{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies     #-}

-- | A Funflow coordinator is used to distribute tasks amongst multiple
--   executors. It provides a functionality to submit tasks, to fetch them for
--   execution, and to check on their status.
--   There are multiple possible instantiations of the 'Coordinator' class.
module Control.Funflow.External.Coordinator where

import           Control.Exception.Safe
import           Control.Funflow.ContentHashable (ContentHash)
import           Control.Funflow.External
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class          (MonadIO, liftIO)

import           Data.Monoid                     ((<>))
import           Data.Store                      (Store)
import           Data.Store.TH                   (makeStore)
import           Data.Typeable                   (Typeable)
import           Katip
import           Network.HostName
import           Path
import           System.Clock                    (TimeSpec)

#if !MIN_VERSION_store(0,5,0)
instance Store TimeSpec

-- | Information about an executor capable of running tasks. Currently this
--   is just a newtype wrapper around hostname.
newtype Executor = Executor HostName
  deriving (Show, Store)

data TaskStatus =
    -- | Task is in the queue and has not begun executing
  | Running ExecutionInfo
  | Completed ExecutionInfo
    -- | Task has failed with failure count
  | Failed ExecutionInfo Int
  deriving Show

data TaskInfo =
    KnownTask TaskStatus
  | UnknownTask
  deriving Show

data ExecutionInfo = ExecutionInfo {
    _eiExecutor :: Executor
  , _eiElapsed  :: TimeSpec
  } deriving Show

data TaskError
  = ExternalTaskFailed
      (Maybe (Path Abs File))
      (Maybe (Path Abs File))
  deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception TaskError where
  displayException (ExternalTaskFailed td ti mbStdout mbStderr) =
    "External task failed to construct item '"
    ++ show (_tdOutput td)
    ++ "'. Task info: "
    ++ show ti
    ++ " stdout: "
    ++ show mbStdout
    ++ " stderr: "
    ++ show mbStderr
    ++ " Task: "
    ++ show (_tdTask td)

class Coordinator c where
  type Config c
  type Hook c = h | h -> c

  -- | Perform any necessary initialisation to connect to the coordinator.
  initialise :: MonadIO m => Config c -> m (Hook c)

  -- | Submit a task to the task queue.
  --   It is allowed to overwrite a known task.
  submitTask :: MonadIO m => Hook c -> TaskDescription -> m ()

  -- | View the size of the current task queue
  queueSize :: MonadIO m => Hook c -> m Int

  -- | Fetch information on the current task
  taskInfo :: MonadIO m => Hook c -> ContentHash -> m TaskInfo

  -- | Pop a task off of the queue for execution. The popped task should be
  --   added to the execution queue
  popTask :: MonadIO m => Hook c -> Executor
          -> m (Maybe TaskDescription)

  -- | Await task completion.
  --   If the task is complete, this will return 'KnownTask Completed'.
  --   If the task is failed, this will return 'KnownTask Failed'.
  --   If the task is not known to the system, this will return 'UnknownTask'.
  --   Otherwise (if the task is pending or running), this will block until
  --   the task either completes or fails.
  awaitTask :: MonadIO m => Hook c -> ContentHash -> m TaskInfo

  -- | Update execution status for a running task.
  --   This should error for a task which is not running.
  updateTaskStatus :: MonadIO m => Hook c -> ContentHash -> TaskStatus -> m ()

  -- | Remove all pending tasks from the queue.
  dropTasks :: MonadIO m => Hook c -> m ()

-- TH Splices

makeLenses ''ExecutionInfo
makeStore ''TaskStatus
makeStore ''ExecutionInfo
makeStore ''TaskInfo

-- Derived functionality

startTask :: (Coordinator c, MonadIO m)
          => Hook c
          -> m (Maybe TaskDescription)
startTask h = liftIO $ do
  executorInfo <- Executor <$> getHostName
  popTask h executorInfo

-- | Check if a task is currently 'in progress' - e.g.
--   pending or running.
isInProgress :: (Coordinator c, MonadIO m)
          => Hook c
          -> ContentHash
          -> m Bool
isInProgress h ch = do
  ti <- taskInfo h ch
  return $ case ti of
    KnownTask Pending     -> True
    KnownTask (Running _) -> True
    _                     -> False

-- | Pop a task off of the queue for execution. Passes the popped task to the
--   given function for execution. If the function returns success ('Right'),
--   then the task will be marked as completed in the given time. If the
--   function returns failure ('Left'), then the task will be marked as
--   failed. If the function raises an exception or is interrupted by an
--   asynchronous exception, then the task will be placed back on the task
--   queue and the exception propagated. Returns 'Nothing' if no task is
--   available and @'Just' ()@ on task completion or regular failure.
withPopTask :: (Coordinator c, MonadIO m, MonadMask m, KatipContext m)
  => Hook c -> Executor
  -> (TaskDescription -> m (TimeSpec, Either Int ()))
  -> m (Maybe ())
withPopTask hook executor f =
    (popTask hook executor)
      Nothing -> return ()
      Just td ->
        update td Pending
        \e -> $(logTM) ErrorS $
          "Failed to place task "
          <> showLS (td ^. tdOutput)
          <> " back on queue: "
          <> ls (displayException (e :: SomeException))
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just td -> f td >>= \case
        (t, Left ec) -> Just <$> update td (Failed (execInfo t) ec)
        (t, Right ()) -> Just <$> update td (Completed (execInfo t)))
    update td = updateTaskStatus hook (td ^. tdOutput)
    execInfo = ExecutionInfo executor