{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.Coalescing.Core
  ( coreCoalesceFunDef
  ) where

import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (maybe, fromMaybe, mapMaybe, isJust)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.RWS

import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
import Futhark.Representation.AST
import Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory (
  ExplicitMemory, ExplicitMemorish)
import qualified Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory as ExpMem
import Futhark.Representation.Kernels.Kernel
import qualified Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory.IndexFunction as IxFun
import Futhark.Tools

import Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.Miscellaneous
import Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.Types
import Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.MemoryUpdater

import Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.PrimExps (findPrimExpsFunDef)
import Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.Coalescing.Exps
import Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.Coalescing.SafetyCondition2
import Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.Coalescing.SafetyCondition3
import Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.Coalescing.SafetyCondition5
import Futhark.Optimise.MemoryBlockMerging.Reuse.AllocationSizes

-- Some of these attributes could be split into separate Coalescing helper
-- modules if it becomes confusing.  Their computations are fairly independent.
data Current = Current
  { -- Coalescings state.  Also save offsets and slices in the case that an
    -- optimistic coalescing later becomes part of a chain of coalescings, where
    -- it is offset yet again, and where it should maintain its old relative
    -- offset.  FIXME: This works, but is inefficient in the long run, as we
    -- need to update it whenever we come across a coalescing that also affects
    -- previous coalescings.  The directions of the coalescings is inherently
    -- bottom-up, but our algorithm is top-down.  It should be possible to
    -- rewrite it.
    curCoalescedIntos :: CoalescedIntos
  , curMemsCoalesced :: MemsCoalesced
  deriving (Show)

type CoalescedIntos = M.Map VName (S.Set (VName, PrimExp VName,
                                          [Slice (PrimExp VName)]))
type MemsCoalesced = M.Map VName MemoryLoc

emptyCurrent :: Current
emptyCurrent = Current
  { curCoalescedIntos = M.empty
  , curMemsCoalesced = M.empty

data Context = Context
  { ctxFunDef :: FunDef ExplicitMemory
    -- ^ Keep the entire function definition around for lookup purposes.
  , ctxVarToMem :: VarMemMappings MemorySrc
    -- ^ From the module VariableMemory.
  , ctxMemAliases :: MemAliases
    -- ^ From the module MemoryAliases.
  , ctxVarAliases :: VarAliases
    -- ^ From the module VariableAliases.
  , ctxFirstUses :: FirstUses
    -- ^ From the module FirstUses.
  , ctxLastUses :: LastUses
    -- ^ From the module LastUses.
  , ctxActualVars :: M.Map VName Names
    -- ^ From the module ActualVariables.
  , ctxExistentials :: Names
    -- ^ From the module Existentials.
  , ctxVarPrimExps :: M.Map VName (PrimExp VName)
    -- ^ From the module PrimExps.
  , ctxVarExps :: M.Map VName Exp'
    -- ^ Statement-name-to-expression mappins for the entire function.
  , ctxAllocatedBlocksBeforeCreation :: M.Map VName MNames
    -- ^ Safety condition 2.
  , ctxVarsInUseBeforeMem :: M.Map MName Names
    -- ^ Safety condition 5.
  , ctxCurSnapshot :: Current
    -- ^ Keep a snapshot (used in 'tryCoalesce' for Concat).
  deriving (Show)

newtype FindM lore a = FindM { unFindM :: RWS Context () Current a }
  deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative,
            MonadReader Context,
            MonadState Current)

type LoreConstraints lore = (ExplicitMemorish lore,
                             FullWalk lore)

coerce :: FindM flore a -> FindM tlore a
coerce = FindM . unFindM

modifyCurCoalescedIntos :: (CoalescedIntos -> CoalescedIntos) -> FindM lore ()
modifyCurCoalescedIntos f =
  modify $ \c -> c { curCoalescedIntos = f $ curCoalescedIntos c }

modifyCurMemsCoalesced :: (MemsCoalesced -> MemsCoalesced) -> FindM lore ()
modifyCurMemsCoalesced f =
  modify $ \c -> c { curMemsCoalesced = f $ curMemsCoalesced c }

ifExp :: MonadReader Context m =>
         VName -> m (Maybe Exp')
ifExp var = do
  var_exp <- M.lookup var <$> asks ctxVarExps
  return $ case var_exp of
    Just e@(Exp _ _ If{}) -> Just e
    _ -> Nothing

isIfExp :: MonadReader Context m =>
           VName -> m Bool
isIfExp var = isJust <$> ifExp var

isLoopExp :: MonadReader Context m =>
             VName -> m Bool
isLoopExp var = do
  var_exp <- M.lookup var <$> asks ctxVarExps
  return $ case var_exp of
    Just (Exp _ _ DoLoop{}) -> True
    _ -> False

isReshapeExp :: MonadReader Context m =>
                VName -> m Bool
isReshapeExp var = do
  var_exp <- M.lookup var <$> asks ctxVarExps
  return $ case var_exp of
    Just (Exp _ _ (BasicOp Reshape{})) -> True
    _ -> False

