{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Data.Generic.Enum (
  Enum(EnumNumT, EnumIntegralT, succ, pred, toEnum, fromEnum, numStepsBetween),
  DefaultEnum(defaultFromEnum, defaultToEnum),
  EnumFromTo(enumFromTo, enumFromThenTo, enumFromThenCount, enumFromCount, enumFromStepTo, enumFromStepCount),
  EnumFrom(enumFrom, enumFromThen, enumFromStep),
  ) where

import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (Enum, fromEnum, toEnum, succ, pred, enumFrom, enumFromThen, enumFromTo, enumFromThenTo)

import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import GHC.Generics
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import System.Posix.Types
import Numeric.Natural
import GHC.RTS.Flags
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Type.Coercion
import Data.Monoid (Alt(Alt), getAlt)
import Data.Functor.Const
import qualified GHC.Enum

import Data.Array (Array, listArray, Ix, elems)
import Data.List (genericLength)

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as BSS

The generic 'Enum' class. Firstly, this class just deals with 'fromEnum', 'toEnum' type functions,
not the list generating functions like 'Prelude.enumFrom' and 'Prelude.enumFromTo'
the normal 'Prelude.Enum' has.

This class has a number of defaults for making defining both existing Prelude style Enum classes and
ordinary Numeric classes quick and painless.

Firstly, for existing Enums:

> instance Enum Blah

Will completely define @Blah@ as an @Enum@ if @Blah@ is already a Prelude style Enum, just forwarding
calls to the functions in the Prelude's Enum.

Secondly, for integral datatypes (i.e. in class 'Integral')

> instance Enum Blah
>   type EnumNumT Blah = Blah

will defined @Blah@ to be an Enum, with it's Enum type itself.

For example,

> instance Enum Integer
>   type EnumNumT Integer = Integer

is an Enum with 'fromEnum' and 'toEnum' simply 'Prelude.id'.

Note that with this approach, @toEnum . fromEnum == id@, instead of going through 'Int'
and possibly overflowing.

Note also that operations like 'succ' and 'pred' don't bounds check like the Prelude versions often do.

For types that don't fit one of the above two categories (i.e. don't have a satisfactory Prelude Enum
instance or aren't Integral) you'll have to define the individual functions as discussed with their documentation.

Note that the following function, whilst valid with Prelude style enums, is not valid with the 'Enum' class in this module:

> convertEnum :: (Enum a, Enum b) => a -> b
> convertEnum = toEnum . fromEnum

because now, Enum's can have different "enum types". That is. 'fromEnum' is not always an 'Int', and 'toEnum' does
not always take an 'Int'.

Though it is debatable if the above function is sensible though anyway.

I have attempted to define instances of 'Enum' for all types in GHCs included libraries, tell me
if I've missed any though.
class (Num (EnumNumT a), Integral (EnumIntegralT a)) => Enum a where
  This is the \"enum\" type. It just needs to be in the class 'Num'.
  type EnumNumT a
  type EnumNumT a = Int

  'EnumIntegralT' (default - 'EnumNumT'): this is a type that represents the number of \"steps\"
  between two enums, based on a stepsize. Whilst 'EnumNumT' must only be a 'Num', 'EnumIntegralT'
  needs to be 'Integral'. If 'EnumNumT' is already 'Integral' it's almost certainly a good choice.
  type EnumIntegralT a
  type EnumIntegralT a = EnumNumT a

  succ :: a -> a
  succ = toEnum . (+ 1)  . fromEnum

  pred :: a -> a
  pred = toEnum . (subtract 1)  . fromEnum

  {-| Just like Prelude's 'Prelude.toEnum', but with @EnumNumT t@ instead of 'Int' -}
  toEnum :: EnumNumT a -> a
  default toEnum :: (DefaultEnum a (EnumNumT a)) => EnumNumT a -> a
  toEnum = defaultToEnum

  {-| Just like Prelude's 'Prelude.fromEnum', but with @EnumNumT t@ instead of 'Int' -}
  fromEnum :: a -> EnumNumT a
  default fromEnum :: (DefaultEnum a (EnumNumT a)) => a -> EnumNumT a
  fromEnum = defaultFromEnum

  'numStepsBetween': This takes three arguments, firstly, two of type @t@ for some @Enum t@ (\"@start\"@ and \"@end\"@,
  and also  \"@step@\" of @EnumNumT t@, i.e. the \"enum\" type of @t@.

  The result should be the length of the following list:

  > [start, (start + step) .. end]

  and also of type @EnumIntegralT t@. It should not be less than 0.

