-- | Copyright  : Will Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
-- License    : LGPL-2.1
-- Maintainer : Iñaki García Etxebarria

#if (MIN_VERSION_haskell_gi_overloading(1,0,0) && !defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__))

module GI.Gtk.Functions

 -- * Methods
-- ** accelGroupsActivate #method:accelGroupsActivate#

    accelGroupsActivate                     ,

-- ** accelGroupsFromObject #method:accelGroupsFromObject#

    accelGroupsFromObject                   ,

-- ** acceleratorGetDefaultModMask #method:acceleratorGetDefaultModMask#

    acceleratorGetDefaultModMask            ,

-- ** acceleratorGetLabel #method:acceleratorGetLabel#

    acceleratorGetLabel                     ,

-- ** acceleratorGetLabelWithKeycode #method:acceleratorGetLabelWithKeycode#

    acceleratorGetLabelWithKeycode          ,

-- ** acceleratorName #method:acceleratorName#

    acceleratorName                         ,

-- ** acceleratorNameWithKeycode #method:acceleratorNameWithKeycode#

    acceleratorNameWithKeycode              ,

-- ** acceleratorParse #method:acceleratorParse#

    acceleratorParse                        ,

-- ** acceleratorParseWithKeycode #method:acceleratorParseWithKeycode#

    acceleratorParseWithKeycode             ,

-- ** acceleratorSetDefaultModMask #method:acceleratorSetDefaultModMask#

    acceleratorSetDefaultModMask            ,

-- ** acceleratorValid #method:acceleratorValid#

    acceleratorValid                        ,

-- ** bindingsActivate #method:bindingsActivate#

    bindingsActivate                        ,

-- ** bindingsActivateEvent #method:bindingsActivateEvent#

    bindingsActivateEvent                   ,

-- ** checkVersion #method:checkVersion#

    checkVersion                            ,

-- ** contentFormatsAddImageTargets #method:contentFormatsAddImageTargets#

    contentFormatsAddImageTargets           ,

-- ** contentFormatsAddTextTargets #method:contentFormatsAddTextTargets#

    contentFormatsAddTextTargets            ,

-- ** contentFormatsAddUriTargets #method:contentFormatsAddUriTargets#

    contentFormatsAddUriTargets             ,

-- ** deviceGrabAdd #method:deviceGrabAdd#

    deviceGrabAdd                           ,

-- ** deviceGrabRemove #method:deviceGrabRemove#

    deviceGrabRemove                        ,

-- ** disableSetlocale #method:disableSetlocale#

    disableSetlocale                        ,

-- ** distributeNaturalAllocation #method:distributeNaturalAllocation#

    distributeNaturalAllocation             ,

-- ** dragCancel #method:dragCancel#

    dragCancel                              ,

-- ** dragGetSourceWidget #method:dragGetSourceWidget#

    dragGetSourceWidget                     ,

-- ** dragSetIconDefault #method:dragSetIconDefault#

    dragSetIconDefault                      ,

-- ** dragSetIconGicon #method:dragSetIconGicon#

    dragSetIconGicon                        ,

-- ** dragSetIconName #method:dragSetIconName#

    dragSetIconName                         ,

-- ** dragSetIconPaintable #method:dragSetIconPaintable#

    dragSetIconPaintable                    ,

-- ** dragSetIconWidget #method:dragSetIconWidget#

    dragSetIconWidget                       ,

-- ** eventsPending #method:eventsPending#

    eventsPending                           ,

-- ** getBinaryAge #method:getBinaryAge#

    getBinaryAge                            ,

-- ** getCurrentEvent #method:getCurrentEvent#

    getCurrentEvent                         ,

-- ** getCurrentEventDevice #method:getCurrentEventDevice#

    getCurrentEventDevice                   ,

-- ** getCurrentEventState #method:getCurrentEventState#

    getCurrentEventState                    ,

-- ** getCurrentEventTime #method:getCurrentEventTime#

    getCurrentEventTime                     ,

-- ** getDebugFlags #method:getDebugFlags#

    getDebugFlags                           ,

-- ** getDefaultLanguage #method:getDefaultLanguage#

    getDefaultLanguage                      ,

-- ** getEventTarget #method:getEventTarget#

    getEventTarget                          ,

-- ** getEventTargetWithType #method:getEventTargetWithType#

    getEventTargetWithType                  ,

-- ** getEventWidget #method:getEventWidget#

    getEventWidget                          ,

-- ** getInterfaceAge #method:getInterfaceAge#

    getInterfaceAge                         ,

-- ** getLocaleDirection #method:getLocaleDirection#

    getLocaleDirection                      ,

-- ** getMainThread #method:getMainThread#

    getMainThread                           ,

-- ** getMajorVersion #method:getMajorVersion#

    getMajorVersion                         ,

-- ** getMicroVersion #method:getMicroVersion#

    getMicroVersion                         ,

-- ** getMinorVersion #method:getMinorVersion#

    getMinorVersion                         ,

-- ** grabGetCurrent #method:grabGetCurrent#

    grabGetCurrent                          ,

-- ** hsvToRgb #method:hsvToRgb#

    hsvToRgb                                ,

-- ** imModulesInit #method:imModulesInit#

    imModulesInit                           ,

-- ** init #method:init#

    init                                    ,

-- ** initCheck #method:initCheck#

    initCheck                               ,

-- ** isInitialized #method:isInitialized#

    isInitialized                           ,

-- ** main #method:main#

    main                                    ,

-- ** mainDoEvent #method:mainDoEvent#

    mainDoEvent                             ,

-- ** mainIteration #method:mainIteration#

    mainIteration                           ,

-- ** mainIterationDo #method:mainIterationDo#

    mainIterationDo                         ,

-- ** mainLevel #method:mainLevel#

    mainLevel                               ,

-- ** mainQuit #method:mainQuit#

    mainQuit                                ,

-- ** printRunPageSetupDialog #method:printRunPageSetupDialog#

    printRunPageSetupDialog                 ,

-- ** printRunPageSetupDialogAsync #method:printRunPageSetupDialogAsync#

    printRunPageSetupDialogAsync            ,

-- ** propagateEvent #method:propagateEvent#

    propagateEvent                          ,

-- ** rcPropertyParseBorder #method:rcPropertyParseBorder#

    rcPropertyParseBorder                   ,

-- ** rcPropertyParseColor #method:rcPropertyParseColor#

    rcPropertyParseColor                    ,

-- ** rcPropertyParseEnum #method:rcPropertyParseEnum#

    rcPropertyParseEnum                     ,

-- ** rcPropertyParseFlags #method:rcPropertyParseFlags#

    rcPropertyParseFlags                    ,

-- ** rcPropertyParseRequisition #method:rcPropertyParseRequisition#

    rcPropertyParseRequisition              ,

-- ** renderActivity #method:renderActivity#

    renderActivity                          ,

-- ** renderArrow #method:renderArrow#

    renderArrow                             ,

-- ** renderBackground #method:renderBackground#

    renderBackground                        ,

-- ** renderBackgroundGetClip #method:renderBackgroundGetClip#

    renderBackgroundGetClip                 ,

-- ** renderCheck #method:renderCheck#

    renderCheck                             ,

-- ** renderExpander #method:renderExpander#

    renderExpander                          ,

-- ** renderFocus #method:renderFocus#

    renderFocus                             ,

-- ** renderFrame #method:renderFrame#

    renderFrame                             ,

-- ** renderHandle #method:renderHandle#

    renderHandle                            ,

-- ** renderIcon #method:renderIcon#

    renderIcon                              ,

-- ** renderInsertionCursor #method:renderInsertionCursor#

    renderInsertionCursor                   ,

-- ** renderLayout #method:renderLayout#

    renderLayout                            ,

-- ** renderLine #method:renderLine#

    renderLine                              ,

-- ** renderOption #method:renderOption#

    renderOption                            ,

-- ** renderSlider #method:renderSlider#

    renderSlider                            ,

-- ** rgbToHsv #method:rgbToHsv#

    rgbToHsv                                ,

-- ** setDebugFlags #method:setDebugFlags#

    setDebugFlags                           ,

-- ** showUriOnWindow #method:showUriOnWindow#

    showUriOnWindow                         ,

-- ** targetsIncludeImage #method:targetsIncludeImage#

    targetsIncludeImage                     ,

-- ** targetsIncludeText #method:targetsIncludeText#

    targetsIncludeText                      ,

-- ** targetsIncludeUri #method:targetsIncludeUri#

    targetsIncludeUri                       ,

-- ** testListAllTypes #method:testListAllTypes#

    testListAllTypes                        ,

-- ** testRegisterAllTypes #method:testRegisterAllTypes#

    testRegisterAllTypes                    ,

-- ** testWidgetWaitForDraw #method:testWidgetWaitForDraw#

    testWidgetWaitForDraw                   ,

-- ** treeGetRowDragData #method:treeGetRowDragData#

    treeGetRowDragData                      ,

-- ** treeSetRowDragData #method:treeSetRowDragData#

    treeSetRowDragData                      ,

    ) where

import Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude as SP
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Overloading as O
import qualified Prelude as P

import qualified Data.GI.Base.Attributes as GI.Attributes
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr as B.ManagedPtr
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GClosure as B.GClosure
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GError as B.GError
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GVariant as B.GVariant
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GValue as B.GValue
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GParamSpec as B.GParamSpec
import qualified Data.GI.Base.CallStack as B.CallStack
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Properties as B.Properties
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Signals as B.Signals
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as FP
import qualified GHC.OverloadedLabels as OL

import qualified GI.Cairo.Structs.Context as Cairo.Context
import qualified GI.GLib.Structs.String as GLib.String
import qualified GI.GLib.Structs.Thread as GLib.Thread
import qualified GI.GObject.Objects.Object as GObject.Object
import qualified GI.Gdk.Flags as Gdk.Flags
import qualified GI.Gdk.Interfaces.Paintable as Gdk.Paintable
import qualified GI.Gdk.Objects.Device as Gdk.Device
import qualified GI.Gdk.Objects.Display as Gdk.Display
import qualified GI.Gdk.Objects.Drag as Gdk.Drag
import qualified GI.Gdk.Objects.Event as Gdk.Event
import qualified GI.Gdk.Objects.Texture as Gdk.Texture
import qualified GI.Gdk.Structs.ContentFormats as Gdk.ContentFormats
import qualified GI.Gdk.Structs.EventKey as Gdk.EventKey
import qualified GI.Gdk.Structs.Rectangle as Gdk.Rectangle
import qualified GI.Gio.Interfaces.Icon as Gio.Icon
import qualified GI.Gtk.Callbacks as Gtk.Callbacks
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Enums as Gtk.Enums
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Interfaces.TreeModel as Gtk.TreeModel
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Objects.AccelGroup as Gtk.AccelGroup
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Objects.PageSetup as Gtk.PageSetup
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Objects.PrintSettings as Gtk.PrintSettings
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext as Gtk.StyleContext
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget as Gtk.Widget
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Objects.Window as Gtk.Window
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Structs.RequestedSize as Gtk.RequestedSize
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Structs.SelectionData as Gtk.SelectionData
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gtk.Structs.TreePath as Gtk.TreePath
import qualified GI.Pango.Enums as Pango.Enums
import qualified GI.Pango.Objects.Layout as Pango.Layout
import qualified GI.Pango.Structs.Language as Pango.Language

-- function gtk_tree_set_row_drag_data
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "selection_data"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "SelectionData" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "some #GtkSelectionData"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "tree_model"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "TreeModel" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkTreeModel" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "path"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "TreePath" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a row in @tree_model"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_tree_set_row_drag_data" gtk_tree_set_row_drag_data :: 
    Ptr Gtk.SelectionData.SelectionData ->  -- selection_data : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "SelectionData"})
    Ptr Gtk.TreeModel.TreeModel ->          -- tree_model : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "TreeModel"})
    Ptr Gtk.TreePath.TreePath ->            -- path : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "TreePath"})
    IO CInt

-- | Sets selection data of target type @/GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW/@. Normally used
-- in a drag_data_get handler.
treeSetRowDragData ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.TreeModel.IsTreeModel a) =>
    -- ^ /@selectionData@/: some t'GI.Gtk.Structs.SelectionData.SelectionData'
    -> a
    -- ^ /@treeModel@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Interfaces.TreeModel.TreeModel'
    -> Gtk.TreePath.TreePath
    -- ^ /@path@/: a row in /@treeModel@/
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if the t'GI.Gtk.Structs.SelectionData.SelectionData' had the proper target type to allow us to set a tree row
treeSetRowDragData :: SelectionData -> a -> TreePath -> m Bool
treeSetRowDragData selectionData :: SelectionData
selectionData treeModel :: a
treeModel path :: TreePath
path = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr SelectionData
selectionData' <- SelectionData -> IO (Ptr SelectionData)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr SelectionData
    Ptr TreeModel
treeModel' <- a -> IO (Ptr TreeModel)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr TreePath
path' <- TreePath -> IO (Ptr TreePath)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr TreePath
result <- Ptr SelectionData -> Ptr TreeModel -> Ptr TreePath -> IO CInt
gtk_tree_set_row_drag_data Ptr SelectionData
selectionData' Ptr TreeModel
treeModel' Ptr TreePath
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    SelectionData -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr SelectionData
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    TreePath -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr TreePath
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "selection_data"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "SelectionData" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkSelectionData"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "tree_model"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "TreeModel" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkTreeModel" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "path"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "TreePath" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "row in @tree_model" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data" gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data :: 
    Ptr Gtk.SelectionData.SelectionData ->  -- selection_data : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "SelectionData"})
    Ptr (Ptr Gtk.TreeModel.TreeModel) ->    -- tree_model : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "TreeModel"})
    Ptr (Ptr Gtk.TreePath.TreePath) ->      -- path : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "TreePath"})
    IO CInt

-- | Obtains a /@treeModel@/ and /@path@/ from selection data of target type
-- @/GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW/@. Normally called from a drag_data_received handler.
-- This function can only be used if /@selectionData@/ originates from the same
-- process that’s calling this function, because a pointer to the tree model
-- is being passed around. If you aren’t in the same process, then you\'ll
-- get memory corruption. In the t'GI.Gtk.Interfaces.TreeDragDest.TreeDragDest' drag_data_received handler,
-- you can assume that selection data of type @/GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW/@ is
-- in from the current process. The returned path must be freed with
-- 'GI.Gtk.Structs.TreePath.treePathFree'.
treeGetRowDragData ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@selectionData@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Structs.SelectionData.SelectionData'
    -> m ((Bool, Maybe Gtk.TreeModel.TreeModel, Maybe Gtk.TreePath.TreePath))
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if /@selectionData@/ had target type @/GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW/@ and
    --  is otherwise valid
treeGetRowDragData :: SelectionData -> m (Bool, Maybe TreeModel, Maybe TreePath)
treeGetRowDragData selectionData :: SelectionData
selectionData = IO (Bool, Maybe TreeModel, Maybe TreePath)
-> m (Bool, Maybe TreeModel, Maybe TreePath)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Bool, Maybe TreeModel, Maybe TreePath)
 -> m (Bool, Maybe TreeModel, Maybe TreePath))
-> IO (Bool, Maybe TreeModel, Maybe TreePath)
-> m (Bool, Maybe TreeModel, Maybe TreePath)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr SelectionData
selectionData' <- SelectionData -> IO (Ptr SelectionData)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr SelectionData
    Ptr (Ptr TreeModel)
treeModel <- IO (Ptr (Ptr TreeModel))
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr (Ptr Gtk.TreeModel.TreeModel))
    Ptr (Ptr TreePath)
path <- IO (Ptr (Ptr TreePath))
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr (Ptr Gtk.TreePath.TreePath))
result <- Ptr SelectionData
-> Ptr (Ptr TreeModel) -> Ptr (Ptr TreePath) -> IO CInt
gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data Ptr SelectionData
selectionData' Ptr (Ptr TreeModel)
treeModel Ptr (Ptr TreePath)
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Ptr TreeModel
treeModel' <- Ptr (Ptr TreeModel) -> IO (Ptr TreeModel)
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr (Ptr TreeModel)
    Maybe TreeModel
maybeTreeModel' <- Ptr TreeModel
-> (Ptr TreeModel -> IO TreeModel) -> IO (Maybe TreeModel)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull Ptr TreeModel
treeModel' ((Ptr TreeModel -> IO TreeModel) -> IO (Maybe TreeModel))
-> (Ptr TreeModel -> IO TreeModel) -> IO (Maybe TreeModel)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \treeModel'' :: Ptr TreeModel
treeModel'' -> do
treeModel''' <- ((ManagedPtr TreeModel -> TreeModel)
-> Ptr TreeModel -> IO TreeModel
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
newObject ManagedPtr TreeModel -> TreeModel
Gtk.TreeModel.TreeModel) Ptr TreeModel
        TreeModel -> IO TreeModel
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return TreeModel
    Ptr TreePath
path' <- Ptr (Ptr TreePath) -> IO (Ptr TreePath)
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr (Ptr TreePath)
    Maybe TreePath
maybePath' <- Ptr TreePath
-> (Ptr TreePath -> IO TreePath) -> IO (Maybe TreePath)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull Ptr TreePath
path' ((Ptr TreePath -> IO TreePath) -> IO (Maybe TreePath))
-> (Ptr TreePath -> IO TreePath) -> IO (Maybe TreePath)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \path'' :: Ptr TreePath
path'' -> do
path''' <- ((ManagedPtr TreePath -> TreePath) -> Ptr TreePath -> IO TreePath
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr TreePath -> TreePath
Gtk.TreePath.TreePath) Ptr TreePath
        TreePath -> IO TreePath
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return TreePath
    SelectionData -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr SelectionData
    Ptr (Ptr TreeModel) -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr (Ptr TreeModel)
    Ptr (Ptr TreePath) -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr (Ptr TreePath)
    (Bool, Maybe TreeModel, Maybe TreePath)
-> IO (Bool, Maybe TreeModel, Maybe TreePath)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Bool
result', Maybe TreeModel
maybeTreeModel', Maybe TreePath