-- Lookup the memory block statically associated with a variable.
lookupVarMem :: MonadReader Context m =>
                VName -> m MemorySrc
lookupVarMem var =
  -- This should always be called from a place where it is certain that 'var'
  -- refers to a statement with an array expression.
  fromJust ("lookup memory block from " ++ pretty var) . M.lookup var
  <$> asks ctxVarToMem

lookupActualVars :: MonadReader Context m =>
                    VName -> m Names
lookupActualVars var = do
  actual_vars <- asks ctxActualVars
  -- Do this recursively.
  let actual_vars' = expandWithAliases actual_vars actual_vars
  return $ fromMaybe (S.singleton var) $ M.lookup var actual_vars'

-- Lookup the memory block currenty associated with a variable.  In most cases
-- (maybe all) this could probably replace 'lookupVarMem', though it would not
-- always be necessary.
lookupCurrentVarMem :: VName -> FindM lore (Maybe VName)
lookupCurrentVarMem var = do
        -- Current result...
        mem_cur <- M.lookup var . curMemsCoalesced <$> asks ctxCurSnapshot
        -- ... or original result.
        -- This is why we save the variables after creation, not the memory
        -- blocks: Variables stay the same, but memory blocks may change, which
        -- is relevant in the case of a chain of coalescings.
        mem_orig <- M.lookup var <$> asks ctxVarToMem
        return $ case (mem_cur, mem_orig) of
          (Just m, _) -> Just (memLocName m) -- priority choice
          (_, Just m) -> Just (memSrcName m)
          _ -> Nothing

withMemAliases :: MonadReader Context m =>
                  VName -> m Names
withMemAliases mem =
  -- The only memory blocks with memory aliases are the existiential ones, so
  -- using a static ctxMemAliases should be okay, as they will not change during
  -- the transformation in this module.
  S.union (S.singleton mem) . lookupEmptyable mem
  <$> asks ctxMemAliases

data Bindage = BindInPlace VName (Slice SubExp)
             | BindVar

recordOptimisticCoalescing :: VName -> PrimExp VName
                           -> [Slice (PrimExp VName)]
                           -> VName -> MemoryLoc -> Bindage -> FindM lore ()
recordOptimisticCoalescing src offset ixfun_slices dst dst_memloc bindage = do
  modifyCurCoalescedIntos $ insertOrUpdate dst (src, offset, ixfun_slices)

  -- If this is an in-place operation, we future-proof future coalescings by
  -- recording that they also need to take a look at the original array, not
  -- just the result of an in-place update into it.
  case bindage of
    BindVar -> return ()
    BindInPlace orig _ ->
      modifyCurCoalescedIntos $ insertOrUpdate dst (orig, zeroOffset, [])

  modifyCurMemsCoalesced $ M.insert src dst_memloc

coreCoalesceFunDef :: MonadFreshNames m =>
                      FunDef ExplicitMemory -> VarMemMappings MemorySrc
                   -> MemAliases -> VarAliases -> FirstUses -> LastUses
                   -> ActualVariables -> Names -> m (FunDef ExplicitMemory)
coreCoalesceFunDef fundef var_to_mem mem_aliases var_aliases first_uses
  last_uses actual_vars existentials = do
  let primexps = findPrimExpsFunDef fundef
      exps = findExpsFunDef fundef
      cond2 = findSafetyCondition2FunDef fundef
      cond5 = findSafetyCondition5FunDef fundef first_uses
      context = Context { ctxFunDef = fundef
                        , ctxVarToMem = var_to_mem
                        , ctxMemAliases = mem_aliases
                        , ctxVarAliases = var_aliases
                        , ctxFirstUses = first_uses
                        , ctxLastUses = last_uses
                        , ctxActualVars = actual_vars
                        , ctxExistentials = existentials
                        , ctxVarPrimExps = primexps
                        , ctxVarExps = exps
                        , ctxAllocatedBlocksBeforeCreation = cond2
                        , ctxVarsInUseBeforeMem = cond5
                        , ctxCurSnapshot = emptyCurrent
      m = unFindM $ lookInBody $ funDefBody fundef
      var_to_mem_res = curMemsCoalesced $ fst $ execRWS m context emptyCurrent
      sizes = memBlockSizesFunDef fundef
  transformFromVarMemMappings var_to_mem_res (M.map memSrcName var_to_mem) (M.map fst sizes) (M.map fst sizes) False fundef