  For example:

  > numStepsBetween 'a' 'e' 2

  should be 3.
  numStepsBetween :: a -> a -> EnumNumT a -> EnumIntegralT a
  default numStepsBetween :: (e ~ EnumNumT a, e ~ EnumIntegralT a) =>  a -> a -> e -> e
  numStepsBetween x y stepSize = max ((fromEnum y - fromEnum x) `div` stepSize + 1) 0

A little trick for defining the two default cases mentioned in the documentation for 'Enum'.
class DefaultEnum a b where
  defaultFromEnum :: a -> b
  defaultToEnum :: b -> a

instance (Prelude.Enum a) => DefaultEnum a Int where
  defaultFromEnum = Prelude.fromEnum
  defaultToEnum = Prelude.toEnum

instance DefaultEnum a a where
  defaultFromEnum = id
  defaultToEnum = id

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} DefaultEnum Int Int where
  defaultFromEnum = id
  defaultToEnum = id

instance Enum Bool
instance Enum Char
instance Enum Int

instance Enum Int8 where
  type EnumNumT Int8 = Int8

instance Enum Int16 where
  type EnumNumT Int16 = Int16

instance Enum Int32 where
  type EnumNumT Int32 = Int32

instance Enum Int64 where
  type EnumNumT Int64 = Int64

instance Enum Integer where
  type EnumNumT Integer = Integer

instance Enum Ordering

instance Enum Word8 where
  type EnumNumT Word8 = Word8

instance Enum Word16 where
  type EnumNumT Word16 = Word16

instance Enum Word32 where
  type EnumNumT Word32 = Word32

instance Enum Word64 where
  type EnumNumT Word64 = Word64

instance Enum ()

instance Enum GeneralCategory
instance Enum IOMode
instance Enum DecidedStrictness
instance Enum SourceStrictness
instance Enum SourceUnpackedness
instance Enum Associativity
instance Enum SeekMode

instance Enum CUIntMax where
  type EnumNumT CUIntMax = CUIntMax

instance Enum CIntMax where
  type EnumNumT CIntMax = CIntMax

instance Enum CUIntPtr where
  type EnumNumT CUIntPtr = CUIntPtr

instance Enum CIntPtr where
  type EnumNumT CIntPtr = CIntPtr

instance Enum CSUSeconds
instance Enum CUSeconds
instance Enum CTime
instance Enum CClock

instance Enum CSigAtomic where
  type EnumNumT CSigAtomic = CSigAtomic

instance Enum CWchar where
  type EnumNumT CWchar = CWchar

instance Enum CSize where
  type EnumNumT CSize = CSize

instance Enum CPtrdiff where
  type EnumNumT CPtrdiff = CPtrdiff

instance Enum CDouble
instance Enum CFloat
instance Enum CULLong where
  type EnumNumT CULLong = CULLong

instance Enum CLLong where
  type EnumNumT CLLong = CLLong

instance Enum CULong where
  type EnumNumT CULong = CULong

instance Enum CLong where
  type EnumNumT CLong = CLong

instance Enum CUInt where
  type EnumNumT CUInt = CUInt

instance Enum CInt where
  type EnumNumT CInt = CInt

instance Enum CUShort where
  type EnumNumT CUShort = CUShort

instance Enum CShort where
  type EnumNumT CShort = CShort

instance Enum CUChar where
  type EnumNumT CUChar = CUChar

instance Enum CSChar where
  type EnumNumT CSChar = CSChar

instance Enum CChar where
  type EnumNumT CChar = CChar

instance Enum IntPtr where
  type EnumNumT IntPtr = IntPtr

instance Enum WordPtr where
  type EnumNumT WordPtr = WordPtr

instance Enum Fd where
  type EnumNumT Fd = Fd

instance Enum CRLim where
  type EnumNumT CRLim = CRLim

instance Enum CTcflag where
  type EnumNumT CTcflag = CTcflag

instance Enum CSpeed
instance Enum CCc

instance Enum CUid where
  type EnumNumT CUid = CUid

instance Enum CNlink where
  type EnumNumT CNlink = CNlink

instance Enum CGid where
  type EnumNumT CGid = CGid

instance Enum CSsize where
  type EnumNumT CSsize = CSsize

instance Enum CPid where
  type EnumNumT CPid = CPid

instance Enum COff where
  type EnumNumT COff = COff

instance Enum CMode where
  type EnumNumT CMode = CMode

instance Enum CIno where
  type EnumNumT CIno = CIno

instance Enum CDev where
  type EnumNumT CDev = CDev

instance Enum Natural where
  type EnumNumT Natural = Natural

instance Enum DoTrace
instance Enum DoHeapProfile
instance Enum DoCostCentres
instance Enum GiveGCStats

