVal, sameNEIndexVal
  -- ** Interfacing with vinyl
  , rElemIndex, indexRElem, toCoRec
  -- * Singletons
  , SIndex(..), SIJust(..), SIRight(..), SNEIndex(..), SISnd(..), SIIdentity(..)
  , Sing (SIndex', SIJust', SIRight', SNEIndex', SISnd', SIIdentity')
  -- * Defunctionalization symbols
  , ElemSym0, ElemSym1, ElemSym2
  , ProdSym0, ProdSym1, ProdSym2
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.Functor.Classes
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.List.NonEmpty                      (NonEmpty(..))
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Semigroup
import           Data.Singletons
import           Data.Singletons.Decide
import           Data.Singletons.Prelude hiding          (Elem, ElemSym0, ElemSym1, ElemSym2)
import           Data.Singletons.Prelude.Foldable hiding (Elem, ElemSym0, ElemSym1, ElemSym2)
import           Data.Singletons.Prelude.Identity
import           Data.Vinyl hiding                       ((:~:))
import           Data.Vinyl.CoRec
import           GHC.Generics                            ((:*:)(..))
import           Lens.Micro hiding                       ((%~))
import           Lens.Micro.Extras
import           Unsafe.Coerce
import qualified Data.Singletons.Prelude.List.NonEmpty   as NE
import qualified Data.Text                               as T
import qualified Data.Vinyl.Functor                      as V
import qualified Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel                    as V

fmapIdent :: Fmap IdSym0 as :~: as
fmapIdent = unsafeCoerce Refl

-- | Simply witness the /shape/ of an argument (ie, @'Shape' [] as@
-- witnesses the length of @as@, and @'Shape' Maybe as@ witnesses whether
-- or not @as@ is 'Just' or 'Nothing').
type Shape f = (Prod f Proxy :: f k -> Type)

-- | Unify different functor products over a Foldable @f@.
class (PFunctor f, SFunctor f, PFoldable f, SFoldable f) => FProd (f :: Type -> Type) where
    type Elem  f = (i :: f k -> k -> Type) | i -> f
    type Prod  f = (p :: (k -> Type) -> f k -> Type) | p -> f

    -- | You can convert a singleton of a foldable value into a foldable product of
    -- singletons.  This essentially "breaks up" the singleton into its
    -- individual items.  Should be an inverse with 'prodSing'.
    singProd :: Sing as -> Prod f Sing as

    -- | Collect a collection of singletons back into a single singleton.
    -- Should be an inverse with 'singProd'.
    prodSing :: Prod f Sing as -> Sing as

    -- | Pair up each item in a foldable product with its index.
        :: Prod f g as
        -> Prod f (Elem f as :*: g) as

    -- | Traverse a foldable functor product with a RankN applicative function,
    -- mapping over each value and sequencing the effects.
    -- This is the generalization of 'rtraverse'.
        :: forall g h as m. Applicative m
        => (forall a. g a -> m (h a))
        -> Prod f g as
        -> m (Prod f h as)
    traverseProd = case fmapIdent @as of
      Refl -> htraverse (sing @IdSym0)

    -- | Zip together two foldable functor products with a Rank-N function.
        :: (forall a. g a -> h a -> j a)
        -> Prod f g as
        -> Prod f h as
        -> Prod f j as
    zipWithProd f xs ys = imapProd (\i x -> f x (indexProd i ys)) xs

    -- | Traverse a foldable functor product with a type-changing function.
        :: Applicative m
        => Sing ff
        -> (forall a. g a -> m (h (ff @@ a)))
        -> Prod f g as
        -> m (Prod f h (Fmap ff as))

    -- | A 'Lens' into an item in a foldable functor product, given its
    -- index.
    -- This roughly generalizes 'rlens'.
        :: Elem f as a
        -> Lens' (Prod f g as) (g a)

    -- | Fold a functor product into a 'Rec'.
    toRec :: Prod f g as -> Rec g (ToList as)

    -- | Get a 'PureProd' instance from a foldable functor product
    -- providing its shape.
        :: Prod f g as
        -> (PureProd f as => r)
        -> r

-- | Create @'Prod' f@ if you can give a @g a@ for every slot.
class PureProd (f :: Type -> Type) (as :: f k) where
    pureProd :: (forall a. g a) -> Prod f g as

-- | Create @'Prod' f@ if you can give a @g a@ for every slot, given some
-- constraint.
class PureProdC (f :: Type -> Type) c (as :: f k) where
    pureProdC :: (forall a. c a => g a) -> Prod f g as