lookInBody :: LoreConstraints lore =>
              Body lore -> FindM lore ()
lookInBody (Body _ bnds _res) =
  mapM_ lookInStm bnds

lookInKernelBody :: LoreConstraints lore =>
                    KernelBody lore -> FindM lore ()
lookInKernelBody (KernelBody _ bnds _res) =
  mapM_ lookInStm bnds

zeroOffset :: PrimExp VName
zeroOffset = primExpFromSubExp (IntType Int32) (constant (0 :: Int32))

lookInStm :: LoreConstraints lore =>
             Stm lore -> FindM lore ()
lookInStm (Let (Pattern _patctxelems patvalelems) _ e) = do
  case patvalelems of
    [PatElem dst ExpMem.MemArray{}] -> do
      -- We create a function and pass it around instead of just applying it to
      -- the memory of the MemBound.  We do this, since any source variables
      -- might have more actual variables with different index functions that
      -- also need to be fixed -- e.g. in the case of reshape, where both the
      -- reshaped array and the original array need to get their index functions
      -- updated.
      -- We take a snapshot of the current state of the curCoalescedIntos state
      -- field.  We need this feature to avoid having fewer coalescings just
      -- because of the placement of the sources.  For example, for
      --     let b = ...
      --     let a = ...
      --     let c = concat a b
      -- the coalescing pass will first coalesce m_a into m_c, which will
      -- succeed.  Then it will to coalesce m_b into m_c, which will (naively)
      -- fail because of safety condition 3 arguing that m_c is now in use after
      -- the creation of 'b' and before its use, since 'a' now uses m_c.
      -- (Alternatively, we could do some more general index function analysis
      -- to check for things that will never overlap in merged memory, but this
      -- seems easier.)
      cur_snapshot <- get
      var_to_mem <- asks ctxVarToMem
      local (\ctx -> ctx { ctxCurSnapshot = cur_snapshot })
        $ case e of
            -- In-place update.
            BasicOp (Update orig slice (Var src)) ->
              case M.lookup src var_to_mem of
                Just _ ->
                  let ixfun_slices =
                        let slice' = map (primExpFromSubExp (IntType Int32) <$>) slice
                        in [slice']
                      bindage = BindInPlace orig slice
                  in tryCoalesce dst ixfun_slices bindage src zeroOffset
                Nothing ->
                  return ()

            -- Copy.
            BasicOp (Copy src) ->
              tryCoalesce dst [] BindVar src zeroOffset

            -- Concat.
            BasicOp (Concat 0 src0 src0s _) -> do
              let srcs = src0 : src0s
              shapes <- mapM ((memSrcShape <$>) . lookupVarMem) srcs
              let getOffsets offset_prev shape =
                    let se = head (shapeDims shape) -- Should work.
                        len = primExpFromSubExp (IntType Int32) se
                        offset_new = offset_prev + len
                    in offset_new
                  offsets = init (scanl getOffsets zeroOffset shapes)
              zipWithM_ (tryCoalesce dst [] BindVar) srcs offsets
            _ -> return ()
    _ -> return ()

  fullWalkExpM walker walker_kernel e
  where walker = identityWalker
          { walkOnBody = lookInBody }
        walker_kernel = identityKernelWalker
          { walkOnKernelBody = coerce . lookInBody
          , walkOnKernelKernelBody = coerce . lookInKernelBody
          , walkOnKernelLambda = coerce . lookInBody . lambdaBody

tryCoalesce :: VName -> [Slice (PrimExp VName)] -> Bindage ->
               VName -> PrimExp VName -> FindM lore ()
tryCoalesce dst ixfun_slices bindage src offset = do
  mem_dst <- lookupVarMem dst

  -- For ifs and loops and some aliasing expressions (e.g. reshape), this tells
  -- us what non-existential source variables actually need to have assigned the
  -- new memory block.
  src's <- S.toList <$> lookupActualVars src

