{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

  Game CUI implemented using [brick](https://github.com/jtdaugherty/brick/).

module Game.H2048.UI.Brick
  ( main
  ) where

import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Center
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.String
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
import System.Random.TF

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

import Game.H2048.Gameplay

data RName = RBoard deriving (Eq, Ord)

type AppState = Gameplay

tierAttr :: Int -> AttrName
tierAttr = ("tier" <>) . fromString . show

boardWidget :: AppState -> Widget RName
boardWidget s =
    . border
    $ grid
    bd = _gpBoard s
    grid =
      hLimit (hMax*4+3) $ vBox (intersperse hBorder (row <$> [0..3]))
    row :: Int -> Widget RName
    row r =
      vLimit 1 $
        hBox (intersperse vBorder (cell r <$> [0..3]))
    contentSample = " 2048 " :: String
    hMax = length contentSample
    cell :: Int -> Int -> Widget RName
    cell r c =
      vLimit 1 . hLimit hMax $ cellW
        mVal = bd M.!? (r,c)
        cellW = case mVal of
          Nothing -> fill ' '
          Just ce | tier <- _cTier ce ->
              withAttr (tierAttr tier)
              . padLeft Max
              $ str (show (cellToInt ce) <> " ")

ui :: AppState -> Widget RName
ui s =
    center $
      hCenter (boardWidget s)
      <=> hCenter (str $ "Current Score: " <> show score)
      <=> hCenter (str ctrlHelpMsg)
    score = _gpScore s
    won = hasWon s
    alive = isAlive s
    moveHelp = "i / k / j / l / arrow keys to move, "
    commonHelp = "q to quit, r to restart."
    {- TODO: this starts getting awkward, perhaps time to split the widget. -}
    ctrlHelpMsg =
      if not alive
          (if won then "You won, but no more moves. " else "No more moves, game over. ")
          <> commonHelp
          (if won then "You've won! " else "")
          <> moveHelp <> commonHelp

handleEvent :: AppState -> BrickEvent RName e -> EventM RName (Next AppState)
handleEvent s e = case e of
  VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt s
  VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'r') []) ->
    let initState = mkGameplay (_gpGen s) (_gpRule s)
    in continue (newGame initState)
  VtyEvent (EvKey k [])
    | Just dir <- getMove k
    , Just gp' <- stepGame dir s ->
        continue gp'
  _ -> continue s

getMove :: Key -> Maybe Dir
getMove KUp = Just DUp
getMove KDown = Just DDown
getMove KLeft = Just DLeft
getMove KRight = Just DRight
getMove (KChar 'i') = Just DUp
getMove (KChar 'k') = Just DDown
getMove (KChar 'j') = Just DLeft
getMove (KChar 'l') = Just DRight
getMove _ = Nothing

-- | The entry for the CUI, a fancier and more practical one.
main :: IO ()
main = do
  g <- newTFGen
  let initState = mkGameplay g standardGameRule
      app =
        { appDraw = \s -> [ui s]
        , appHandleEvent = handleEvent
        , appStartEvent = pure
        , appAttrMap =
            const $
              attrMap defAttr $
                zip (tierAttr <$> [1..])
                    [ fg (ISOColor 7) `withStyle` dim
                    , fg (ISOColor 6) `withStyle` dim
                    , fg (ISOColor 3) `withStyle` dim
                    , fg (ISOColor 2) `withStyle` dim
                    , fg (ISOColor 1) `withStyle` dim
                    , fg (ISOColor 7) `withStyle` bold
                    , fg (ISOColor 4) `withStyle` bold
                    , fg (ISOColor 6) `withStyle` bold
                    , fg (ISOColor 2) `withStyle` bold
                    , fg (ISOColor 1) `withStyle` bold
                    , fg (ISOColor 3) `withStyle` bold
        , appChooseCursor = neverShowCursor
  void $ defaultMain app (newGame initState)