module System.Console.Haskeline.Command.History where

import System.Console.Haskeline.LineState
import System.Console.Haskeline.Command
import System.Console.Haskeline.Key
import Control.Monad(liftM,mplus)
import System.Console.Haskeline.Monads
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import System.Console.Haskeline.History
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad.Catch

data HistLog = HistLog {pastHistory, futureHistory :: [[Grapheme]]}
                    deriving Show

prevHistoryM :: [Grapheme] -> HistLog -> Maybe ([Grapheme],HistLog)
prevHistoryM _ HistLog {pastHistory = []} = Nothing
prevHistoryM s HistLog {pastHistory=ls:past, futureHistory=future}
        = Just (ls,
            HistLog {pastHistory=past, futureHistory= s:future})

prevHistories :: [Grapheme] -> HistLog -> [([Grapheme],HistLog)]
prevHistories s h = flip unfoldr (s,h) $ \(s',h') -> fmap (\r -> (r,r))
                    $ prevHistoryM s' h'

histLog :: History -> HistLog
histLog hist = HistLog {pastHistory = map stringToGraphemes $ historyLines hist,
                        futureHistory = []}

runHistoryFromFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Int
                            -> ReaderT (IORef History) m a -> m a
runHistoryFromFile Nothing _ f = do
    historyRef <- liftIO $ newIORef emptyHistory
    runReaderT f historyRef
runHistoryFromFile (Just file) stifleAmt f = do
    oldHistory <- liftIO $ readHistory file
    historyRef <- liftIO $ newIORef $ stifleHistory stifleAmt oldHistory
    -- Run the action and then write the new history, even on an exception.
    -- For example, if there's an unhandled ctrl-c, we don't want to lose
    -- the user's previously-entered commands.
    -- (Note that this requires using ReaderT (IORef History) instead of StateT.
    x <- runReaderT f historyRef
            `finally` (liftIO $ readIORef historyRef >>= writeHistory file)
    return x

prevHistory, firstHistory :: Save s => s -> HistLog -> (s, HistLog)
prevHistory s h = let (s',h') = fromMaybe (listSave s,h)
                                    $ prevHistoryM (listSave s) h
                  in (listRestore s',h')

firstHistory s h = let prevs = (listSave s,h):prevHistories (listSave s) h
                       -- above makes sure we don't take the last of an empty list.
                       (s',h') = last prevs
                   in (listRestore s',h')

historyBack, historyForward :: (Save s, MonadState HistLog m) => Command m s s
historyBack = simpleCommand $ histUpdate prevHistory
historyForward = simpleCommand $ reverseHist . histUpdate prevHistory

historyStart, historyEnd :: (Save s, MonadState HistLog m) => Command m s s
historyStart = simpleCommand $ histUpdate firstHistory
historyEnd = simpleCommand $ reverseHist . histUpdate firstHistory

histUpdate :: MonadState HistLog m => (s -> HistLog -> (t,HistLog))
                        -> s -> m (Either Effect t)
histUpdate f = liftM Right . update . f

reverseHist :: MonadState HistLog m => m b -> m b
reverseHist f = do
    modify reverser
    y <- f
    modify reverser
    return y
    reverser h = HistLog {futureHistory=pastHistory h,
                            pastHistory=futureHistory h}

data SearchMode = SearchMode {searchTerm :: [Grapheme],
                              foundHistory :: InsertMode,
                              direction :: Direction}
                        deriving Show

data Direction = Forward | Reverse
                    deriving (Show,Eq)

directionName :: Direction -> String
directionName Forward = "i-search"
directionName Reverse = "reverse-i-search"

instance LineState SearchMode where
    beforeCursor _ sm = beforeCursor prefix (foundHistory sm)
            prefix = stringToGraphemes ("(" ++ directionName (direction sm) ++ ")`")
                            ++ searchTerm sm ++ stringToGraphemes "': "
    afterCursor = afterCursor . foundHistory

instance Result SearchMode where
    toResult = toResult . foundHistory

saveSM :: SearchMode -> [Grapheme]
saveSM = listSave . foundHistory

startSearchMode :: Direction -> InsertMode -> SearchMode
startSearchMode dir im = SearchMode {searchTerm = [],foundHistory=im, direction=dir}