  -- From earlier optimistic coalescings.  Remember to also get the coalescings
  -- from the actual variables in e.g. loops.
  coalesced_intos <- curCoalescedIntos <$> asks ctxCurSnapshot
  let (src0s, offset0s, ixfun_slice0ss) =
        unzip3 $ S.toList $ S.unions
        $ map (`lookupEmptyable` coalesced_intos) (src : src's)

  var_to_pe <- asks ctxVarPrimExps

  let srcs = src's ++ src0s
                -- The same number of base offsets as in src's.
      offsets = replicate (length src's) offset
                -- The offsets of any previously optimistically coalesced src0s must be
                -- re-offset relative to the offset of the newest coalescing.
                ++ map (\o0 -> if o0 == zeroOffset && offset == zeroOffset
                                    -- This should not be necessary, and maybe it
                                    -- is not (but there were some problems).
                               then zeroOffset
                               else offset + o0) offset0s
      ixfun_slicess = replicate (length src's) ixfun_slices
                -- Same as above, kind of.
                ++ map (\slices0 -> ixfun_slices ++ slices0) ixfun_slice0ss

  let ixfuns' = zipWith (\offset_local islices ->
                           let ixfun0 = memSrcIxFun mem_dst
                               ixfun1 = foldl IxFun.slice ixfun0 islices

                               -- 'ixfun_slices' contain the slices that are the
                               -- result of a new coalescing, contrary to the
                               -- slices in 'ixfun_slice0ss' which contain
                               -- previously registered slices.
                               -- 'offsetIndexDWIM' handles the case that we
                               -- want to offset a DimFix if it is the result of
                               -- a previous coalescing, and not the current
                               -- one.  We do that by counting the number of
                               -- 'DimFix'es that originate in the new
                               -- coalescing, and then ignore those for our
                               -- heuristic.  This is a hack.
                               initial_dimfixes = L.takeWhile (isJust . dimFix) (concat ixfun_slices)
                               ixfun2 = if offset_local == zeroOffset
                                        then ixfun1 -- Should not be necessary,
                                                    -- but it makes the type
                                                    -- checker happy for now.
                                        else IxFun.offsetIndexDWIM (length initial_dimfixes) ixfun1 offset_local
                               ixfun3 = expandIxFun var_to_pe ixfun2
                           in ixfun3
                        ) offsets ixfun_slicess

  -- Not everything supported yet.  This dials back the optimisation on areas
  -- where it fails.
  existentials <- asks ctxExistentials
  let currentlyDisabled src_local = do
        -- This case covers the problem described in several programs in
        -- tests/coalescing/wip/loop/ (for programs where it is overly
        -- conservative) and tests/coalescing/loop/replicate-in-loop.fut (where
        -- it is absolutely needed to keep the program correct).  It is a
        -- conservative requirement and could likely be loosened up.

        src_local_is_loop <- isLoopExp src_local

        -- if the source contains the result a loop expression, and that result
        -- is an array with existential memory, don't coalesce.  Since memory
        -- can be allocated inside loops, coalescing with no further rules might
        -- end up having the same arrays use memory allocated outside the loop,
        -- which is not always okay.
        let res = src_local_is_loop
                  && src_local `L.elem` existentials
        return res

  safe0 <- not . or <$> mapM currentlyDisabled srcs

  -- Safety condition 1 is the same for all eventual previous arrays from srcs
  -- that also need to be coalesced into dst, so we check it here instead of
  -- checking it independently for every sub src.  This also ensures that we
  -- check that the destination memory is lastly used in *just* this statement,
  -- not also in any previous statement that uses the same memory block, which
  -- could very well fail.
  mem_src_base <- lookupVarMem src
  safe1 <- safetyCond1 dst mem_src_base

  when (safe0 && safe1) $ do
    safes <- zipWithM (canBeCoalesced dst) srcs ixfuns'
    when (and safes) $ do
      -- Any previous src0s coalescings must be deleted.
      modifyCurCoalescedIntos $ M.delete src
      -- The rest will be overwritten below.