-- function gtk_test_widget_wait_for_draw
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "widget"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the widget to wait for"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_test_widget_wait_for_draw" gtk_test_widget_wait_for_draw :: 
    Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget ->                -- widget : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "Widget"})
    IO ()

-- | Enters the main loop and waits for /@widget@/ to be “drawn”. In this
-- context that means it waits for the frame clock of /@widget@/ to have
-- run a full styling, layout and drawing cycle.
-- This function is intended to be used for syncing with actions that
-- depend on /@widget@/ relayouting or on interaction with the display
-- server.
testWidgetWaitForDraw ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.Widget.IsWidget a) =>
    -- ^ /@widget@/: the widget to wait for
    -> m ()
testWidgetWaitForDraw :: a -> m ()
testWidgetWaitForDraw widget :: a
widget = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Widget
widget' <- a -> IO (Ptr Widget)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Widget -> IO ()
gtk_test_widget_wait_for_draw Ptr Widget
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_test_register_all_types
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_test_register_all_types" gtk_test_register_all_types :: 
    IO ()

-- | Force registration of all core Gtk+ and Gdk object types.
-- This allowes to refer to any of those object types via
-- 'GI.GObject.Functions.typeFromName' after calling this function.
testRegisterAllTypes ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m ()
testRegisterAllTypes :: m ()
testRegisterAllTypes  = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    IO ()
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_test_list_all_types
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "n_types"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "location to store number of types"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TCArray True (-1) 0 (TBasicType TGType))
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_test_list_all_types" gtk_test_list_all_types :: 
    Ptr Word32 ->                           -- n_types : TBasicType TUInt
    IO (Ptr CGType)

-- | Return the type ids that have been registered after
-- calling 'GI.Gtk.Functions.testRegisterAllTypes'.
testListAllTypes ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m (([GType], Word32))
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 
    --    0-terminated array of type ids
testListAllTypes :: m ([GType], Word32)
testListAllTypes  = IO ([GType], Word32) -> m ([GType], Word32)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO ([GType], Word32) -> m ([GType], Word32))
-> IO ([GType], Word32) -> m ([GType], Word32)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Word32
nTypes <- IO (Ptr Word32)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr Word32)
    Ptr CGType
result <- Ptr Word32 -> IO (Ptr CGType)
gtk_test_list_all_types Ptr Word32
    Text -> Ptr CGType -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "testListAllTypes" Ptr CGType
result' <- ((CGType -> GType) -> Ptr CGType -> IO [GType]
forall a b.
(Eq a, Num a, Storable a) =>
(a -> b) -> Ptr a -> IO [b]
unpackMapZeroTerminatedStorableArray CGType -> GType
GType) Ptr CGType
nTypes' <- Ptr Word32 -> IO Word32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr Word32
    Ptr Word32 -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr Word32
    ([GType], Word32) -> IO ([GType], Word32)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ([GType]
result', Word32

-- function gtk_targets_include_uri
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "targets"
--           , argType = TCArray False (-1) 1 (TBasicType TUTF8)
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "an array of #GdkAtoms"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "n_targets"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the length of @targets"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: [ Arg
--              { argCName = "n_targets"
--              , argType = TBasicType TInt
--              , direction = DirectionIn
--              , mayBeNull = False
--              , argDoc =
--                  Documentation
--                    { rawDocText = Just "the length of @targets"
--                    , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                    }
--              , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--              , argClosure = -1
--              , argDestroy = -1
--              , argCallerAllocates = False
--              , transfer = TransferNothing
--              }
--          ]
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_targets_include_uri" gtk_targets_include_uri :: 
    Ptr CString ->                          -- targets : TCArray False (-1) 1 (TBasicType TUTF8)
    Int32 ->                                -- n_targets : TBasicType TInt
    IO CInt

-- | Determines if any of the targets in /@targets@/ can be used to
-- provide an uri list.
targetsIncludeUri ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@targets@/: an array of @/GdkAtoms/@
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if /@targets@/ include a suitable target for uri lists,
    --   otherwise 'P.False'.
targetsIncludeUri :: [Text] -> m Bool
targetsIncludeUri targets :: [Text]
targets = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let nTargets :: Int32
nTargets = Int -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> Int32) -> Int -> Int32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Text] -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length [Text]
    Ptr CString
targets' <- [Text] -> IO (Ptr CString)
packUTF8CArray [Text]
result <- Ptr CString -> Int32 -> IO CInt
gtk_targets_include_uri Ptr CString
targets' Int32
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    (Int32 -> (CString -> IO ()) -> Ptr CString -> IO ()
forall a b c.
(Storable a, Integral b) =>
b -> (a -> IO c) -> Ptr a -> IO ()
mapCArrayWithLength Int32
nTargets) CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CString
    Ptr CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CString
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_targets_include_text
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "targets"
--           , argType = TCArray False (-1) 1 (TBasicType TUTF8)
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "an array of #GdkAtoms"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "n_targets"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the length of @targets"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: [ Arg
--              { argCName = "n_targets"
--              , argType = TBasicType TInt
--              , direction = DirectionIn
--              , mayBeNull = False
--              , argDoc =
--                  Documentation
--                    { rawDocText = Just "the length of @targets"
--                    , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                    }
--              , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--              , argClosure = -1
--              , argDestroy = -1
--              , argCallerAllocates = False
--              , transfer = TransferNothing
--              }
--          ]
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_targets_include_text" gtk_targets_include_text :: 
    Ptr CString ->                          -- targets : TCArray False (-1) 1 (TBasicType TUTF8)
    Int32 ->                                -- n_targets : TBasicType TInt
    IO CInt

-- | Determines if any of the targets in /@targets@/ can be used to
-- provide text.
targetsIncludeText ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@targets@/: an array of @/GdkAtoms/@
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if /@targets@/ include a suitable target for text,
    --   otherwise 'P.False'.
targetsIncludeText :: [Text] -> m Bool
targetsIncludeText targets :: [Text]
targets = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let nTargets :: Int32
nTargets = Int -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> Int32) -> Int -> Int32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Text] -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length [Text]
    Ptr CString
targets' <- [Text] -> IO (Ptr CString)
packUTF8CArray [Text]
result <- Ptr CString -> Int32 -> IO CInt
gtk_targets_include_text Ptr CString
targets' Int32
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    (Int32 -> (CString -> IO ()) -> Ptr CString -> IO ()
forall a b c.
(Storable a, Integral b) =>
b -> (a -> IO c) -> Ptr a -> IO ()
mapCArrayWithLength Int32
nTargets) CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CString
    Ptr CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CString
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_targets_include_image
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "targets"
--           , argType = TCArray False (-1) 1 (TBasicType TUTF8)
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "an array of #GdkAtoms"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "n_targets"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the length of @targets"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "writable"
--           , argType = TBasicType TBoolean
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "whether to accept only targets for which GTK+ knows\n  how to convert a pixbuf into the format"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: [ Arg
--              { argCName = "n_targets"
--              , argType = TBasicType TInt
--              , direction = DirectionIn
--              , mayBeNull = False
--              , argDoc =
--                  Documentation
--                    { rawDocText = Just "the length of @targets"
--                    , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                    }
--              , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--              , argClosure = -1
--              , argDestroy = -1
--              , argCallerAllocates = False
--              , transfer = TransferNothing
--              }
--          ]
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_targets_include_image" gtk_targets_include_image :: 
    Ptr CString ->                          -- targets : TCArray False (-1) 1 (TBasicType TUTF8)
    Int32 ->                                -- n_targets : TBasicType TInt
    CInt ->                                 -- writable : TBasicType TBoolean
    IO CInt

-- | Determines if any of the targets in /@targets@/ can be used to
-- provide a t'GI.GdkPixbuf.Objects.Pixbuf.Pixbuf'.
targetsIncludeImage ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@targets@/: an array of @/GdkAtoms/@
    -> Bool
    -- ^ /@writable@/: whether to accept only targets for which GTK+ knows
    --   how to convert a pixbuf into the format
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if /@targets@/ include a suitable target for images,
    --   otherwise 'P.False'.
targetsIncludeImage :: [Text] -> Bool -> m Bool
targetsIncludeImage targets :: [Text]
targets writable :: Bool
writable = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let nTargets :: Int32
nTargets = Int -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> Int32) -> Int -> Int32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Text] -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length [Text]
    Ptr CString
targets' <- [Text] -> IO (Ptr CString)
packUTF8CArray [Text]
    let writable' :: CInt
writable' = (Int -> CInt
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> CInt) -> (Bool -> Int) -> Bool -> CInt
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Bool -> Int
forall a. Enum a => a -> Int
fromEnum) Bool
result <- Ptr CString -> Int32 -> CInt -> IO CInt
gtk_targets_include_image Ptr CString
targets' Int32
nTargets CInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    (Int32 -> (CString -> IO ()) -> Ptr CString -> IO ()
forall a b c.
(Storable a, Integral b) =>
b -> (a -> IO c) -> Ptr a -> IO ()
mapCArrayWithLength Int32
nTargets) CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CString
    Ptr CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CString
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_show_uri_on_window
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "parent"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Window" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "parent window" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "uri"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUTF8
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the uri to show" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "timestamp"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt32
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a timestamp to prevent focus stealing"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : True
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_show_uri_on_window" gtk_show_uri_on_window :: 
    Ptr Gtk.Window.Window ->                -- parent : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "Window"})
    CString ->                              -- uri : TBasicType TUTF8
    Word32 ->                               -- timestamp : TBasicType TUInt32
    Ptr (Ptr GError) ->                     -- error
    IO CInt

-- | This is a convenience function for launching the default application
-- to show the uri. The uri must be of a form understood by GIO (i.e. you
-- need to install gvfs to get support for uri schemes such as http:\/\/
-- or ftp:\/\/, as only local files are handled by GIO itself).
-- Typical examples are
-- * @file:\/\/\/home\/gnome\/pict.jpg@
-- * @http:\/\/www.gnome.org@
-- * @mailto:me\@gnome.org@
-- Ideally the timestamp is taken from the event triggering
-- the 'GI.Gtk.Functions.showUriOnWindow' call. If timestamp is not known you can take
-- 'GI.Gdk.Constants.CURRENT_TIME'.
-- This is the recommended call to be used as it passes information
-- necessary for sandbox helpers to parent their dialogs properly.
showUriOnWindow ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.Window.IsWindow a) =>
    Maybe (a)
    -- ^ /@parent@/: parent window
    -> T.Text
    -- ^ /@uri@/: the uri to show
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@timestamp@/: a timestamp to prevent focus stealing
    -> m ()
    -- ^ /(Can throw 'Data.GI.Base.GError.GError')/
showUriOnWindow :: Maybe a -> Text -> Word32 -> m ()
showUriOnWindow parent :: Maybe a
parent uri :: Text
uri timestamp :: Word32
timestamp = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Window
maybeParent <- case Maybe a
parent of
        Nothing -> Ptr Window -> IO (Ptr Window)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Window
forall a. Ptr a
        Just jParent :: a
jParent -> do
            Ptr Window
jParent' <- a -> IO (Ptr Window)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
            Ptr Window -> IO (Ptr Window)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Window
uri' <- Text -> IO CString
textToCString Text
    IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. IO a -> IO b -> IO a
onException (do
_ <- (Ptr (Ptr GError) -> IO CInt) -> IO CInt
forall a. (Ptr (Ptr GError) -> IO a) -> IO a
propagateGError ((Ptr (Ptr GError) -> IO CInt) -> IO CInt)
-> (Ptr (Ptr GError) -> IO CInt) -> IO CInt
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Ptr Window -> CString -> Word32 -> Ptr (Ptr GError) -> IO CInt
gtk_show_uri_on_window Ptr Window
maybeParent CString
uri' Word32
        Maybe a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust Maybe a
parent a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
        CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem CString
        () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
     ) (do
        CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem CString

-- function gtk_set_debug_flags
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "flags"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_set_debug_flags" gtk_set_debug_flags :: 
    Word32 ->                               -- flags : TBasicType TUInt
    IO ()

-- | Sets the GTK debug flags.
setDebugFlags ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -> m ()
setDebugFlags :: Word32 -> m ()
setDebugFlags flags :: Word32
flags = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Word32 -> IO ()
gtk_set_debug_flags Word32
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_rgb_to_hsv
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "r"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Just "Red" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "g"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Green" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "b"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Just "Blue" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "h"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Return value for the hue component"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "s"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Return value for the saturation component"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "v"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Return value for the value component"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_rgb_to_hsv" gtk_rgb_to_hsv :: 
    CDouble ->                              -- r : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- g : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- b : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- h : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- s : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- v : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Converts a color from RGB space to HSV.
-- Input values must be in the [0.0, 1.0] range;
-- output values will be in the same range.
rgbToHsv ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@r@/: Red
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@g@/: Green
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@b@/: Blue
    -> m ((Double, Double, Double))
rgbToHsv :: Double -> Double -> Double -> m (Double, Double, Double)
rgbToHsv r :: Double
r g :: Double
g b :: Double
b = IO (Double, Double, Double) -> m (Double, Double, Double)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Double, Double, Double) -> m (Double, Double, Double))
-> IO (Double, Double, Double) -> m (Double, Double, Double)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let r' :: CDouble
r' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let g' :: CDouble
g' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let b' :: CDouble
b' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr CDouble
h <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
    Ptr CDouble
s <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
    Ptr CDouble
v <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> IO ()
gtk_rgb_to_hsv CDouble
r' CDouble
g' CDouble
b' Ptr CDouble
h Ptr CDouble
s Ptr CDouble
h' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let h'' :: Double
h'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
s' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let s'' :: Double
s'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
v' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let v'' :: Double
v'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    (Double, Double, Double) -> IO (Double, Double, Double)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Double
h'', Double
s'', Double

-- function gtk_render_slider
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "orientation"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Orientation" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_slider" gtk_render_slider :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    CUInt ->                                -- orientation : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "Orientation"})
    IO ()

-- | /No description available in the introspection data./
renderSlider ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -> Double
    -> Double
    -> Double
    -> Double
    -> Gtk.Enums.Orientation
    -> m ()
renderSlider :: a
-> Context
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> Orientation
-> m ()
renderSlider context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height orientation :: Orientation
orientation = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let orientation' :: CUInt
orientation' = (Int -> CUInt
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> CUInt) -> (Orientation -> Int) -> Orientation -> CUInt
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Orientation -> Int
forall a. Enum a => a -> Int
fromEnum) Orientation
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> CUInt
-> IO ()
gtk_render_slider Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
height' CUInt
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_option
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle width" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle height" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_option" gtk_render_option :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders an option mark (as in a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.RadioButton.RadioButton'), the 'GI.Gtk.Flags.StateFlagsChecked'
-- state will determine whether the option is on or off, and
-- 'GI.Gtk.Flags.StateFlagsInconsistent' whether it should be marked as undefined.
-- Typical option mark rendering:
-- <<https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable/options.png>>
renderOption ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@width@/: rectangle width
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@height@/: rectangle height
    -> m ()
renderOption :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderOption context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_option Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_line
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x0"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X coordinate for the origin of the line"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y0"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y coordinate for the origin of the line"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x1"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X coordinate for the end of the line"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y1"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y coordinate for the end of the line"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_line" gtk_render_line :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x0 : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y0 : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- x1 : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y1 : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1).
renderLine ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x0@/: X coordinate for the origin of the line
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y0@/: Y coordinate for the origin of the line
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x1@/: X coordinate for the end of the line
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y1@/: Y coordinate for the end of the line
    -> m ()
renderLine :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderLine context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x0 :: Double
x0 y0 :: Double
y0 x1 :: Double
x1 y1 :: Double
y1 = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x0' :: CDouble
x0' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y0' :: CDouble
y0' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let x1' :: CDouble
x1' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y1' :: CDouble
y1' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_line Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x0' CDouble
y0' CDouble
x1' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_layout
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "layout"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Pango" , name = "Layout" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the #PangoLayout to render"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_layout" gtk_render_layout :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr Pango.Layout.Layout ->              -- layout : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Pango", name = "Layout"})
    IO ()