addChar :: Char -> SearchMode -> SearchMode
addChar c s = s {searchTerm = listSave $ insertChar c
                                $ listRestore $ searchTerm s}

searchHistories :: Direction -> [Grapheme] -> [([Grapheme],HistLog)]
            -> Maybe (SearchMode,HistLog)
searchHistories dir text = foldr mplus Nothing . map findIt
        findIt (l,h) = do
            im <- findInLine text l
            return (SearchMode text im dir,h)

findInLine :: [Grapheme] -> [Grapheme] -> Maybe InsertMode
findInLine text l = find' [] l
        find' _ [] = Nothing
        find' prev ccs@(c:cs)
            | text `isPrefixOf` ccs = Just (IMode prev ccs)
            | otherwise = find' (c:prev) cs

prepSearch :: SearchMode -> HistLog -> ([Grapheme],[([Grapheme],HistLog)])
prepSearch sm h = let
    text = searchTerm sm
    l = saveSM sm
    in (text,prevHistories l h)

searchBackwards :: Bool -> SearchMode -> HistLog -> Maybe (SearchMode, HistLog)
searchBackwards useCurrent s h = let
    (text,hists) = prepSearch s h
    hists' = if useCurrent then (saveSM s,h):hists else hists
    in searchHistories (direction s) text hists'

doSearch :: MonadState HistLog m => Bool -> SearchMode -> m (Either Effect SearchMode)
doSearch useCurrent sm = case direction sm of
    Reverse -> searchHist
    Forward -> reverseHist searchHist
    searchHist = do
        hist <- get
        case searchBackwards useCurrent sm hist of
            Just (sm',hist') -> put hist' >> return (Right sm')
            Nothing -> return $ Left RingBell

searchHistory :: MonadState HistLog m => KeyCommand m InsertMode InsertMode
searchHistory = choiceCmd [
            metaChar 'j' +> searchForPrefix Forward
            , metaChar 'k' +> searchForPrefix Reverse
            , choiceCmd [
                 backKey +> change (startSearchMode Reverse)
                 , forwardKey +> change (startSearchMode Forward)
                 ] >+> keepSearching
        backKey = ctrlChar 'r'
        forwardKey = ctrlChar 's'
        keepSearching = keyChoiceCmd [
                            choiceCmd [
                                charCommand oneMoreChar
                                , backKey +> simpleCommand (searchMore Reverse)
                                , forwardKey +> simpleCommand (searchMore Forward)
                                , simpleKey Backspace +> change delLastChar
                                ] >+> keepSearching
                            , withoutConsuming (change foundHistory) -- abort
        delLastChar s = s {searchTerm = minit (searchTerm s)}
        minit xs = if null xs then [] else init xs
        oneMoreChar c = doSearch True . addChar c
        searchMore d s = doSearch False s {direction=d}

searchForPrefix :: MonadState HistLog m => Direction
                    -> Command m InsertMode InsertMode
searchForPrefix dir s@(IMode xs _) = do
    next <- findFirst prefixed dir s
    maybe (return s) setState next
    prefixed gs = if rxs `isPrefixOf` gs
                    then Just $ IMode xs (drop (length xs) gs)
                    else Nothing
    rxs = reverse xs

-- Search for the first entry in the history which satisfies the constraint.
-- If it succeeds, the HistLog is updated and the result is returned.
-- If it fails, the HistLog is unchanged.
-- TODO: make the other history searching functions use this instead.
findFirst :: forall s m . (Save s, MonadState HistLog m)
    => ([Grapheme] -> Maybe s) -> Direction -> s -> m (Maybe s)
findFirst cond Forward s = reverseHist $ findFirst cond Reverse s
findFirst cond Reverse s = do
    hist <- get
    case search (prevHistories (listSave s) hist) of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just (s',hist') -> put hist' >> return (Just s')
    search :: [([Grapheme],HistLog)] -> Maybe (s,HistLog)
    search [] = Nothing
    search ((g,h):gs) = case cond g of
        Nothing -> search gs
        Just s' -> Just (s',h)