fwgl- Game engine

Safe HaskellNone




data Action Source

Expressions that are transformed to statements.


Store String Expr 
If Expr String Expr Expr 
For CInt String Expr (Expr -> Expr -> (Expr, Expr)) 


newtype Unknown Source

The type of a generic expression.


Unknown Expr 


newtype Sampler2D Source

A GPU sampler (sampler2D in GLSL).


Sampler2D Expr 

data Vec2 Source

A GPU 2D vector. NB: This is a different type from Data.Vect.Float.Vec2.


Vec2 Float Float 

negate :: GenType a => a -> a Source

(*) :: (Mul a b c, ShaderType a, ShaderType b, ShaderType c) => a -> b -> c infixl 7 Source

(/) :: (Mul a b c, ShaderType a, ShaderType b, ShaderType c) => a -> b -> c infixl 7 Source

class Sum a Source

Types that can be added.

(+) :: (Sum a, ShaderType a) => a -> a -> a infixl 6 Source

(-) :: (Sum a, ShaderType a) => a -> a -> a infixl 6 Source

(^) :: (ShaderType a, ShaderType b) => a -> b -> a infixr 8 Source

(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool infixr 3 Source

(||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool infixr 2 Source

(==) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool infix 4 Source

(>=) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool infix 4 Source

(<=) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool infix 4 Source

(<) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool infix 4 Source

(>) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool infix 4 Source

ifThenElse :: ShaderType a => Bool -> a -> a -> a Source

Rebound if. You don't need to use this function, with -XRebindableSyntax.

loop Source


:: ShaderType a 
=> Float

Maximum number of iterations (should be as low as possible, must be an integer literal)

-> a

Initial value

-> (Float -> a -> (a, Bool))

Iteration -> Old value -> (Next, Stop)

-> a 

true :: Bool Source

false :: Bool Source

store :: ShaderType a => a -> a Source

Avoid executing this expression more than one time. Conditionals and loops imply it.

radians :: GenType a => a -> a Source

degrees :: GenType a => a -> a Source

sin :: GenType a => a -> a Source

cos :: GenType a => a -> a Source

tan :: GenType a => a -> a Source

asin :: GenType a => a -> a Source

acos :: GenType a => a -> a Source

atan :: GenType a => a -> a Source

atan2 :: GenType a => a -> a -> a Source

exp :: GenType a => a -> a Source

log :: GenType a => a -> a Source

exp2 :: GenType a => a -> a Source

log2 :: GenType a => a -> a Source

sqrt :: GenType a => a -> a Source

inversesqrt :: GenType a => a -> a Source

abs :: GenType a => a -> a Source

sign :: GenType a => a -> a Source

floor :: GenType a => a -> a Source

ceil :: GenType a => a -> a Source

fract :: GenType a => a -> a Source

mod :: (GenType a, GenType b) => a -> b -> a Source

min :: GenType a => a -> a -> a Source

max :: GenType a => a -> a -> a Source

clamp :: (GenType a, GenType b) => a -> b -> b -> a Source

mix :: (GenType a, GenType b) => a -> a -> b -> a Source

step :: GenType a => a -> a -> a Source

smoothstep :: (GenType a, GenType b) => b -> b -> a -> a Source

length :: GenType a => a -> Float Source

distance :: GenType a => a -> a -> Float Source

dot :: GenType a => a -> a -> Float Source

normalize :: GenType a => a -> a Source

faceforward :: GenType a => a -> a -> a -> a Source

reflect :: GenType a => a -> a -> a Source

refract :: GenType a => a -> a -> Float -> a Source

matrixCompMult :: (Matrix a, Matrix b, Matrix c) => a -> b -> c Source

position :: Vec4 Source

The position of the vertex (only works in the vertex shader).

fragColor :: Vec4 Source

The color of the fragment (only works in the fragment shader).