instance (Integral a) => Enum (Ratio a) where
  type EnumNumT (Ratio a) = Ratio a
  type EnumIntegralT (Ratio a) = a
  numStepsBetween x y stepSize = max (floor ((y - x) / stepSize + 1)) 0

instance (HasResolution a) => Enum (Fixed a) where
  type EnumNumT (Fixed a) = Fixed a
  type EnumIntegralT (Fixed a) = Integer
  numStepsBetween x y stepSize = max (floor ((y - x) / stepSize + 1)) 0

instance Enum a => Enum (WrappedMonoid a) where
  type EnumNumT (WrappedMonoid a) = EnumNumT a
  type EnumIntegralT (WrappedMonoid a) = EnumIntegralT a
  succ (WrapMonoid a) = WrapMonoid (succ a)
  pred (WrapMonoid a) = WrapMonoid (pred a)
  toEnum = WrapMonoid . toEnum
  fromEnum = fromEnum . unwrapMonoid
  numStepsBetween (WrapMonoid x) (WrapMonoid y) stepSize = numStepsBetween x y stepSize

instance Enum a => Enum (Last a) where
  type EnumNumT (Last a) = EnumNumT a
  type EnumIntegralT (Last a) = EnumIntegralT a
  succ (Last a) = Last (succ a)
  pred (Last a) = Last (pred a)
  toEnum = Last . toEnum
  fromEnum = fromEnum . getLast
  numStepsBetween (Last x) (Last y) stepSize = numStepsBetween x y stepSize

instance Enum a => Enum (First a) where
  type EnumNumT (First a) = EnumNumT a
  type EnumIntegralT (First a) = EnumIntegralT a
  succ (First a) = First (succ a)
  pred (First a) = First (pred a)
  toEnum = First . toEnum
  fromEnum = fromEnum . getFirst
  numStepsBetween (First x) (First y) stepSize = numStepsBetween x y stepSize

instance Enum a => Enum (Max a) where
  type EnumNumT (Max a) = EnumNumT a
  type EnumIntegralT (Max a) = EnumIntegralT a
  succ (Max a) = Max (succ a)
  pred (Max a) = Max (pred a)
  toEnum = Max . toEnum
  fromEnum = fromEnum . getMax
  numStepsBetween (Max x) (Max y) stepSize = numStepsBetween x y stepSize

instance Enum a => Enum (Min a) where
  type EnumNumT (Min a) = EnumNumT a
  type EnumIntegralT (Min a) = EnumIntegralT a
  succ (Min a) = Min (succ a)
  pred (Min a) = Min (pred a)
  toEnum = Min . toEnum
  fromEnum = fromEnum . getMin
  numStepsBetween (Min x) (Min y) stepSize = numStepsBetween x y stepSize

instance Enum a => Enum (Identity a) where
  type EnumNumT (Identity a) = EnumNumT a
  type EnumIntegralT (Identity a) = EnumIntegralT a
  succ (Identity a) = Identity (succ a)
  pred (Identity a) = Identity (pred a)
  toEnum = Identity . toEnum
  fromEnum = fromEnum . runIdentity
  numStepsBetween (Identity x) (Identity y) stepSize = numStepsBetween x y stepSize

instance Enum (Proxy s)
instance ((~) a b) => Enum ((:~:) a b)
instance (Coercible a b) => Enum (Coercion a b)

instance Enum (f a) => Enum (Alt f a) where
  type EnumNumT (Alt f a) = EnumNumT (f a)
  type EnumIntegralT (Alt f a) = EnumIntegralT (f a)
  succ (Alt x) = Alt (succ x)
  pred (Alt x) = Alt (pred x)
  toEnum = Alt . toEnum
  fromEnum = fromEnum . getAlt
  numStepsBetween (Alt x) (Alt y) stepSize = numStepsBetween x y stepSize

instance Enum a => Enum (Const a b) where
  type EnumNumT (Const a b) = EnumNumT a
  type EnumIntegralT (Const a b) = EnumIntegralT a
  succ (Const x) = Const (succ x)
  pred (Const x) = Const (pred x)
  toEnum = Const . toEnum
  fromEnum = fromEnum . getConst
  numStepsBetween (Const x) (Const y) stepSize = numStepsBetween x y stepSize

This specifies the type of elements of an instance of a class of either 'EnumFromTo' or 'EnumFrom'.

For example, the definition for lists is:

> type instance Element [a] = a
type family Element a

The 'EnumFromTo' class defines versions of the Prelude 'Prelude.Enum' functions
'Prelude.enumFromTo' and 'Prelude.enumFromThenTo', as well as other functions which
may sometimes be more convienient.

But more importantly, it can produce any structure you define an instance for,
not just lists.

