{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-- |
-- Module       : Data.LineString
-- Copyright    : (C) 2014-2018 HS-GeoJSON Project
-- License      : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.md)
-- Maintainer   : Andrew Newman
-- Refer to the GeoJSON Spec <http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html#linestring>
-- A LinearString is a List with at least 2 elements
module Data.LineString (
    -- * Type
    ,   ListToLineStringError(..)
    ,   VectorToLineStringError(..)
    -- * Functions
    ,   toSeq
    ,   combineToSeq
    ,   fromSeq
    ,   fromLineString
    ,   fromList
    ,   makeLineString
    ,   lineStringHead
    ,   lineStringLast
    ,   lineStringLength
    ) where

import           Prelude             hiding (foldr)

import           Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Lens        (( # ), (^?))
import           Control.Monad       (mzero)
import           Data.Aeson          (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), Value)
import           Data.Aeson.Types    (Parser, typeMismatch)
import qualified Data.Foldable       as Foldable
import           Data.Maybe          (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Sequence       as Sequence
import qualified Data.Validation     as Validation
import           GHC.Generics        (Generic)

import qualified Data.SeqHelper      as SeqHelper

-- |
-- a LineString has at least 2 elements
data LineString a = LineString a a (Sequence.Seq a) deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData)

-- |
-- When converting a List to a LineString, here is a list of things that can go wrong:
--     * The list was empty
--     * The list only had one element
data ListToLineStringError =
    |   SingletonList
    deriving (Eq)

-- |
-- When converting a Vector to a LineString, here is a list of things that can go wrong:
--     * The vector was empty
--     * The vector only had one element
data VectorToLineStringError =
   |   SingletonVector
   deriving (Eq)

-- functions

-- |
-- returns the element at the head of the string
lineStringHead :: LineString a -> a
lineStringHead (LineString x _ _) = x

-- |
-- returns the last element in the string
lineStringLast :: LineString a -> a
lineStringLast (LineString _ x xs) = fromMaybe x (safeLast xs)

-- |
-- returns the number of elements in the list, including the replicated element at the end of the list.
lineStringLength :: LineString a -> Int
lineStringLength (LineString _ _ xs) = 2 + Sequence.length xs

-- |
-- This function converts it into a list and appends the given element to the end.
fromLineString :: LineString a -> [a]
fromLineString (LineString x y zs) = x : y : Foldable.toList zs

-- |
-- creates a LineString out of a list of elements,
-- if there are enough elements (needs at least 2) elements
fromList :: (Validation.Validate v) => [a] -> v ListToLineStringError (LineString a)
fromList []       = Validation._Failure # ListEmpty
fromList [_]      = Validation._Failure # SingletonList
fromList (x:y:zs) = Validation._Success # LineString x y (Sequence.fromList zs)
{-# INLINE fromList #-}

-- |
-- create a sequence from a LineString by combining values.
-- LineString 1 2 [3,4] (,) --> Vector [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)]
combineToSeq :: (a -> a -> b) -> LineString a -> Sequence.Seq b
combineToSeq combine (LineString a b rest) = combine a b Sequence.<| combineRest
        combineRest =
          if Sequence.null rest
              (Sequence.zipWith combine <*> SeqHelper.sequenceTail) (b Sequence.<| rest)
{-# INLINE combineToSeq #-}

-- |
-- create a sequence from a LineString.
-- LineString 1 2 [3,4] --> Vector [1,2,3,4]
toSeq :: LineString a -> Sequence.Seq a
toSeq (LineString a b rest) = a Sequence.<| ( b  Sequence.<| rest)
{-# INLINE toSeq #-}

-- |
-- creates a LineString out of a sequence of elements,
-- if there are enough elements (needs at least 2) elements
fromSeq :: (Validation.Validate v) => Sequence.Seq a -> v VectorToLineStringError (LineString a)
fromSeq v@(headS Sequence.:<| tailS) =
  if Sequence.null v then
    Validation._Failure # SingletonVector
    fromSeq' headS tailS
fromSeq _ = Validation._Failure # VectorEmpty
{-# INLINE fromSeq #-}

fromSeq' :: (Validation.Validate v) => a -> Sequence.Seq a -> v VectorToLineStringError (LineString a)
fromSeq' first v@(headS Sequence.:<| tailS) =
  if Sequence.null v then
    Validation._Failure # SingletonVector
    Validation._Success # LineString first headS tailS
fromSeq' _ _ = Validation._Failure # SingletonVector
{-# INLINE fromSeq' #-}

-- |
-- Creates a LineString
-- @makeLineString x y zs@ creates a `LineString` homomorphic to the list @[x, y] ++ zs@
makeLineString ::
       a                        -- ^ The first element
    -> a                        -- ^ The second element
    -> Sequence.Seq a  -- ^ The rest of the optional elements
    -> LineString a
makeLineString = LineString

-- instances

instance Show ListToLineStringError where
    show ListEmpty     = "List Empty"
    show SingletonList = "Singleton List"

instance Show VectorToLineStringError where
  show VectorEmpty     = "Vector Empty"
  show SingletonVector = "Singleton Vector"

instance (Show a) => Show (LineString a) where
    show  = show . fromLineString

instance Functor LineString where
    fmap f (LineString x y zs) = LineString (f x) (f y) (fmap f zs)

-- | This will run through the line string.
instance Foldable LineString where
    --  foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> LineString a -> b
    foldr f u (LineString x y zs) = f x (f y (Foldable.foldr f u zs))

instance Traversable LineString where
    --  sequenceA :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f (t a)
    sequenceA (LineString fx fy fzs) = LineString <$> fx <*> fy <*> sequenceA fzs

instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (LineString a) where
--  toJSON :: a -> Value
    toJSON = toJSON . fromLineString

instance (FromJSON a, Show a) => FromJSON (LineString a) where
--  parseJSON :: Value -> Parser a
    parseJSON v = do
        xs <- parseJSON v
        let vxs = fromListValidated xs
        maybe (parseError v (vxs ^? Validation._Failure)) return (vxs ^? Validation._Success)

-- helpers

fromListValidated :: [a] -> Validation.Validation ListToLineStringError (LineString a)
fromListValidated = fromList

parseError :: Value -> Maybe ListToLineStringError -> Parser b
parseError v = maybe mzero (\e -> typeMismatch (show e) v)

-- safeLast :: (VectorStorable.Storable a) => Sequence.Seq a -> Maybe a
-- safeLast x = if Sequence.null x then Nothing else Just $ Sequence.last x
safeLast :: Sequence.Seq a -> Maybe a
safeLast x = case Sequence.viewr x of
                Sequence.EmptyR -> Nothing
                _ Sequence.:> b -> Just b
{-# INLINE safeLast #-}