-- | Renders /@layout@/ on the coordinates /@x@/, /@y@/
renderLayout ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a, Pango.Layout.IsLayout b) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin
    -> b
    -- ^ /@layout@/: the t'GI.Pango.Objects.Layout.Layout' to render
    -> m ()
renderLayout :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> b -> m ()
renderLayout context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y layout :: b
layout = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr Layout
layout' <- b -> IO (Ptr Layout)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> Ptr Layout -> IO ()
gtk_render_layout Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' Ptr Layout
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr b
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_insertion_cursor
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "layout"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Pango" , name = "Layout" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the #PangoLayout of the text"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "index"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the index in the #PangoLayout"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "direction"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Pango" , name = "Direction" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the #PangoDirection of the text"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_insertion_cursor" gtk_render_insertion_cursor :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr Pango.Layout.Layout ->              -- layout : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Pango", name = "Layout"})
    Int32 ->                                -- index : TBasicType TInt
    CUInt ->                                -- direction : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Pango", name = "Direction"})
    IO ()

-- | Draws a text caret on /@cr@/ at the specified index of /@layout@/.
renderInsertionCursor ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a, Pango.Layout.IsLayout b) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin
    -> b
    -- ^ /@layout@/: the t'GI.Pango.Objects.Layout.Layout' of the text
    -> Int32
    -- ^ /@index@/: the index in the t'GI.Pango.Objects.Layout.Layout'
    -> Pango.Enums.Direction
    -- ^ /@direction@/: the t'GI.Pango.Enums.Direction' of the text
    -> m ()
renderInsertionCursor :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> b -> Int32 -> Direction -> m ()
renderInsertionCursor context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y layout :: b
layout index :: Int32
index direction :: Direction
direction = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr Layout
layout' <- b -> IO (Ptr Layout)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
    let direction' :: CUInt
direction' = (Int -> CUInt
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> CUInt) -> (Direction -> Int) -> Direction -> CUInt
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Direction -> Int
forall a. Enum a => a -> Int
fromEnum) Direction
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> Ptr Layout
-> Int32
-> CUInt
-> IO ()
gtk_render_insertion_cursor Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' Ptr Layout
layout' Int32
index CUInt
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr b
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_icon
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "texture"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Texture" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkTexture containing the icon to draw"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X position for the @texture"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y position for the @texture"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_icon" gtk_render_icon :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    Ptr Gdk.Texture.Texture ->              -- texture : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Texture"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders the icon in /@texture@/ at the specified /@x@/ and /@y@/ coordinates.
-- This function will render the icon in /@texture@/ at exactly its size,
-- regardless of scaling factors, which may not be appropriate when
-- drawing on displays with high pixel densities.
renderIcon ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a, Gdk.Texture.IsTexture b) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> b
    -- ^ /@texture@/: a t'GI.Gdk.Objects.Texture.Texture' containing the icon to draw
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X position for the /@texture@/
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y position for the /@texture@/
    -> m ()
renderIcon :: a -> Context -> b -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderIcon context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr texture :: b
texture x :: Double
x y :: Double
y = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    Ptr Texture
texture' <- b -> IO (Ptr Texture)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> Ptr Texture -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_icon Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' Ptr Texture
texture' CDouble
x' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr b
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_handle
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle width" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle height" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_handle" gtk_render_handle :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders a handle (as in t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Paned.Paned' and
-- t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Window.Window'’s resize grip), in the rectangle
-- determined by /@x@/, /@y@/, /@width@/, /@height@/.
-- Handles rendered for the paned and grip classes:
-- <<https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable/handles.png>>
renderHandle ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@width@/: rectangle width
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@height@/: rectangle height
    -> m ()
renderHandle :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderHandle context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_handle Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_frame
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle width" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle height" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_frame" gtk_render_frame :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders a frame around the rectangle defined by /@x@/, /@y@/, /@width@/, /@height@/.
-- Examples of frame rendering, showing the effect of @border-image@,
-- @border-color@, @border-width@, @border-radius@ and junctions:
-- <<https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable/frames.png>>
renderFrame ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@width@/: rectangle width
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@height@/: rectangle height
    -> m ()
renderFrame :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderFrame context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_frame Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_focus
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle width" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle height" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_focus" gtk_render_focus :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders a focus indicator on the rectangle determined by /@x@/, /@y@/, /@width@/, /@height@/.
-- Typical focus rendering:
-- <<https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable/focus.png>>
renderFocus ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@width@/: rectangle width
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@height@/: rectangle height
    -> m ()
renderFocus :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderFocus context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_focus Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_expander
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle width" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle height" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_expander" gtk_render_expander :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders an expander (as used in t'GI.Gtk.Objects.TreeView.TreeView' and t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Expander.Expander') in the area
-- defined by /@x@/, /@y@/, /@width@/, /@height@/. The state 'GI.Gtk.Flags.StateFlagsChecked'
-- determines whether the expander is collapsed or expanded.
-- Typical expander rendering:
-- <<https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable/expanders.png>>
renderExpander ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@width@/: rectangle width
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@height@/: rectangle height
    -> m ()
renderExpander :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderExpander context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_expander Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_check
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle width" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle height" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_check" gtk_render_check :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders a checkmark (as in a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.CheckButton.CheckButton').
-- The 'GI.Gtk.Flags.StateFlagsChecked' state determines whether the check is
-- on or off, and 'GI.Gtk.Flags.StateFlagsInconsistent' determines whether it
-- should be marked as undefined.
-- Typical checkmark rendering:
-- <<https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable/checks.png>>
renderCheck ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@width@/: rectangle width
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@height@/: rectangle height
    -> m ()
renderCheck :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderCheck context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_check Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_background_get_clip
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle width" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle height" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "out_clip"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Rectangle" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the clip"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_background_get_clip" gtk_render_background_get_clip :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr Gdk.Rectangle.Rectangle ->          -- out_clip : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Rectangle"})
    IO ()

-- | Returns the area that will be affected (i.e. drawn to) when
-- calling 'GI.Gtk.Functions.renderBackground' for the given /@context@/ and
-- rectangle.
renderBackgroundGetClip ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@width@/: rectangle width
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@height@/: rectangle height
    -> m (Gdk.Rectangle.Rectangle)
renderBackgroundGetClip :: a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m Rectangle
renderBackgroundGetClip context :: a
context x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height = IO Rectangle -> m Rectangle
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Rectangle -> m Rectangle) -> IO Rectangle -> m Rectangle
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr Rectangle
outClip <- Int -> IO (Ptr Rectangle)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 16 :: IO (Ptr Gdk.Rectangle.Rectangle)
    Ptr StyleContext
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> Ptr Rectangle
-> IO ()
gtk_render_background_get_clip Ptr StyleContext
context' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
height' Ptr Rectangle
outClip' <- ((ManagedPtr Rectangle -> Rectangle)
-> Ptr Rectangle -> IO Rectangle
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Rectangle -> Rectangle
Gdk.Rectangle.Rectangle) Ptr Rectangle
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Rectangle -> IO Rectangle
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Rectangle

-- function gtk_render_background
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle width" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle height" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_background" gtk_render_background :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders the background of an element.
-- Typical background rendering, showing the effect of
-- @background-image@, @border-width@ and @border-radius@:
-- <<https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable/background.png>>
renderBackground ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@width@/: rectangle width
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@height@/: rectangle height
    -> m ()
renderBackground :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderBackground context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_background Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_arrow
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "angle"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "arrow angle from 0 to 2 * %G_PI, being 0 the arrow pointing to the north"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the render area"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the render area"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "size"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "square side for render area"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_arrow" gtk_render_arrow :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- angle : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- size : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders an arrow pointing to /@angle@/.
-- Typical arrow rendering at 0, 1⁄2 π;, π; and 3⁄2 π:
-- <<https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable/arrows.png>>
renderArrow ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@angle@/: arrow angle from 0 to 2 * 'GI.GLib.Constants.PI', being 0 the arrow pointing to the north
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the render area
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the render area
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@size@/: square side for render area
    -> m ()
renderArrow :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderArrow context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr angle :: Double
angle x :: Double
x y :: Double
y size :: Double
size = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let angle' :: CDouble
angle' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let size' :: CDouble
size' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_arrow Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
angle' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_render_activity
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "context"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "StyleContext" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkStyleContext" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "cr"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "cairo" , name = "Context" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #cairo_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "X origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Y origin of the rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "width"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle width" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "height"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "rectangle height" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_render_activity" gtk_render_activity :: 
    Ptr Gtk.StyleContext.StyleContext ->    -- context : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "StyleContext"})
    Ptr Cairo.Context.Context ->            -- cr : TInterface (Name {namespace = "cairo", name = "Context"})
    CDouble ->                              -- x : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- width : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- height : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Renders an activity indicator (such as in t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Spinner.Spinner').
-- The state 'GI.Gtk.Flags.StateFlagsChecked' determines whether there is
-- activity going on.
renderActivity ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.StyleContext.IsStyleContext a) =>
    -- ^ /@context@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.StyleContext.StyleContext'
    -> Cairo.Context.Context
    -- ^ /@cr@/: a t'GI.Cairo.Structs.Context.Context'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x@/: X origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y@/: Y origin of the rectangle
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@width@/: rectangle width
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@height@/: rectangle height
    -> m ()
renderActivity :: a -> Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
renderActivity context :: a
context cr :: Context
cr x :: Double
x y :: Double
y width :: Double
width height :: Double
height = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr StyleContext
context' <- a -> IO (Ptr StyleContext)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Context
cr' <- Context -> IO (Ptr Context)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Context
    let x' :: CDouble
x' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y' :: CDouble
y' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let width' :: CDouble
width' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let height' :: CDouble
height' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr StyleContext
-> Ptr Context -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
gtk_render_activity Ptr StyleContext
context' Ptr Context
cr' CDouble
x' CDouble
y' CDouble
width' CDouble
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Context -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Context
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_rc_property_parse_requisition
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "pspec"
--           , argType = TParamSpec
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GParamSpec" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "gstring"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GLib" , name = "String" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the #GString to be parsed"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "property_value"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GObject" , name = "Value" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GValue which must hold boxed values."
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_rc_property_parse_requisition" gtk_rc_property_parse_requisition :: 
    Ptr GParamSpec ->                       -- pspec : TParamSpec
    Ptr GLib.String.String ->               -- gstring : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GLib", name = "String"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- property_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    IO CInt

-- | A t'GI.Gtk.Callbacks.RcPropertyParser' for use with @/gtk_settings_install_property_parser()/@
-- or @/gtk_widget_class_install_style_property_parser()/@ which parses a
-- requisition in the form
-- @\"{ width, height }\"@ for integers @/width/@ and @/height/@.
rcPropertyParseRequisition ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@pspec@/: a t'GI.GObject.Objects.ParamSpec.ParamSpec'
    -> GLib.String.String
    -- ^ /@gstring@/: the t'GI.GLib.Structs.String.String' to be parsed
    -> GValue
    -- ^ /@propertyValue@/: a t'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' which must hold boxed values.
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if /@gstring@/ could be parsed and /@propertyValue@/
    -- has been set to the resulting t'GI.Gtk.Structs.Requisition.Requisition'.
rcPropertyParseRequisition :: GParamSpec -> String -> GValue -> m Bool
rcPropertyParseRequisition pspec :: GParamSpec
pspec gstring :: String
gstring propertyValue :: GValue
propertyValue = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' <- GParamSpec -> IO (Ptr GParamSpec)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GParamSpec
    Ptr String
gstring' <- String -> IO (Ptr String)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr String
    Ptr GValue
propertyValue' <- GValue -> IO (Ptr GValue)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GValue
result <- Ptr GParamSpec -> Ptr String -> Ptr GValue -> IO CInt
gtk_rc_property_parse_requisition Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' Ptr String
gstring' Ptr GValue
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    GParamSpec -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GParamSpec
    String -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr String
    GValue -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GValue
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_rc_property_parse_flags
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "pspec"
--           , argType = TParamSpec
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GParamSpec" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "gstring"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GLib" , name = "String" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the #GString to be parsed"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "property_value"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GObject" , name = "Value" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GValue which must hold flags values."
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_rc_property_parse_flags" gtk_rc_property_parse_flags :: 
    Ptr GParamSpec ->                       -- pspec : TParamSpec
    Ptr GLib.String.String ->               -- gstring : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GLib", name = "String"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- property_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    IO CInt

-- | A t'GI.Gtk.Callbacks.RcPropertyParser' for use with @/gtk_settings_install_property_parser()/@
-- or @/gtk_widget_class_install_style_property_parser()/@ which parses flags.
-- Flags can be specified by their name, their nickname or
-- numerically. Multiple flags can be specified in the form
-- @\"( flag1 | flag2 | ... )\"@.
rcPropertyParseFlags ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@pspec@/: a t'GI.GObject.Objects.ParamSpec.ParamSpec'
    -> GLib.String.String
    -- ^ /@gstring@/: the t'GI.GLib.Structs.String.String' to be parsed
    -> GValue
    -- ^ /@propertyValue@/: a t'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' which must hold flags values.
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if /@gstring@/ could be parsed and /@propertyValue@/
    -- has been set to the resulting flags value.
rcPropertyParseFlags :: GParamSpec -> String -> GValue -> m Bool
rcPropertyParseFlags pspec :: GParamSpec
pspec gstring :: String
gstring propertyValue :: GValue
propertyValue = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' <- GParamSpec -> IO (Ptr GParamSpec)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GParamSpec
    Ptr String
gstring' <- String -> IO (Ptr String)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr String
    Ptr GValue
propertyValue' <- GValue -> IO (Ptr GValue)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GValue
result <- Ptr GParamSpec -> Ptr String -> Ptr GValue -> IO CInt
gtk_rc_property_parse_flags Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' Ptr String
gstring' Ptr GValue
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    GParamSpec -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GParamSpec
    String -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr String
    GValue -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GValue
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_rc_property_parse_enum
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "pspec"
--           , argType = TParamSpec
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GParamSpec" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "gstring"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GLib" , name = "String" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the #GString to be parsed"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "property_value"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GObject" , name = "Value" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GValue which must hold enum values."
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_rc_property_parse_enum" gtk_rc_property_parse_enum :: 
    Ptr GParamSpec ->                       -- pspec : TParamSpec
    Ptr GLib.String.String ->               -- gstring : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GLib", name = "String"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- property_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    IO CInt

-- | A t'GI.Gtk.Callbacks.RcPropertyParser' for use with @/gtk_settings_install_property_parser()/@
-- or @/gtk_widget_class_install_style_property_parser()/@ which parses a single
-- enumeration value.
-- The enumeration value can be specified by its name, its nickname or
-- its numeric value. For consistency with flags parsing, the value
-- may be surrounded by parentheses.
rcPropertyParseEnum ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@pspec@/: a t'GI.GObject.Objects.ParamSpec.ParamSpec'
    -> GLib.String.String
    -- ^ /@gstring@/: the t'GI.GLib.Structs.String.String' to be parsed
    -> GValue
    -- ^ /@propertyValue@/: a t'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' which must hold enum values.
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if /@gstring@/ could be parsed and /@propertyValue@/
    -- has been set to the resulting t'GI.GObject.Structs.EnumValue.EnumValue'.
rcPropertyParseEnum :: GParamSpec -> String -> GValue -> m Bool
rcPropertyParseEnum pspec :: GParamSpec
pspec gstring :: String
gstring propertyValue :: GValue
propertyValue = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' <- GParamSpec -> IO (Ptr GParamSpec)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GParamSpec
    Ptr String
gstring' <- String -> IO (Ptr String)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr String
    Ptr GValue
propertyValue' <- GValue -> IO (Ptr GValue)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GValue
result <- Ptr GParamSpec -> Ptr String -> Ptr GValue -> IO CInt
gtk_rc_property_parse_enum Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' Ptr String
gstring' Ptr GValue
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    GParamSpec -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GParamSpec
    String -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr String
    GValue -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GValue
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_rc_property_parse_color
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "pspec"
--           , argType = TParamSpec
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "gstring"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GLib" , name = "String" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "property_value"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GObject" , name = "Value" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Nothing , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_rc_property_parse_color" gtk_rc_property_parse_color :: 
    Ptr GParamSpec ->                       -- pspec : TParamSpec
    Ptr GLib.String.String ->               -- gstring : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GLib", name = "String"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- property_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    IO CInt

-- | /No description available in the introspection data./
rcPropertyParseColor ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -> GLib.String.String
    -> GValue
    -> m Bool
rcPropertyParseColor :: GParamSpec -> String -> GValue -> m Bool
rcPropertyParseColor pspec :: GParamSpec
pspec gstring :: String
gstring propertyValue :: GValue
propertyValue = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' <- GParamSpec -> IO (Ptr GParamSpec)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GParamSpec
    Ptr String
gstring' <- String -> IO (Ptr String)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr String
    Ptr GValue
propertyValue' <- GValue -> IO (Ptr GValue)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GValue
result <- Ptr GParamSpec -> Ptr String -> Ptr GValue -> IO CInt
gtk_rc_property_parse_color Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' Ptr String
gstring' Ptr GValue
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    GParamSpec -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GParamSpec
    String -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr String
    GValue -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GValue
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_rc_property_parse_border
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "pspec"
--           , argType = TParamSpec
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GParamSpec" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "gstring"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GLib" , name = "String" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the #GString to be parsed"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "property_value"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GObject" , name = "Value" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GValue which must hold boxed values."
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_rc_property_parse_border" gtk_rc_property_parse_border :: 
    Ptr GParamSpec ->                       -- pspec : TParamSpec
    Ptr GLib.String.String ->               -- gstring : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GLib", name = "String"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- property_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    IO CInt