      -- We then need to record that, from what we currently know, src and any
      -- nested src0s can all use the memory of dst with the new index functions.
      forM_ (L.zip4 srcs offsets ixfun_slicess ixfuns')
        $ \(src_local, offset_local, ixfun_slices_local, ixfun_local) -> do
        denotes_existential <- S.member src_local <$> asks ctxExistentials
        is_if <- isIfExp src_local
        dst_memloc <-
          if denotes_existential && not is_if
          then do
            -- Only use the new index function.  Keep the existential memory
            -- block.  This means we have to make fewer changes to the program.
            -- FIXME: However, if we are at an If expression with an existential
            -- memory block, we ignore it.  This is due to some special handling
            -- of If in MemoryUpdater, which is again due to branches having
            -- explicit return types.  This might not be correct.
            mem_src <- lookupVarMem src_local
            return $ MemoryLoc (memSrcName mem_src) ixfun_local
            -- Use both the new memory block and the new index function.
            return $ MemoryLoc (memSrcName mem_dst) ixfun_local
          src_local offset_local ixfun_slices_local
          dst dst_memloc bindage

canBeCoalesced :: VName -> VName -> ExpMem.IxFun -> FindM lore Bool
canBeCoalesced dst src ixfun = do
  mem_dst <- lookupVarMem dst
  mem_src <- lookupVarMem src

  safe2 <- safetyCond2 src mem_dst
  safe3 <- safetyCond3 src dst mem_dst
  safe4 <- safetyCond4 src
  safe5 <- safetyCond5 mem_src ixfun

  safe_if <- safetyIf src dst

  let safe_all = safe2 && safe3 && safe4 && safe5 && safe_if
  return safe_all

-- Safety conditions for each statement with a Copy or Concat:
-- 1. mem_src is not used beyond the statement.  Handle by checking LastUses for
--    the statement.
-- 2. The allocation of mem_dst occurs before the creation of src, i.e. the
--    first use of mem_src.  Handle by checking
--    ctxAllocatedBlocksBeforeCreation.
-- 3. There is no use or creation of mem_dst after the creation of src and
--    before the current statement.  Handle by calling getVarUsesBetween and
--    looking at both the original var-mem mappings *and* the new, temporary
--    ones.
-- 4. src (the variable, not the memory) does not alias anything.  Handle by
--    checking VarAliases.
-- 5. The new index function of src only uses variables declared prior to the
--    first use of mem_src.  Handle by first using curVarPrimExps and
--    ExpMem.substituteInIxFun to create a (possibly larger) index function that
--    uses earlier variables.  Then use ctxVarsInUseBeforeMem to check that all
--    the variables in the new index function are available before the creation
--    of mem_src.
-- If an array src0 has been coalesced into mem_src, handle that by *also*
-- checking src0 and mem_src0 where src and mem_src are checked.  We choose to
-- coalesce in a top-down fashion, even though that might exclude some potential
-- coalescings -- however, doing it differently might exclude some other
-- potentials, so we just make a choice.
-- We only coalesce src into dst if all eventual src0 can also be coalesced into
-- dst.  It does not make sense to coalesce only part of them, since in that
-- case both memory blocks and related allocations will still be around.

safetyCond1 :: MonadReader Context m =>
               VName -> MemorySrc -> m Bool
safetyCond1 dst mem_src = do
  last_uses <- lookupEmptyable (FromStm dst) <$> asks ctxLastUses
  let res = S.member (memSrcName mem_src) last_uses
  return res

safetyCond2 :: MonadReader Context m =>
               VName -> MemorySrc -> m Bool
safetyCond2 src mem_dst = do
  allocs_before_src <- lookupEmptyable src
                       <$> asks ctxAllocatedBlocksBeforeCreation
  let res = S.member (memSrcName mem_dst) allocs_before_src
  return res

safetyCond3 :: VName -> VName -> MemorySrc -> FindM lore Bool
safetyCond3 src dst mem_dst = do
  fundef <- asks ctxFunDef
  let uses_after_src_vars = S.toList $ getVarUsesBetween fundef src dst
  uses_after_src <- mapM (maybe (return S.empty) withMemAliases
                          <=< lookupCurrentVarMem) uses_after_src_vars
  return $ not $ S.member (memSrcName mem_dst) (S.unions uses_after_src)

safetyCond4 :: MonadReader Context m =>
               VName -> m Bool
safetyCond4 src = do
  -- Special If handling: An If can have aliases, but that can be okay and is
  -- checked in safe If: It is okay for it to have one alias (one of the
  -- branches), while two aliases are wrong.
  if_handling <- isIfExp src

  -- Special Reshape handling: If a reshape has variables associated with it, it
  -- is okay to use it.
  src_actuals <- lookupEmptyable src <$> asks ctxActualVars
  reshape_handling <- isReshapeExp src <&&> pure (not (S.null src_actuals))