-- | Pair up each item in a @'Prod' f@ with a witness that @f a@ satisfies
-- some constraint.
class ReifyConstraintProd (f :: Type -> Type) c (g :: k -> Type) (as :: f k) where
    reifyConstraintProd :: Prod f g as -> Prod f (Dict c V.:. g) as

data ElemSym0 (f :: Type -> Type) :: f k ~> k ~> Type
data ElemSym1 (f :: Type -> Type) :: f k -> k ~> Type
type ElemSym2 (f :: Type -> Type) (as :: f k) (a :: k) = Elem f as a

type instance Apply (ElemSym0 f) as = ElemSym1 f as
type instance Apply (ElemSym1 f as) a = Elem f as a

data ProdSym0 (f :: Type -> Type) :: (k -> Type) ~> f k ~> Type
data ProdSym1 (f :: Type -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> f k ~> Type
type ProdSym2 (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) (as :: f k) = Prod f g as

type instance Apply (ProdSym0 f) g = ProdSym1 f g
type instance Apply (ProdSym1 f g) as = Prod f g as

-- | A convenient wrapper over 'V.AllConstrained' that works for any
-- Foldable @f@.
type AllConstrainedProd c as = V.AllConstrained c (ToList as)

-- | Create a 'Shape' given an instance of 'PureProd'.
pureShape :: PureProd f as => Shape f as
pureShape = pureProd Proxy

-- | Generate a 'Prod' of indices for an @as@.
indices :: (FProd f, PureProd f as) => Prod f (Elem f as) as
indices = imapProd const pureShape

-- | Convert a @'Sing' as@ into a @'Shape' f as@, witnessing the shape of
-- of @as@ but dropping all of its values.
    :: FProd f
    => Sing as
    -> Shape f as
singShape = mapProd (const Proxy) . singProd

-- | Map a RankN function over a 'Prod'.  The generalization of 'rmap'.
    :: FProd f
    => (forall a. g a -> h a)
    -> Prod f g as
    -> Prod f h as
mapProd f = runIdentity . traverseProd (Identity . f)

-- | Zip together the values in two 'Prod's.
    :: FProd f
    => Prod f g as
    -> Prod f h as
    -> Prod f (g :*: h) as
zipProd = zipWithProd (:*:)

-- | Map a type-changing function over every item in a 'Prod'.
    :: FProd f
    => Sing ff
    -> (forall a. g a -> h (ff @@ a))
    -> Prod f g as
    -> Prod f h (Fmap ff as)
hmap ff f = runIdentity . htraverse ff (Identity . f)

-- | 'mapProd', but with access to the index at each element.
    :: FProd f
    => (forall a. Elem f as a -> g a -> h a)
    -> Prod f g as
    -> Prod f h as
imapProd f = mapProd (\(i :*: x) -> f i x) . withIndices

-- | Extract the item from the container witnessed by the 'Elem'
    :: forall f as a. FProd f
    => Elem f as a        -- ^ Witness
    -> Sing as            -- ^ Collection
    -> Sing a
indexSing i = indexProd i . singProd

-- | Use an 'Elem' to index a value out of a 'Prod'.
    :: FProd f
    => Elem f as a
    -> Prod f g as
    -> g a
indexProd i = view (ixProd i)

-- | 'traverseProd', but with access to the index at each element.
    :: (FProd f, Applicative m)
    => (forall a. Elem f as a -> g a -> m (h a))
    -> Prod f g as
    -> m (Prod f h as)
itraverseProd f = traverseProd (\(i :*: x) -> f i x) . withIndices

-- | 'foldMapProd', but with access to the index at each element.
    :: (FProd f, Monoid m)
    => (forall a. Elem f as a -> g a -> m)
    -> Prod f g as
    -> m
ifoldMapProd f = getConst . itraverseProd (\i -> Const . f i)

-- | Map a RankN function over a 'Prod' and collect the results as
-- a 'Monoid'.
    :: (FProd f, Monoid m)
    => (forall a. g a -> m)
    -> Prod f g as
    -> m
foldMapProd f = ifoldMapProd (const f)

-- | 'foldMapSing' but with access to the index.
    :: forall f k (as :: f k) m. (FProd f, Monoid m)
    => (forall a. Elem f as a -> Sing a -> m)
    -> Sing as
    -> m
ifoldMapSing f = ifoldMapProd f . singProd

-- | A 'foldMap' over all items in a collection.
    :: forall f k (as :: f k) m. (FProd f, Monoid m)
    => (forall (a :: k). Sing a -> m)
    -> Sing as
    -> m
foldMapSing f = ifoldMapSing (const f)

