hS3-0.5.1: Interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3)Source codeContentsIndex
Function Types
Data Types
Object interface for Amazon S3 API Version 2006-03-01 http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/
sendObject :: AWSConnection -> S3Object -> IO (AWSResult ())
getObject :: AWSConnection -> S3Object -> IO (AWSResult S3Object)
getObjectInfo :: AWSConnection -> S3Object -> IO (AWSResult S3Object)
deleteObject :: AWSConnection -> S3Object -> IO (AWSResult ())
publicUriForSeconds :: AWSConnection -> S3Object -> Integer -> IO URI
publicUriUntilTime :: AWSConnection -> S3Object -> Integer -> URI
data S3Object = S3Object {
obj_bucket :: String
obj_name :: String
content_type :: String
obj_headers :: [(String, String)]
obj_data :: ByteString
Function Types
:: AWSConnectionAWS connection information
-> S3ObjectObject to add to a bucket
-> IO (AWSResult ())Server response
Send data for an object.
:: AWSConnectionAWS connection information
-> S3ObjectObject to retrieve
-> IO (AWSResult S3Object)Server response
Retrieve an object.
:: AWSConnectionAWS connection information
-> S3ObjectObject to retrieve information on
-> IO (AWSResult S3Object)Server response
Get object info without retrieving content body from server.
:: AWSConnectionAWS connection information
-> S3ObjectObject to delete
-> IO (AWSResult ())Server response
Delete an object. Only bucket and object name need to be specified in the S3Object. Deletion of a non-existent object does not return an error.
:: AWSConnectionAWS connection information
-> S3ObjectObject to be made available
-> IntegerHow many seconds until this request expires
-> IO URIURI for the object
Create a pre-signed request URI. Anyone can use this to request an object for the number of seconds specified.
:: AWSConnectionAWS connection information
-> S3ObjectObject to be made available
-> IntegerExpiration time, in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970
-> URIURI for the object
Create a pre-signed request URI. Anyone can use this to request an object until the specified date.
Data Types
data S3Object Source
An object that can be stored and retrieved from S3.
obj_bucket :: StringName of the bucket containing this object
obj_name :: StringURI of the object. Subresources (?acl or | ?torrent) should be suffixed onto this name.
content_type :: StringA standard MIME type describing the format of the contents. If not specified, binary/octet-stream is used.
obj_headers :: [(String, String)]Object metadata in (key,value) pairs. Key names should use the prefix x-amz-meta- to be stored with the object. The total HTTP request must be under 4KB, including these headers.
obj_data :: ByteStringObject data.
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