-- | A t'GI.Gtk.Callbacks.RcPropertyParser' for use with @/gtk_settings_install_property_parser()/@
-- or @/gtk_widget_class_install_style_property_parser()/@ which parses
-- borders in the form
-- @\"{ left, right, top, bottom }\"@ for integers
-- left, right, top and bottom.
rcPropertyParseBorder ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@pspec@/: a t'GI.GObject.Objects.ParamSpec.ParamSpec'
    -> GLib.String.String
    -- ^ /@gstring@/: the t'GI.GLib.Structs.String.String' to be parsed
    -> GValue
    -- ^ /@propertyValue@/: a t'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' which must hold boxed values.
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if /@gstring@/ could be parsed and /@propertyValue@/
    -- has been set to the resulting t'GI.Gtk.Structs.Border.Border'.
rcPropertyParseBorder :: GParamSpec -> String -> GValue -> m Bool
rcPropertyParseBorder pspec :: GParamSpec
pspec gstring :: String
gstring propertyValue :: GValue
propertyValue = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' <- GParamSpec -> IO (Ptr GParamSpec)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GParamSpec
    Ptr String
gstring' <- String -> IO (Ptr String)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr String
    Ptr GValue
propertyValue' <- GValue -> IO (Ptr GValue)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr GValue
result <- Ptr GParamSpec -> Ptr String -> Ptr GValue -> IO CInt
gtk_rc_property_parse_border Ptr GParamSpec
pspec' Ptr String
gstring' Ptr GValue
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    GParamSpec -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GParamSpec
    String -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr String
    GValue -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr GValue
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_propagate_event
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "widget"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkWidget" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "event"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Event" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "an event" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_propagate_event" gtk_propagate_event :: 
    Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget ->                -- widget : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "Widget"})
    Ptr Gdk.Event.Event ->                  -- event : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Event"})
    IO ()

-- | Sends an event to a widget, propagating the event to parent widgets
-- if the event remains unhandled. This function will emit the event
-- through all the hierarchy of /@widget@/ through all propagation phases.
-- Events received by GTK from GDK normally begin in 'GI.Gtk.Functions.mainDoEvent'.
-- Depending on the type of event, existence of modal dialogs, grabs, etc.,
-- the event may be propagated; if so, this function is used.
-- 'GI.Gtk.Functions.propagateEvent' calls 'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.widgetEvent' on each widget it
-- decides to send the event to. So 'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.widgetEvent' is the lowest-level
-- function; it simply emits the t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.Widget'::@/event/@ and possibly an
-- event-specific signal on a widget. 'GI.Gtk.Functions.propagateEvent' is a bit
-- higher-level, and 'GI.Gtk.Functions.mainDoEvent' is the highest level.
-- All that said, you most likely don’t want to use any of these
-- functions; synthesizing events is rarely needed. There are almost
-- certainly better ways to achieve your goals. For example, use
-- 'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.widgetQueueDraw' instead
-- of making up expose events.
propagateEvent ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.Widget.IsWidget a, Gdk.Event.IsEvent b) =>
    -- ^ /@widget@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.Widget'
    -> b
    -- ^ /@event@/: an event
    -> m ()
propagateEvent :: a -> b -> m ()
propagateEvent widget :: a
widget event :: b
event = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Widget
widget' <- a -> IO (Ptr Widget)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Event
event' <- b -> IO (Ptr Event)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
    Ptr Widget -> Ptr Event -> IO ()
gtk_propagate_event Ptr Widget
widget' Ptr Event
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr b
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog_async
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "parent"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Window" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "transient parent, or %NULL"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "page_setup"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "PageSetup" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "an existing #GtkPageSetup, or %NULL"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "settings"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "PrintSettings" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkPrintSettings"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "done_cb"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "PageSetupDoneFunc" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "a function to call when the user saves\n          the modified page setup"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeAsync
--           , argClosure = 4
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "data"
--           , argType = TBasicType TPtr
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "user data to pass to @done_cb"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog_async" gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog_async :: 
    Ptr Gtk.Window.Window ->                -- parent : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "Window"})
    Ptr Gtk.PageSetup.PageSetup ->          -- page_setup : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "PageSetup"})
    Ptr Gtk.PrintSettings.PrintSettings ->  -- settings : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "PrintSettings"})
    FunPtr Gtk.Callbacks.C_PageSetupDoneFunc -> -- done_cb : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "PageSetupDoneFunc"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

-- | Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from /@pageSetup@/.
-- In contrast to 'GI.Gtk.Functions.printRunPageSetupDialog', this function  returns after
-- showing the page setup dialog on platforms that support this, and calls /@doneCb@/
-- from a signal handler for the [response](#signal:response) signal of the dialog.
printRunPageSetupDialogAsync ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.Window.IsWindow a, Gtk.PageSetup.IsPageSetup b, Gtk.PrintSettings.IsPrintSettings c) =>
    Maybe (a)
    -- ^ /@parent@/: transient parent, or 'P.Nothing'
    -> Maybe (b)
    -- ^ /@pageSetup@/: an existing t'GI.Gtk.Objects.PageSetup.PageSetup', or 'P.Nothing'
    -> c
    -- ^ /@settings@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.PrintSettings.PrintSettings'
    -> Gtk.Callbacks.PageSetupDoneFunc
    -- ^ /@doneCb@/: a function to call when the user saves
    --           the modified page setup
    -> m ()
printRunPageSetupDialogAsync :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> c -> PageSetupDoneFunc -> m ()
printRunPageSetupDialogAsync parent :: Maybe a
parent pageSetup :: Maybe b
pageSetup settings :: c
settings doneCb :: PageSetupDoneFunc
doneCb = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Window
maybeParent <- case Maybe a
parent of
        Nothing -> Ptr Window -> IO (Ptr Window)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Window
forall a. Ptr a
        Just jParent :: a
jParent -> do
            Ptr Window
jParent' <- a -> IO (Ptr Window)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
            Ptr Window -> IO (Ptr Window)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Window
    Ptr PageSetup
maybePageSetup <- case Maybe b
pageSetup of
        Nothing -> Ptr PageSetup -> IO (Ptr PageSetup)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr PageSetup
forall a. Ptr a
        Just jPageSetup :: b
jPageSetup -> do
            Ptr PageSetup
jPageSetup' <- b -> IO (Ptr PageSetup)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
            Ptr PageSetup -> IO (Ptr PageSetup)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr PageSetup
    Ptr PrintSettings
settings' <- c -> IO (Ptr PrintSettings)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr c
    Ptr (FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc)
ptrdoneCb <- IO (Ptr (FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc))
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
callocMem :: IO (Ptr (FunPtr Gtk.Callbacks.C_PageSetupDoneFunc))
    FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc
doneCb' <- C_PageSetupDoneFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc)
Gtk.Callbacks.mk_PageSetupDoneFunc (Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc))
-> PageSetupDoneFunc_WithClosures -> C_PageSetupDoneFunc
Gtk.Callbacks.wrap_PageSetupDoneFunc (Ptr (FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc)
-> Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Ptr (FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc)
ptrdoneCb) (PageSetupDoneFunc -> PageSetupDoneFunc_WithClosures
Gtk.Callbacks.drop_closures_PageSetupDoneFunc PageSetupDoneFunc
    Ptr (FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc)
-> FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke Ptr (FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc)
ptrdoneCb FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc
    let data_ :: Ptr a
data_ = Ptr a
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr Window
-> Ptr PageSetup
-> Ptr PrintSettings
-> FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc
-> Ptr ()
-> IO ()
gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog_async Ptr Window
maybeParent Ptr PageSetup
maybePageSetup Ptr PrintSettings
settings' FunPtr C_PageSetupDoneFunc
doneCb' Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Maybe a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust Maybe a
parent a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
    Maybe b -> (b -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust Maybe b
pageSetup b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
    c -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr c
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "parent"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Window" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "transient parent" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "page_setup"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "PageSetup" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "an existing #GtkPageSetup"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "settings"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "PrintSettings" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkPrintSettings"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "PageSetup" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog" gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog :: 
    Ptr Gtk.Window.Window ->                -- parent : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "Window"})
    Ptr Gtk.PageSetup.PageSetup ->          -- page_setup : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "PageSetup"})
    Ptr Gtk.PrintSettings.PrintSettings ->  -- settings : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "PrintSettings"})
    IO (Ptr Gtk.PageSetup.PageSetup)

-- | Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from
-- /@pageSetup@/. If the user cancels the dialog, the returned t'GI.Gtk.Objects.PageSetup.PageSetup'
-- is identical to the passed in /@pageSetup@/, otherwise it contains the
-- modifications done in the dialog.
-- Note that this function may use a recursive mainloop to show the page
-- setup dialog. See 'GI.Gtk.Functions.printRunPageSetupDialogAsync' if this is
-- a problem.
printRunPageSetupDialog ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.Window.IsWindow a, Gtk.PageSetup.IsPageSetup b, Gtk.PrintSettings.IsPrintSettings c) =>
    Maybe (a)
    -- ^ /@parent@/: transient parent
    -> Maybe (b)
    -- ^ /@pageSetup@/: an existing t'GI.Gtk.Objects.PageSetup.PageSetup'
    -> c
    -- ^ /@settings@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.PrintSettings.PrintSettings'
    -> m Gtk.PageSetup.PageSetup
    -- ^ __Returns:__ a new t'GI.Gtk.Objects.PageSetup.PageSetup'
printRunPageSetupDialog :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> c -> m PageSetup
printRunPageSetupDialog parent :: Maybe a
parent pageSetup :: Maybe b
pageSetup settings :: c
settings = IO PageSetup -> m PageSetup
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO PageSetup -> m PageSetup) -> IO PageSetup -> m PageSetup
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Window
maybeParent <- case Maybe a
parent of
        Nothing -> Ptr Window -> IO (Ptr Window)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Window
forall a. Ptr a
        Just jParent :: a
jParent -> do
            Ptr Window
jParent' <- a -> IO (Ptr Window)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
            Ptr Window -> IO (Ptr Window)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Window
    Ptr PageSetup
maybePageSetup <- case Maybe b
pageSetup of
        Nothing -> Ptr PageSetup -> IO (Ptr PageSetup)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr PageSetup
forall a. Ptr a
        Just jPageSetup :: b
jPageSetup -> do
            Ptr PageSetup
jPageSetup' <- b -> IO (Ptr PageSetup)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
            Ptr PageSetup -> IO (Ptr PageSetup)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr PageSetup
    Ptr PrintSettings
settings' <- c -> IO (Ptr PrintSettings)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr c
    Ptr PageSetup
result <- Ptr Window
-> Ptr PageSetup -> Ptr PrintSettings -> IO (Ptr PageSetup)
gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog Ptr Window
maybeParent Ptr PageSetup
maybePageSetup Ptr PrintSettings
    Text -> Ptr PageSetup -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "printRunPageSetupDialog" Ptr PageSetup
result' <- ((ManagedPtr PageSetup -> PageSetup)
-> Ptr PageSetup -> IO PageSetup
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
wrapObject ManagedPtr PageSetup -> PageSetup
Gtk.PageSetup.PageSetup) Ptr PageSetup
    Maybe a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust Maybe a
parent a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
    Maybe b -> (b -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust Maybe b
pageSetup b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
    c -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr c
    PageSetup -> IO PageSetup
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return PageSetup

-- function gtk_main_quit
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_main_quit" gtk_main_quit :: 
    IO ()

-- | Makes the innermost invocation of the main loop return
-- when it regains control.
mainQuit ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m ()
mainQuit :: m ()
mainQuit  = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    IO ()
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_main_level
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUInt)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_main_level" gtk_main_level :: 
    IO Word32

-- | Asks for the current nesting level of the main loop.
mainLevel ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Word32
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the nesting level of the current invocation
    --     of the main loop
mainLevel :: m Word32
mainLevel  = IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Word32 -> m Word32) -> IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO Word32
    Word32 -> IO Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Word32

-- function gtk_main_iteration_do
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "blocking"
--           , argType = TBasicType TBoolean
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "%TRUE if you want GTK to block if no events are pending"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_main_iteration_do" gtk_main_iteration_do :: 
    CInt ->                                 -- blocking : TBasicType TBoolean
    IO CInt

-- | Runs a single iteration of the mainloop.
-- If no events are available either return or block depending on
-- the value of /@blocking@/.
mainIterationDo ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@blocking@/: 'P.True' if you want GTK to block if no events are pending
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if 'GI.Gtk.Functions.mainQuit' has been called for the
    --     innermost mainloop
mainIterationDo :: Bool -> m Bool
mainIterationDo blocking :: Bool
blocking = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let blocking' :: CInt
blocking' = (Int -> CInt
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> CInt) -> (Bool -> Int) -> Bool -> CInt
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Bool -> Int
forall a. Enum a => a -> Int
fromEnum) Bool
result <- CInt -> IO CInt
gtk_main_iteration_do CInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_main_iteration
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_main_iteration" gtk_main_iteration :: 
    IO CInt

-- | Runs a single iteration of the mainloop.
-- If no events are waiting to be processed GTK will block
-- until the next event is noticed. If you don’t want to block
-- look at 'GI.Gtk.Functions.mainIterationDo' or check if any events are
-- pending with 'GI.Gtk.Functions.eventsPending' first.
mainIteration ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if 'GI.Gtk.Functions.mainQuit' has been called for the
    --     innermost mainloop
mainIteration :: m Bool
mainIteration  = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO CInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_main_do_event
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "event"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Event" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "An event to process (normally passed by GDK)"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_main_do_event" gtk_main_do_event :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Event.Event ->                  -- event : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Event"})
    IO ()

-- | Processes a single GDK event.
-- This is public only to allow filtering of events between GDK and GTK.
-- You will not usually need to call this function directly.
-- While you should not call this function directly, you might want to
-- know how exactly events are handled. So here is what this function
-- does with the event:
-- 1. Compress enter\/leave notify events. If the event passed build an
--    enter\/leave pair together with the next event (peeked from GDK), both
--    events are thrown away. This is to avoid a backlog of (de-)highlighting
--    widgets crossed by the pointer.
-- 2. Find the widget which got the event. If the widget can’t be determined
--    the event is thrown away unless it belongs to a INCR transaction.
-- 3. Then the event is pushed onto a stack so you can query the currently
--    handled event with 'GI.Gtk.Functions.getCurrentEvent'.
-- 4. The event is sent to a widget. If a grab is active all events for widgets
--    that are not in the contained in the grab widget are sent to the latter
--    with a few exceptions:
--    - Deletion and destruction events are still sent to the event widget for
--      obvious reasons.
--    - Events which directly relate to the visual representation of the event
--      widget.
--    - Leave events are delivered to the event widget if there was an enter
--      event delivered to it before without the paired leave event.
--    - Drag events are not redirected because it is unclear what the semantics
--      of that would be.
-- 5. After finishing the delivery the event is popped from the event stack.
mainDoEvent ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Event.IsEvent a) =>
    -- ^ /@event@/: An event to process (normally passed by GDK)
    -> m ()
mainDoEvent :: a -> m ()
mainDoEvent event :: a
event = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Event
event' <- a -> IO (Ptr Event)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Event -> IO ()
gtk_main_do_event Ptr Event
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_main
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_main" gtk_main :: 
    IO ()

-- | Runs the main loop until 'GI.Gtk.Functions.mainQuit' is called.
-- You can nest calls to 'GI.Gtk.Functions.main'. In that case 'GI.Gtk.Functions.mainQuit'
-- will make the innermost invocation of the main loop return.
main ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m ()
main :: m ()
main  = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    IO ()
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_is_initialized
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_is_initialized" gtk_is_initialized :: 
    IO CInt

-- | Use this function to check if GTK has been initialized with 'GI.Gtk.Functions.init'
-- or 'GI.Gtk.Functions.initCheck'.
isInitialized ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialization status
isInitialized :: m Bool
isInitialized  = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO CInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_init_check
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_init_check" gtk_init_check :: 
    IO CInt

-- | This function does the same work as 'GI.Gtk.Functions.init' with only a single
-- change: It does not terminate the program if the windowing system
-- can’t be initialized. Instead it returns 'P.False' on failure.
-- This way the application can fall back to some other means of
-- communication with the user - for example a curses or command line
-- interface.
initCheck ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if the windowing system has been successfully
    --     initialized, 'P.False' otherwise
initCheck :: m Bool
initCheck  = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO CInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_init
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_init" gtk_init :: 
    IO ()