-- | Rearrange or permute the items in a 'Prod' based on a 'Prod' of
-- indices.
-- @
-- 'selectProd' ('IS' 'IZ' ':&' IZ :& 'RNil') ("hi" :& "bye" :& "ok" :& RNil)
--      == "bye" :& "hi" :& RNil
-- @
    :: FProd f
    => Prod f (Elem f as) bs
    -> Prod f g as
    -> Prod f g bs
selectProd is xs = mapProd (`indexProd` xs) is

-- | An implementation of equality testing for all 'FProd' instances, as
-- long as each of the items are instances of 'Eq'.
    :: (FProd f, ReifyConstraintProd f Eq g as)
    => Prod f g as
    -> Prod f g as
    -> Bool
eqProd xs = getAll
          . foldMapProd getConst
          . zipWithProd (\(V.Compose (Dict x)) y -> Const (All (x == y)))
                (reifyConstraintProd @_ @Eq xs)

-- | An implementation of order comparison for all 'FProd' instances, as
-- long as each of the items are instances of 'Ord'.
    :: (FProd f, ReifyConstraintProd f Ord g as)
    => Prod f g as
    -> Prod f g as
    -> Ordering
compareProd xs = foldMapProd getConst
            . zipWithProd (\(V.Compose (Dict x)) y -> Const (compare x y))
                  (reifyConstraintProd @_ @Ord xs)

-- | Construct a 'Prod' purely by providing a generating function for each
-- index.
    :: (FProd f, PureProd f as)
    => (forall a. Elem f as a -> g a)
    -> Prod f g as
generateProd f = mapProd f indices

-- | Construct a 'Prod' in an 'Applicative' context by providing
-- a generating function for each index.
    :: (FProd f, PureProd f as, Applicative m)
    => (forall a. Elem f as a -> m (g a))
    -> m (Prod f g as)
generateProdA f = traverseProd f indices

-- | Witness an item in a type-level list by providing its index.
-- The number of 'IS's correspond to the item's position in the list.
-- @
-- 'IZ'         :: 'Index' '[5,10,2] 5
-- 'IS' 'IZ'      :: 'Index' '[5,10,2] 10
-- 'IS' ('IS' 'IZ') :: 'Index' '[5,10,2] 2
-- @
data Index :: [k] -> k -> Type where
    IZ :: Index (a ': as) a
    IS :: Index bs a -> Index (b ': bs) a

deriving instance Show (Index as a)
deriving instance Eq (Index as a)
deriving instance Ord (Index as a)

-- | Kind-indexed singleton for 'Index'.  Provided as a separate data
-- declaration to allow you to use these at the type level.  However, the
-- main interface is still provided through the newtype wrapper 'SIndex'',
-- which has an actual proper 'Sing' instance.
data SIndex as a :: Index as a -> Type where
    SIZ :: SIndex (a ': as) a 'IZ
    SIS :: SIndex bs a i -> SIndex (b ': bs) a ('IS i)

deriving instance Show (SIndex as a i)

newtype instance Sing (i :: Index as a) where
    SIndex' :: SIndex as a i -> Sing i

instance SingI 'IZ where
    sing = SIndex' SIZ

instance SingI i => SingI ('IS i) where
    sing = case sing of
      SIndex' i -> SIndex' (SIS i)

instance SingKind (Index as a) where
    type Demote (Index as a) = Index as a
    fromSing (SIndex' i) = go i
        go :: SIndex bs b i -> Index bs b
        go = \case
          SIZ   -> IZ
          SIS j -> IS (go j)
    toSing i = go i (SomeSing . SIndex')
        go :: Index bs b -> (forall i. SIndex bs b i -> r) -> r
        go = \case
          IZ   -> ($ SIZ)
          IS j -> \f -> go j (f . SIS)

instance SDecide (Index as a) where
    SIndex' i %~ SIndex' j = go i j
        go :: SIndex bs b i -> SIndex bs b j -> Decision (i :~: j)
        go = \case
          SIZ -> \case
            SIZ   -> Proved Refl
            SIS _ -> Disproved $ \case {}
          SIS i' -> \case
            SIZ   -> Disproved $ \case {}
            SIS j' -> case go i' j' of
              Proved Refl -> Proved Refl
              Disproved v -> Disproved $ \case Refl -> v Refl

instance FProd [] where
    type Elem [] = Index
    type Prod [] = Rec

    singProd = \case
      SNil         -> RNil
      x `SCons` xs -> x :& singProd xs

    prodSing = \case
      RNil    -> SNil
      x :& xs -> x `SCons` prodSing xs

        :: forall g h m as. Applicative m
        => (forall a. g a -> m (h a))
        -> Prod [] g as
        -> m (Prod [] h as)
    traverseProd f = go
        go :: Prod [] g bs -> m (Prod [] h bs)
        go = \case
          RNil    -> pure RNil
          x :& xs -> (:&) <$> f x <*> go xs

