{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}

module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal
    ( Template (..)
    , template
    , templateBodyCompiler
    , templateCompiler
    , applyTemplate
    , loadAndApplyTemplate
    , applyAsTemplate
    , readTemplate
    , compileTemplateItem
    , unsafeReadTemplateFile

    , module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
    , module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Except                 (catchError)
import           Data.Binary                          (Binary)
import           Data.List                            (intercalate)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty                   as NonEmpty
import           Data.Typeable                        (Typeable)
import           GHC.Exts                             (IsString (..))
import           GHC.Generics                         (Generic)

import           Hakyll.Core.Compiler
import           Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
import           Hakyll.Core.Identifier
import           Hakyll.Core.Item
import           Hakyll.Core.Writable
import           Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
import           Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
import           Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim

-- | Datatype used for template substitutions.
data Template = Template
    { tplElements :: [TemplateElement]
    , tplOrigin   :: FilePath  -- Only for error messages.
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Binary, Typeable)

instance Writable Template where
    -- Writing a template is impossible
    write _ _ = return ()

instance IsString Template where
    fromString = readTemplate

-- | Wrap the constructor to ensure trim is called.
template :: FilePath -> [TemplateElement] -> Template
template p = flip Template p . trim

-- | Parse a string into a template.
-- You should prefer 'compileTemplateItem' over this.
readTemplate :: String -> Template
readTemplate = either error (template origin) . parseTemplateElemsFile origin
    origin = "{literal}"
{-# DEPRECATED readTemplate "Use templateCompiler instead" #-}

-- | Parse an item body into a template.
-- Provides useful error messages in the 'Compiler' monad.
compileTemplateItem :: Item String -> Compiler Template
compileTemplateItem item = let file = itemIdentifier item
                           in compileTemplateFile file (itemBody item)

compileTemplateFile :: Identifier -> String -> Compiler Template
compileTemplateFile file = either fail (return . template origin)
                         . parseTemplateElemsFile origin
    origin = show file

-- | Read a template, without metadata header
templateBodyCompiler :: Compiler (Item Template)
templateBodyCompiler = cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateBodyCompiler" $ do
    item <- getResourceBody
    file <- getUnderlying
    withItemBody (compileTemplateFile file) item

-- | Read complete file contents as a template
templateCompiler :: Compiler (Item Template)
templateCompiler = cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateCompiler" $ do
    item <- getResourceString
    file <- getUnderlying
    withItemBody (compileTemplateFile file) item

-- | Interpolate template expressions from context values in a page
applyTemplate :: Template                -- ^ Template
              -> Context a               -- ^ Context
              -> Item a                  -- ^ Page
              -> Compiler (Item String)  -- ^ Resulting item
applyTemplate tpl context item = do
    body <- applyTemplate' (tplElements tpl) context item `catchError` handler
    return $ itemSetBody body item
    tplName = tplOrigin tpl
    itemName = show $ itemIdentifier item
    handler es = fail $ "Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplate: Failed to " ++
        (if tplName == itemName
          then "interpolate template in item " ++ itemName
          else "apply template " ++ tplName ++ " to item " ++ itemName) ++
        ":\n" ++ intercalate ",\n" es

    :: forall a.
       [TemplateElement] -- ^ Unwrapped Template
    -> Context a         -- ^ Context
    -> Item a            -- ^ Page
    -> Compiler String   -- ^ Resulting item
applyTemplate' tes context x = go tes
    context' :: String -> [String] -> Item a -> Compiler ContextField
    context' = unContext (context `mappend` missingField)

    go = fmap concat . mapM applyElem


    applyElem :: TemplateElement -> Compiler String

    applyElem TrimL = trimError

    applyElem TrimR = trimError

    applyElem (Chunk c) = return c

    applyElem (Expr e) = withErrorMessage evalMsg (applyStringExpr typeMsg e)
        evalMsg = "In expr '$" ++ show e ++ "$'"
        typeMsg = "expr '$" ++ show e ++ "$'"

