{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Happstack.Server.Internal.Listen(listen, listen',listenOn,listenOnIPv4) where

import Happstack.Server.Internal.Types          (Conf(..), Request, Response)
import Happstack.Server.Internal.Handler        (request)
import Happstack.Server.Internal.Socket         (acceptLite)
import Happstack.Server.Internal.TimeoutIO      (TimeoutIO(toHandle, toShutdown))
import Happstack.Server.Internal.TimeoutManager (cancel, initialize, register)
import Happstack.Server.Internal.TimeoutSocket  as TS
import Happstack.Server.Internal.TLS            (HTTPS)
import Happstack.Server.Internal.TimeoutSocketTLS  as TSS
import Happstack.Server.Internal.TLS            (HTTPS, TLSConf(..), acceptTLS, httpsOnSocket)
import Control.Exception.Extensible             as E
import Control.Concurrent                       (forkIO, killThread, myThreadId)
import Control.Monad                            (forever, when)
import Data.Maybe                               (fromJust)
import Network.BSD                              (getProtocolNumber)
import Network                                  (sClose, Socket)
import Network.Socket as Socket (SocketOption(KeepAlive), setSocketOption, 
                                 socket, Family(..), SockAddr, 
                                 SocketOption(..), SockAddr(..), 
                                 iNADDR_ANY, maxListenQueue, SocketType(..), 
import qualified Network.Socket                 as Socket (listen, inet_addr)
import qualified OpenSSL                        as SSL
import qualified OpenSSL.Session                as SSL
import System.IO.Error                          (isFullError)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.Log.Logger (Priority(..), logM)
log':: Priority -> String -> IO ()
log' = logM "Happstack.Server.HTTP.Listen"

   Network.listenOn binds randomly to IPv4 or IPv6 or both,
   depending on system and local settings.
   Lets make it use IPv4 only for now.

listenOn :: Int -> IO Socket
listenOn portm = do
    proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
        (socket AF_INET Stream proto)
        (\sock -> do
            setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
            bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet (fromIntegral portm) iNADDR_ANY)
            Socket.listen sock (max 1024 maxListenQueue)
            return sock

listenOnIPv4 :: String  -- ^ IP address to listen on (must be an IP address not a host name)
             -> Int     -- ^ port number to listen on
             -> IO Socket
listenOnIPv4 ip portm = do
    proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
    hostAddr <- Socket.inet_addr ip
        (socket AF_INET Stream proto)
        (\sock -> do
            setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
            bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet (fromIntegral portm) hostAddr)
            Socket.listen sock (max 1024 maxListenQueue)
            return sock

-- | Bind and listen port
listen :: Conf -> (Request -> IO Response) -> IO ()
listen conf hand = do
    let port' = port conf
    socketm <- listenOn port'
    setSocketOption socketm KeepAlive 1
    mHTTPS <- case tls conf of
                Nothing ->  return Nothing
                (Just tlsConf) ->
                    do return Nothing
                    do SSL.withOpenSSL $ return ()
                       tlsSocket <- listenOn (tlsPort tlsConf)
                       https <- httpsOnSocket (tlsCert tlsConf) (tlsKey tlsConf) tlsSocket
                       return (Just https)
    listen' socketm mHTTPS conf hand

-- | Use a previously bind port and listen
listen' :: Socket -> Maybe HTTPS -> Conf -> (Request -> IO Response) -> IO ()
listen' s mhttps conf hand = do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
  installHandler openEndedPipe Ignore Nothing
  let port' = port conf
  tm <- initialize ((timeout conf) * (10^(6 :: Int)))
  -- https:// loop
  httpsTid <- forkIO $
    case mhttps of
      Nothing -> return ()
      (Just _) -> 
          do log' ERROR ("Ignoring https:// configuration because happstack-server was compiled with disable_https")
      (Just https) -> 
          do let ehs (x::SomeException) = when ((fromException x) /= Just ThreadKilled) $ log' ERROR ("HTTPS request failed with: " ++ show x)
                 work (ssl, hn, p) = 
                     do tid <- myThreadId
                        thandle <- register tm (killThread tid)
                        let timeoutIO = TSS.timeoutSocketIO thandle ssl
                        request timeoutIO conf (hn,fromIntegral p) hand `E.catch` ehs
                        -- remove thread from timeout table
                        cancel (toHandle timeoutIO)
                        toShutdown timeoutIO
                 loop = forever ((do w <- acceptTLS https
                                     forkIO $ work w
                                     return ())
                                   `E.catch` sslException)
                 sslException :: SSL.SomeSSLException -> IO ()
                 sslException e = log' ERROR ("SSL exception in https accept thread: " ++ show e)
                 pe e = log' ERROR ("ERROR in https accept thread: " ++ show e)
                 infi = loop `catchSome` pe >> infi
             log' NOTICE ("Listening for https:// on port " ++ show (tlsPort $ fromJust (tls conf)))
             infi `finally` (sClose s)
  -- http:// loop
  log' NOTICE ("Listening for http:// on port " ++ show port')
  let eh (x::SomeException) = when ((fromException x) /= Just ThreadKilled) $ log' ERROR ("HTTP request failed with: " ++ show x)
      work (sock, hn, p) = 
          do tid <- myThreadId
             thandle <- register tm (killThread tid)
             let timeoutIO = TS.timeoutSocketIO thandle sock
             request timeoutIO conf (hn,fromIntegral p) hand `E.catch` eh
             -- remove thread from timeout table
             cancel thandle
             sClose sock
      loop = forever $ do w <- acceptLite s
                          forkIO $ work w
      pe e = log' ERROR ("ERROR in http accept thread: " ++ show e)
      infi = loop `catchSome` pe >> infi

  infi `finally` (sClose s >> killThread httpsTid)

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
  installHandler openEndedPipe Ignore Nothing
  return ()
  where  -- why are these handlers needed?

    catchSome op h = op `E.catches` [
            Handler $ \(e :: ArithException) -> h (toException e),
            Handler $ \(e :: ArrayException) -> h (toException e),
            Handler $ \(e :: IOException)    ->
                if isFullError e
                   then return () -- h (toException e) -- we could log the exception, but there could be thousands of them
                   else throw e