gitit- Wiki using happstack, git or darcs, and pandoc.




Useful functions for defining wiki handlers.


Combinators for dealing with users

withUserFromSession :: Handler -> HandlerSource

Run the handler after setting REMOTE_USER with the user from the session.

withUserFromHTTPAuth :: Handler -> HandlerSource

Run the handler after setting REMOTE_USER from the authorization header. Works with simple HTTP authentication or digest authentication.

authenticateUserThat :: (User -> Bool) -> AuthenticationLevel -> Handler -> HandlerSource

Like authenticate, but with a predicate that the user must satisfy.

authenticate :: AuthenticationLevel -> Handler -> HandlerSource

Require a logged in user if the authentication level demands it. Run the handler if a user is logged in, otherwise redirect to login page.

getLoggedInUser :: GititServerPart (Maybe User)Source

Returns Just logged in user or Nothing.

Combinators to exclude certain actions

unlessNoEdit :: Handler -> Handler -> HandlerSource

unlessNoEdit responder fallback runs responder unless the page has been designated not editable in configuration; in that case, runs fallback.

unlessNoDelete :: Handler -> Handler -> HandlerSource

unlessNoDelete responder fallback runs responder unless the page has been designated not deletable in configuration; in that case, runs fallback.

Guards for routing

guardIndex :: GititServerPart ()Source

Succeeds if path is an index path: e.g. /foo/bar/.

Functions to get info from the request

getPath :: ServerMonad m => m StringSource

Returns the current path (subtracting initial commands like /_edit).

getPage :: GititServerPart StringSource

Returns the current page name (derived from the path).

getReferer :: ServerMonad m => m StringSource

Returns the contents of the referer header.

getWikiBase :: ServerMonad m => m StringSource

Returns the base URL of the wiki in the happstack server. So, if the wiki handlers are behind a dir foo, getWikiBase will return /foo/. getWikiBase doesn't know anything about HTTP proxies, so if you use proxies to map a gitit wiki to /foo/, you'll still need to follow the instructions in README.

uriPath :: String -> StringSource

Returns path portion of URI, without initial /. Consecutive spaces are collapsed. We don't want to distinguish Hi There and Hi There.

Useful predicates

Combinators that change the request locally

withMessages :: ServerMonad m => [String] -> m a -> m aSource

Runs a server monad in a local context after setting the messages request header.


urlForPage :: String -> StringSource

Returns encoded URL path for the page with the given name, relative to the wiki base.

pathForPage :: String -> FilePathSource

Returns the filestore path of the file containing the page's source.

getMimeTypeForExtension :: String -> GititServerPart StringSource

Retrieves a mime type based on file extension.



:: [(Bool, String)]

list of conditions and error messages

-> [String]

list of error messages

Simple helper for validation of forms.

filestoreFromConfig :: Config -> FileStoreSource

Returns a filestore object derived from the repository path and filestore type specified in configuration.