Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Trace
- data InitializeParams = InitializeParams {}
- data InitializeError = InitializeError {}
- data TextDocumentSyncKind
- data CompletionOptions = CompletionOptions {}
- data SignatureHelpOptions = SignatureHelpOptions {}
- data CodeLensOptions = CodeLensOptions {}
- data DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions = DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions {}
- data DocumentLinkOptions = DocumentLinkOptions {}
- data ExecuteCommandOptions = ExecuteCommandOptions {}
- data SaveOptions = SaveOptions {}
- data TextDocumentSyncOptions = TextDocumentSyncOptions {}
- data TDS
- data GotoOptions
- data ColorOptions
- data FoldingRangeOptions
- data WorkspaceFolderChangeNotifications
- data WorkspaceFolderOptions = WorkspaceFolderOptions {}
- data WorkspaceOptions = WorkspaceOptions {}
- data InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner = InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner {
- _textDocumentSync :: Maybe TDS
- _hoverProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _completionProvider :: Maybe CompletionOptions
- _signatureHelpProvider :: Maybe SignatureHelpOptions
- _definitionProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _typeDefinitionProvider :: Maybe GotoOptions
- _implementationProvider :: Maybe GotoOptions
- _referencesProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _documentHighlightProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _documentSymbolProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _workspaceSymbolProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _codeActionProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _codeLensProvider :: Maybe CodeLensOptions
- _documentFormattingProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _documentRangeFormattingProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _documentOnTypeFormattingProvider :: Maybe DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions
- _renameProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _documentLinkProvider :: Maybe DocumentLinkOptions
- _colorProvider :: Maybe ColorOptions
- _foldingRangeProvider :: Maybe FoldingRangeOptions
- _executeCommandProvider :: Maybe ExecuteCommandOptions
- _workspace :: Maybe WorkspaceOptions
- _experimental :: Maybe Value
- data InitializeResponseCapabilities = InitializeResponseCapabilities {}
- type InitializeResponse = ResponseMessage InitializeResponseCapabilities
- type InitializeRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod InitializeParams InitializeResponseCapabilities
- data InitializedParams = InitializedParams {
- type InitializedNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod (Maybe InitializedParams)
- type ShutdownRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod (Maybe Value) Text
- type ShutdownResponse = ResponseMessage Text
- data ExitParams = ExitParams {
- type ExitNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod (Maybe ExitParams)
- data MessageType
- data ShowMessageParams = ShowMessageParams {
- _xtype :: MessageType
- _message :: Text
- type ShowMessageNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod ShowMessageParams
- data MessageActionItem = MessageActionItem {}
- data ShowMessageRequestParams = ShowMessageRequestParams {
- _xtype :: MessageType
- _message :: Text
- _actions :: Maybe [MessageActionItem]
- type ShowMessageRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod ShowMessageRequestParams Text
- type ShowMessageResponse = ResponseMessage Text
- data LogMessageParams = LogMessageParams {
- _xtype :: MessageType
- _message :: Text
- type LogMessageNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod LogMessageParams
- type TelemetryNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod Value
- data Registration = Registration {
- _id :: Text
- _method :: ClientMethod
- _registerOptions :: Maybe Value
- data RegistrationParams = RegistrationParams {}
- type RegisterCapabilityRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod RegistrationParams ()
- type RegisterCapabilityResponse = ResponseMessage ()
- data TextDocumentRegistrationOptions = TextDocumentRegistrationOptions {}
- data Unregistration = Unregistration {}
- data UnregistrationParams = UnregistrationParams {}
- type UnregisterCapabilityRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod UnregistrationParams ()
- type UnregisterCapabilityResponse = ResponseMessage ()
- data DidChangeConfigurationParams = DidChangeConfigurationParams {}
