gogol-freebasesearch-0.0.1: Google Freebase Search SDK.

Copyright(c) 2015 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone




Search Freebase open data.

See: Freebase Search Reference for freebase.search.


REST Resource

type SearchMethod = ("freebase" :> ("v1" :> ("search" :> (QueryParams "without" Text :> (QueryParam "cursor" (Textual Int32) :> (QueryParams "with" Text :> (QueryParams "domain" Text :> (QueryParam "format" FreebaseSearchFormat :> (QueryParam "help" FreebaseSearchHelp :> (QueryParams "lang" Text :> (QueryParam "indent" Bool :> (QueryParam "output" Text :> (QueryParam "query" Text :> (QueryParam "scoring" FreebaseSearchScoring :> (QueryParam "limit" (Textual Int32) :> (QueryParams "filter" Text :> (QueryParam "mql_output" Text :> (QueryParams "mid" Text :> (QueryParams "type" Text :> (QueryParam "stemmed" Bool :> (QueryParam "exact" Bool :> (QueryParam "spell" FreebaseSearchSpell :> (QueryParam "as_of_time" Text :> (QueryParam "encode" FreebaseSearchEncode :> (QueryParam "prefixed" Bool :> (QueryParam "callback" Text :> (QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Get `[JSON]` ()))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :<|> ("freebase" :> ("v1" :> ("search" :> (QueryParams "without" Text :> (QueryParam "cursor" (Textual Int32) :> (QueryParams "with" Text :> (QueryParams "domain" Text :> (QueryParam "format" FreebaseSearchFormat :> (QueryParam "help" FreebaseSearchHelp :> (QueryParams "lang" Text :> (QueryParam "indent" Bool :> (QueryParam "output" Text :> (QueryParam "query" Text :> (QueryParam "scoring" FreebaseSearchScoring :> (QueryParam "limit" (Textual Int32) :> (QueryParams "filter" Text :> (QueryParam "mql_output" Text :> (QueryParams "mid" Text :> (QueryParams "type" Text :> (QueryParam "stemmed" Bool :> (QueryParam "exact" Bool :> (QueryParam "spell" FreebaseSearchSpell :> (QueryParam "as_of_time" Text :> (QueryParam "encode" FreebaseSearchEncode :> (QueryParam "prefixed" Bool :> (QueryParam "callback" Text :> (QueryParam "alt" AltMedia :> Get `[OctetStream]` Stream))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Source

A resource alias for freebase.search method which the Search request conforms to.

Creating a Request

search :: Search Source

Creates a value of Search with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

Request Lenses

sWithout :: Lens' Search [Text] Source

A rule to not match against.

sCursor :: Lens' Search (Maybe Int32) Source

The cursor value to use for the next page of results.

sWith :: Lens' Search [Text] Source

A rule to match against.

sDomain :: Lens' Search [Text] Source

Restrict to topics with this Freebase domain id.

sFormat :: Lens' Search FreebaseSearchFormat Source

Structural format of the json response.

sHelp :: Lens' Search (Maybe FreebaseSearchHelp) Source

The keyword to request help on.

sLang :: Lens' Search [Text] Source

The code of the language to run the query with. Default is 'en'.

sIndent :: Lens' Search (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether to indent the json results or not.

sOutput :: Lens' Search (Maybe Text) Source

An output expression to request data from matches.

sQuery :: Lens' Search (Maybe Text) Source

Query term to search for.

sScoring :: Lens' Search FreebaseSearchScoring Source

Relevance scoring algorithm to use.

sLimit :: Lens' Search Int32 Source

Maximum number of results to return.

sFilter :: Lens' Search [Text] Source

A filter to apply to the query.

sMqlOutput :: Lens' Search (Maybe Text) Source

The MQL query to run againist the results to extract more data.

sMid :: Lens' Search [Text] Source

A mid to use instead of a query.

sType :: Lens' Search [Text] Source

Restrict to topics with this Freebase type id.

sStemmed :: Lens' Search (Maybe Bool) Source

Query on stemmed names and aliases. May not be used with prefixed.

sExact :: Lens' Search (Maybe Bool) Source

Query on exact name and keys only.

sSpell :: Lens' Search FreebaseSearchSpell Source

Request 'did you mean' suggestions

sAsOfTime :: Lens' Search (Maybe Text) Source

A mql as_of_time value to use with mql_output queries.

sEncode :: Lens' Search FreebaseSearchEncode Source

The encoding of the response. You can use this parameter to enable html encoding.

sPrefixed :: Lens' Search (Maybe Bool) Source

Prefix match against names and aliases.

sCallback :: Lens' Search (Maybe Text) Source

JS method name for JSONP callbacks.