-- |
-- Module:      Data.HashCons.Memo
-- Description: Memoisation via hash-consing
-- Copyright:   © 2018 Andy Morris
-- Licence:     BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer:  hello@andy-morris.xyz
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: TODO
-- Memoisation, using hash-consing as a way to identify arguments.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-float-in -fno-full-laziness #-}

    AllowAmbiguousTypes, BangPatterns, DataKinds, DefaultSignatures,
    FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, LambdaCase,
    ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TypeApplications, TypeFamilies,
    TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances

module Data.HashCons.Memo
  (-- * Memo-suitable arguments
   MemoArg (..),
   -- * Memoising functions
   uncheckedMemo, memo,
   -- * Nested memoisation
   -- $nesting
   memo2,          memo3,          memo4,
   uncheckedMemo2, uncheckedMemo3, uncheckedMemo4)

import Data.HashCons
import Data.HashCons.MkWeak

import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as HashTable

import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Type.Bool

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- for MemoArg instances only {{{
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.Monoid as M
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
import Data.Unique
import Data.Version
import Data.Word
import Numeric.Natural
import System.Mem.StableName
import Type.Reflection

import qualified Data.Text as S
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
-- }}}

type HashTable k v = HashTable.BasicHashTable k v

-- | Types which can be arguments to a memo function. An empty instance assumes
-- that a type is its own key, and can't run finalizers. The latter is the case
-- for ordinary Haskell datatypes.
-- (TODO: add instances for everything in @base@)
class (Eq (Key k), Hashable (Key k)) => MemoArg k where
  -- | A key which uniquely identifies a value. Defaults to the value itself.
  -- Otherwise, it should be something with fast equality and hashing, and must
  -- really be a /unique/ identifier.
  type Key k :: Type
  type Key k = k

  -- | Extract the key. Defaults to the identity function for where
  -- @'Key' k ~ k@.
  key :: k -> Key k
  default key :: (Key k ~ k) => k -> Key k
  key x = x

  -- | Whether @k@ can reliably run finalizers. (Most datatypes can't; see the
  -- documentation for 'Weak' for details.)
  type CanFinalize k :: Bool
  type CanFinalize k = 'False

  -- | Add a finalizer, if possible; otherwise, do nothing. Defaults to
  -- doing nothing, for when @'CanFinalize' k ~ ''False'@.
  tryAddFinalizer :: k -> Finalizer -> IO ()
  tryAddFinalizer _ _ = pure ()

type MemoCache k v = MVar (HashTable (Key k) v)

newCache :: IO (MemoCache k v)
newCache = newMVar =<< HashTable.new

remove :: MemoArg k => Weak (MemoCache k v) -> Key k -> IO ()
remove wvar k =
  deRefWeak wvar >>= \case
    Nothing  -> pure ()
    Just var ->
      withMVar var $ \cache ->
        HashTable.delete cache k

lookupOrAdd :: MemoArg k => (k -> v) -> MemoCache k v -> k -> IO v
lookupOrAdd f var (x :: k) = do
  roCache <- readMVar var
  let !k = key x
  HashTable.lookup roCache k >>= \case
    Just y  -> pure y
    Nothing -> do
      let !y = f x
      withMVar var $ \rwCache ->
        HashTable.insert rwCache k y
      wvar <- mkWeakPtr var Nothing
      tryAddFinalizer x (remove @k wvar k)
      pure y

-- $nesting
-- It is possible to memoise a multiple-argument function by nesting calls to
-- 'memo' or 'uncheckedMemo', like so:
-- @
-- foo :: HC Beep -> HC Boop -> HC Bing -> HC Blah
-- memoFoo :: HC Beep -> HC Boop -> HC Bing -> HC Blah
-- memoFoo = memo $ \\x -> memo $ \\y -> memo $ foo x y
-- @
-- The functions 'memo2' to 'memo4' do this, with the first use being (checked)
-- 'memo' and the other(s) being 'uncheckedMemo'.
-- The user can use this pattern to write variations of a higher arity, or to
-- check whichever arguments are desired.
-- == Recommendations
-- * If possible, the first (or only) argument to a memoised function should be
--   able to run finalisers (e.g., @HC@): if a call to 'uncheckedMemo' is nested
--   inside a use of 'memo', then whole tables will be dropped by the outer
--   'memo''s finalizers when no longer needed, even though they might not
--   shrink before this time. Therefore, an outermost 'memo' ensures that the
--   memory usage is kept in check.
-- * If the least-long-lived arguments come first, then the pruning will be more
--   effective.