        :: forall g h j as. ()
        => (forall a. g a -> h a -> j a)
        -> Prod [] g as
        -> Prod [] h as
        -> Prod [] j as
    zipWithProd f = go
        go :: Prod [] g bs -> Prod [] h bs -> Prod [] j bs
        go = \case
          RNil -> \case
            RNil -> RNil
          x :& xs -> \case
            y :& ys -> f x y :& go xs ys

        :: forall ff g h as m. Applicative m
        => Sing ff
        -> (forall a. g a -> m (h (ff @@ a)))
        -> Prod [] g as
        -> m (Prod [] h (Fmap ff as))
    htraverse _ f = go
        go :: Prod [] g bs -> m (Prod [] h (Fmap ff bs))
        go = \case
          RNil    -> pure RNil
          x :& xs -> (:&) <$> f x <*> go xs

    withIndices = \case
        RNil    -> RNil
        x :& xs -> (IZ :*: x) :& mapProd (\(i :*: y) -> IS i :*: y) (withIndices xs)

        :: forall g as a. ()
        => Elem [] as a
        -> Lens' (Prod [] g as) (g a)
    ixProd i0 (f :: g a -> h (g a)) = go i0
        go :: Elem [] bs a -> Prod [] g bs -> h (Prod [] g bs)
        go = \case
          IZ -> \case
            x :& xs -> (:& xs) <$> f x
          IS i -> \case
            x :& xs -> (x :&) <$> go i xs

    toRec = id

    withPureProd = withPureProdList

-- | A stronger version of 'withPureProd' for 'Rec', providing
-- a 'RecApplicative' instance as well.
    :: Rec f as
    -> ((RecApplicative as, PureProd [] as) => r)
    -> r
withPureProdList = \case
    RNil    -> id
    _ :& xs -> withPureProdList xs

instance RecApplicative as => PureProd [] as where
    pureProd = rpure

instance RPureConstrained c as => PureProdC [] c as where
    pureProdC = rpureConstrained @c

instance ReifyConstraint c f as => ReifyConstraintProd [] c f as where
    reifyConstraintProd = reifyConstraint @c

-- | Witness an item in a type-level 'Maybe' by proving the 'Maybe' is
-- 'Just'.
data IJust :: Maybe k -> k -> Type where
    IJust :: IJust ('Just a) a

deriving instance Show (IJust as a)
deriving instance Read (IJust ('Just a) a)
deriving instance Eq (IJust as a)
deriving instance Ord (IJust as a)

-- | Kind-indexed singleton for 'IJust'.  Provided as a separate data
-- declaration to allow you to use these at the type level.  However, the
-- main interface is still provided through the newtype wrapper 'SIJust'',
-- which has an actual proper 'Sing' instance.
-- This distinction will be unnecessary once 'Sing' is a type family.
data SIJust as a :: IJust as a -> Type where
    SIJust :: SIJust ('Just a) a 'IJust

deriving instance Show (SIJust as a i)

newtype instance Sing (i :: IJust as a) where
    SIJust' :: SIJust as a i -> Sing i

instance SingI 'IJust where
    sing = SIJust' SIJust

instance SingKind (IJust as a) where
    type Demote (IJust as a) = IJust as a
    fromSing (SIJust' SIJust) = IJust
    toSing IJust = SomeSing (SIJust' SIJust)

instance SDecide (IJust as a) where
    SIJust' SIJust %~ SIJust' SIJust = Proved Refl

-- | A @'PMaybe' f 'Nothing@ contains nothing, and a @'PMaybe' f ('Just a)@
-- contains an @f a@.
-- In practice this can be useful to write polymorphic
-- functions/abstractions that contain an argument that can be "turned off"
-- for different instances.
data PMaybe :: (k -> Type) -> Maybe k -> Type where
    PNothing :: PMaybe f 'Nothing
    PJust    :: f a -> PMaybe f ('Just a)

instance ReifyConstraintProd Maybe Show f as => Show (PMaybe f as) where
    showsPrec d xs = case reifyConstraintProd @_ @Show xs of
      PNothing                   -> showString "PNothing"
      PJust (V.Compose (Dict x)) -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "PJust" d x
instance ReifyConstraintProd Maybe Eq f as => Eq (PMaybe f as) where
    (==) = eqProd
instance (ReifyConstraintProd Maybe Eq f as, ReifyConstraintProd Maybe Ord f as) => Ord (PMaybe f as) where
    compare = compareProd

instance FProd Maybe where
    type instance Elem Maybe = IJust
    type instance Prod Maybe = PMaybe