-- | Call this function before using any other GTK functions in your GUI
-- applications.  It will initialize everything needed to operate the
-- toolkit and parses some standard command line options.
-- If you are using t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Application.Application', you don\'t have to call 'GI.Gtk.Functions.init'
-- or 'GI.Gtk.Functions.initCheck'; the t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Application.Application'::@/startup/@ handler
-- does it for you.
-- This function will terminate your program if it was unable to
-- initialize the windowing system for some reason. If you want
-- your program to fall back to a textual interface you want to
-- call 'GI.Gtk.Functions.initCheck' instead.
-- GTK calls @signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN)@
-- during initialization, to ignore SIGPIPE signals, since these are
-- almost never wanted in graphical applications. If you do need to
-- handle SIGPIPE for some reason, reset the handler after 'GI.Gtk.Functions.init',
-- but notice that other libraries (e.g. libdbus or gvfs) might do
-- similar things.
init ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m ()
init :: m ()
init  = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    IO ()
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_im_modules_init
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_im_modules_init" gtk_im_modules_init :: 
    IO ()

-- | /No description available in the introspection data./
imModulesInit ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m ()
imModulesInit :: m ()
imModulesInit  = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    IO ()
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_hsv_to_rgb
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "h"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation { rawDocText = Just "Hue" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "s"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Saturation" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "v"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Value" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "r"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Return value for the red component"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "g"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Return value for the green component"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "b"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Return value for the blue component"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_hsv_to_rgb" gtk_hsv_to_rgb :: 
    CDouble ->                              -- h : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- s : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- v : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- r : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- g : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- b : TBasicType TDouble
    IO ()

-- | Converts a color from HSV space to RGB.
-- Input values must be in the [0.0, 1.0] range;
-- output values will be in the same range.
hsvToRgb ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@h@/: Hue
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@s@/: Saturation
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@v@/: Value
    -> m ((Double, Double, Double))
hsvToRgb :: Double -> Double -> Double -> m (Double, Double, Double)
hsvToRgb h :: Double
h s :: Double
s v :: Double
v = IO (Double, Double, Double) -> m (Double, Double, Double)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Double, Double, Double) -> m (Double, Double, Double))
-> IO (Double, Double, Double) -> m (Double, Double, Double)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let h' :: CDouble
h' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let s' :: CDouble
s' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let v' :: CDouble
v' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr CDouble
r <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
    Ptr CDouble
g <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
    Ptr CDouble
b <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> IO ()
gtk_hsv_to_rgb CDouble
h' CDouble
s' CDouble
v' Ptr CDouble
r Ptr CDouble
g Ptr CDouble
r' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let r'' :: Double
r'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
g' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let g'' :: Double
g'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
b' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let b'' :: Double
b'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    (Double, Double, Double) -> IO (Double, Double, Double)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Double
r'', Double
g'', Double

-- function gtk_grab_get_current
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_grab_get_current" gtk_grab_get_current :: 
    IO (Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget)

-- | Queries the current grab of the default window group.
grabGetCurrent ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m (Maybe Gtk.Widget.Widget)
    -- ^ __Returns:__ The widget which currently
    --     has the grab or 'P.Nothing' if no grab is active
grabGetCurrent :: m (Maybe Widget)
grabGetCurrent  = IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget))
-> IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Widget
result <- IO (Ptr Widget)
    Maybe Widget
maybeResult <- Ptr Widget -> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull Ptr Widget
result ((Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget))
-> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \result' :: Ptr Widget
result' -> do
result'' <- ((ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget) -> Ptr Widget -> IO Widget
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
newObject ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget
Gtk.Widget.Widget) Ptr Widget
        Widget -> IO Widget
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Widget
    Maybe Widget -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Maybe Widget

-- function gtk_get_minor_version
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUInt)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_minor_version" gtk_get_minor_version :: 
    IO Word32

-- | Returns the minor version number of the GTK library.
-- (e.g. in GTK version 3.1.5 this is 1.)
-- This function is in the library, so it represents the GTK library
-- your code is are running against. Contrast with the
-- 'GI.Gtk.Constants.MINOR_VERSION' macro, which represents the minor version of the
-- GTK headers you have included when compiling your code.
getMinorVersion ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Word32
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the minor version number of the GTK library
getMinorVersion :: m Word32
getMinorVersion  = IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Word32 -> m Word32) -> IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO Word32
    Word32 -> IO Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Word32

-- function gtk_get_micro_version
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUInt)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_micro_version" gtk_get_micro_version :: 
    IO Word32

-- | Returns the micro version number of the GTK library.
-- (e.g. in GTK version 3.1.5 this is 5.)
-- This function is in the library, so it represents the GTK library
-- your code is are running against. Contrast with the
-- 'GI.Gtk.Constants.MICRO_VERSION' macro, which represents the micro version of the
-- GTK headers you have included when compiling your code.
getMicroVersion ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Word32
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the micro version number of the GTK library
getMicroVersion :: m Word32
getMicroVersion  = IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Word32 -> m Word32) -> IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO Word32
    Word32 -> IO Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Word32

-- function gtk_get_major_version
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUInt)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_major_version" gtk_get_major_version :: 
    IO Word32

-- | Returns the major version number of the GTK library.
-- (e.g. in GTK version 3.1.5 this is 3.)
-- This function is in the library, so it represents the GTK library
-- your code is running against. Contrast with the 'GI.Gtk.Constants.MAJOR_VERSION'
-- macro, which represents the major version of the GTK headers you
-- have included when compiling your code.
getMajorVersion ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Word32
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the major version number of the GTK library
getMajorVersion :: m Word32
getMajorVersion  = IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Word32 -> m Word32) -> IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO Word32
    Word32 -> IO Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Word32

-- function gtk_get_main_thread
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "GLib" , name = "Thread" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_main_thread" gtk_get_main_thread :: 
    IO (Ptr GLib.Thread.Thread)

-- | Get the thread from which GTK was initialized.
getMainThread ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m GLib.Thread.Thread
    -- ^ __Returns:__ The t'GI.GLib.Structs.Thread.Thread' initialized for GTK, must not be freed
getMainThread :: m Thread
getMainThread  = IO Thread -> m Thread
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Thread -> m Thread) -> IO Thread -> m Thread
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Thread
result <- IO (Ptr Thread)
    Text -> Ptr Thread -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "getMainThread" Ptr Thread
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Thread -> Thread) -> Ptr Thread -> IO Thread
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Thread -> Thread
GLib.Thread.Thread) Ptr Thread
    Thread -> IO Thread
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Thread

-- function gtk_get_locale_direction
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just
--               (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "TextDirection" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_locale_direction" gtk_get_locale_direction :: 
    IO CUInt

-- | Get the direction of the current locale. This is the expected
-- reading direction for text and UI.
-- This function depends on the current locale being set with
-- @/setlocale()/@ and will default to setting the 'GI.Gtk.Enums.TextDirectionLtr'
-- direction otherwise. 'GI.Gtk.Enums.TextDirectionNone' will never be returned.
-- GTK sets the default text direction according to the locale
-- during 'GI.Gtk.Functions.init', and you should normally use
-- 'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.widgetGetDirection' or 'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.widgetGetDefaultDirection'
-- to obtain the current direcion.
-- This function is only needed rare cases when the locale is
-- changed after GTK has already been initialized. In this case,
-- you can use it to update the default text direction as follows:
-- === /C code/
-- >
-- >setlocale (LC_ALL, new_locale);
-- >direction = gtk_get_locale_direction ();
-- >gtk_widget_set_default_direction (direction);
getLocaleDirection ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Gtk.Enums.TextDirection
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the t'GI.Gtk.Enums.TextDirection' of the current locale
getLocaleDirection :: m TextDirection
getLocaleDirection  = IO TextDirection -> m TextDirection
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO TextDirection -> m TextDirection)
-> IO TextDirection -> m TextDirection
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO CUInt
    let result' :: TextDirection
result' = (Int -> TextDirection
forall a. Enum a => Int -> a
toEnum (Int -> TextDirection) -> (CUInt -> Int) -> CUInt -> TextDirection
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. CUInt -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral) CUInt
    TextDirection -> IO TextDirection
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return TextDirection

-- function gtk_get_interface_age
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUInt)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_interface_age" gtk_get_interface_age :: 
    IO Word32

-- | Returns the interface age as passed to @libtool@
-- when building the GTK library the process is running against.
-- If @libtool@ means nothing to you, don\'t
-- worry about it.
getInterfaceAge ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Word32
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the interface age of the GTK library
getInterfaceAge :: m Word32
getInterfaceAge  = IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Word32 -> m Word32) -> IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO Word32
    Word32 -> IO Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Word32

-- function gtk_get_event_widget
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "event"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Event" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkEvent" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_event_widget" gtk_get_event_widget :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Event.Event ->                  -- event : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Event"})
    IO (Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget)

-- | If /@event@/ is 'P.Nothing' or the event was not associated with any widget,
-- returns 'P.Nothing', otherwise returns the widget that received the event
-- originally.
getEventWidget ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Event.IsEvent a) =>
    -- ^ /@event@/: a @/GdkEvent/@
    -> m (Maybe Gtk.Widget.Widget)
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the widget that originally
    --     received /@event@/, or 'P.Nothing'
getEventWidget :: a -> m (Maybe Widget)
getEventWidget event :: a
event = IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget))
-> IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Event
event' <- a -> IO (Ptr Event)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Widget
result <- Ptr Event -> IO (Ptr Widget)
gtk_get_event_widget Ptr Event
    Maybe Widget
maybeResult <- Ptr Widget -> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull Ptr Widget
result ((Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget))
-> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \result' :: Ptr Widget
result' -> do
result'' <- ((ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget) -> Ptr Widget -> IO Widget
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
newObject ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget
Gtk.Widget.Widget) Ptr Widget
        Widget -> IO Widget
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Widget
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Maybe Widget -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Maybe Widget

-- function gtk_get_event_target_with_type
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "event"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Event" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkEvent" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "type"
--           , argType = TBasicType TGType
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the type to look for"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_event_target_with_type" gtk_get_event_target_with_type :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Event.Event ->                  -- event : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Event"})
    CGType ->                               -- type : TBasicType TGType
    IO (Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget)

-- | If /@event@/ is 'P.Nothing' or the event was not associated with any widget,
-- returns 'P.Nothing', otherwise returns first widget found from the event
-- target to the toplevel that matches /@type@/.
getEventTargetWithType ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Event.IsEvent a) =>
    -- ^ /@event@/: a @/GdkEvent/@
    -> GType
    -- ^ /@type@/: the type to look for
    -> m (Maybe Gtk.Widget.Widget)
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the widget in the target stack
    -- with the given type, or 'P.Nothing'
getEventTargetWithType :: a -> GType -> m (Maybe Widget)
getEventTargetWithType event :: a
event type_ :: GType
type_ = IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget))
-> IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Event
event' <- a -> IO (Ptr Event)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    let type_' :: CGType
type_' = GType -> CGType
gtypeToCGType GType
    Ptr Widget
result <- Ptr Event -> CGType -> IO (Ptr Widget)
gtk_get_event_target_with_type Ptr Event
event' CGType
    Maybe Widget
maybeResult <- Ptr Widget -> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull Ptr Widget
result ((Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget))
-> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \result' :: Ptr Widget
result' -> do
result'' <- ((ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget) -> Ptr Widget -> IO Widget
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
newObject ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget
Gtk.Widget.Widget) Ptr Widget
        Widget -> IO Widget
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Widget
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Maybe Widget -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Maybe Widget

-- function gtk_get_event_target
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "event"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Event" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkEvent" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_event_target" gtk_get_event_target :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Event.Event ->                  -- event : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Event"})
    IO (Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget)

-- | If /@event@/ is 'P.Nothing' or the event was not associated with any widget,
-- returns 'P.Nothing', otherwise returns the widget that is the deepmost
-- receiver of the event.
getEventTarget ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Event.IsEvent a) =>
    -- ^ /@event@/: a @/GdkEvent/@
    -> m (Maybe Gtk.Widget.Widget)
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the target widget, or 'P.Nothing'
getEventTarget :: a -> m (Maybe Widget)
getEventTarget event :: a
event = IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget))
-> IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Event
event' <- a -> IO (Ptr Event)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Widget
result <- Ptr Event -> IO (Ptr Widget)
gtk_get_event_target Ptr Event
    Maybe Widget
maybeResult <- Ptr Widget -> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull Ptr Widget
result ((Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget))
-> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \result' :: Ptr Widget
result' -> do
result'' <- ((ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget) -> Ptr Widget -> IO Widget
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
newObject ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget
Gtk.Widget.Widget) Ptr Widget
        Widget -> IO Widget
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Widget
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Maybe Widget -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Maybe Widget

-- function gtk_get_default_language
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Pango" , name = "Language" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_default_language" gtk_get_default_language :: 
    IO (Ptr Pango.Language.Language)

-- | Returns the t'GI.Pango.Structs.Language.Language' for the default language currently in
-- effect. (Note that this can change over the life of an
-- application.) The default language is derived from the current
-- locale. It determines, for example, whether GTK uses the
-- right-to-left or left-to-right text direction.
-- This function is equivalent to 'GI.Pango.Functions.languageGetDefault'.
-- See that function for details.
getDefaultLanguage ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Pango.Language.Language
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the default language as a t'GI.Pango.Structs.Language.Language',
    --     must not be freed
getDefaultLanguage :: m Language
getDefaultLanguage  = IO Language -> m Language
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Language -> m Language) -> IO Language -> m Language
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Language
result <- IO (Ptr Language)
    Text -> Ptr Language -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "getDefaultLanguage" Ptr Language
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Language -> Language) -> Ptr Language -> IO Language
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Language -> Language
Pango.Language.Language) Ptr Language
    Language -> IO Language
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Language

-- function gtk_get_debug_flags
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUInt)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_debug_flags" gtk_get_debug_flags :: 
    IO Word32

-- | Returns the GTK debug flags.
-- This function is intended for GTK modules that want
-- to adjust their debug output based on GTK debug flags.
getDebugFlags ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Word32
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the GTK debug flags.
getDebugFlags :: m Word32
getDebugFlags  = IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Word32 -> m Word32) -> IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO Word32
    Word32 -> IO Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Word32

-- function gtk_get_current_event_time
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUInt32)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_current_event_time" gtk_get_current_event_time :: 
    IO Word32

-- | If there is a current event and it has a timestamp,
-- return that timestamp, otherwise return 'GI.Gdk.Constants.CURRENT_TIME'.
getCurrentEventTime ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Word32
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the timestamp from the current event,
    --     or 'GI.Gdk.Constants.CURRENT_TIME'.
getCurrentEventTime :: m Word32
getCurrentEventTime  = IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Word32 -> m Word32) -> IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO Word32
    Word32 -> IO Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Word32

-- function gtk_get_current_event_state
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "state"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "a location to store the state of the current event"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_current_event_state" gtk_get_current_event_state :: 
    Ptr CUInt ->                            -- state : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO CInt

-- | If there is a current event and it has a state field, place
-- that state field in /@state@/ and return 'P.True', otherwise return
-- 'P.False'.
getCurrentEventState ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m ((Bool, [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]))
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if there was a current event and it
    --     had a state field
getCurrentEventState :: m (Bool, [ModifierType])
getCurrentEventState  = IO (Bool, [ModifierType]) -> m (Bool, [ModifierType])
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Bool, [ModifierType]) -> m (Bool, [ModifierType]))
-> IO (Bool, [ModifierType]) -> m (Bool, [ModifierType])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr CUInt
state <- IO (Ptr CUInt)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CUInt)
result <- Ptr CUInt -> IO CInt
gtk_get_current_event_state Ptr CUInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
state' <- Ptr CUInt -> IO CUInt
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CUInt
    let state'' :: [ModifierType]
state'' = CUInt -> [ModifierType]
forall a b. (Storable a, Integral a, Bits a, IsGFlag b) => a -> [b]
wordToGFlags CUInt
    Ptr CUInt -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CUInt
    (Bool, [ModifierType]) -> IO (Bool, [ModifierType])
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Bool
result', [ModifierType]

-- function gtk_get_current_event_device
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Device" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_current_event_device" gtk_get_current_event_device :: 
    IO (Ptr Gdk.Device.Device)

-- | If there is a current event and it has a device, return that
-- device, otherwise return 'P.Nothing'.
getCurrentEventDevice ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m (Maybe Gdk.Device.Device)
    -- ^ __Returns:__ a t'GI.Gdk.Objects.Device.Device', or 'P.Nothing'
getCurrentEventDevice :: m (Maybe Device)
getCurrentEventDevice  = IO (Maybe Device) -> m (Maybe Device)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe Device) -> m (Maybe Device))
-> IO (Maybe Device) -> m (Maybe Device)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Device
result <- IO (Ptr Device)
    Maybe Device
maybeResult <- Ptr Device -> (Ptr Device -> IO Device) -> IO (Maybe Device)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull Ptr Device
result ((Ptr Device -> IO Device) -> IO (Maybe Device))
-> (Ptr Device -> IO Device) -> IO (Maybe Device)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \result' :: Ptr Device
result' -> do
result'' <- ((ManagedPtr Device -> Device) -> Ptr Device -> IO Device
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
newObject ManagedPtr Device -> Device
Gdk.Device.Device) Ptr Device
        Device -> IO Device
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Device
    Maybe Device -> IO (Maybe Device)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Maybe Device