  -- This needs to be extended if support for e.g. reshape coalescing is wanted:
  -- Some operations can be aliasing, but still be okay to coalesce if you also
  -- coalesce their aliased sources.
  src_aliases <- lookupEmptyable src <$> asks ctxVarAliases
  let res = if_handling || reshape_handling || S.null src_aliases
  return res

safetyCond5 :: MonadReader Context m =>
               MemorySrc -> ExpMem.IxFun -> m Bool
safetyCond5 mem_src ixfun = do
  in_use_before_mem_src <- lookupEmptyable (memSrcName mem_src)
                           <$> asks ctxVarsInUseBeforeMem
  let used_vars = freeIn ixfun
      res = all (`S.member` in_use_before_mem_src) $ S.toList used_vars
  return res

safetyIf :: VName -> VName -> FindM lore Bool
safetyIf src dst = do
  -- Special handling: If src refers to an If expression, we need to check that
  -- not just is mem_dst not used after src and before dst, but neither is any
  -- other memory that will be merged after the coalescing.  Normally this is
  -- not an issue, since a coalescing means changing just one memory block --
  -- but in the case of an If expression, each branch can have its own memory
  -- block, and both of them will try to be coalesced.  This extra test only
  -- applies to the actual memory blocks in the branches, not any existential
  -- memory block in the If, which in any case will be "used" in both branches.
  -- See tests/coalescing/if/if-neg-3.fut for an example of where this should
  -- fail.
  mem_src <- lookupVarMem src
  actual_srcs <- S.toList <$> lookupActualVars src
  existentials <- asks ctxExistentials
  var_to_mem <- asks ctxVarToMem
  first_uses_all <- asks ctxFirstUses

  -- Find all variables that have 'src' as an actual var, and then check if one
  -- of those is an If expression.
  reverse_actual_srcs <-
    S.toList . S.unions . M.elems . M.filter (src `S.member`)
    <$> asks ctxActualVars
  outer <- mapMaybeM ifExp reverse_actual_srcs
  let (is_in_if,
       at_least_one_creation_inside) = case outer of
        -- This is the if expression of which we are currently looking at one of
        -- its branch results.
        [Exp nctx nthpat (If _ body0 body1 _)] ->
          let results_from_outer = S.fromList $ mapMaybe subExpVar
                                   $ concatMap (drop nctx . bodyResult)
                                   $ filter (null . bodyStms) [body0, body1]

              resultCreatedInside body se = fromMaybe False $ do
                res <- subExpVar se
                res_mem <- memSrcName <$> M.lookup res var_to_mem
                let body_vars = concatMap (map patElemName . patternValueElements
                                           . stmPattern) $ bodyStms body
                    body_first_uses = S.unions $ map (`lookupEmptyable` first_uses_all)
                return $ S.member res_mem body_first_uses

              at_least = resultCreatedInside body0 (bodyResult body0 !! (nctx + nthpat))
                         || resultCreatedInside body1 (bodyResult body1 !! (nctx + nthpat))
          in (True, results_from_outer, at_least)
        _ -> (False, S.empty, False)

  -- This success requirement is independent of whichever branch we are in right
  -- now.  We say that the results of an if-expression can be coalesced if the
  -- branch-specific requirements hold *and* this general rule holds: Either the
  -- If has no existentials (e.g. if it does in-place updates), or it has
  -- existentials and at least one of the branches returns an array that was
  -- created inside the branch.
  let res_general = not is_in_if || (not (any (`S.member` existentials) actual_srcs)
                                     || at_least_one_creation_inside)

  -- Check if the branch described by 'src' needs special handling.
  let if_handling =
        -- We are sure this is an if.  This might not actually be necessary.
        -- This does not refer to the result of a branch where the array is
        -- created outside the if.  It is a requirement that there is at most
        -- one such branch.  The extra safety here only relates to branches
        -- whose result arrays are created inside.
        && not (any (`S.member` if_branch_results_from_outer) actual_srcs)
        -- Ignore existentials as well.
        && not (src `S.member` existentials)

  -- This success requirement is part is specific to this branch.
  res_current <-
    if if_handling
    then do
      -- Get the memory used in the other branch.  Use a reverse lookup.
      mem_actual_srcs <- L.nub <$> mapM lookupVarMem reverse_actual_srcs
      let mem_actual_srcs_cur = L.delete mem_src mem_actual_srcs
      and <$> mapM (safetyCond3 src dst) mem_actual_srcs_cur
    else return True

  -- The full result.
  let res = res_general && res_current
  return res