- path :: SURI -> String
- query :: SURI -> String
- scheme :: SURI -> String
- u_scheme :: (String -> String) -> SURI -> SURI
- u_path :: (String -> String) -> SURI -> SURI
- a_scheme :: String -> SURI -> SURI
- a_path :: String -> SURI -> SURI
- unEscape :: String -> String
- escape :: String -> String
- isAbs :: SURI -> Bool
- newtype SURI = SURI {}
- render :: ToSURI a => a -> String
- parse :: String -> Maybe SURI
- class ToSURI x where
- class FromPath x where
u_scheme :: (String -> String) -> SURI -> SURISource
Modifies the scheme component of the URI using the provided function
u_path :: (String -> String) -> SURI -> SURISource
Modifies the path component of the URI using the provided function
Convenience class for converting data types to URIs