-- function gtk_get_current_event
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Event" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_current_event" gtk_get_current_event :: 
    IO (Ptr Gdk.Event.Event)

-- | Obtains a reference of the event currently being processed by GTK.
-- For example, if you are handling a [clicked]("GI.Gtk.Objects.Button#signal:clicked") signal,
-- the current event will be the t'GI.Gdk.Structs.EventButton.EventButton' that triggered
-- the [clicked](#signal:clicked) signal.
getCurrentEvent ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m (Maybe Gdk.Event.Event)
    -- ^ __Returns:__ a reference of the current event, or
    --     'P.Nothing' if there is no current event. The returned event must be
    --     freed with 'GI.GObject.Objects.Object.objectUnref'.
getCurrentEvent :: m (Maybe Event)
getCurrentEvent  = IO (Maybe Event) -> m (Maybe Event)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe Event) -> m (Maybe Event))
-> IO (Maybe Event) -> m (Maybe Event)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Event
result <- IO (Ptr Event)
    Maybe Event
maybeResult <- Ptr Event -> (Ptr Event -> IO Event) -> IO (Maybe Event)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull Ptr Event
result ((Ptr Event -> IO Event) -> IO (Maybe Event))
-> (Ptr Event -> IO Event) -> IO (Maybe Event)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \result' :: Ptr Event
result' -> do
result'' <- ((ManagedPtr Event -> Event) -> Ptr Event -> IO Event
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
wrapObject ManagedPtr Event -> Event
Gdk.Event.Event) Ptr Event
        Event -> IO Event
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Event
    Maybe Event -> IO (Maybe Event)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Maybe Event

-- function gtk_get_binary_age
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUInt)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_get_binary_age" gtk_get_binary_age :: 
    IO Word32

-- | Returns the binary age as passed to @libtool@
-- when building the GTK library the process is running against.
-- If @libtool@ means nothing to you, don\'t
-- worry about it.
getBinaryAge ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Word32
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the binary age of the GTK library
getBinaryAge :: m Word32
getBinaryAge  = IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Word32 -> m Word32) -> IO Word32 -> m Word32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO Word32
    Word32 -> IO Word32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Word32

-- function gtk_events_pending
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_events_pending" gtk_events_pending :: 
    IO CInt

-- | Checks if any events are pending.
-- This can be used to update the UI and invoke timeouts etc.
-- while doing some time intensive computation.
-- == Updating the UI during a long computation
-- === /C code/
-- >
-- > // computation going on...
-- >
-- > while (gtk_events_pending ())
-- >   gtk_main_iteration ();
-- >
-- > // ...computation continued
eventsPending ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if any events are pending, 'P.False' otherwise
eventsPending :: m Bool
eventsPending  = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO CInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_drag_set_icon_widget
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "drag"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Drag" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the context for a drag"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "widget"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a widget to use as an icon"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "hot_x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the X offset within @widget of the hotspot"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "hot_y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the Y offset within @widget of the hotspot"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_drag_set_icon_widget" gtk_drag_set_icon_widget :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Drag.Drag ->                    -- drag : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Drag"})
    Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget ->                -- widget : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "Widget"})
    Int32 ->                                -- hot_x : TBasicType TInt
    Int32 ->                                -- hot_y : TBasicType TInt
    IO ()

-- | Changes the icon for drag operation to a given widget.
-- GTK+ will not destroy the widget, so if you don’t want
-- it to persist, you should connect to the “drag-end”
-- signal and destroy it yourself.
dragSetIconWidget ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Drag.IsDrag a, Gtk.Widget.IsWidget b) =>
    -- ^ /@drag@/: the context for a drag
    -> b
    -- ^ /@widget@/: a widget to use as an icon
    -> Int32
    -- ^ /@hotX@/: the X offset within /@widget@/ of the hotspot
    -> Int32
    -- ^ /@hotY@/: the Y offset within /@widget@/ of the hotspot
    -> m ()
dragSetIconWidget :: a -> b -> Int32 -> Int32 -> m ()
dragSetIconWidget drag :: a
drag widget :: b
widget hotX :: Int32
hotX hotY :: Int32
hotY = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Drag
drag' <- a -> IO (Ptr Drag)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Widget
widget' <- b -> IO (Ptr Widget)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
    Ptr Drag -> Ptr Widget -> Int32 -> Int32 -> IO ()
gtk_drag_set_icon_widget Ptr Drag
drag' Ptr Widget
widget' Int32
hotX Int32
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr b
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_drag_set_icon_paintable
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "drag"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Drag" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the context for a drag"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "paintable"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Paintable" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the #GdkPaintable to use as icon"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "hot_x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the X offset of the hotspot within the icon"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "hot_y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the Y offset of the hotspot within the icon"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_drag_set_icon_paintable" gtk_drag_set_icon_paintable :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Drag.Drag ->                    -- drag : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Drag"})
    Ptr Gdk.Paintable.Paintable ->          -- paintable : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Paintable"})
    Int32 ->                                -- hot_x : TBasicType TInt
    Int32 ->                                -- hot_y : TBasicType TInt
    IO ()

-- | Sets /@paintable@/ as the icon for a given drag. GTK+ retains
-- references for the arguments, and will release them when
-- they are no longer needed.
-- To position the /@paintable@/ relative to the mouse, its top
-- left will be positioned /@hotX@/, /@hotY@/ pixels from the
-- mouse cursor.
dragSetIconPaintable ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Drag.IsDrag a, Gdk.Paintable.IsPaintable b) =>
    -- ^ /@drag@/: the context for a drag
    -> b
    -- ^ /@paintable@/: the t'GI.Gdk.Interfaces.Paintable.Paintable' to use as icon
    -> Int32
    -- ^ /@hotX@/: the X offset of the hotspot within the icon
    -> Int32
    -- ^ /@hotY@/: the Y offset of the hotspot within the icon
    -> m ()
dragSetIconPaintable :: a -> b -> Int32 -> Int32 -> m ()
dragSetIconPaintable drag :: a
drag paintable :: b
paintable hotX :: Int32
hotX hotY :: Int32
hotY = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Drag
drag' <- a -> IO (Ptr Drag)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Paintable
paintable' <- b -> IO (Ptr Paintable)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
    Ptr Drag -> Ptr Paintable -> Int32 -> Int32 -> IO ()
gtk_drag_set_icon_paintable Ptr Drag
drag' Ptr Paintable
paintable' Int32
hotX Int32
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr b
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_drag_set_icon_name
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "drag"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Drag" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the context for a drag"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "icon_name"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUTF8
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "name of icon to use"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "hot_x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the X offset of the hotspot within the icon"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "hot_y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the Y offset of the hotspot within the icon"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_drag_set_icon_name" gtk_drag_set_icon_name :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Drag.Drag ->                    -- drag : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Drag"})
    CString ->                              -- icon_name : TBasicType TUTF8
    Int32 ->                                -- hot_x : TBasicType TInt
    Int32 ->                                -- hot_y : TBasicType TInt
    IO ()

-- | Sets the icon for a given drag from a named themed icon. See
-- the docs for t'GI.Gtk.Objects.IconTheme.IconTheme' for more details. Note that the
-- size of the icon depends on the icon theme (the icon is
-- loaded at the symbolic size @/GTK_ICON_SIZE_DND/@), thus
-- /@hotX@/ and /@hotY@/ have to be used with care.
dragSetIconName ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Drag.IsDrag a) =>
    -- ^ /@drag@/: the context for a drag
    -> T.Text
    -- ^ /@iconName@/: name of icon to use
    -> Int32
    -- ^ /@hotX@/: the X offset of the hotspot within the icon
    -> Int32
    -- ^ /@hotY@/: the Y offset of the hotspot within the icon
    -> m ()
dragSetIconName :: a -> Text -> Int32 -> Int32 -> m ()
dragSetIconName drag :: a
drag iconName :: Text
iconName hotX :: Int32
hotX hotY :: Int32
hotY = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Drag
drag' <- a -> IO (Ptr Drag)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
iconName' <- Text -> IO CString
textToCString Text
    Ptr Drag -> CString -> Int32 -> Int32 -> IO ()
gtk_drag_set_icon_name Ptr Drag
drag' CString
iconName' Int32
hotX Int32
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem CString
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_drag_set_icon_gicon
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "drag"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Drag" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the context for a drag"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "icon"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gio" , name = "Icon" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GIcon" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "hot_x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the X offset of the hotspot within the icon"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "hot_y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the Y offset of the hotspot within the icon"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_drag_set_icon_gicon" gtk_drag_set_icon_gicon :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Drag.Drag ->                    -- drag : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Drag"})
    Ptr Gio.Icon.Icon ->                    -- icon : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gio", name = "Icon"})
    Int32 ->                                -- hot_x : TBasicType TInt
    Int32 ->                                -- hot_y : TBasicType TInt
    IO ()

-- | Sets the icon for a given drag from the given /@icon@/.
-- See the documentation for 'GI.Gtk.Functions.dragSetIconName'
-- for more details about using icons in drag and drop.
dragSetIconGicon ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Drag.IsDrag a, Gio.Icon.IsIcon b) =>
    -- ^ /@drag@/: the context for a drag
    -> b
    -- ^ /@icon@/: a t'GI.Gio.Interfaces.Icon.Icon'
    -> Int32
    -- ^ /@hotX@/: the X offset of the hotspot within the icon
    -> Int32
    -- ^ /@hotY@/: the Y offset of the hotspot within the icon
    -> m ()
dragSetIconGicon :: a -> b -> Int32 -> Int32 -> m ()
dragSetIconGicon drag :: a
drag icon :: b
icon hotX :: Int32
hotX hotY :: Int32
hotY = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Drag
drag' <- a -> IO (Ptr Drag)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Icon
icon' <- b -> IO (Ptr Icon)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
    Ptr Drag -> Ptr Icon -> Int32 -> Int32 -> IO ()
gtk_drag_set_icon_gicon Ptr Drag
drag' Ptr Icon
icon' Int32
hotX Int32
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr b
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_drag_set_icon_default
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "drag"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Drag" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the context for a drag"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_drag_set_icon_default" gtk_drag_set_icon_default :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Drag.Drag ->                    -- drag : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Drag"})
    IO ()

-- | Sets the icon for a particular drag to the default
-- icon.
dragSetIconDefault ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Drag.IsDrag a) =>
    -- ^ /@drag@/: the context for a drag
    -> m ()
dragSetIconDefault :: a -> m ()
dragSetIconDefault drag :: a
drag = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Drag
drag' <- a -> IO (Ptr Drag)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Drag -> IO ()
gtk_drag_set_icon_default Ptr Drag
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_drag_get_source_widget
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "drag"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Drag" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a drag context" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_drag_get_source_widget" gtk_drag_get_source_widget :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Drag.Drag ->                    -- drag : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Drag"})
    IO (Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget)

-- | Determines the source widget for a drag.
dragGetSourceWidget ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Drag.IsDrag a) =>
    -- ^ /@drag@/: a drag context
    -> m (Maybe Gtk.Widget.Widget)
    -- ^ __Returns:__ if the drag is occurring
    --     within a single application, a pointer to the source widget.
    --     Otherwise, 'P.Nothing'.
dragGetSourceWidget :: a -> m (Maybe Widget)
dragGetSourceWidget drag :: a
drag = IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget))
-> IO (Maybe Widget) -> m (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Drag
drag' <- a -> IO (Ptr Drag)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Widget
result <- Ptr Drag -> IO (Ptr Widget)
gtk_drag_get_source_widget Ptr Drag
    Maybe Widget
maybeResult <- Ptr Widget -> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull Ptr Widget
result ((Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget))
-> (Ptr Widget -> IO Widget) -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \result' :: Ptr Widget
result' -> do
result'' <- ((ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget) -> Ptr Widget -> IO Widget
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
newObject ManagedPtr Widget -> Widget
Gtk.Widget.Widget) Ptr Widget
        Widget -> IO Widget
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Widget
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Maybe Widget -> IO (Maybe Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Maybe Widget

-- function gtk_drag_cancel
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "drag"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Drag" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "a drag context, as e.g. returned by gtk_drag_begin()"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_drag_cancel" gtk_drag_cancel :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Drag.Drag ->                    -- drag : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Drag"})
    IO ()

-- | Cancels an ongoing drag operation on the source side.
-- If you want to be able to cancel a drag operation in this way,
-- you need to keep a pointer to the drag context, either from an
-- explicit call to 'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.widgetDragBegin', or by connecting to
-- [dragBegin]("GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget#signal:dragBegin").
-- If /@context@/ does not refer to an ongoing drag operation, this
-- function does nothing.
-- If a drag is cancelled in this way, the /@result@/ argument of
-- [dragFailed]("GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget#signal:dragFailed") is set to /@gTKDRAGRESULTERROR@/.
dragCancel ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Drag.IsDrag a) =>
    -- ^ /@drag@/: a drag context, as e.g. returned by 'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.widgetDragBegin'
    -> m ()
dragCancel :: a -> m ()
dragCancel drag :: a
drag = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Drag
drag' <- a -> IO (Ptr Drag)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Drag -> IO ()
gtk_drag_cancel Ptr Drag
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_distribute_natural_allocation
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "extra_space"
--           , argType = TBasicType TInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "Extra space to redistribute among children after subtracting\n              minimum sizes and any child padding from the overall allocation"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "n_requested_sizes"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "Number of requests to fit into the allocation"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "sizes"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "RequestedSize" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "An array of structs with a client pointer and a minimum/natural size\n        in the orientation of the allocation."
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TInt)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_distribute_natural_allocation" gtk_distribute_natural_allocation :: 
    Int32 ->                                -- extra_space : TBasicType TInt
    Word32 ->                               -- n_requested_sizes : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr Gtk.RequestedSize.RequestedSize ->  -- sizes : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "RequestedSize"})
    IO Int32

-- | Distributes /@extraSpace@/ to child /@sizes@/ by bringing smaller
-- children up to natural size first.
-- The remaining space will be added to the /@minimumSize@/ member of the
-- GtkRequestedSize struct. If all sizes reach their natural size then
-- the remaining space is returned.
distributeNaturalAllocation ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@extraSpace@/: Extra space to redistribute among children after subtracting
    --               minimum sizes and any child padding from the overall allocation
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@nRequestedSizes@/: Number of requests to fit into the allocation
    -> Gtk.RequestedSize.RequestedSize
    -- ^ /@sizes@/: An array of structs with a client pointer and a minimum\/natural size
    --         in the orientation of the allocation.
    -> m Int32
    -- ^ __Returns:__ The remainder of /@extraSpace@/ after redistributing space
    -- to /@sizes@/.
distributeNaturalAllocation :: Int32 -> Word32 -> RequestedSize -> m Int32
distributeNaturalAllocation extraSpace :: Int32
extraSpace nRequestedSizes :: Word32
nRequestedSizes sizes :: RequestedSize
sizes = IO Int32 -> m Int32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Int32 -> m Int32) -> IO Int32 -> m Int32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr RequestedSize
sizes' <- RequestedSize -> IO (Ptr RequestedSize)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr RequestedSize
result <- Int32 -> Word32 -> Ptr RequestedSize -> IO Int32
gtk_distribute_natural_allocation Int32
extraSpace Word32
nRequestedSizes Ptr RequestedSize
    RequestedSize -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr RequestedSize
    Int32 -> IO Int32
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

-- function gtk_disable_setlocale
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_disable_setlocale" gtk_disable_setlocale :: 
    IO ()

-- | Prevents 'GI.Gtk.Functions.init', 'GI.Gtk.Functions.initCheck' and
-- @/gtk_parse_args()/@ from automatically
-- calling @setlocale (LC_ALL, \"\")@. You would
-- want to use this function if you wanted to set the locale for
-- your program to something other than the user’s locale, or if
-- you wanted to set different values for different locale categories.
-- Most programs should not need to call this function.
disableSetlocale ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m ()
disableSetlocale :: m ()
disableSetlocale  = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    IO ()
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_device_grab_remove
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "widget"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkWidget" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "device"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Device" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkDevice" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_device_grab_remove" gtk_device_grab_remove :: 
    Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget ->                -- widget : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "Widget"})
    Ptr Gdk.Device.Device ->                -- device : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Device"})
    IO ()