-- | Memoise a function, without checking that the memo table can be pruned. If
-- it can't, then it will continue to grow throughout the program's run.
uncheckedMemo :: MemoArg a => (a -> b) -> a -> b
uncheckedMemo (f :: a -> b) =
    cache = unsafePerformIO (newCache @a)
    {-# NOINLINE cache #-}
    \x -> unsafePerformIO $ lookupOrAdd f cache x

-- | Memoise a function, ensuring that the memo table can be pruned.
memo :: (MemoArg a, CanFinalize a ~ 'True) => (a -> b) -> a -> b
memo = uncheckedMemo

-- | Memoise a binary function, without checking that the outer table can
-- be pruned.
uncheckedMemo2 :: (MemoArg a, MemoArg b) => (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> c
uncheckedMemo2 f = uncheckedMemo $ uncheckedMemo . f

-- | Memoise a binary function, checking that the outer table can be pruned.
memo2 :: (MemoArg a, MemoArg b, CanFinalize a ~ 'True)
      => (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> c
memo2 = uncheckedMemo2

-- | Memoise a ternary function, without checking that the outermost table
-- can be pruned.
uncheckedMemo3 :: (MemoArg a, MemoArg b, MemoArg c)
               => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> d
uncheckedMemo3 f = uncheckedMemo $ uncheckedMemo2 . f

-- | Memoise a ternary function, checking that the outermost table can be
-- pruned.
memo3 :: (MemoArg a, MemoArg b, MemoArg c, CanFinalize a ~ 'True)
      => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> d
memo3 = uncheckedMemo3

-- | Memoise a quaternary function, without checking that the outermost
-- table can be pruned.
uncheckedMemo4 :: (MemoArg a, MemoArg b, MemoArg c, MemoArg d)
               => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e
uncheckedMemo4 f = uncheckedMemo $ uncheckedMemo3 . f

-- | Memoise a quaternary function, checking that the outermost table can
-- be pruned.
memo4 :: (MemoArg a, MemoArg b, MemoArg c, MemoArg d,
          CanFinalize a ~ 'True)
      => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e
memo4 = uncheckedMemo4

-- MemoArg instances

instance MemoArg (HC a) where
  type Key (HC a) = Tag a

  key = getTag

  type CanFinalize (HC a) = 'True

  tryAddFinalizer = addFinalizer

instance MemoArg Bool
instance MemoArg Ordering
instance MemoArg Char
instance MemoArg Int
instance MemoArg Integer
instance MemoArg Float
instance MemoArg Double
instance MemoArg Word
instance MemoArg ()

-- | doesn't add finalizer to elements
instance MemoArg a => MemoArg [a] where
  type Key [a] = [Key a]

  key = fmap key

-- | tries to add finalizer to contents, if any
instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (Maybe a) where
  type Key (Maybe a) = Maybe (Key a)

  key = fmap key

  type CanFinalize (Maybe a) = 'False

  tryAddFinalizer m fin = case m of
    Just x  -> tryAddFinalizer x fin
    Nothing -> pure ()

-- | tries to add finalizer to contents
instance (MemoArg a, MemoArg b) => MemoArg (Either a b) where
  type Key (Either a b) = Either (Key a) (Key b)

  key = either (Left . key) (Right . key)

  type CanFinalize (Either a b) =
    CanFinalize a && CanFinalize b

  tryAddFinalizer e fin = case e of
    Left  x -> tryAddFinalizer x fin
    Right y -> tryAddFinalizer y fin

