{- |
Copyright  : Will Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
License    : LGPL-2.1
Maintainer : Iñaki García Etxebarria (inaki@blueleaf.cc)

#define ENABLE_OVERLOADING (MIN_VERSION_haskell_gi_overloading(1,0,0) \
       && !defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__))

module GI.GstAudio.Flags

 -- * Flags
-- ** AudioChannelMixerFlags #flag:AudioChannelMixerFlags#

    AudioChannelMixerFlags(..)              ,

-- ** AudioConverterFlags #flag:AudioConverterFlags#

    AudioConverterFlags(..)                 ,

-- ** AudioFlags #flag:AudioFlags#

    AudioFlags(..)                          ,

-- ** AudioFormatFlags #flag:AudioFormatFlags#

    AudioFormatFlags(..)                    ,

-- ** AudioPackFlags #flag:AudioPackFlags#

    AudioPackFlags(..)                      ,

-- ** AudioQuantizeFlags #flag:AudioQuantizeFlags#

    AudioQuantizeFlags(..)                  ,

-- ** AudioResamplerFlags #flag:AudioResamplerFlags#

    AudioResamplerFlags(..)                 ,

    ) where

import Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude as SP
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Overloading as O
import qualified Prelude as P

import qualified Data.GI.Base.Attributes as GI.Attributes
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr as B.ManagedPtr
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GClosure as B.GClosure
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GError as B.GError
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GVariant as B.GVariant
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GValue as B.GValue
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GParamSpec as B.GParamSpec
import qualified Data.GI.Base.CallStack as B.CallStack
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Properties as B.Properties
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as FP
import qualified GHC.OverloadedLabels as OL

-- Flags AudioResamplerFlags
{- |
Different resampler flags.
data AudioResamplerFlags =
    {- ^
    no flags
    | AudioResamplerFlagsNonInterleavedIn
    {- ^
    input samples are non-interleaved.
       an array of blocks of samples, one for each channel, should be passed to the
       resample function.
    | AudioResamplerFlagsNonInterleavedOut
    {- ^
    output samples are non-interleaved.
       an array of blocks of samples, one for each channel, should be passed to the
       resample function.
    | AudioResamplerFlagsVariableRate
    {- ^
    optimize for dynamic updates of the sample
       rates with 'GI.GstAudio.Structs.AudioResampler.audioResamplerUpdate'. This will select an interpolating filter
       when @/GST_AUDIO_RESAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_AUTO/@ is configured.
    | AnotherAudioResamplerFlags Int
    -- ^ Catch-all for unknown values
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance P.Enum AudioResamplerFlags where
    fromEnum AudioResamplerFlagsNone = 0
    fromEnum AudioResamplerFlagsNonInterleavedIn = 1
    fromEnum AudioResamplerFlagsNonInterleavedOut = 2
    fromEnum AudioResamplerFlagsVariableRate = 4
    fromEnum (AnotherAudioResamplerFlags k) = k

    toEnum 0 = AudioResamplerFlagsNone
    toEnum 1 = AudioResamplerFlagsNonInterleavedIn
    toEnum 2 = AudioResamplerFlagsNonInterleavedOut
    toEnum 4 = AudioResamplerFlagsVariableRate
    toEnum k = AnotherAudioResamplerFlags k

instance P.Ord AudioResamplerFlags where
    compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)

foreign import ccall "gst_audio_resampler_flags_get_type" c_gst_audio_resampler_flags_get_type ::
    IO GType

instance BoxedFlags AudioResamplerFlags where
    boxedFlagsType _ = c_gst_audio_resampler_flags_get_type

instance IsGFlag AudioResamplerFlags

-- Flags AudioQuantizeFlags
{- |
Extra flags that can be passed to @/gst_audio_quantize_new()/@
data AudioQuantizeFlags =
    {- ^
    no flags
    | AudioQuantizeFlagsNonInterleaved
    {- ^
    samples are non-interleaved
    | AnotherAudioQuantizeFlags Int
    -- ^ Catch-all for unknown values
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance P.Enum AudioQuantizeFlags where
    fromEnum AudioQuantizeFlagsNone = 0
    fromEnum AudioQuantizeFlagsNonInterleaved = 1
    fromEnum (AnotherAudioQuantizeFlags k) = k