- type DidChangeConfigurationNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeConfigurationParams
- data ConfigurationItem = ConfigurationItem {}
- data ConfigurationParams = ConfigurationParams {}
- type ConfigurationRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod ConfigurationParams (List Value)
- type ConfigurationResponse = ResponseMessage (List Value)
- data DidOpenTextDocumentParams = DidOpenTextDocumentParams {}
- type DidOpenTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidOpenTextDocumentParams
- data TextDocumentContentChangeEvent = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {}
- data DidChangeTextDocumentParams = DidChangeTextDocumentParams {}
- type DidChangeTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeTextDocumentParams
- data TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions = TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions {}
- data TextDocumentSaveReason
- data WillSaveTextDocumentParams = WillSaveTextDocumentParams {}
- type WillSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams
- type WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocumentRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams (List TextEdit)
- type WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocumentResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit)
- data DidSaveTextDocumentParams = DidSaveTextDocumentParams {}
- type DidSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidSaveTextDocumentParams
- data DidCloseTextDocumentParams = DidCloseTextDocumentParams {}
- type DidCloseTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidCloseTextDocumentParams
- data FileChangeType
- data FileEvent = FileEvent {
- _uri :: Uri
- _xtype :: FileChangeType
- data DidChangeWatchedFilesParams = DidChangeWatchedFilesParams {}
- type DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeWatchedFilesParams
- data PublishDiagnosticsParams = PublishDiagnosticsParams {
- _uri :: Uri
- _diagnostics :: List Diagnostic
- type PublishDiagnosticsNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod PublishDiagnosticsParams
- data LanguageString = LanguageString {}
- data MarkedString
- data Hover = Hover {}
- type HoverRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams Hover
- type HoverResponse = ResponseMessage Hover
- data ParameterInformation = ParameterInformation {
- _label :: Text
- _documentation :: Maybe Text
- data SignatureInformation = SignatureInformation {}
- data SignatureHelp = SignatureHelp {}
- type SignatureHelpRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams SignatureHelp
- type SignatureHelpResponse = ResponseMessage SignatureHelp
- data SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions = SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions {}
- data LocationResponseParams
- type DefinitionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams LocationResponseParams
- type DefinitionResponse = ResponseMessage LocationResponseParams
- type TypeDefinitionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams LocationResponseParams
- type TypeDefinitionResponse = ResponseMessage LocationResponseParams
- type ImplementationRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams LocationResponseParams
- type ImplementationResponse = ResponseMessage LocationResponseParams
- data ReferenceContext = ReferenceContext {}
- data ReferenceParams = ReferenceParams {}
- type ReferencesRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod ReferenceParams (List Location)
- type ReferencesResponse = ResponseMessage (List Location)
- data DocumentHighlightKind
- data DocumentHighlight = DocumentHighlight {}
- type DocumentHighlightRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams (List DocumentHighlight)
- type DocumentHighlightsResponse = ResponseMessage (List DocumentHighlight)
- data WorkspaceSymbolParams = WorkspaceSymbolParams {}
- type WorkspaceSymbolRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod WorkspaceSymbolParams (List SymbolInformation)
- type WorkspaceSymbolsResponse = ResponseMessage (List SymbolInformation)
- data CodeLensParams = CodeLensParams {}
- data CodeLens = CodeLens {}
- type CodeLensRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CodeLensParams (List CodeLens)
- type CodeLensResponse = ResponseMessage (List CodeLens)
- data CodeLensRegistrationOptions = CodeLensRegistrationOptions {}
- type CodeLensResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CodeLens (List CodeLens)
- type CodeLensResolveResponse = ResponseMessage (List CodeLens)