-- | tries to add finalizer to both elements
instance (MemoArg a, MemoArg b) => MemoArg (a, b) where
  type Key (a, b) = (Key a, Key b)

  key (x, y) = (key x, key y)

  type CanFinalize (a, b) =
    CanFinalize a || CanFinalize b

  tryAddFinalizer (a, b) fin = do
    tryAddFinalizer a fin
    tryAddFinalizer b fin

-- | tries to add finalizer to all elements
instance (MemoArg a, MemoArg b, MemoArg c) => MemoArg (a, b, c) where
  type Key (a, b, c) = (Key a, Key b, Key c)

  key (x, y, z) = (key x, key y, key z)

  type CanFinalize (a, b, c) =
    CanFinalize a || CanFinalize b || CanFinalize c

  tryAddFinalizer (a, b, c) fin = do
    tryAddFinalizer a fin
    tryAddFinalizer b fin
    tryAddFinalizer c fin

instance MemoArg ThreadId

instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (Fixed a)

-- | tries to add finalizer to contents
deriving instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (Const a b)

-- | tries to add finalizer to contents
deriving instance MemoArg (f (g a)) => MemoArg (Compose f g a)

-- | tries to add finalizer to contents
deriving instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (Identity a)

-- | tries to add finalizer to both elements
instance (MemoArg (f a), MemoArg (g a)) => MemoArg (Product f g a) where
  type Key (Product f g a) = (Key (f a), Key (g a))

  key (Pair x y) = (key x, key y)

  type CanFinalize (Product f g a) =
    CanFinalize (f a) || CanFinalize (g a)

  tryAddFinalizer (Pair x y) fin = do
    tryAddFinalizer x fin
    tryAddFinalizer y fin

-- | tries to add finalizer to contents
instance (MemoArg (f a), MemoArg (g a)) => MemoArg (Sum f g a) where
  type Key (Sum f g a) = Either (Key (f a)) (Key (g a))

  key s = case s of
    InL x -> Left  $ key x
    InR x -> Right $ key x

  type CanFinalize (Sum f g a) =
    CanFinalize (f a) && CanFinalize (g a)

  tryAddFinalizer s fin = case s of
    InL x -> tryAddFinalizer x fin
    InR y -> tryAddFinalizer y fin

instance MemoArg Int8
instance MemoArg Int16
instance MemoArg Int32
instance MemoArg Int64

-- | doesn't add finalizer to elements
instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (NonEmpty a) where
  type Key (NonEmpty a) = NonEmpty (Key a)

  key = fmap key

instance MemoArg (Proxy a)

instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (Ratio a) where
  type Key (Ratio a) = (Key a, Key a)

  key x = (key $ numerator x, key $ denominator x)

deriving instance                  MemoArg M.All
deriving instance                  MemoArg M.Any
deriving instance MemoArg a     => MemoArg (M.Dual    a)
deriving instance MemoArg a     => MemoArg (M.First   a)
deriving instance MemoArg a     => MemoArg (M.Last    a)
deriving instance MemoArg a     => MemoArg (M.Product a)
deriving instance MemoArg a     => MemoArg (M.Sum     a)
deriving instance MemoArg (f a) => MemoArg (M.Alt f   a)

deriving instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (S.Min    a)
deriving instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (S.Max    a)
deriving instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (S.First  a)
deriving instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (S.Last   a)
deriving instance MemoArg a => MemoArg (S.Option a)

instance MemoArg Unique

instance MemoArg Version

instance MemoArg Word8
instance MemoArg Word16
instance MemoArg Word32
instance MemoArg Word64

instance MemoArg Natural

instance MemoArg (StableName a)

instance MemoArg (TypeRep a)

instance MemoArg S.Text
instance MemoArg L.Text

instance MemoArg S.ByteString
instance MemoArg L.ByteString