gi-gio-2.0.12: Gio bindings

CopyrightWill Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria (
Safe HaskellNone




DBusObjectManagerServer is used to export DBusObject instances using the standardized org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface. For example, remote D-Bus clients can get all objects and properties in a single call. Additionally, any change in the object hierarchy is broadcast using signals. This means that D-Bus clients can keep caches up to date by only listening to D-Bus signals.

The recommended path to export an object manager at is the path form of the well-known name of a D-Bus service, or below. For example, if a D-Bus service is available at the well-known name net.example.ExampleService1, the object manager should typically be exported at /net/example/ExampleService1, or below (to allow for multiple object managers in a service).

It is supported, but not recommended, to export an object manager at the root path, /.

See DBusObjectManagerClient for the client-side code that is intended to be used with DBusObjectManagerServer or any D-Bus object implementing the org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface.


Exported types



dBusObjectManagerServerExport Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDBusObjectManagerServer a, IsDBusObjectSkeleton b) 
=> a

manager: A DBusObjectManagerServer.

-> b

object: A DBusObjectSkeleton.

-> m () 

Exports object on manager.

If there is already a DBusObject exported at the object path, then the old object is removed.

The object path for object must be in the hierarchy rooted by the object path for manager.

Note that manager will take a reference on object for as long as it is exported.

Since: 2.30


dBusObjectManagerServerExportUniquely Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDBusObjectManagerServer a, IsDBusObjectSkeleton b) 
=> a

manager: A DBusObjectManagerServer.

-> b

object: An object.

-> m () 

Like dBusObjectManagerServerExport but appends a string of the form _N (with N being a natural number) to object's object path if an object with the given path already exists. As such, the DBusObjectProxy:g-object-path property of object may be modified.

Since: 2.30


dBusObjectManagerServerGetConnection Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDBusObjectManagerServer a) 
=> a

manager: A DBusObjectManagerServer

-> m DBusConnection

Returns: A DBusConnection object or Nothing if manager isn't exported on a connection. The returned object should be freed with objectUnref.

Gets the DBusConnection used by manager.

Since: 2.30


dBusObjectManagerServerIsExported Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDBusObjectManagerServer a, IsDBusObjectSkeleton b) 
=> a

manager: A DBusObjectManagerServer.

-> b

object: An object.

-> m Bool

Returns: True if object is exported

Returns whether object is currently exported on manager.

Since: 2.34


dBusObjectManagerServerNew Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> Text

objectPath: The object path to export the manager object at.

-> m DBusObjectManagerServer

Returns: A DBusObjectManagerServer object. Free with objectUnref.

Creates a new DBusObjectManagerServer object.

The returned server isn't yet exported on any connection. To do so, use dBusObjectManagerServerSetConnection. Normally you want to export all of your objects before doing so to avoid InterfacesAdded signals being emitted.

Since: 2.30


dBusObjectManagerServerSetConnection Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDBusObjectManagerServer a, IsDBusConnection b) 
=> a

manager: A DBusObjectManagerServer.

-> Maybe b

connection: A DBusConnection or Nothing.

-> m () 

Exports all objects managed by manager on connection. If connection is Nothing, stops exporting objects.


dBusObjectManagerServerUnexport Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDBusObjectManagerServer a) 
=> a

manager: A DBusObjectManagerServer.

-> Text

objectPath: An object path.

-> m Bool

Returns: True if object at objectPath was removed, False otherwise.

If manager has an object at path, removes the object. Otherwise does nothing.

Note that objectPath must be in the hierarchy rooted by the object path for manager.

Since: 2.30



data DBusObjectManagerServerConnectionPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo DBusObjectManagerServerConnectionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin DBusObjectManagerServerConnectionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel DBusObjectManagerServerConnectionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrGetType DBusObjectManagerServerConnectionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DBusObjectManagerServerConnectionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DBusObjectManagerServerConnectionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps DBusObjectManagerServerConnectionPropertyInfo Source # 


data DBusObjectManagerServerObjectPathPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo DBusObjectManagerServerObjectPathPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin DBusObjectManagerServerObjectPathPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel DBusObjectManagerServerObjectPathPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrGetType DBusObjectManagerServerObjectPathPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DBusObjectManagerServerObjectPathPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DBusObjectManagerServerObjectPathPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps DBusObjectManagerServerObjectPathPropertyInfo Source #