    singProd = \case
      SNothing -> PNothing
      SJust x  -> PJust x
    prodSing = \case
      PNothing -> SNothing
      PJust x  -> SJust x
    withIndices = \case
      PNothing -> PNothing
      PJust x  -> PJust (IJust :*: x)
    traverseProd f = \case
      PNothing -> pure PNothing
      PJust x  -> PJust <$> f x
    zipWithProd f = \case
      PNothing -> \case
        PNothing -> PNothing
      PJust x -> \case
        PJust y -> PJust (f x y)
    htraverse _ f = \case
      PNothing -> pure PNothing
      PJust x  -> PJust <$> f x
    ixProd = \case
      IJust -> \f -> \case
        PJust x -> PJust <$> f x
    toRec = \case
      PNothing -> RNil
      PJust x  -> x :& RNil
    withPureProd = \case
      PNothing -> id
      PJust _  -> id

instance PureProd Maybe 'Nothing where
    pureProd _ = PNothing
instance PureProd Maybe ('Just a) where
    pureProd x = PJust x

instance PureProdC Maybe c 'Nothing where
    pureProdC _ = PNothing
instance c a => PureProdC Maybe c ('Just a) where
    pureProdC x = PJust x

instance ReifyConstraintProd Maybe c g 'Nothing where
    reifyConstraintProd PNothing = PNothing
instance c (g a) => ReifyConstraintProd Maybe c g ('Just a) where
    reifyConstraintProd (PJust x) = PJust (V.Compose (Dict x))

-- | Witness an item in a type-level @'Either' j@ by proving the 'Either'
-- is 'Right'.
data IRight :: Either j k -> k -> Type where
    IRight :: IRight ('Right a) a

deriving instance Show (IRight as a)
deriving instance Read (IRight ('Right a) a)
deriving instance Eq (IRight as a)
deriving instance Ord (IRight as a)

-- | Kind-indexed singleton for 'IRight'.  Provided as a separate data
-- declaration to allow you to use these at the type level.  However, the
-- main interface is still provided through the newtype wrapper 'SIRight'',
-- which has an actual proper 'Sing' instance.
data SIRight as a :: IRight as a -> Type where
    SIRight :: SIRight ('Right a) a 'IRight

deriving instance Show (SIRight as a i)

newtype instance Sing (i :: IRight as a) where
    SIRight' :: SIRight as a i -> Sing i

instance SingI 'IRight where
    sing = SIRight' SIRight

instance SingKind (IRight as a) where
    type Demote (IRight as a) = IRight as a
    fromSing (SIRight' SIRight) = IRight
    toSing IRight = SomeSing (SIRight' SIRight)

instance SDecide (IRight as a) where
    SIRight' SIRight %~ SIRight' SIRight = Proved Refl

-- | A @'PEither' f ('Left e)@ contains @'Sing' e@, and a @'PMaybe' f ('Right a)@
-- contains an @f a@.
-- In practice this can be useful in the same situatinos that 'PMaybe' can,
-- but with an extra value in the case where value @f@ is "turned off" with
-- 'Left'.
data PEither :: (k -> Type) -> Either j k -> Type where
    PLeft  :: Sing e -> PEither f ('Left e)
    PRight :: f a -> PEither f ('Right a)

instance (SShow j, ReifyConstraintProd (Either j) Show f as) => Show (PEither f as) where
    showsPrec d xs = case reifyConstraintProd @_ @Show xs of
        PLeft e                     -> showsUnaryWith go         "PLeft" d e
        PRight (V.Compose (Dict x)) -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "PRight" d x
        go (fromIntegral->FromSing i) x (T.pack->FromSing str) = T.unpack . fromSing $ sShowsPrec i x str
        go _ _ _ = undefined

instance FProd (Either j) where
    type instance Elem (Either j) = IRight
    type instance Prod (Either j) = PEither

    singProd = \case
      SLeft  e -> PLeft e
      SRight x -> PRight x
    prodSing = \case
      PLeft e  -> SLeft e
      PRight x -> SRight x
    withIndices = \case
      PLeft e  -> PLeft e
      PRight x -> PRight (IRight :*: x)
    traverseProd f = \case
      PLeft e  -> pure (PLeft e)
      PRight x -> PRight <$> f x
    zipWithProd f = \case
      PLeft e -> \case
        PLeft _ -> PLeft e
      PRight x -> \case
        PRight y -> PRight (f x y)
    htraverse _ f = \case
      PLeft e  -> pure (PLeft e)
      PRight x -> PRight <$> f x
    ixProd = \case
      IRight -> \f -> \case
        PRight x -> PRight <$> f x
    toRec = \case
      PLeft _  -> RNil
      PRight x -> x :& RNil
    withPureProd = \case
      PLeft Sing -> id
      PRight _   -> id

instance SingI e => PureProd (Either j) ('Left e) where
    pureProd _ = PLeft sing
instance PureProd (Either j) ('Right a) where
    pureProd x = PRight x

instance SingI e => PureProdC (Either j) c ('Left e) where
    pureProdC _ = (PLeft sing)
instance c a => PureProdC (Either j) c ('Right a) where
    pureProdC x = PRight x

instance ReifyConstraintProd (Either j) c g ('Left e) where
    reifyConstraintProd (PLeft e) = PLeft e
instance c (g a) => ReifyConstraintProd (Either j) c g ('Right a) where
    reifyConstraintProd (PRight x) = PRight (V.Compose (Dict x))