The only function that needs to be defined is 'enumFromStepCount',
default definitions will look after the rest.

Note that this class does not deal with the infinite list generating functions,
you'll need to look at the 'EnumFrom' class for that.

I've attempted to define appropriate instances for any structures in the core GHC
distribution, currently lists, arrays and bytestrings.
class Enum (Element a) => EnumFromTo a where
  {-| Much like 'Prelude.enumFromTo' from Prelude -}
  enumFromTo :: Element a -> Element a -> a
  enumFromTo x = enumFromStepTo x 1

  {-| Much like 'Prelude.enumFromThenTo' from Prelude -}
  enumFromThenTo :: Element a -> Element a -> Element a -> a
  enumFromThenTo x next_x y = enumFromStepTo x (fromEnum next_x - fromEnum x) y

  {-| This is like 'enumFromTo', but instead of a final stopping number, a count is given. -}
  enumFromCount :: Element a -> EnumIntegralT (Element a) -> a
  enumFromCount x = enumFromStepCount x 1

  {-| This is like 'enumFromThenTo', but instead of a final stopping number, a count is given. -}
  enumFromThenCount :: Element a -> Element a -> EnumIntegralT (Element a) -> a
  enumFromThenCount x next_x = enumFromStepCount x (fromEnum next_x - fromEnum x)

  {-| This is like 'enumFromThenTo', but instead of giving the second element directly, a step size is passed. -}
  enumFromStepTo :: Element a -> EnumNumT (Element a) -> Element a -> a
  enumFromStepTo x stepSize y = enumFromStepCount x stepSize (numStepsBetween x y stepSize)

  This is a combination of the conviencience changes in 'enumFromThenCount' and 'enumFromStepTo'.

  Instead of having to explicitly state the second element, a \"stepsize\" is passed,
  Also, instead of stating the last element, a \"count\" is passed.

  I find this tends to be more useful more often.
  enumFromStepCount :: Element a -> EnumNumT (Element a) -> EnumIntegralT (Element a) -> a

Much like the 'EnumFromTO' class, but defines the \"infinite\" Prelude Enum functions, namely
'Prelude.enumFrom' and 'Prelude.enumFromThen', as well as 'enumFromStep'.

The only function that needs to be defined is 'enumFromStep',
default definitions will look after the rest.
class Enum (Element a) => EnumFrom a where
  {-| Much like 'Prelude.enumFrom' from Prelude -}
  enumFrom :: Element a -> a
  enumFrom x = enumFromStep x 1

  {-| Much like 'Prelude.enumFromThen' from Prelude -}
  enumFromThen :: Element a -> Element a -> a
  enumFromThen x next_x = enumFromStep x (fromEnum next_x - fromEnum x)

  {-| Like 'enumFromThen', but with an explicit step size, not just the second element given. -}
  enumFromStep :: Element a -> EnumNumT (Element a) -> a
  default enumFromStep :: (Bounded (EnumIntegralT (Element a)), EnumFromTo a) => Element a -> EnumNumT (Element a) -> a
  enumFromStep x stepSize = enumFromStepCount x stepSize maxBound

type instance Element [a] = a

instance Enum a => EnumFromTo [a] where
  enumFromStepCount x stepSize count = go (fromEnum x) count where
    go x n = case n of
      0 -> []
      _ -> (toEnum x):(go (x + stepSize) (n-1))

instance Enum a => EnumFrom [a] where
  enumFromStep x stepSize = go (fromEnum x) where
    go x = (toEnum x):(go (x + stepSize))

type instance Element (Array i e) = e

instance (Enum e, Ix i, Num i) => EnumFromTo (Array i e) where
  enumFromStepCount x stepSize count = listArray (fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral (count - 1)) (enumFromStepCount x stepSize count)

type instance Element BS.ByteString = Word8
type instance Element BSL.ByteString = Word8
type instance Element BSS.ShortByteString = Word8

byteStringUnfoldrN f x stepSize count = let (r, _) = f (fromIntegral count) (\i -> Just (toEnum i, i + stepSize)) (fromEnum x) in r

instance EnumFromTo BS.ByteString where
  enumFromStepCount = byteStringUnfoldrN BS.unfoldrN

instance EnumFromTo BSL.ByteString where
  enumFromStepCount x stepSize count = BSL.unfoldr f (fromEnum x, count) where
    f (i, n) = case n of
      0 -> Nothing
      _ -> Just (toEnum i, (i + stepSize, n - 1))

instance EnumFromTo BSS.ShortByteString where
  enumFromStepCount x stepSize count = BSS.toShort (byteStringUnfoldrN BS.unfoldrN x stepSize count)