    applyElem Escaped = return "$"

    applyElem (If e t mf) = compilerTry (applyExpr e) >>= handle
        f = maybe (return "") go mf
        handle (Right _)                      = go t
        handle (Left (CompilationNoResult _)) = f
        handle (Left (CompilationFailure es)) = debug (NonEmpty.toList es) >> f
        debug = compilerDebugEntries ("Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplate: " ++
            "[ERROR] in 'if' condition on expr '" ++ show e ++ "':")

    applyElem (For e b s) = withErrorMessage headMsg (applyExpr e) >>= \cf -> case cf of
        EmptyField     -> expected "list" "boolean" typeMsg
        StringField _  -> expected "list" "string" typeMsg
        ListField c xs -> withErrorMessage bodyMsg $ do
            sep <- maybe (return "") go s
            bs  <- mapM (applyTemplate' b c) xs
            return $ intercalate sep bs
        headMsg = "In expr '$for(" ++ show e ++ ")$'"
        typeMsg = "loop expr '" ++ show e ++ "'"
        bodyMsg = "In loop context of '$for(" ++ show e ++ ")$'"

    applyElem (Partial e) = withErrorMessage headMsg $
        applyStringExpr typeMsg e >>= \p ->
        withErrorMessage inclMsg $ do
            tpl' <- loadBody (fromFilePath p)
            itemBody <$> applyTemplate tpl' context x
        headMsg = "In expr '$partial(" ++ show e ++ ")$'"
        typeMsg = "partial expr '" ++ show e ++ "'"
        inclMsg = "In inclusion of '$partial(" ++ show e ++ ")$'"


    applyExpr :: TemplateExpr -> Compiler ContextField

    applyExpr (Ident (TemplateKey k)) = context' k [] x

    applyExpr (Call (TemplateKey k) args) = do
        args' <- mapM (\e -> applyStringExpr (typeMsg e) e) args
        context' k args' x
        typeMsg e = "argument '" ++ show e ++ "'"

    applyExpr (StringLiteral s) = return (StringField s)


    applyStringExpr :: String -> TemplateExpr -> Compiler String
    applyStringExpr msg expr =
        applyExpr expr >>= getString
        getString EmptyField      = expected "string" "boolean" msg
        getString (StringField s) = return s
        getString (ListField _ _) = expected "string" "list" msg

    expected typ act expr = fail $ unwords ["Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplate:",
        "expected", typ, "but got", act, "for", expr]

    -- expected to never happen with all templates constructed by 'template'
    trimError = fail $
        "Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplate: template not fully trimmed."

-- | The following pattern is so common:
-- > tpl <- loadBody "templates/foo.html"
-- > someCompiler
-- >     >>= applyTemplate tpl context
-- That we have a single function which does this:
-- > someCompiler
-- >     >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/foo.html" context
loadAndApplyTemplate :: Identifier              -- ^ Template identifier
                     -> Context a               -- ^ Context
                     -> Item a                  -- ^ Page
                     -> Compiler (Item String)  -- ^ Resulting item
loadAndApplyTemplate identifier context item = do
    tpl <- loadBody identifier
    applyTemplate tpl context item

-- | It is also possible that you want to substitute @$key$@s within the body of
-- an item. This function does that by interpreting the item body as a template,
-- and then applying it to itself.
applyAsTemplate :: Context String          -- ^ Context
                -> Item String             -- ^ Item and template
                -> Compiler (Item String)  -- ^ Resulting item
applyAsTemplate context item = do
    tpl <- compileTemplateItem item
    applyTemplate tpl context item

unsafeReadTemplateFile :: FilePath -> Compiler Template
unsafeReadTemplateFile file = do
    tpl <- unsafeCompiler $ readFile file
    compileTemplateFile (fromFilePath file) tpl
{-# DEPRECATED unsafeReadTemplateFile "Use templateCompiler" #-}