-- | Witness an item in a type-level 'NonEmpty' by either indicating that
-- it is the "head", or by providing an index in the "tail".
data NEIndex :: NonEmpty k -> k -> Type where
    NEHead :: NEIndex (a ':| as) a
    NETail :: Index as a -> NEIndex (b ':| as) a

deriving instance Show (NEIndex as a)
deriving instance Eq (NEIndex as a)
deriving instance Ord (NEIndex as a)

-- | Kind-indexed singleton for 'NEIndex'.  Provided as a separate data
-- declaration to allow you to use these at the type level.  However, the
-- main interface is still provided through the newtype wrapper
-- 'SNEIndex'', which has an actual proper 'Sing' instance.
data SNEIndex as a :: NEIndex as a -> Type where
    SNEHead :: SNEIndex (a ':| as) a 'NEHead
    SNETail :: SIndex as a i -> SNEIndex (b ':| as) a ('NETail i)

deriving instance Show (SNEIndex as a i)

newtype instance Sing (i :: NEIndex as a) where
    SNEIndex' :: SNEIndex as a i -> Sing i

instance SingI 'NEHead where
    sing = SNEIndex' SNEHead

instance SingI i => SingI ('NETail i) where
    sing = case sing of
      SIndex' i -> SNEIndex' (SNETail i)

instance SingKind (NEIndex as a) where
    type Demote (NEIndex as a) = NEIndex as a
    fromSing = \case
      SNEIndex' SNEHead     -> NEHead
      SNEIndex' (SNETail i) -> NETail $ fromSing (SIndex' i)
    toSing = \case
      NEHead   -> SomeSing (SNEIndex' SNEHead)
      NETail i -> withSomeSing i $ \case
        SIndex' j -> SomeSing (SNEIndex' (SNETail j))

instance SDecide (NEIndex as a) where
    (%~) = \case
      SNEIndex' SNEHead -> \case
        SNEIndex' SNEHead     -> Proved Refl
        SNEIndex' (SNETail _) -> Disproved $ \case {}
      SNEIndex' (SNETail i) -> \case
        SNEIndex' SNEHead -> Disproved $ \case {}
        SNEIndex' (SNETail j) -> case SIndex' i %~ SIndex' j of
          Proved Refl -> Proved Refl
          Disproved v -> Disproved $ \case Refl -> v Refl

-- | A non-empty version of 'Rec'.
data NERec :: (k -> Type) -> NonEmpty k -> Type where
    (:&|) :: f a -> Rec f as -> NERec f (a ':| as)
infixr 5 :&|

deriving instance (Show (f a), RMap as, ReifyConstraint Show f as, RecordToList as) => Show (NERec f (a ':| as))
deriving instance (Eq (f a), Eq (Rec f as)) => Eq (NERec f (a ':| as))
deriving instance (Ord (f a), Ord (Rec f as)) => Ord (NERec f (a ':| as))

instance FProd NonEmpty where
    type instance Elem NonEmpty = NEIndex
    type instance Prod NonEmpty = NERec

    singProd (x NE.:%| xs) = x :&| singProd xs
    prodSing (x :&| xs) = x NE.:%| prodSing xs
    withIndices (x :&| xs) =
          (NEHead :*: x)
      :&| mapProd (\(i :*: y) -> NETail i :*: y) (withIndices xs)
    traverseProd f (x :&| xs) =
        (:&|) <$> f x <*> traverseProd f xs
    zipWithProd f (x :&| xs) (y :&| ys) = f x y :&| zipWithProd f xs ys
    htraverse ff f (x :&| xs) =
        (:&|) <$> f x <*> htraverse ff f xs
    ixProd = \case
      NEHead -> \f -> \case
        x :&| xs -> (:&| xs) <$> f x
      NETail i -> \f -> \case
        x :&| xs -> (x :&|) <$> ixProd i f xs
    toRec (x :&| xs) = x :& xs
    withPureProd (x :&| xs) = withPureProdNE x xs

