{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.Backend.GLUT

import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Graphics.UI.GLUT                           (get,($=))
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT               as GLUT
import qualified System.Exit                    as System
import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.Backend.Types
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- Were we to support freeglut only, we could use GLUT.get to discover
-- whether we are initialized or not. If not, we do a quick initialize,
-- get the screenzie, and then do GLUT.exit. This avoids the use of
-- global variables. Unfortunately, there is no failsafe way to check
-- whether glut is initialized in some older versions of glut, which is
-- what we'd use instead of the global variable to get the required info.
glutInitialized :: IORef Bool
{-# NOINLINE glutInitialized #-}
glutInitialized = unsafePerformIO $ do newIORef False

-- | State information for the GLUT backend.
data GLUTState
        = GLUTState
        { -- Count of total number of frames that we have drawn.
          glutStateFrameCount   :: !Int

          -- Bool to remember if we've set the timeout callback.
        , glutStateHasTimeout   :: Bool

          -- Bool to remember if we've set the idle callback.
        , glutStateHasIdle      :: Bool }
        deriving Show

-- | Initial GLUT state.
glutStateInit :: GLUTState
        = GLUTState
        { glutStateFrameCount   = 0
        , glutStateHasTimeout   = False
        , glutStateHasIdle      = False }

instance Backend GLUTState where
        initBackendState           = glutStateInit
        initializeBackend          = initializeGLUT

        -- non-freeglut doesn't like this: (\_ -> GLUT.leaveMainLoop)
        exitBackend                = (\_ -> System.exitWith System.ExitSuccess)

        openWindow                 = openWindowGLUT
        dumpBackendState           = dumpStateGLUT
        installDisplayCallback     = installDisplayCallbackGLUT

        -- We can ask for this in freeglut, but it doesn't seem to work :(.
        -- (\_ -> GLUT.actionOnWindowClose $= GLUT.MainLoopReturns)
        installWindowCloseCallback = (\_ -> return ())

        installReshapeCallback     = installReshapeCallbackGLUT
        installKeyMouseCallback    = installKeyMouseCallbackGLUT
        installMotionCallback      = installMotionCallbackGLUT
        installIdleCallback        = installIdleCallbackGLUT

        -- Call the GLUT mainloop.
        -- This function will return when something calls GLUT.leaveMainLoop
        runMainLoop _
         =      GLUT.mainLoop

        postRedisplay _
         =      GLUT.postRedisplay Nothing

        getWindowDimensions _
         = do   GL.Size sizeX sizeY   <- get GLUT.windowSize
                return (fromEnum sizeX,fromEnum sizeY)

        elapsedTime _
         = do   t       <- get GLUT.elapsedTime
                return $ (fromIntegral t) / 1000

        sleep _ sec
         = do   threadDelay (round $ sec * 1000000)

-- Initialise -----------------------------------------------------------------
        :: IORef GLUTState
        -> Bool
        -> IO ()

initializeGLUT _ debug
  = do initialized <- readIORef glutInitialized
       if not initialized
         then do  (_progName, _args)  <- GLUT.getArgsAndInitialize
                  glutVersion         <- get GLUT.glutVersion
                  when debug
                    $ putStr  $ "  glutVersion        = " ++ show glutVersion   ++ "\n"

                    $= [ GLUT.RGBMode
                       , GLUT.DoubleBuffered]

                  writeIORef glutInitialized True

                  -- See if our requested display mode is possible
                  displayMode         <- get GLUT.initialDisplayMode
                  displayModePossible <- get GLUT.displayModePossible
                  when debug
                    $ do putStr $  "  displayMode        = " ++ show displayMode ++ "\n"
                                ++ "       possible      = " ++ show displayModePossible ++ "\n"
                                ++ "\n"
         else when debug (putStrLn "Already initialized")

-- Open Window ----------------------------------------------------------------
        :: IORef GLUTState
        -> Display
        -> IO ()

openWindowGLUT _ display
 = do
       -- Setup and create a new window.
       -- Be sure to set initialWindow{Position,Size} before calling
       -- createWindow. If we don't do this we get wierd half-created
       -- windows some of the time.
        case display of
          InWindow windowName (sizeX, sizeY) (posX, posY) ->
            do GLUT.initialWindowSize
                     $= GL.Size
                          (fromIntegral sizeX)
                          (fromIntegral sizeY)

                     $= GL.Position
                          (fromIntegral posX)
                          (fromIntegral posY)

               _ <- GLUT.createWindow windowName

                     $= GL.Size
                          (fromIntegral sizeX)
                          (fromIntegral sizeY)

          FullScreen ->
            do size <- get GLUT.screenSize
               GLUT.initialWindowSize $= size
               _ <- GLUT.createWindow "Gloss Application"

        --  Switch some things.
        --  auto repeat interferes with key up / key down checks.
        --  BUGS: this doesn't seem to work?
        GLUT.perWindowKeyRepeat   $= GLUT.PerWindowKeyRepeatOff