    toEnum 0 = AudioQuantizeFlagsNone
    toEnum 1 = AudioQuantizeFlagsNonInterleaved
    toEnum k = AnotherAudioQuantizeFlags k

instance P.Ord AudioQuantizeFlags where
    compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)

foreign import ccall "gst_audio_quantize_flags_get_type" c_gst_audio_quantize_flags_get_type ::
    IO GType

instance BoxedFlags AudioQuantizeFlags where
    boxedFlagsType _ = c_gst_audio_quantize_flags_get_type

instance IsGFlag AudioQuantizeFlags

-- Flags AudioPackFlags
{- |
The different flags that can be used when packing and unpacking.
data AudioPackFlags =
    {- ^
    No flag
    | AudioPackFlagsTruncateRange
    {- ^
    When the source has a smaller depth
      than the target format, set the least significant bits of the target
      to 0. This is likely sightly faster but less accurate. When this flag
      is not specified, the most significant bits of the source are duplicated
      in the least significant bits of the destination.
    | AnotherAudioPackFlags Int
    -- ^ Catch-all for unknown values
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance P.Enum AudioPackFlags where
    fromEnum AudioPackFlagsNone = 0
    fromEnum AudioPackFlagsTruncateRange = 1
    fromEnum (AnotherAudioPackFlags k) = k

    toEnum 0 = AudioPackFlagsNone
    toEnum 1 = AudioPackFlagsTruncateRange
    toEnum k = AnotherAudioPackFlags k

instance P.Ord AudioPackFlags where
    compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)

foreign import ccall "gst_audio_pack_flags_get_type" c_gst_audio_pack_flags_get_type ::
    IO GType

instance BoxedFlags AudioPackFlags where
    boxedFlagsType _ = c_gst_audio_pack_flags_get_type

instance IsGFlag AudioPackFlags

-- Flags AudioFormatFlags
{- |
The different audio flags that a format info can have.
data AudioFormatFlags =
    {- ^
    integer samples
    | AudioFormatFlagsFloat
    {- ^
    float samples
    | AudioFormatFlagsSigned
    {- ^
    signed samples
    | AudioFormatFlagsComplex
    {- ^
    complex layout
    | AudioFormatFlagsUnpack
    {- ^
    the format can be used in
    'GI.GstAudio.Callbacks.AudioFormatUnpack' and 'GI.GstAudio.Callbacks.AudioFormatPack' functions
    | AnotherAudioFormatFlags Int
    -- ^ Catch-all for unknown values
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance P.Enum AudioFormatFlags where
    fromEnum AudioFormatFlagsInteger = 1
    fromEnum AudioFormatFlagsFloat = 2
    fromEnum AudioFormatFlagsSigned = 4
    fromEnum AudioFormatFlagsComplex = 16
    fromEnum AudioFormatFlagsUnpack = 32
    fromEnum (AnotherAudioFormatFlags k) = k

    toEnum 1 = AudioFormatFlagsInteger
    toEnum 2 = AudioFormatFlagsFloat
    toEnum 4 = AudioFormatFlagsSigned
    toEnum 16 = AudioFormatFlagsComplex
    toEnum 32 = AudioFormatFlagsUnpack
    toEnum k = AnotherAudioFormatFlags k

instance P.Ord AudioFormatFlags where
    compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)

foreign import ccall "gst_audio_format_flags_get_type" c_gst_audio_format_flags_get_type ::
    IO GType

instance BoxedFlags AudioFormatFlags where
    boxedFlagsType _ = c_gst_audio_format_flags_get_type

instance IsGFlag AudioFormatFlags

-- Flags AudioFlags
{- |
Extra audio flags
data AudioFlags =
    {- ^
    no valid flag
    | AudioFlagsUnpositioned
    {- ^
    the position array explicitly
        contains unpositioned channels.
    | AnotherAudioFlags Int
    -- ^ Catch-all for unknown values
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance P.Enum AudioFlags where
    fromEnum AudioFlagsNone = 0
    fromEnum AudioFlagsUnpositioned = 1
    fromEnum (AnotherAudioFlags k) = k

