generic-church- Automatically convert Generic instances to and from church representations

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides two functions, toChurch and fromChurch. These form an isomorphism between a type and its church representation of a type To use this, simply define an empty instance of ChurchRep for a type with a Generic instance and defaulting magic will take care of the rest. For example

  {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
  data MyType = Foo Int Bool | Bar | Baz Char
              deriving(Generic, Show)
  instance ChurchRep MyType

Then if we fire up GHCi

>>> toChurch (Foo 1 True) (\int bool -> int + 1) 0 (const 1)
>>> fromChurch (\foo bar baz -> bar) :: MyType



type Church t c = ChurchSum (ToList (StripMeta (Rep t ())) (ListTerm ())) cSource

This is the central type for this package. Unfortunately, it's built around type families so it's not so easy to read. A helpful algorithm for figuring out what the Church of a type Foo is,

  1. For each constructor, write out its type signature
  2. Replace the Foo at the end of each signature with c
  3. Join these type signatures together with arrows (a -> b -> c) -> c -> ...
  4. Append a final -> c to the end of this

For example, for Maybe

  1. Nothing :: Maybe a and Just :: a -> Maybe a.
  2. We then have c and a -> c.
  3. Joining these gives c -> (a -> c)
  4. c -> (a -> c) -> c is our church representation

class ChurchRep a whereSource


toChurch :: forall r. ChurchRep a => a -> Church a rSource

Reify a type to its church representation

fromChurch :: Church a (Rep a ()) -> aSource

Create a value from its church representation. This method may require an explicit signature.


ChurchRep Bool 
ChurchRep Ordering 
ChurchRep () 
ChurchRep [a] 
ChurchRep (Maybe a) 
ChurchRep (Either a b) 
ChurchRep (a, b) 
ChurchRep (a, b, c) 
ChurchRep (a, b, c, d) 
ChurchRep (a, b, c, d, e) 
ChurchRep (a, b, c, d, e, f) 
ChurchRep (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) 

toChurchP :: ChurchRep a => Proxy r -> a -> Church a rSource

A version of toChurch that allows an explicit Proxy to be passed to represent the return type. This is extremely helpful for holding GHC's hand when writing functions polymorphic over r.

fromChurchP :: ChurchRep a => Proxy a -> Church a (Rep a ()) -> aSource

A version of fromChurch that avoids the need for a type signature in many cases with a Proxy. Helpful for writing some programs without -XScopedTypeVariables.