-- Dump State -----------------------------------------------------------------
        :: IORef GLUTState
        -> IO ()

dumpStateGLUT _
 = do
        wbw             <- get GLUT.windowBorderWidth
        whh             <- get GLUT.windowHeaderHeight
        rgba            <- get GLUT.rgba

        rgbaBD          <- get GLUT.rgbaBufferDepths
        colorBD         <- get GLUT.colorBufferDepth
        depthBD         <- get GLUT.depthBufferDepth
        accumBD         <- get GLUT.accumBufferDepths
        stencilBD       <- get GLUT.stencilBufferDepth

        doubleBuffered  <- get GLUT.doubleBuffered

        colorMask       <- get GLUT.colorMask
        depthMask       <- get GLUT.depthMask

        putStr  $  "* dumpGlutState\n"
                ++ "  windowBorderWidth  = " ++ show wbw            ++ "\n"
                ++ "  windowHeaderHeight = " ++ show whh            ++ "\n"
                ++ "  rgba               = " ++ show rgba           ++ "\n"
                ++ "  depth      rgba    = " ++ show rgbaBD         ++ "\n"
                ++ "             color   = " ++ show colorBD        ++ "\n"
                ++ "             depth   = " ++ show depthBD        ++ "\n"
                ++ "             accum   = " ++ show accumBD        ++ "\n"
                ++ "             stencil = " ++ show stencilBD      ++ "\n"
                ++ "  doubleBuffered     = " ++ show doubleBuffered ++ "\n"
                ++ "  mask         color = " ++ show colorMask      ++ "\n"
                ++ "               depth = " ++ show depthMask      ++ "\n"
                ++ "\n"

-- Display Callback -----------------------------------------------------------
        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> IO ()
installDisplayCallbackGLUT ref callbacks
        = GLUT.displayCallback $= callbackDisplay ref callbacks

        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> IO ()

callbackDisplay refState callbacks
 = do
        -- Clear the display
        GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
        GL.color $ GL.Color4 0 0 0 (1 :: GL.GLfloat)

        -- Run all the display callbacks to draw the window contents.
        let funs  = [f refState | (Display f) <- callbacks]
        sequence_ funs

        -- Swap front and back buffers

        -- Timeout.
        -- When there is no idle callback set the GLUT mainloop will block
        -- forever waiting for display events. This prevents us from updating
        -- the display on external events like files changing. The API doesn't
        -- provide a way to wake it up on these other events.
        -- Set a timeout so that GLUT will return from its mainloop after a
        -- a second and give us a chance to check for other events.
        -- The alternative would be to set an Idle callback and spin the CPU.
        -- This is ok for real-time animations, but a CPU hog for mostly static
        -- displays.
        -- We only want to add a timeout when one doesn't already exist,
        -- otherwise we'll get both events.
        state   <- readIORef refState
        when (  (not $ glutStateHasTimeout state)
             && (not $ glutStateHasIdle    state))
         $ do
                -- Setting the timer interrupt to 1sec keeps CPU usage for a
                -- single process to < 0.5% or so on OSX. This is the rate
                -- that the process is woken up, but GLUT will only actually
                -- call the display call if postRedisplay has been set.
                let msecHeartbeat = 1000

                -- We're installing this callback on the first display
                -- call because it's a GLUT specific mechanism.
                -- We don't do the same thing for other Backends.
                GLUT.addTimerCallback msecHeartbeat
                 $ timerCallback msecHeartbeat

                -- Rember that we've done this filthy hack.
                atomicModifyIORef' refState
                 $ \s -> (s { glutStateHasTimeout = True }, ())

    -- Don't report errors by default.
    -- The windows OpenGL implementation seems to complain for no reason.
    --  GLUT.reportErrors

        atomicModifyIORef' refState
         $ \s -> ( s { glutStateFrameCount = glutStateFrameCount s + 1 }
                 , ())

        return ()

-- | Oneshot timer callback that re-registers itself.
timerCallback :: Int -> IO ()
timerCallback msec
 = do   GLUT.addTimerCallback msec
         $ do   timerCallback msec

-- Reshape Callback -----------------------------------------------------------
        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> IO ()

installReshapeCallbackGLUT ref callbacks
        = GLUT.reshapeCallback $= Just (callbackReshape ref callbacks)

        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> GLUT.Size
        -> IO ()

callbackReshape ref callbacks (GLUT.Size sizeX sizeY)
        = sequence_
        $ map   (\f -> f (fromEnum sizeX, fromEnum sizeY))
                [f ref | Reshape f <- callbacks]

-- KeyMouse Callback ----------------------------------------------------------
        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> IO ()

installKeyMouseCallbackGLUT ref callbacks
        = GLUT.keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (callbackKeyMouse ref callbacks)