-- | A stronger version of 'withPureProd' for 'NERec', providing
-- a 'RecApplicative' instance as well.
    :: f a
    -> Rec f as
    -> ((RecApplicative as, PureProd NonEmpty (a ':| as)) => r)
    -> r
withPureProdNE _ xs = withPureProdList xs

instance RecApplicative as => PureProd NonEmpty (a ':| as) where
    pureProd x = x :&| pureProd x

instance (c a, RPureConstrained c as) => PureProdC NonEmpty c (a ':| as) where
    pureProdC x = x :&| pureProdC @_ @c x

instance (c (g a), ReifyConstraint c g as) => ReifyConstraintProd NonEmpty c g (a ':| as) where
    reifyConstraintProd (x :&| xs) = V.Compose (Dict x)
                                 :&| reifyConstraintProd @_ @c xs

-- | Test if two indices point to the same item in a list.
-- We have to return a 'Maybe' here instead of a 'Decision', because it
-- might be the case that the same item might be duplicated in a list.
-- Therefore, even if two indices are different, we cannot prove that the
-- values they point to are different.
    :: Index as a
    -> Index as b
    -> Maybe (a :~: b)
sameIndexVal = \case
    IZ -> \case
      IZ   -> Just Refl
      IS _ -> Nothing
    IS i -> \case
      IZ   -> Nothing
      IS j -> sameIndexVal i j <&> \case Refl -> Refl

-- | Test if two indices point to the same item in a non-empty list.
-- We have to return a 'Maybe' here instead of a 'Decision', because it
-- might be the case that the same item might be duplicated in a list.
-- Therefore, even if two indices are different, we cannot prove that the
-- values they point to are different.
    :: NEIndex as a
    -> NEIndex as b
    -> Maybe (a :~: b)
sameNEIndexVal = \case
    NEHead -> \case
      NEHead   -> Just Refl
      NETail _ -> Nothing
    NETail i -> \case
      NEHead   -> Nothing
      NETail j -> sameIndexVal i j <&> \case Refl -> Refl

-- | Trivially witness an item in the second field of a type-level tuple.
data ISnd :: (j, k) -> k -> Type where
    ISnd :: ISnd '(a, b) b

deriving instance Show (ISnd as a)
deriving instance Read (ISnd '(a, b) b)
deriving instance Eq (ISnd as a)
deriving instance Ord (ISnd as a)

-- | Kind-indexed singleton for 'ISnd'.  Provided as a separate data
-- declaration to allow you to use these at the type level.  However, the
-- main interface is still provided through the newtype wrapper 'SISnd'',
-- which has an actual proper 'Sing' instance.
data SISnd as a :: ISnd as a -> Type where
    SISnd :: SISnd '(a, b) b 'ISnd

deriving instance Show (SISnd as a i)

newtype instance Sing (i :: ISnd as a) where
    SISnd' :: SISnd as a i -> Sing i

instance SingI 'ISnd where
    sing = SISnd' SISnd

instance SingKind (ISnd as a) where
    type Demote (ISnd as a) = ISnd as a
    fromSing (SISnd' SISnd) = ISnd
    toSing ISnd = SomeSing (SISnd' SISnd)

instance SDecide (ISnd as a) where
    SISnd' SISnd %~ SISnd' SISnd = Proved Refl

-- | A 'PTup' tuples up some singleton with some value; a @'PTup' f '(w,
-- a)@ contains a @'Sing' w@ and an @f a@.
-- This can be useful for carrying along some witness aside a functor
-- value.
data PTup :: (k -> Type) -> (j, k) -> Type where
    PTup :: Sing w -> f a -> PTup f '(w, a)

deriving instance (Show (Sing w), Show (f a)) => Show (PTup f '(w, a))
deriving instance (Read (Sing w), Read (f a)) => Read (PTup f '(w, a))
deriving instance (Eq (Sing w), Eq (f a)) => Eq (PTup f '(w, a))
deriving instance (Ord (Sing w), Ord (f a)) => Ord (PTup f '(w, a))

instance FProd ((,) j) where
    type instance Elem ((,) j) = ISnd
    type instance Prod ((,) j) = PTup

    singProd (STuple2 w x) = PTup w x
    prodSing (PTup w x) = STuple2 w x
    withIndices (PTup w x) = PTup w (ISnd :*: x)
    traverseProd f (PTup w x) = PTup w <$> f x
    zipWithProd f (PTup w x) (PTup _ y) = PTup w (f x y)
    htraverse _ f (PTup w x) = PTup w <$> f x
    ixProd ISnd f (PTup w x) = PTup w <$> f x
    toRec (PTup _ x) = x :& RNil
    withPureProd (PTup Sing _) x = x

instance SingI w => PureProd ((,) j) '(w, a) where
    pureProd x = PTup sing x

instance (SingI w, c a) => PureProdC ((,) j) c '(w, a) where
    pureProdC x = PTup sing x

instance c (g a) => ReifyConstraintProd ((,) j) c g '(w, a) where
    reifyConstraintProd (PTup w x) = PTup w $ V.Compose (Dict x)