- data DocumentLinkParams = DocumentLinkParams {}
- data DocumentLink = DocumentLink {}
- type DocumentLinkRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentLinkParams (List DocumentLink)
- type DocumentLinkResponse = ResponseMessage (List DocumentLink)
- type DocumentLinkResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentLink DocumentLink
- type DocumentLinkResolveResponse = ResponseMessage DocumentLink
- data FormattingOptions = FormattingOptions {
- _tabSize :: Int
- _insertSpaces :: Bool
- data DocumentFormattingParams = DocumentFormattingParams {}
- type DocumentFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentFormattingParams (List TextEdit)
- type DocumentFormattingResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit)
- data DocumentRangeFormattingParams = DocumentRangeFormattingParams {}
- type DocumentRangeFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentRangeFormattingParams (List TextEdit)
- type DocumentRangeFormattingResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit)
- data DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams = DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams {}
- type DocumentOnTypeFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams (List TextEdit)
- type DocumentOnTypeFormattingResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit)
- data DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions = DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions {}
- data RenameParams = RenameParams {}
- type RenameRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod RenameParams WorkspaceEdit
- type RenameResponse = ResponseMessage WorkspaceEdit
- data ExecuteCommandParams = ExecuteCommandParams {}
- type ExecuteCommandRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod ExecuteCommandParams Value
- type ExecuteCommandResponse = ResponseMessage Value
- data ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions = ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions {}
- data ApplyWorkspaceEditParams = ApplyWorkspaceEditParams {}
- data ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody = ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody {}
- type ApplyWorkspaceEditRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod ApplyWorkspaceEditParams ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody
- type ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse = ResponseMessage ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody
- data TraceParams = TraceParams {}
- data TraceNotification = TraceNotification {}
- class HasDocumentChanges s a | s -> a where
- class HasDynamicRegistration s a | s -> a where
- class HasValueSet s a | s -> a where
- class HasSymbolKind s a | s -> a where
- class HasApplyEdit s a | s -> a where
- class HasConfiguration s a | s -> a where
- class HasDidChangeConfiguration s a | s -> a where
- class HasDidChangeWatchedFiles s a | s -> a where
- class HasExecuteCommand s a | s -> a where
- class HasSymbol s a | s -> a where
- class HasWorkspaceEdit s a | s -> a where
- class HasWorkspaceFolders s a | s -> a where
- class HasDidSave s a | s -> a where
- class HasWillSave s a | s -> a where
- class HasWillSaveWaitUntil s a | s -> a where
- class HasCommitCharactersSupport s a | s -> a where
- class HasDeprecatedSupport s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentationFormat s a | s -> a where
- class HasPreselectSupport s a | s -> a where
- class HasSnippetSupport s a | s -> a where
- class HasCompletionItem s a | s -> a where
- class HasCompletionItemKind s a | s -> a where
- class HasContextSupport s a | s -> a where
- class HasContentFormat s a | s -> a where
- class HasSignatureInformation s a | s -> a where
- class HasHierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport s a | s -> a where
- class HasCodeActionKind s a | s -> a where
- class HasCodeActionLiteralSupport s a | s -> a where
- class HasRelatedInformation s a | s -> a where
- class HasCodeAction s a | s -> a where
- class HasCodeLens s a | s -> a where
- class HasColorProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasCompletion s a | s -> a where
- class HasDefinition s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentHighlight s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentLink s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentSymbol s a | s -> a where
- class HasFoldingRange s a | s -> a where
- class HasFormatting s a | s -> a where
- class HasHover s a | s -> a where
- class HasImplementation s a | s -> a where