-- | Removes a device grab from the given widget.
-- You have to pair calls to 'GI.Gtk.Functions.deviceGrabAdd' and
-- 'GI.Gtk.Functions.deviceGrabRemove'.
deviceGrabRemove ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.Widget.IsWidget a, Gdk.Device.IsDevice b) =>
    -- ^ /@widget@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.Widget'
    -> b
    -- ^ /@device@/: a t'GI.Gdk.Objects.Device.Device'
    -> m ()
deviceGrabRemove :: a -> b -> m ()
deviceGrabRemove widget :: a
widget device :: b
device = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Widget
widget' <- a -> IO (Ptr Widget)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Device
device' <- b -> IO (Ptr Device)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
    Ptr Widget -> Ptr Device -> IO ()
gtk_device_grab_remove Ptr Widget
widget' Ptr Device
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr b
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_device_grab_add
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "widget"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "Widget" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GtkWidget" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "device"
--           , argType = TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Device" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkDevice to grab on."
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "block_others"
--           , argType = TBasicType TBoolean
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "%TRUE to prevent other devices to interact with @widget."
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_device_grab_add" gtk_device_grab_add :: 
    Ptr Gtk.Widget.Widget ->                -- widget : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gtk", name = "Widget"})
    Ptr Gdk.Device.Device ->                -- device : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Device"})
    CInt ->                                 -- block_others : TBasicType TBoolean
    IO ()

-- | Adds a GTK grab on /@device@/, so all the events on /@device@/ and its
-- associated pointer or keyboard (if any) are delivered to /@widget@/.
-- If the /@blockOthers@/ parameter is 'P.True', any other devices will be
-- unable to interact with /@widget@/ during the grab.
deviceGrabAdd ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gtk.Widget.IsWidget a, Gdk.Device.IsDevice b) =>
    -- ^ /@widget@/: a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.Widget'
    -> b
    -- ^ /@device@/: a t'GI.Gdk.Objects.Device.Device' to grab on.
    -> Bool
    -- ^ /@blockOthers@/: 'P.True' to prevent other devices to interact with /@widget@/.
    -> m ()
deviceGrabAdd :: a -> b -> Bool -> m ()
deviceGrabAdd widget :: a
widget device :: b
device blockOthers :: Bool
blockOthers = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Widget
widget' <- a -> IO (Ptr Widget)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr Device
device' <- b -> IO (Ptr Device)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr b
    let blockOthers' :: CInt
blockOthers' = (Int -> CInt
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> CInt) -> (Bool -> Int) -> Bool -> CInt
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Bool -> Int
forall a. Enum a => a -> Int
fromEnum) Bool
    Ptr Widget -> Ptr Device -> CInt -> IO ()
gtk_device_grab_add Ptr Widget
widget' Ptr Device
device' CInt
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    b -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr b
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_content_formats_add_uri_targets
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "list"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ContentFormats" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkContentFormats"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just
--               (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ContentFormats" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_content_formats_add_uri_targets" gtk_content_formats_add_uri_targets :: 
    Ptr Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats -> -- list : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ContentFormats"})
    IO (Ptr Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats)

-- | Appends the URI targets supported by t'GI.Gtk.Structs.SelectionData.SelectionData' to
-- the target list. All targets are added with the same /@info@/.
contentFormatsAddUriTargets ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@list@/: a t'GI.Gdk.Structs.ContentFormats.ContentFormats'
    -> m Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats
contentFormatsAddUriTargets :: ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats
contentFormatsAddUriTargets list :: ContentFormats
list = IO ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats)
-> IO ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr ContentFormats
list' <- ContentFormats -> IO (Ptr ContentFormats)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr ContentFormats
    Ptr ContentFormats
result <- Ptr ContentFormats -> IO (Ptr ContentFormats)
gtk_content_formats_add_uri_targets Ptr ContentFormats
    Text -> Ptr ContentFormats -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "contentFormatsAddUriTargets" Ptr ContentFormats
result' <- ((ManagedPtr ContentFormats -> ContentFormats)
-> Ptr ContentFormats -> IO ContentFormats
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr ContentFormats -> ContentFormats
Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats) Ptr ContentFormats
    ContentFormats -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr ContentFormats
    ContentFormats -> IO ContentFormats
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ContentFormats

-- function gtk_content_formats_add_text_targets
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "list"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ContentFormats" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkContentFormats"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just
--               (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ContentFormats" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_content_formats_add_text_targets" gtk_content_formats_add_text_targets :: 
    Ptr Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats -> -- list : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ContentFormats"})
    IO (Ptr Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats)

-- | Appends the text targets supported by t'GI.Gtk.Structs.SelectionData.SelectionData' to
-- the target list. All targets are added with the same /@info@/.
contentFormatsAddTextTargets ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@list@/: a t'GI.Gdk.Structs.ContentFormats.ContentFormats'
    -> m Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats
contentFormatsAddTextTargets :: ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats
contentFormatsAddTextTargets list :: ContentFormats
list = IO ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats)
-> IO ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr ContentFormats
list' <- ContentFormats -> IO (Ptr ContentFormats)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr ContentFormats
    Ptr ContentFormats
result <- Ptr ContentFormats -> IO (Ptr ContentFormats)
gtk_content_formats_add_text_targets Ptr ContentFormats
    Text -> Ptr ContentFormats -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "contentFormatsAddTextTargets" Ptr ContentFormats
result' <- ((ManagedPtr ContentFormats -> ContentFormats)
-> Ptr ContentFormats -> IO ContentFormats
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr ContentFormats -> ContentFormats
Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats) Ptr ContentFormats
    ContentFormats -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr ContentFormats
    ContentFormats -> IO ContentFormats
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ContentFormats

-- function gtk_content_formats_add_image_targets
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "list"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ContentFormats" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkContentFormats"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "writable"
--           , argType = TBasicType TBoolean
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "whether to add only targets for which GTK+ knows\n  how to convert a pixbuf into the format"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just
--               (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ContentFormats" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_content_formats_add_image_targets" gtk_content_formats_add_image_targets :: 
    Ptr Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats -> -- list : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ContentFormats"})
    CInt ->                                 -- writable : TBasicType TBoolean
    IO (Ptr Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats)

-- | Appends the image targets supported by t'GI.Gtk.Structs.SelectionData.SelectionData' to
-- the target list. All targets are added with the same /@info@/.
contentFormatsAddImageTargets ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@list@/: a t'GI.Gdk.Structs.ContentFormats.ContentFormats'
    -> Bool
    -- ^ /@writable@/: whether to add only targets for which GTK+ knows
    --   how to convert a pixbuf into the format
    -> m Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats
contentFormatsAddImageTargets :: ContentFormats -> Bool -> m ContentFormats
contentFormatsAddImageTargets list :: ContentFormats
list writable :: Bool
writable = IO ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats)
-> IO ContentFormats -> m ContentFormats
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr ContentFormats
list' <- ContentFormats -> IO (Ptr ContentFormats)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr ContentFormats
    let writable' :: CInt
writable' = (Int -> CInt
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> CInt) -> (Bool -> Int) -> Bool -> CInt
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Bool -> Int
forall a. Enum a => a -> Int
fromEnum) Bool
    Ptr ContentFormats
result <- Ptr ContentFormats -> CInt -> IO (Ptr ContentFormats)
gtk_content_formats_add_image_targets Ptr ContentFormats
list' CInt
    Text -> Ptr ContentFormats -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "contentFormatsAddImageTargets" Ptr ContentFormats
result' <- ((ManagedPtr ContentFormats -> ContentFormats)
-> Ptr ContentFormats -> IO ContentFormats
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr ContentFormats -> ContentFormats
Gdk.ContentFormats.ContentFormats) Ptr ContentFormats
    ContentFormats -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr ContentFormats
    ContentFormats -> IO ContentFormats
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ContentFormats

-- function gtk_check_version
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "required_major"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the required major version"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "required_minor"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the required minor version"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "required_micro"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the required micro version"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUTF8)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_check_version" gtk_check_version :: 
    Word32 ->                               -- required_major : TBasicType TUInt
    Word32 ->                               -- required_minor : TBasicType TUInt
    Word32 ->                               -- required_micro : TBasicType TUInt
    IO CString

-- | Checks that the GTK library in use is compatible with the
-- given version. Generally you would pass in the constants
-- 'GI.Gtk.Constants.MAJOR_VERSION', 'GI.Gtk.Constants.MINOR_VERSION', 'GI.Gtk.Constants.MICRO_VERSION'
-- as the three arguments to this function; that produces
-- a check that the library in use is compatible with
-- the version of GTK the application or module was compiled
-- against.
-- Compatibility is defined by two things: first the version
-- of the running library is newer than the version
-- /@requiredMajor@/.required_minor./@requiredMicro@/. Second
-- the running library must be binary compatible with the
-- version /@requiredMajor@/.required_minor./@requiredMicro@/
-- (same major version.)
-- This function is primarily for GTK modules; the module
-- can call this function to check that it wasn’t loaded
-- into an incompatible version of GTK. However, such a
-- check isn’t completely reliable, since the module may be
-- linked against an old version of GTK and calling the
-- old version of 'GI.Gtk.Functions.checkVersion', but still get loaded
-- into an application using a newer version of GTK.
checkVersion ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@requiredMajor@/: the required major version
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@requiredMinor@/: the required minor version
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@requiredMicro@/: the required micro version
    -> m (Maybe T.Text)
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.Nothing' if the GTK library is compatible with the
    --   given version, or a string describing the version mismatch.
    --   The returned string is owned by GTK and should not be modified
    --   or freed.
checkVersion :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> m (Maybe Text)
checkVersion requiredMajor :: Word32
requiredMajor requiredMinor :: Word32
requiredMinor requiredMicro :: Word32
requiredMicro = IO (Maybe Text) -> m (Maybe Text)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe Text) -> m (Maybe Text))
-> IO (Maybe Text) -> m (Maybe Text)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO CString
gtk_check_version Word32
requiredMajor Word32
requiredMinor Word32
    Maybe Text
maybeResult <- CString -> (CString -> IO Text) -> IO (Maybe Text)
forall a b. Ptr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (Maybe b)
convertIfNonNull CString
result ((CString -> IO Text) -> IO (Maybe Text))
-> (CString -> IO Text) -> IO (Maybe Text)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \result' :: CString
result' -> do
result'' <- HasCallStack => CString -> IO Text
CString -> IO Text
cstringToText CString
        Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Text
    Maybe Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Maybe Text

-- function gtk_bindings_activate_event
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "object"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GObject" , name = "Object" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GObject (generally must be a widget)"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "event"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "EventKey" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GdkEventKey" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_bindings_activate_event" gtk_bindings_activate_event :: 
    Ptr GObject.Object.Object ->            -- object : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Object"})
    Ptr Gdk.EventKey.EventKey ->            -- event : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "EventKey"})
    IO CInt

-- | Looks up key bindings for /@object@/ to find one matching
-- /@event@/, and if one was found, activate it.
bindingsActivateEvent ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, GObject.Object.IsObject a) =>
    -- ^ /@object@/: a t'GI.GObject.Objects.Object.Object' (generally must be a widget)
    -> Gdk.EventKey.EventKey
    -- ^ /@event@/: a t'GI.Gdk.Structs.EventKey.EventKey'
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if a matching key binding was found
bindingsActivateEvent :: a -> EventKey -> m Bool
bindingsActivateEvent object :: a
object event :: EventKey
event = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Object
object' <- a -> IO (Ptr Object)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr EventKey
event' <- EventKey -> IO (Ptr EventKey)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr EventKey
result <- Ptr Object -> Ptr EventKey -> IO CInt
gtk_bindings_activate_event Ptr Object
object' Ptr EventKey
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    EventKey -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr EventKey
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_bindings_activate
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "object"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GObject" , name = "Object" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "object to activate when binding found"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "keyval"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "key value of the binding"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "modifiers"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "key modifier of the binding"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_bindings_activate" gtk_bindings_activate :: 
    Ptr GObject.Object.Object ->            -- object : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Object"})
    Word32 ->                               -- keyval : TBasicType TUInt
    CUInt ->                                -- modifiers : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO CInt

-- | Find a key binding matching /@keyval@/ and /@modifiers@/ and activate the
-- binding on /@object@/.
bindingsActivate ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, GObject.Object.IsObject a) =>
    -- ^ /@object@/: object to activate when binding found
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@keyval@/: key value of the binding
    -> [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]
    -- ^ /@modifiers@/: key modifier of the binding
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if a binding was found and activated
bindingsActivate :: a -> Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m Bool
bindingsActivate object :: a
object keyval :: Word32
keyval modifiers :: [ModifierType]
modifiers = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Object
object' <- a -> IO (Ptr Object)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    let modifiers' :: CUInt
modifiers' = [ModifierType] -> CUInt
forall b a. (Num b, IsGFlag a) => [a] -> b
gflagsToWord [ModifierType]
result <- Ptr Object -> Word32 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
gtk_bindings_activate Ptr Object
object' Word32
keyval CUInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_accelerator_valid
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "keyval"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a GDK keyval" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "modifiers"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "modifier mask" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accelerator_valid" gtk_accelerator_valid :: 
    Word32 ->                               -- keyval : TBasicType TUInt
    CUInt ->                                -- modifiers : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO CInt

-- | Determines whether a given keyval and modifier mask constitute
-- a valid keyboard accelerator. For example, the 'GI.Gdk.Constants.KEY_a' keyval
-- plus @/GDK_CONTROL_MASK/@ is valid - this is a “Ctrl+a” accelerator.
-- But, you can\'t, for instance, use the 'GI.Gdk.Constants.KEY_Control_L' keyval
-- as an accelerator.
acceleratorValid ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@keyval@/: a GDK keyval
    -> [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]
    -- ^ /@modifiers@/: modifier mask
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if the accelerator is valid
acceleratorValid :: Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m Bool
acceleratorValid keyval :: Word32
keyval modifiers :: [ModifierType]
modifiers = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let modifiers' :: CUInt
modifiers' = [ModifierType] -> CUInt
forall b a. (Num b, IsGFlag a) => [a] -> b
gflagsToWord [ModifierType]
result <- Word32 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
gtk_accelerator_valid Word32
keyval CUInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

-- function gtk_accelerator_set_default_mod_mask
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "default_mod_mask"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator modifier mask"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accelerator_set_default_mod_mask" gtk_accelerator_set_default_mod_mask :: 
    CUInt ->                                -- default_mod_mask : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO ()

-- | Sets the modifiers that will be considered significant for keyboard
-- accelerators. The default mod mask depends on the GDK backend in use,
-- but will typically include @/GDK_CONTROL_MASK/@ | @/GDK_SHIFT_MASK/@ |
-- In other words, Control, Shift, Alt, Super, Hyper and Meta. Other
-- modifiers will by default be ignored by t'GI.Gtk.Objects.AccelGroup.AccelGroup'.
-- You must include at least the three modifiers Control, Shift
-- and Alt in any value you pass to this function.
-- The default mod mask should be changed on application startup,
-- before using any accelerator groups.
acceleratorSetDefaultModMask ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@defaultModMask@/: accelerator modifier mask
    -> m ()
acceleratorSetDefaultModMask :: [ModifierType] -> m ()
acceleratorSetDefaultModMask defaultModMask :: [ModifierType]
defaultModMask = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let defaultModMask' :: CUInt
defaultModMask' = [ModifierType] -> CUInt
forall b a. (Num b, IsGFlag a) => [a] -> b
gflagsToWord [ModifierType]
    CUInt -> IO ()
gtk_accelerator_set_default_mod_mask CUInt
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

-- function gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUTF8
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "string representing an accelerator"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_key"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for accelerator\n    keyval, or %NULL"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_codes"
--           , argType = TCArray True (-1) (-1) (TBasicType TUInt)
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "\n    return location for accelerator keycodes, or %NULL"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_mods"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for accelerator\n    modifier mask, %NULL"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode" gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode :: 
    CString ->                              -- accelerator : TBasicType TUTF8
    Ptr Word32 ->                           -- accelerator_key : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr (Ptr Word32) ->                     -- accelerator_codes : TCArray True (-1) (-1) (TBasicType TUInt)
    Ptr CUInt ->                            -- accelerator_mods : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO ()