-- | Trivially witness the item held in an 'Identity'.
-- @since
data IIdentity :: Identity k -> k -> Type where
    IId :: IIdentity ('Identity x) x

deriving instance Show (IIdentity as a)
deriving instance Read (IIdentity ('Identity a) a)
deriving instance Eq (IIdentity as a)
deriving instance Ord (IIdentity as a)

-- | Kind-indexed singleton for 'IIdentity'.  Provided as a separate data
-- declaration to allow you to use these at the type level.  However, the
-- main interface is still provided through the newtype wrapper 'SIIdentity'',
-- which has an actual proper 'Sing' instance.
-- @since
data SIIdentity as a :: IIdentity as a -> Type where
    SIId :: SIIdentity ('Identity a) a 'IId

deriving instance Show (SIIdentity as a i)

newtype instance Sing (i :: IIdentity as a) where
    SIIdentity' :: SIIdentity as a i -> Sing i

instance SingI 'IId where
    sing = SIIdentity' SIId

instance SingKind (IIdentity as a) where
    type Demote (IIdentity as a) = IIdentity as a
    fromSing (SIIdentity' SIId) = IId
    toSing IId = SomeSing (SIIdentity' SIId)

instance SDecide (IIdentity as a) where
    SIIdentity' SIId %~ SIIdentity' SIId = Proved Refl

-- | A 'PIdentity' is a trivial functor product; it is simply the functor,
-- itself, alone.  @'PIdentity' f ('Identity' a)@ is simply @f a@.  This
-- may be useful in conjunction with other combinators.
data PIdentity :: (k -> Type) -> Identity k -> Type where
    PIdentity :: f a -> PIdentity f ('Identity a)

deriving instance Show (f a) => Show (PIdentity f ('Identity a))
deriving instance Read (f a) => Read (PIdentity f ('Identity a))
deriving instance Eq (f a) => Eq (PIdentity f ('Identity a))
deriving instance Ord (f a) => Ord (PIdentity f ('Identity a))

instance FProd Identity where
    type Elem Identity = IIdentity
    type Prod Identity = PIdentity

    singProd (SIdentity x) = PIdentity x
    prodSing (PIdentity x) = SIdentity x
    withIndices (PIdentity x) = PIdentity (IId :*: x)
    traverseProd f (PIdentity x) = PIdentity <$> f x
    zipWithProd f (PIdentity x) (PIdentity y) = PIdentity (f x y)
    htraverse _ f (PIdentity x) = PIdentity <$> f x
    ixProd IId f (PIdentity x) = PIdentity <$> f x
    toRec (PIdentity x) = x :& RNil
    withPureProd (PIdentity _) x = x

instance PureProd Identity ('Identity a) where
    pureProd x = PIdentity x

instance c a => PureProdC Identity c ('Identity a) where
    pureProdC x = PIdentity x

instance c (g a) => ReifyConstraintProd Identity c g ('Identity a) where
    reifyConstraintProd (PIdentity x) = PIdentity $ V.Compose (Dict x)

-- | Produce an 'Index' from an 'RElem' constraint.
    :: forall r rs i. (RElem r rs i, PureProd [] rs)
    => Index rs r
rElemIndex = rgetC indices

-- | Use an 'Index' to inject an @f a@ into a 'CoRec'.
    :: forall as a f. (RecApplicative as, FoldRec as as)
    => Index as a
    -> f a
    -> CoRec f as
toCoRec = \case
    IZ   -> CoRec
    IS i -> \x -> fromJust . firstField $ mapProd (go i x) indices
    go :: Index bs a -> f a -> Index (b ': bs) c -> V.Compose Maybe f c
    go i x j = case sameIndexVal (IS i) j of
      Just Refl -> V.Compose (Just x)
      Nothing  ->  V.Compose  Nothing

-- | If we have @'Index' as a@, we should also be able to create an item
-- that would require @'RElem' a as ('V.RIndex' as a)@.  Along with
-- 'rElemIndex', this essentially converts between the indexing system in
-- this library and the indexing system of /vinyl/.
    :: (SDecide k, SingI (a :: k), RecApplicative as, FoldRec as as)
    => Index as a
    -> (RElem a as (V.RIndex a as) => r)
    -> r
indexRElem i = case toCoRec i x of
    CoRec y -> case x %~ y of
      Proved Refl -> id
      Disproved _ -> errorWithoutStackTrace "why :|"
    x = sing