- class HasOnTypeFormatting s a | s -> a where
- class HasPublishDiagnostics s a | s -> a where
- class HasRangeFormatting s a | s -> a where
- class HasReferences s a | s -> a where
- class HasRename s a | s -> a where
- class HasSignatureHelp s a | s -> a where
- class HasSynchronization s a | s -> a where
- class HasTypeDefinition s a | s -> a where
- class HasExperimental s a | s -> a where
- class HasTextDocument s a | s -> a where
- class HasWorkspace s a | s -> a where
- class HasCapabilities s a | s -> a where
- class HasInitializationOptions s a | s -> a where
- class HasProcessId s a | s -> a where
- class HasRootPath s a | s -> a where
- class HasRootUri s a | s -> a where
- class HasTrace s a | s -> a where
- class HasRetry s a | s -> a where
- class HasResolveProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasTriggerCharacters s a | s -> a where
- class HasFirstTriggerCharacter s a | s -> a where
- class HasMoreTriggerCharacter s a | s -> a where
- class HasCommands s a | s -> a where
- class HasIncludeText s a | s -> a where
- class HasChange s a | s -> a where
- class HasOpenClose s a | s -> a where
- class HasSave s a | s -> a where
- class HasChangeNotifications s a | s -> a where
- class HasSupported s a | s -> a where
- class HasCodeActionProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasCodeLensProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasCompletionProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasDefinitionProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentFormattingProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentHighlightProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentLinkProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentOnTypeFormattingProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentRangeFormattingProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentSymbolProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasExecuteCommandProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasFoldingRangeProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasHoverProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasImplementationProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasReferencesProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasRenameProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasSignatureHelpProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasTextDocumentSync s a | s -> a where
- class HasTypeDefinitionProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasWorkspaceSymbolProvider s a | s -> a where
- class HasMessage s a | s -> a where
- class HasXtype s a | s -> a where
- class HasTitle s a | s -> a where
- class HasActions s a | s -> a where
- class HasId s a | s -> a where
- class HasMethod s a | s -> a where
- class HasRegisterOptions s a | s -> a where
- class HasRegistrations s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentSelector s a | s -> a where
- class HasUnregistrations s a | s -> a where
- class HasSettings s a | s -> a where
- class HasScopeUri s a | s -> a where
- class HasSection s a | s -> a where
- class HasItems s a | s -> a where
- class HasRange s a | s -> a where
- class HasRangeLength s a | s -> a where
- class HasText s a | s -> a where
- class HasContentChanges s a | s -> a where
- class HasSyncKind s a | s -> a where
- class HasReason s a | s -> a where
- class HasUri s a | s -> a where
- class HasChanges s a | s -> a where
- class HasDiagnostics s a | s -> a where
- class HasLanguage s a | s -> a where
- class HasValue s a | s -> a where
- class HasContents s a | s -> a where
- class HasDocumentation s a | s -> a where
- class HasLabel s a | s -> a where
- class HasParameters s a | s -> a where
- class HasActiveParameter s a | s -> a where
- class HasActiveSignature s a | s -> a where
- class HasSignatures s a | s -> a where
- class HasIncludeDeclaration s a | s -> a where
- class HasContext s a | s -> a where
- class HasPosition s a | s -> a where
- class HasKind s a | s -> a where
- class HasQuery s a | s -> a where
- class HasCommand s a | s -> a where
- class HasXdata s a | s -> a where
- class HasTarget s a | s -> a where
- class HasInsertSpaces s a | s -> a where
- class HasTabSize s a | s -> a where
- class HasOptions s a | s -> a where
- class HasCh s a | s -> a where
- class HasNewName s a | s -> a where
- class HasArguments s a | s -> a where
- class HasEdit s a | s -> a where
- class HasApplied s a | s -> a where
- class HasParams s a | s -> a where
- class HasCharacter s a | s -> a where