-- | Parses a string representing an accelerator, similarly to
-- 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorParse' but handles keycodes as well. This is only
-- useful for system-level components, applications should use
-- 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorParse' instead.
-- If /@acceleratorCodes@/ is given and the result stored in it is non-'P.Nothing',
-- the result must be freed with 'GI.GLib.Functions.free'.
-- If a keycode is present in the accelerator and no /@acceleratorCodes@/
-- is given, the parse will fail.
-- If the parse fails, /@acceleratorKey@/, /@acceleratorMods@/ and
-- /@acceleratorCodes@/ will be set to 0 (zero).
acceleratorParseWithKeycode ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@accelerator@/: string representing an accelerator
    -> m ((Word32, [Word32], [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]))
acceleratorParseWithKeycode :: Text -> m (Word32, [Word32], [ModifierType])
acceleratorParseWithKeycode accelerator :: Text
accelerator = IO (Word32, [Word32], [ModifierType])
-> m (Word32, [Word32], [ModifierType])
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Word32, [Word32], [ModifierType])
 -> m (Word32, [Word32], [ModifierType]))
-> IO (Word32, [Word32], [ModifierType])
-> m (Word32, [Word32], [ModifierType])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
accelerator' <- Text -> IO CString
textToCString Text
    Ptr Word32
acceleratorKey <- IO (Ptr Word32)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr Word32)
    Ptr (Ptr Word32)
acceleratorCodes <- IO (Ptr (Ptr Word32))
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr (Ptr Word32))
    Ptr CUInt
acceleratorMods <- IO (Ptr CUInt)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CUInt)
    CString -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr (Ptr Word32) -> Ptr CUInt -> IO ()
gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode CString
accelerator' Ptr Word32
acceleratorKey Ptr (Ptr Word32)
acceleratorCodes Ptr CUInt
acceleratorKey' <- Ptr Word32 -> IO Word32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr Word32
    Ptr Word32
acceleratorCodes' <- Ptr (Ptr Word32) -> IO (Ptr Word32)
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr (Ptr Word32)
acceleratorCodes'' <- Ptr Word32 -> IO [Word32]
forall a. (Eq a, Num a, Storable a) => Ptr a -> IO [a]
unpackZeroTerminatedStorableArray Ptr Word32
    Ptr Word32 -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr Word32
acceleratorMods' <- Ptr CUInt -> IO CUInt
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CUInt
    let acceleratorMods'' :: [ModifierType]
acceleratorMods'' = CUInt -> [ModifierType]
forall a b. (Storable a, Integral a, Bits a, IsGFlag b) => a -> [b]
wordToGFlags CUInt
    CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem CString
    Ptr Word32 -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr Word32
    Ptr (Ptr Word32) -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr (Ptr Word32)
    Ptr CUInt -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CUInt
    (Word32, [Word32], [ModifierType])
-> IO (Word32, [Word32], [ModifierType])
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Word32
acceleratorKey', [Word32]
acceleratorCodes'', [ModifierType]

-- function gtk_accelerator_parse
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUTF8
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "string representing an accelerator"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_key"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for accelerator\n    keyval, or %NULL"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_mods"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for accelerator\n    modifier mask, %NULL"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accelerator_parse" gtk_accelerator_parse :: 
    CString ->                              -- accelerator : TBasicType TUTF8
    Ptr Word32 ->                           -- accelerator_key : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr CUInt ->                            -- accelerator_mods : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO ()

-- | Parses a string representing an accelerator. The format looks like
-- “\<Control>a” or “\<Shift>\<Alt>F1” or “\<Release>z” (the last one is
-- for key release).
-- The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also
-- abbreviations such as “\<Ctl>” and “\<Ctrl>”. Key names are parsed using
-- 'GI.Gdk.Functions.keyvalFromName'. For character keys the name is not the symbol,
-- but the lowercase name, e.g. one would use “\<Ctrl>minus” instead of
-- “\<Ctrl>-”.
-- If the parse fails, /@acceleratorKey@/ and /@acceleratorMods@/ will
-- be set to 0 (zero).
acceleratorParse ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@accelerator@/: string representing an accelerator
    -> m ((Word32, [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]))
acceleratorParse :: Text -> m (Word32, [ModifierType])
acceleratorParse accelerator :: Text
accelerator = IO (Word32, [ModifierType]) -> m (Word32, [ModifierType])
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Word32, [ModifierType]) -> m (Word32, [ModifierType]))
-> IO (Word32, [ModifierType]) -> m (Word32, [ModifierType])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
accelerator' <- Text -> IO CString
textToCString Text
    Ptr Word32
acceleratorKey <- IO (Ptr Word32)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr Word32)
    Ptr CUInt
acceleratorMods <- IO (Ptr CUInt)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CUInt)
    CString -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr CUInt -> IO ()
gtk_accelerator_parse CString
accelerator' Ptr Word32
acceleratorKey Ptr CUInt
acceleratorKey' <- Ptr Word32 -> IO Word32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr Word32
acceleratorMods' <- Ptr CUInt -> IO CUInt
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CUInt
    let acceleratorMods'' :: [ModifierType]
acceleratorMods'' = CUInt -> [ModifierType]
forall a b. (Storable a, Integral a, Bits a, IsGFlag b) => a -> [b]
wordToGFlags CUInt
    CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem CString
    Ptr Word32 -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr Word32
    Ptr CUInt -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CUInt
    (Word32, [ModifierType]) -> IO (Word32, [ModifierType])
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Word32
acceleratorKey', [ModifierType]

-- function gtk_accelerator_name_with_keycode
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "display"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Display" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "a #GdkDisplay or %NULL to use the default display"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_key"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator keyval" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "keycode"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator keycode"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_mods"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator modifier mask"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUTF8)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accelerator_name_with_keycode" gtk_accelerator_name_with_keycode :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Display.Display ->              -- display : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Display"})
    Word32 ->                               -- accelerator_key : TBasicType TUInt
    Word32 ->                               -- keycode : TBasicType TUInt
    CUInt ->                                -- accelerator_mods : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO CString

-- | Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask
-- into a string parseable by 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorParseWithKeycode',
-- similarly to 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorName' but handling keycodes.
-- This is only useful for system-level components, applications
-- should use 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorParse' instead.
acceleratorNameWithKeycode ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Display.IsDisplay a) =>
    Maybe (a)
    -- ^ /@display@/: a t'GI.Gdk.Objects.Display.Display' or 'P.Nothing' to use the default display
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@acceleratorKey@/: accelerator keyval
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@keycode@/: accelerator keycode
    -> [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]
    -- ^ /@acceleratorMods@/: accelerator modifier mask
    -> m T.Text
    -- ^ __Returns:__ a newly allocated accelerator name.
acceleratorNameWithKeycode :: Maybe a -> Word32 -> Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m Text
acceleratorNameWithKeycode display :: Maybe a
display acceleratorKey :: Word32
acceleratorKey keycode :: Word32
keycode acceleratorMods :: [ModifierType]
acceleratorMods = IO Text -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Text -> m Text) -> IO Text -> m Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Display
maybeDisplay <- case Maybe a
display of
        Nothing -> Ptr Display -> IO (Ptr Display)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Display
forall a. Ptr a
        Just jDisplay :: a
jDisplay -> do
            Ptr Display
jDisplay' <- a -> IO (Ptr Display)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
            Ptr Display -> IO (Ptr Display)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Display
    let acceleratorMods' :: CUInt
acceleratorMods' = [ModifierType] -> CUInt
forall b a. (Num b, IsGFlag a) => [a] -> b
gflagsToWord [ModifierType]
result <- Ptr Display -> Word32 -> Word32 -> CUInt -> IO CString
gtk_accelerator_name_with_keycode Ptr Display
maybeDisplay Word32
acceleratorKey Word32
keycode CUInt
    Text -> CString -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "acceleratorNameWithKeycode" CString
result' <- HasCallStack => CString -> IO Text
CString -> IO Text
cstringToText CString
    CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem CString
    Maybe a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust Maybe a
display a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
    Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Text

-- function gtk_accelerator_name
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_key"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator keyval" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_mods"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator modifier mask"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUTF8)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accelerator_name" gtk_accelerator_name :: 
    Word32 ->                               -- accelerator_key : TBasicType TUInt
    CUInt ->                                -- accelerator_mods : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO CString

-- | Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string
-- parseable by 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorParse'. For example, if you pass in
-- 'GI.Gdk.Constants.KEY_q' and @/GDK_CONTROL_MASK/@, this function returns “\<Control>q”.
-- If you need to display accelerators in the user interface,
-- see 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorGetLabel'.
acceleratorName ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@acceleratorKey@/: accelerator keyval
    -> [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]
    -- ^ /@acceleratorMods@/: accelerator modifier mask
    -> m T.Text
    -- ^ __Returns:__ a newly-allocated accelerator name
acceleratorName :: Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m Text
acceleratorName acceleratorKey :: Word32
acceleratorKey acceleratorMods :: [ModifierType]
acceleratorMods = IO Text -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Text -> m Text) -> IO Text -> m Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let acceleratorMods' :: CUInt
acceleratorMods' = [ModifierType] -> CUInt
forall b a. (Num b, IsGFlag a) => [a] -> b
gflagsToWord [ModifierType]
result <- Word32 -> CUInt -> IO CString
gtk_accelerator_name Word32
acceleratorKey CUInt
    Text -> CString -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "acceleratorName" CString
result' <- HasCallStack => CString -> IO Text
CString -> IO Text
cstringToText CString
    CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem CString
    Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Text

-- function gtk_accelerator_get_label_with_keycode
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "display"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "Display" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = True
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "a #GdkDisplay or %NULL to use the default display"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_key"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator keyval" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "keycode"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator keycode"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_mods"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator modifier mask"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUTF8)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accelerator_get_label_with_keycode" gtk_accelerator_get_label_with_keycode :: 
    Ptr Gdk.Display.Display ->              -- display : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "Display"})
    Word32 ->                               -- accelerator_key : TBasicType TUInt
    Word32 ->                               -- keycode : TBasicType TUInt
    CUInt ->                                -- accelerator_mods : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO CString

-- | Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask
-- into a (possibly translated) string that can be displayed to
-- a user, similarly to 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorGetLabel', but handling
-- keycodes.
-- This is only useful for system-level components, applications
-- should use 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorParse' instead.
acceleratorGetLabelWithKeycode ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Gdk.Display.IsDisplay a) =>
    Maybe (a)
    -- ^ /@display@/: a t'GI.Gdk.Objects.Display.Display' or 'P.Nothing' to use the default display
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@acceleratorKey@/: accelerator keyval
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@keycode@/: accelerator keycode
    -> [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]
    -- ^ /@acceleratorMods@/: accelerator modifier mask
    -> m T.Text
    -- ^ __Returns:__ a newly-allocated string representing the accelerator.
acceleratorGetLabelWithKeycode :: Maybe a -> Word32 -> Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m Text
acceleratorGetLabelWithKeycode display :: Maybe a
display acceleratorKey :: Word32
acceleratorKey keycode :: Word32
keycode acceleratorMods :: [ModifierType]
acceleratorMods = IO Text -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Text -> m Text) -> IO Text -> m Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Display
maybeDisplay <- case Maybe a
display of
        Nothing -> Ptr Display -> IO (Ptr Display)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Display
forall a. Ptr a
        Just jDisplay :: a
jDisplay -> do
            Ptr Display
jDisplay' <- a -> IO (Ptr Display)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
            Ptr Display -> IO (Ptr Display)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ptr Display
    let acceleratorMods' :: CUInt
acceleratorMods' = [ModifierType] -> CUInt
forall b a. (Num b, IsGFlag a) => [a] -> b
gflagsToWord [ModifierType]
result <- Ptr Display -> Word32 -> Word32 -> CUInt -> IO CString
gtk_accelerator_get_label_with_keycode Ptr Display
maybeDisplay Word32
acceleratorKey Word32
keycode CUInt
    Text -> CString -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "acceleratorGetLabelWithKeycode" CString
result' <- HasCallStack => CString -> IO Text
CString -> IO Text
cstringToText CString
    CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem CString
    Maybe a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust Maybe a
display a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
    Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Text

-- function gtk_accelerator_get_label
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_key"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator keyval" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accelerator_mods"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator modifier mask"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TUTF8)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accelerator_get_label" gtk_accelerator_get_label :: 
    Word32 ->                               -- accelerator_key : TBasicType TUInt
    CUInt ->                                -- accelerator_mods : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO CString

-- | Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string
-- which can be used to represent the accelerator to the user.
acceleratorGetLabel ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@acceleratorKey@/: accelerator keyval
    -> [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]
    -- ^ /@acceleratorMods@/: accelerator modifier mask
    -> m T.Text
    -- ^ __Returns:__ a newly-allocated string representing the accelerator.
acceleratorGetLabel :: Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m Text
acceleratorGetLabel acceleratorKey :: Word32
acceleratorKey acceleratorMods :: [ModifierType]
acceleratorMods = IO Text -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Text -> m Text) -> IO Text -> m Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    let acceleratorMods' :: CUInt
acceleratorMods' = [ModifierType] -> CUInt
forall b a. (Num b, IsGFlag a) => [a] -> b
gflagsToWord [ModifierType]
result <- Word32 -> CUInt -> IO CString
gtk_accelerator_get_label Word32
acceleratorKey CUInt
    Text -> CString -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "acceleratorGetLabel" CString
result' <- HasCallStack => CString -> IO Text
CString -> IO Text
cstringToText CString
    CString -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem CString
    Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Text

-- function gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just
--               (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask" gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask :: 
    IO CUInt

-- | Gets the modifier mask.
-- The modifier mask determines which modifiers are considered significant
-- for keyboard accelerators. See 'GI.Gtk.Functions.acceleratorSetDefaultModMask'.
acceleratorGetDefaultModMask ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the default accelerator modifier mask
acceleratorGetDefaultModMask :: m [ModifierType]
acceleratorGetDefaultModMask  = IO [ModifierType] -> m [ModifierType]
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO [ModifierType] -> m [ModifierType])
-> IO [ModifierType] -> m [ModifierType]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
result <- IO CUInt
    let result' :: [ModifierType]
result' = CUInt -> [ModifierType]
forall a b. (Storable a, Integral a, Bits a, IsGFlag b) => a -> [b]
wordToGFlags CUInt
    [ModifierType] -> IO [ModifierType]
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return [ModifierType]

-- function gtk_accel_groups_from_object
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "object"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GObject" , name = "Object" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #GObject, usually a #GtkWindow"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just
--               (TGSList
--                  (TInterface Name { namespace = "Gtk" , name = "AccelGroup" }))
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accel_groups_from_object" gtk_accel_groups_from_object :: 
    Ptr GObject.Object.Object ->            -- object : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Object"})
    IO (Ptr (GSList (Ptr Gtk.AccelGroup.AccelGroup)))

-- | Gets a list of all accel groups which are attached to /@object@/.
accelGroupsFromObject ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, GObject.Object.IsObject a) =>
    -- ^ /@object@/: a t'GI.GObject.Objects.Object.Object', usually a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Window.Window'
    -> m [Gtk.AccelGroup.AccelGroup]
    -- ^ __Returns:__ a list of
    --     all accel groups which are attached to /@object@/
accelGroupsFromObject :: a -> m [AccelGroup]
accelGroupsFromObject object :: a
object = IO [AccelGroup] -> m [AccelGroup]
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO [AccelGroup] -> m [AccelGroup])
-> IO [AccelGroup] -> m [AccelGroup]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Object
object' <- a -> IO (Ptr Object)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    Ptr (GSList (Ptr AccelGroup))
result <- Ptr Object -> IO (Ptr (GSList (Ptr AccelGroup)))
gtk_accel_groups_from_object Ptr Object
    [Ptr AccelGroup]
result' <- Ptr (GSList (Ptr AccelGroup)) -> IO [Ptr AccelGroup]
forall a. Ptr (GSList (Ptr a)) -> IO [Ptr a]
unpackGSList Ptr (GSList (Ptr AccelGroup))
result'' <- (Ptr AccelGroup -> IO AccelGroup)
-> [Ptr AccelGroup] -> IO [AccelGroup]
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
mapM ((ManagedPtr AccelGroup -> AccelGroup)
-> Ptr AccelGroup -> IO AccelGroup
forall a b.
(HasCallStack, GObject a, GObject b) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr b -> IO a
newObject ManagedPtr AccelGroup -> AccelGroup
Gtk.AccelGroup.AccelGroup) [Ptr AccelGroup]
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    [AccelGroup] -> IO [AccelGroup]
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return [AccelGroup]

-- function gtk_accel_groups_activate
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "object"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "GObject" , name = "Object" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "the #GObject, usually a #GtkWindow, on which\n    to activate the accelerator"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accel_key"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "accelerator keyval from a key event"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "accel_mods"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Gdk" , name = "ModifierType" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "keyboard state mask from a key event"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "gtk_accel_groups_activate" gtk_accel_groups_activate :: 
    Ptr GObject.Object.Object ->            -- object : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Object"})
    Word32 ->                               -- accel_key : TBasicType TUInt
    CUInt ->                                -- accel_mods : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Gdk", name = "ModifierType"})
    IO CInt

-- | Finds the first accelerator in any t'GI.Gtk.Objects.AccelGroup.AccelGroup' attached
-- to /@object@/ that matches /@accelKey@/ and /@accelMods@/, and
-- activates that accelerator.
accelGroupsActivate ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m, GObject.Object.IsObject a) =>
    -- ^ /@object@/: the t'GI.GObject.Objects.Object.Object', usually a t'GI.Gtk.Objects.Window.Window', on which
    --     to activate the accelerator
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@accelKey@/: accelerator keyval from a key event
    -> [Gdk.Flags.ModifierType]
    -- ^ /@accelMods@/: keyboard state mask from a key event
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ 'P.True' if an accelerator was activated and handled
    --     this keypress
accelGroupsActivate :: a -> Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m Bool
accelGroupsActivate object :: a
object accelKey :: Word32
accelKey accelMods :: [ModifierType]
accelMods = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Object
object' <- a -> IO (Ptr Object)
forall a b. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr b)
unsafeManagedPtrCastPtr a
    let accelMods' :: CUInt
accelMods' = [ModifierType] -> CUInt
forall b a. (Num b, IsGFlag a) => [a] -> b
gflagsToWord [ModifierType]
result <- Ptr Object -> Word32 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
gtk_accel_groups_activate Ptr Object
object' Word32
accelKey CUInt
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    a -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr a
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool