{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators       #-}

module Network.IPFS.Git.RemoteHelper
    ( ProcessError
    , renderProcessError

    , processCommand

import           Control.Concurrent.MVar (modifyMVar)
import           Control.Exception.Safe
                 ( MonadCatch
                 , SomeException
                 , catchAny
                 , tryAny
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import           Data.Foldable (for_, toList, traverse_)
import           Data.Functor ((<&>))
import           Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text (hPutStr, hPutStrLn)
import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text
import           Data.Traversable (for)
import           Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import           GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import           System.FilePath (joinPath, splitDirectories)
import           System.IO (hFlush, stderr)

import           Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as Conduit

import           Data.IPLD.CID (CID, cidFromText, cidToText)

import qualified Data.Git.Monad as Git (getGit, liftGit)
import           Data.Git.Ref (SHA1)
import qualified Data.Git.Ref as Git (Ref)
import qualified Data.Git.Repository as Git (branchList, resolveRevision)
import qualified Data.Git.Revision as Git (Revision(..))
import qualified Data.Git.Storage as Git
                 ( Git
                 , findReference
                 , getObject_
                 , setObject
import qualified Data.Git.Storage.Loose as Git (looseMarshall, looseUnmarshall)
import qualified Data.Git.Storage.Object as Git
                 ( Object(ObjBlob)
                 , ObjectLocation(..)
                 , ObjectType(TypeBlob)
                 , objectWrite
                 , objectWriteHeader

import           Network.IPFS.Git.RemoteHelper.Client
import           Network.IPFS.Git.RemoteHelper.Command
import           Network.IPFS.Git.RemoteHelper.Format
import           Network.IPFS.Git.RemoteHelper.Internal
import           Network.IPFS.Git.RemoteHelper.Options (IpfsOptions'(..))
import           Network.IPFS.Git.RemoteHelper.Trans

data ProcessError
    = GitError        SomeException
    | IPFSError       ClientError
    | CidError        String
    | UnknownLocalRef Text
    | HashError       HashMismatch
    deriving Show

-- | Indicate two hashes expected to be equal aren't.
-- The data constructors take the expected value first, then the actual.
data HashMismatch
    = CidMismatch CID CID
    | RefMismatch (Git.Ref SHA1) (Git.Ref SHA1)
    deriving Show

instance DisplayError ProcessError where
    displayError = renderProcessError

renderProcessError :: ProcessError -> Text
renderProcessError = \case
    GitError  e       -> fmt ("Error accessing git repo: " % shown) e
    IPFSError e       -> renderClientError e
    CidError  e       -> fmt ("Cid conversion error: " % fstr) e
    UnknownLocalRef r -> fmt ("Ref not found locally: " % ftxt) r
    HashError  e      -> renderHashMismatch e

renderHashMismatch :: HashMismatch -> Text
renderHashMismatch (CidMismatch e a) =
    fmt ("Cid mismatch: expected `" % fcid % "`, actual: `" % fcid % "`") e a
renderHashMismatch (RefMismatch e a) =
    fmt ("Ref mismatch: expected `" % fref % "`, actual: `" % fref % "`") e a

    :: HasCallStack
    => Command
    -> RemoteHelper ProcessError CommandResult
processCommand Capabilities =
    pure $ CapabilitiesResult ["push", "fetch", "option"]

processCommand (Option name value) = fmap OptionResult $
    case name of
        "verbosity" -> case Text.decimal value of
            Left  e     -> pure $ OptionErr (fmt ("Invalid verbosity: " % fstr) e)
            Right (n,_) -> do
                ref <- asks envVerbosity
                liftIO . atomicModifyIORef' ref $ const (n, ())
                pure OptionOk

        "dry-run" -> do
            ref <- asks envDryRun
            let update v = liftIO . atomicModifyIORef' ref $ const (v,())
            case value of
                "true"  -> OptionOk <$ update True
                "false" -> OptionOk <$ update False
                x       -> pure $ OptionErr (fmt ("Invalid value for dry-run: " % ftxt) x)

        _ -> pure OptionUnsupported

processCommand List = fmap ListResult $ do
    root  <- asks envIpfsRoot
    paths <- ipfs $ listPaths (cidToText root) 0

    let refpath = joinPath . drop 1 . dropWhile (== "/") . splitDirectories . refPathPath
    let name    = Text.pack . refpath

    for paths $ \path ->
        case refPathType path of
            RefPathHead ->
                case hexShaFromCidText (refPathHash path) of
                    Left  e   -> throwRH $ CidError e
                    Right sha -> pure $ ListRef (Just sha) (name path) []

            RefPathRef -> do
                dest <- ipfs $ getRef (refpath path)
                pure $ ListRef (("@" <>) <$> dest) (name path) []

processCommand ListForPush = fmap ListForPushResult $ do
    root     <- asks envIpfsRoot
    branches <-
        map (fmt $ "refs/heads/" % frefName) . toList <$> git Git.branchList
    logDebug $ fmt ("list for-push: branches: " % shown) branches

    remoteRefs <- do
        cids <-
            forConcurrently branches $ \branch ->
                ipfs (resolvePath (cidToText root <> "/" <> branch))

        for (catMaybes cids) $
            liftEitherRH . first CidError . hexShaFromCidText

    logDebug $ "list for-push: remoteRefs: " <> Text.pack (show remoteRefs)

    pure . map (\(ref, branch) -> ListRef (Just ref) branch [])
         . flip zip branches
         $ case remoteRefs of
               [] -> repeat "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
               xs -> xs

processCommand (Push force localRef remoteRef) =
        err = PushResult . PushErr remoteRef
        ok  = PushResult . PushOk  remoteRef
        fmap ok (processPush force localRef remoteRef)
            --`catchRH`  (pure . err . renderProcessError)
            `catchAny` (pure . err . Text.pack . show)

processCommand (Fetch sha _) = FetchOk <$ processFetch sha


    :: HasCallStack
    => Bool
    -> Text
    -> Text
    -> RemoteHelper ProcessError CID
processPush _ localRef remoteRef = do
    root <- asks envIpfsRoot

    localRefCid <- do
        ref <- git $ flip Git.resolveRevision (Git.Revision (Text.unpack localRef) [])
        maybe (throwRH $ UnknownLocalRef localRef) (pure . refToCid) ref

    remoteRefCid <- do
        refCid <- ipfs $ resolvePath (cidToText root <> "/" <> remoteRef)
        pure $ refCid >>= hush . cidFromText

    maxConc <- asks $ ipfsMaxConns . envIpfsOptions
    runConduit $
           yield localRefCid
        .| collectObjects remoteRefCid
        .| progress ("Pushed " % fint % " objects")
        .| Conduit.conduitVector maxConc
        .| Conduit.mapM_ (\(batch :: Vector (CID, Git.Object SHA1)) ->
               forConcurrently_ batch $ pushObject root)

    ipfs $ do
        -- Update the root to point to the local ref, up to which we just pushed
        root' <- patchLink root remoteRef localRefCid
        -- The remote HEAD denotes the default branch to check out. If it is not
        -- present, git clone will refuse to check out the worktree and exit
        -- with a scary error message.
        linkedObject "refs/heads/master" root' "HEAD" >>= \hEAD ->
            -- HEAD is our new root, update the remote.url and pin
            hEAD <$ concurrently_ (updateRemoteUrl hEAD) (pin hEAD)
        :: Maybe CID -- the CID already present remotely, if any
        -> ConduitT CID (CID, Git.Object SHA1) (RemoteHelper ProcessError) ()
    collectObjects remoteRefCid = do
        sref <- liftIO . newIORef $ maybe mempty Set.singleton remoteRefCid
        awaitForever $ \cid -> do
            seen <- liftIO $ readIORef sref
            unless (Set.member cid seen) $ do
                liftIO $ modifyIORef' sref (Set.insert cid)
                obj <- lift $ do
                    sha <- liftEitherRH . first CidError $ cidToRef @SHA1 cid
                    git $ \repo -> Git.getObject_ repo sha True

                yield (cid, obj)
                traverse_ leftover $ objectLinks obj

    pushObject root (cid, obj) = do
        let raw = Git.looseMarshall obj

        logDebug $ fmt ("Pushing " % fcid) cid
        blkCid <- ipfs $ putBlock raw
        when (cid /= blkCid) $
            throwRH $ HashError (CidMismatch cid blkCid)

        -- If the object exceeds the maximum block size, bitswap won't replicate
        -- the block. To work around this, we create a regular object and link
        -- it to the root object as @objects/<block CID>@.
        -- As suggested by
        -- <https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/git-remote-ipld/issues/12>, objects
        -- can potentially be deduplicated by storing the data separate from the
        -- header. This only makes sense for git blobs, so we don't bother for
        -- other object types.
        maxBlockSize <- asks $ fromIntegral . ipfsMaxBlockSize . envIpfsOptions
        when (L.length raw > maxBlockSize) $ do
            let linkName = "objects/" <> cidToText blkCid
            void . ipfs $
                case obj of
                    Git.ObjBlob blob -> pushLargeBlob blob root linkName
                    _                -> linkedObject  raw  root linkName

    pushLargeBlob blob root linkName =
            hdr = L.fromStrict $ Git.objectWriteHeader Git.TypeBlob len
            len = fromIntegral $ L.length dat
            dat = Git.objectWrite (Git.ObjBlob blob)
         in do
            hdrCid <- addObject hdr
            datCid <- addObject dat
            patchLink hdrCid "0" datCid >>= patchLink root linkName

    linkedObject bytes root linkName =
        addObject bytes >>= patchLink root linkName

processFetch :: HasCallStack => Text -> RemoteHelper ProcessError ()
processFetch sha = do
    cid  <- liftEitherRH . first CidError $ cidFromHexShaText sha
    lobs <- loadLobs
    maxC <- asks $ ipfsMaxConns . envIpfsOptions

    runConduit $
           yield (Vector.singleton cid)
        .| fetchObjects lobs maxC
        .| progress ("Fetched " % fint % " objects")
        .| Conduit.mapM_ storeObject

    void $ asks envIpfsRoot >>= ipfs . pin
        :: HashMap CID CID -- LOB index
        -> Int             -- Max concurrency
        -> ConduitT (Vector CID)
                    (Git.Ref SHA1, Git.Object SHA1)
                    (RemoteHelper ProcessError)
    fetchObjects !lobs maxConc = do
        sref <- liftIO $ newIORef Set.empty
        awaitForever $ \cids -> do
            seen <- liftIO $ readIORef sref
            todo <-
                fmap (Vector.mapMaybe id) . for cids $ \cid ->
                    if Set.member cid seen then
                        pure Nothing
                    else do
                        liftIO $ modifyIORef' sref (Set.insert cid)
                        lift $ do
                            ref <- liftEitherRH . first CidError $ cidToRef cid
                            lookupObject ref <&> \case
                                Git.NotFound -> Just (ref, cid)
                                _            -> Nothing

            for_ (chunksOfV maxConc todo) $ \batch -> do
                objs <-
                    lift . forConcurrently batch $ \(ref, cid) ->
                        (ref,) <$> fetchObject lobs cid
                Conduit.yieldMany objs
                traverse_ leftover $ Vector.map (objectLinks . snd) objs

    fetchObject lobs cid = ipfs $ do
        lob <- provideLargeObject lobs cid
        Git.looseUnmarshall @SHA1 <$> maybe (getBlock cid) pure lob

    storeObject (ref, obj) = do
        ref' <- git $ flip Git.setObject obj
        when (ref' /= ref) $
            throwRH $ HashError (RefMismatch ref ref')

    lookupObject ref = git $ flip Git.findReference ref

    loadLobs = do
        env <- ask
        (>>= either throwError pure)
            . liftIO . modifyMVar (envLobs env) $ \case
                Just ls -> pure (Just ls, Right ls)
                Nothing ->
                    runRemoteHelper env (ipfs (largeObjects (envIpfsRoot env))) >>= \case
                        Left  e  -> pure (Nothing, Left  e)
                        Right ls -> pure (Just ls, Right ls)


ipfs :: Monad m
     => RemoteHelperT ClientError m a
     -> RemoteHelperT ProcessError m a
ipfs = mapError IPFSError

-- XXX: hs-git uses 'error' deliberately, should be using 'tryAnyDeep' here.
-- Requires patch to upstream to get 'NFData' instances everywhere.
git :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m, HasCallStack)
    => (Git.Git SHA1 -> IO a)
    -> RemoteHelperT ProcessError m a
git f = do
    repo <- Git.getGit
    res  <- Git.liftGit $ first GitError <$> tryAny (f repo)
    either throwRH pure res

chunksOfV :: Int -> Vector a -> Vector (Vector a)
chunksOfV n = Vector.unfoldr go
    go v | Vector.null v = Nothing
         | otherwise     = Just $ Vector.splitAt n v

progress :: MonadIO m => Format Text (Int -> Text) -> ConduitT a a m ()
progress msg = do
    let msg' = "\r" % msg % "\r"
    cref <- liftIO $ newIORef (0 :: Int)
    awaitForever $ \x -> do
        liftIO $ do
            count <- readIORef cref
            Text.hPutStr stderr (fmt msg' count) *> hFlush stderr
            modifyIORef' cref (+1)
        yield x
    liftIO $ Text.hPutStrLn stderr mempty *> hFlush stderr