    toEnum 0 = AudioFlagsNone
    toEnum 1 = AudioFlagsUnpositioned
    toEnum k = AnotherAudioFlags k

instance P.Ord AudioFlags where
    compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)

foreign import ccall "gst_audio_flags_get_type" c_gst_audio_flags_get_type ::
    IO GType

instance BoxedFlags AudioFlags where
    boxedFlagsType _ = c_gst_audio_flags_get_type

instance IsGFlag AudioFlags

-- Flags AudioConverterFlags
{- |
Extra flags passed to 'GI.GstAudio.Structs.AudioConverter.audioConverterNew' and 'GI.GstAudio.Structs.AudioConverter.audioConverterSamples'.
data AudioConverterFlags =
    {- ^
    no flag
    | AudioConverterFlagsInWritable
    {- ^
    the input sample arrays are writable and can be
       used as temporary storage during conversion.
    | AudioConverterFlagsVariableRate
    {- ^
    allow arbitrary rate updates with
    | AnotherAudioConverterFlags Int
    -- ^ Catch-all for unknown values
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance P.Enum AudioConverterFlags where
    fromEnum AudioConverterFlagsNone = 0
    fromEnum AudioConverterFlagsInWritable = 1
    fromEnum AudioConverterFlagsVariableRate = 2
    fromEnum (AnotherAudioConverterFlags k) = k

    toEnum 0 = AudioConverterFlagsNone
    toEnum 1 = AudioConverterFlagsInWritable
    toEnum 2 = AudioConverterFlagsVariableRate
    toEnum k = AnotherAudioConverterFlags k

instance P.Ord AudioConverterFlags where
    compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)

foreign import ccall "gst_audio_converter_flags_get_type" c_gst_audio_converter_flags_get_type ::
    IO GType

instance BoxedFlags AudioConverterFlags where
    boxedFlagsType _ = c_gst_audio_converter_flags_get_type

instance IsGFlag AudioConverterFlags

-- Flags AudioChannelMixerFlags
{- |
Flags passed to @/gst_audio_channel_mixer_new()/@
data AudioChannelMixerFlags =
    {- ^
    no flag
    | AudioChannelMixerFlagsNonInterleavedIn
    {- ^
    input channels are not interleaved
    | AudioChannelMixerFlagsNonInterleavedOut
    {- ^
    output channels are not interleaved
    | AudioChannelMixerFlagsUnpositionedIn
    {- ^
    input channels are explicitly unpositioned
    | AudioChannelMixerFlagsUnpositionedOut
    {- ^
    output channels are explicitly unpositioned
    | AnotherAudioChannelMixerFlags Int
    -- ^ Catch-all for unknown values
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance P.Enum AudioChannelMixerFlags where
    fromEnum AudioChannelMixerFlagsNone = 0
    fromEnum AudioChannelMixerFlagsNonInterleavedIn = 1
    fromEnum AudioChannelMixerFlagsNonInterleavedOut = 2
    fromEnum AudioChannelMixerFlagsUnpositionedIn = 4
    fromEnum AudioChannelMixerFlagsUnpositionedOut = 8
    fromEnum (AnotherAudioChannelMixerFlags k) = k

    toEnum 0 = AudioChannelMixerFlagsNone
    toEnum 1 = AudioChannelMixerFlagsNonInterleavedIn
    toEnum 2 = AudioChannelMixerFlagsNonInterleavedOut
    toEnum 4 = AudioChannelMixerFlagsUnpositionedIn
    toEnum 8 = AudioChannelMixerFlagsUnpositionedOut
    toEnum k = AnotherAudioChannelMixerFlags k

instance P.Ord AudioChannelMixerFlags where
    compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)

foreign import ccall "gst_audio_channel_mixer_flags_get_type" c_gst_audio_channel_mixer_flags_get_type ::
    IO GType

instance BoxedFlags AudioChannelMixerFlags where
    boxedFlagsType _ = c_gst_audio_channel_mixer_flags_get_type

instance IsGFlag AudioChannelMixerFlags