- class HasLine s a | s -> a where
- class HasEnd s a | s -> a where
- class HasStart s a | s -> a where
- class HasAdditionalTextEdits s a | s -> a where
- class HasCommitCharacters s a | s -> a where
- class HasDeprecated s a | s -> a where
- class HasDetail s a | s -> a where
- class HasFilterText s a | s -> a where
- class HasInsertText s a | s -> a where
- class HasInsertTextFormat s a | s -> a where
- class HasPreselect s a | s -> a where
- class HasSortText s a | s -> a where
- class HasTextEdit s a | s -> a where
- class HasTriggerCharacter s a | s -> a where
- class HasTriggerKind s a | s -> a where
- class HasIsIncomplete s a | s -> a where
- class HasPattern s a | s -> a where
- class HasScheme s a | s -> a where
- class HasNewText s a | s -> a where
- class HasVersion s a | s -> a where
- class HasEdits s a | s -> a where
- class HasName s a | s -> a where
- class HasAdded s a | s -> a where
- class HasRemoved s a | s -> a where
- class HasEvent s a | s -> a where
- class HasJsonrpc s a | s -> a where
- class HasCode s a | s -> a where
- class HasError s a | s -> a where
- class HasResult s a | s -> a where
- class HasLanguageId s a | s -> a where
- class HasSeverity s a | s -> a where
- class HasSource s a | s -> a where
- class HasLocation s a | s -> a where
- class HasChildren s a | s -> a where
- class HasSelectionRange s a | s -> a where
- class HasContainerName s a | s -> a where
- class HasAlpha s a | s -> a where
- class HasBlue s a | s -> a where
- class HasGreen s a | s -> a where
- class HasRed s a | s -> a where
- class HasColor s a | s -> a where
- class HasEndCharacter s a | s -> a where
- class HasEndLine s a | s -> a where
- class HasStartCharacter s a | s -> a where
- class HasStartLine s a | s -> a where
- data CodeActionKind
- data CodeActionContext = CodeActionContext {}
- data CodeActionParams = CodeActionParams {}
- data CodeAction = CodeAction {
- _title :: Text
- _kind :: Maybe CodeActionKind
- _diagnostics :: Maybe (List Diagnostic)
- _edit :: Maybe WorkspaceEdit
- _command :: Maybe Command
- data CAResult
- type CodeActionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CodeActionParams (List CAResult)
- type CodeActionResponse = ResponseMessage (List CAResult)
- data Color = Color {}
- data ColorInformation = ColorInformation {}
- data DocumentColorParams = DocumentColorParams {}
- type DocumentColorRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentColorParams (List ColorInformation)
- type DocumentColorResponse = ResponseMessage (List ColorInformation)
- data ColorPresentationParams = ColorPresentationParams {}
- data ColorPresentation = ColorPresentation {}
- type ColorPresentationRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod ColorPresentationParams (List ColorPresentation)
- type ColorPresentationResponse = ResponseMessage (List ColorPresentation)
- data Command = Command {}
- data CompletionItemKind
- data InsertTextFormat
- data CompletionDoc
- data CompletionItem = CompletionItem {
- _label :: Text
- _kind :: Maybe CompletionItemKind
- _detail :: Maybe Text
- _documentation :: Maybe CompletionDoc
- _deprecated :: Maybe Bool
- _preselect :: Maybe Bool
- _sortText :: Maybe Text
- _filterText :: Maybe Text
- _insertText :: Maybe Text
- _insertTextFormat :: Maybe InsertTextFormat
- _textEdit :: Maybe TextEdit
- _additionalTextEdits :: Maybe (List TextEdit)
- _commitCharacters :: Maybe (List Text)
- _command :: Maybe Command
- _xdata :: Maybe Value
- data CompletionListType = CompletionListType {}
- data CompletionResponseResult
- data CompletionTriggerKind
- data CompletionContext = CompletionContext {}
- data CompletionParams = CompletionParams {}
- type CompletionResponse = ResponseMessage CompletionResponseResult
- type CompletionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CompletionParams CompletionResponseResult
- data CompletionRegistrationOptions = CompletionRegistrationOptions {}
- type CompletionItemResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CompletionItem CompletionItem
- type CompletionItemResolveResponse = ResponseMessage CompletionItem
- data DiagnosticSeverity
- data DiagnosticRelatedInformation = DiagnosticRelatedInformation {}
- type DiagnosticSource = Text
- data Diagnostic = Diagnostic {}
- data DocumentFilter = DocumentFilter {}
- type DocumentSelector = List DocumentFilter
- data FoldingRangeParams = FoldingRangeParams {}
- data FoldingRangeKind
- data FoldingRange = FoldingRange {}
- type FoldingRangeRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod FoldingRangeParams (List FoldingRange)