        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> GLUT.Key
        -> GLUT.KeyState
        -> GLUT.Modifiers
        -> GLUT.Position
        -> IO ()

callbackKeyMouse ref callbacks key keystate modifiers (GLUT.Position posX posY)
  = sequence_
  $ map (\f -> f key' keyState' modifiers' pos)
      [f ref | KeyMouse f <- callbacks]
    key'       = glutKeyToKey key
    keyState'  = glutKeyStateToKeyState keystate
    modifiers' = glutModifiersToModifiers modifiers
    pos        = (fromEnum posX, fromEnum posY)

-- Motion Callback ------------------------------------------------------------
        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> IO ()

installMotionCallbackGLUT ref callbacks
 = do   GLUT.motionCallback        $= Just (callbackMotion ref callbacks)
        GLUT.passiveMotionCallback $= Just (callbackMotion ref callbacks)

        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> GLUT.Position
        -> IO ()

callbackMotion ref callbacks (GLUT.Position posX posY)
 = do   let pos = (fromEnum posX, fromEnum posY)
         $ map  (\f -> f pos)
                [f ref | Motion f <- callbacks]

-- Idle Callback --------------------------------------------------------------
        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> IO ()

installIdleCallbackGLUT refState callbacks
        -- If the callback list does not actually contain an idle callback
        -- then don't install one that just does nothing. If we do then GLUT
        -- will still call us back after whenever it's idle and waste CPU time.
        | any isIdleCallback callbacks
        = do    GLUT.idleCallback $= Just (callbackIdle refState callbacks)
                atomicModifyIORef' refState
                 $ \state -> (state { glutStateHasIdle = True }, ())

        | otherwise
        = return ()

-- | Call back when glut is idle.
        :: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
        -> IO ()

callbackIdle ref callbacks
        = sequence_
        $ [f ref | Idle f <- callbacks]

-- | Convert GLUTs key codes to our internal ones.
glutKeyToKey :: GLUT.Key -> Key
glutKeyToKey key
 = case key of
        GLUT.Char '\32'                            -> SpecialKey KeySpace
        GLUT.Char '\13'                            -> SpecialKey KeyEnter
        GLUT.Char '\9'                             -> SpecialKey KeyTab
        GLUT.Char '\ESC'                           -> SpecialKey KeyEsc
        GLUT.Char '\DEL'                           -> SpecialKey KeyDelete
        GLUT.Char c                                -> Char c
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF1                 -> SpecialKey KeyF1
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF2                 -> SpecialKey KeyF2
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF3                 -> SpecialKey KeyF3
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF4                 -> SpecialKey KeyF4
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF5                 -> SpecialKey KeyF5
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF6                 -> SpecialKey KeyF6
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF7                 -> SpecialKey KeyF7
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF8                 -> SpecialKey KeyF8
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF9                 -> SpecialKey KeyF9
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF10                -> SpecialKey KeyF10
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF11                -> SpecialKey KeyF11
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF12                -> SpecialKey KeyF12
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyLeft               -> SpecialKey KeyLeft
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyUp                 -> SpecialKey KeyUp
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyRight              -> SpecialKey KeyRight
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyDown               -> SpecialKey KeyDown
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyPageUp             -> SpecialKey KeyPageUp
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyPageDown           -> SpecialKey KeyPageDown
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyHome               -> SpecialKey KeyHome
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyEnd                -> SpecialKey KeyEnd
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyInsert             -> SpecialKey KeyInsert
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyNumLock            -> SpecialKey KeyNumLock
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyBegin              -> SpecialKey KeyBegin
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyDelete             -> SpecialKey KeyDelete
        GLUT.SpecialKey (GLUT.KeyUnknown _)        -> SpecialKey KeyUnknown
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyShiftL             -> SpecialKey KeyShiftL
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyShiftR             -> SpecialKey KeyShiftR
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyCtrlL              -> SpecialKey KeyCtrlL
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyCtrlR              -> SpecialKey KeyCtrlR
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyAltL               -> SpecialKey KeyAltL
        GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyAltR               -> SpecialKey KeyAltR
        GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.LeftButton           -> MouseButton LeftButton
        GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.MiddleButton         -> MouseButton MiddleButton
        GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.RightButton          -> MouseButton RightButton
        GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.WheelUp              -> MouseButton WheelUp
        GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.WheelDown            -> MouseButton WheelDown
        GLUT.MouseButton (GLUT.AdditionalButton i) -> MouseButton (AdditionalButton i)

-- | Convert GLUTs key states to our internal ones.
glutKeyStateToKeyState :: GLUT.KeyState -> KeyState
glutKeyStateToKeyState state
 = case state of
        GLUT.Down       -> Down
        GLUT.Up         -> Up

-- | Convert GLUTs key states to our internal ones.
        :: GLUT.Modifiers
        -> Modifiers

glutModifiersToModifiers (GLUT.Modifiers a b c)
        = Modifiers     (glutKeyStateToKeyState a)
                        (glutKeyStateToKeyState b)
                        (glutKeyStateToKeyState c)