fuzzyset- Fuzzy set for approximate string matching

Copyright(c) 2017 Johannes Hildén
Safe HaskellNone




A fuzzy string set data structure for approximate string matching. This implementation is based on the Python and JavaScript libraries with the same name:


How to use

Make sure the OverloadedStrings pragma is enabled. Then there are just three steps:

  1. Create a set using one of defaultSet, mkSet, or fromList.
  2. To add entries, use add, addToSet, or addMany.
  3. Then query the set with get, getOne, or getWithMinScore.
>>> defaultSet `add` "Jurassic Park" `add` "Terminator" `add` "The Matrix" `getOne` "percolator"
Just "Terminator"
>>> defaultSet `add` "Shaggy Rogers" `add` "Fred Jones" `add` "Daphne Blake" `add` "Velma Dinkley" `get` "Shaggy Jones"
[(0.7692307692307693,"Shaggy Rogers"),(0.5,"Fred Jones")]

There are also a few functions to inspect the set.

More examples

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Data.FuzzySet

states = [ "Alabama"        , "Alaska"         , "American Samoa"            , "Arizona"       , "Arkansas"
         , "California"     , "Colorado"       , "Connecticut"               , "Delaware"      , "District of Columbia"
         , "Florida"        , "Georgia"        , "Guam"                      , "Hawaii"        , "Idaho"
         , "Illinois"       , "Indiana"        , "Iowa"                      , "Kansas"        , "Kentucky"
         , "Louisiana"      , "Maine"          , "Maryland"                  , "Massachusetts" , "Michigan"
         , "Minnesota"      , "Mississippi"    , "Missouri"                  , "Montana"       , "Nebraska"
         , "Nevada"         , "New Hampshire"  , "New Jersey"                , "New Mexico"    , "New York"
         , "North Carolina" , "North Dakota"   , "Northern Marianas Islands" , "Ohio"          , "Oklahoma"
         , "Oregon"         , "Pennsylvania"   , "Puerto Rico"               , "Rhode Island"  , "South Carolina"
         , "South Dakota"   , "Tennessee"      , "Texas"                     , "Utah"          , "Vermont"
         , "Virginia"       , "Virgin Islands" , "Washington"                , "West Virginia" , "Wisconsin"
         , "Wyoming" ]

statesSet = fromList states

main = mapM_ print (get statesSet "Burger Islands")

The output of this program is:

(0.7142857142857143,"Virgin Islands")
(0.5714285714285714,"Rhode Island")
(0.44,"Northern Marianas Islands")

Using the definition of statesSet from previous example:

>>> get statesSet "Why-oh-me-ing"
>>> get statesSet "Connect a cat"
>>> get statesSet "Transylvania"
>>> get statesSet "CanOfSauce"
>>> get statesSet "Alaska"
>>> get statesSet "Alaskanbraskansas"


data FuzzySet Source #

Opaque fuzzy string set data type. Use defaultSet, mkSet, or fromList to create FuzzySets.

type Size = Int Source #

Type alias for representing gram sizes.



mkSet Source #


:: Size

The lower bound of gram sizes to use (inclusive)

-> Size

The upper bound of gram sizes to use (inclusive)

-> Bool

Whether to use Levenshtein distance to determine the score

-> FuzzySet

An empty fuzzy string set

Initialize a FuzzySet.

defaultSet :: FuzzySet Source #

A FuzzySet with the following field values:

{ gramSizeLower  = 2
, gramSizeUpper  = 3
, useLevenshtein = True
, exactSet       = ε
, matchDict      = ε
, items          = ε }

fromList :: [Text] -> FuzzySet Source #

Create a fuzzy string set with entries from the given list.

fromList = addMany defaultSet


add Source #


:: FuzzySet

Fuzzy string set to add the entry to

-> Text

The new entry

-> FuzzySet

The updated set

Add an entry to the set, or do nothing if a key identical to the provided value already exists in the set.

addToSet Source #


:: FuzzySet

Fuzzy string set to add the entry to

-> Text

The new entry

-> (FuzzySet, Bool)

The updated set and a boolean, which will be True if, and only if, the value was not already in the set

Add an entry to the set and return a pair with the new set, and a boolean to indicate if a new entry was inserted, or not.

addMany Source #


:: FuzzySet

Fuzzy string set to add the entries to

-> [Text]

A list of new entries

-> FuzzySet

A new fuzzy string set

Add a list of entries to the set, in one go.

addMany = foldr (flip add)


get Source #


:: FuzzySet

The fuzzy string set to compare the string against

-> Text

The lookup query

-> [(Double, Text)]

A list of results (score and matched value pairs)

Try to match the given string against the entries in the set, using a minimum score of 0.33. Return a list of results ordered by similarity score, with the closest match first.

getWithMinScore Source #


:: Double

A minimum score

-> FuzzySet

The fuzzy string set to compare the string against

-> Text

The lookup query

-> [(Double, Text)]

A list of results (score and matched value pairs)

Try to match the given string against the entries in the set, and return a list of all results with a score greater than or equal to the specified minimum score (i.e., the first argument). The results are ordered by similarity score, with the closest match first.

getOne Source #


:: FuzzySet

The fuzzy string set to compare the string against

-> Text

The lookup query

-> Maybe Text

Just the result, if one was found, otherwise Nothing

Try to match the given string against the entries in the set, and return the closest match, if one is found.


size :: FuzzySet -> Int Source #

Return the number of entries in the set.

>>> size (defaultSet `add` "map" `add` "cap")

isEmpty :: FuzzySet -> Bool Source #

Return a boolean indicating whether the provided set is empty.

>>> isEmpty (fromList [])

values :: FuzzySet -> [Text] Source #

Return the elements of the set.

>>> values (fromList ["bass", "craze", "space", "lace", "daze", "haze", "ace", "maze"])