- type FoldingRangeResponse = ResponseMessage (List FoldingRange)
- newtype List a = List [a]
- data Position = Position {
- _line :: Int
- _character :: Int
- data Range = Range {}
- data Location = Location {}
- data MarkupKind
- data MarkupContent = MarkupContent {
- _kind :: MarkupKind
- _value :: Text
- data LspId
- data LspIdRsp
- responseId :: LspId -> LspIdRsp
- requestId :: LspIdRsp -> LspId
- data ClientMethod
- = Initialize
- | Initialized
- | Shutdown
- | Exit
- | CancelRequest
- | WorkspaceDidChangeWorkspaceFolders
- | WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration
- | WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles
- | WorkspaceSymbol
- | WorkspaceExecuteCommand
- | TextDocumentDidOpen
- | TextDocumentDidChange
- | TextDocumentWillSave
- | TextDocumentWillSaveWaitUntil
- | TextDocumentDidSave
- | TextDocumentDidClose
- | TextDocumentCompletion
- | CompletionItemResolve
- | TextDocumentHover
- | TextDocumentSignatureHelp
- | TextDocumentDefinition
- | TextDocumentTypeDefinition
- | TextDocumentImplementation
- | TextDocumentReferences
- | TextDocumentDocumentHighlight
- | TextDocumentDocumentSymbol
- | TextDocumentCodeAction
- | TextDocumentCodeLens
- | CodeLensResolve
- | TextDocumentDocumentLink
- | DocumentLinkResolve
- | TextDocumentDocumentColor
- | TextDocumentColorPresentation
- | TextDocumentFormatting
- | TextDocumentRangeFormatting
- | TextDocumentOnTypeFormatting
- | TextDocumentRename
- | TextDocumentFoldingRanges
- | Misc Text
- data ServerMethod
- data RequestMessage m req resp = RequestMessage {}
- data ErrorCode
- data ResponseError = ResponseError {}
- data ResponseMessage a = ResponseMessage {}
- type ErrorResponse = ResponseMessage ()
- type BareResponseMessage = ResponseMessage Value
- data NotificationMessage m a = NotificationMessage {}
- data CancelParams = CancelParams {}
- type CancelNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod CancelParams
- type CancelNotificationServer = NotificationMessage ServerMethod CancelParams
- data DocumentSymbolParams = DocumentSymbolParams {}
- data SymbolKind
- = SkFile
- | SkModule
- | SkNamespace
- | SkPackage
- | SkClass
- | SkMethod
- | SkProperty
- | SkField
- | SkConstructor
- | SkEnum
- | SkInterface
- | SkFunction
- | SkVariable
- | SkConstant
- | SkString
- | SkNumber
- | SkBoolean
- | SkArray
- | SkObject
- | SkKey
- | SkNull
- | SkEnumMember
- | SkStruct
- | SkEvent
- | SkOperator
- | SkTypeParameter
- | SkUnknown Scientific
- data DocumentSymbol = DocumentSymbol {
- _name :: Text
- _detail :: Maybe Text
- _kind :: SymbolKind
- _deprecated :: Maybe Bool
- _range :: Range
- _selectionRange :: Range
- _children :: Maybe (List DocumentSymbol)
- data SymbolInformation = SymbolInformation {
- _name :: Text
- _kind :: SymbolKind
- _deprecated :: Maybe Bool
- _location :: Location
- _containerName :: Maybe Text
- data DSResult
- type DocumentSymbolRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentSymbolParams DSResult
- type DocumentSymbolsResponse = ResponseMessage DSResult
- data TextDocumentIdentifier = TextDocumentIdentifier {}
- data TextDocumentItem = TextDocumentItem {}
- data TextDocumentPositionParams = TextDocumentPositionParams {}
- newtype Uri = Uri {}
- fileScheme :: String
- windowsOS :: String
- type SystemOS = String
- uriToFilePath :: Uri -> Maybe FilePath
- platformAwareUriToFilePath :: String -> Uri -> Maybe FilePath
- platformAdjustFromUriPath :: SystemOS -> String -> FilePath
- filePathToUri :: FilePath -> Uri
- platformAwareFilePathToUri :: SystemOS -> FilePath -> Uri
- platformAdjustToUriPath :: SystemOS -> FilePath -> String
- data TextEdit = TextEdit {}
- type TextDocumentVersion = Maybe Int
- data VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier = VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {}
- data TextDocumentEdit = TextDocumentEdit {}
- type WorkspaceEditMap = HashMap Uri (List TextEdit)
- data WorkspaceEdit = WorkspaceEdit {}
- data WorkspaceFolder = WorkspaceFolder {}
- type WorkspaceFoldersRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod () (Maybe (List WorkspaceFolder))
- type WorkspaceFoldersResponse = ResponseMessage (Maybe (List WorkspaceFolder))
- data WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent = WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent {}
- data DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams = DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams {}
- type DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams
TraceOff | |
TraceMessages | |
TraceVerbose |
data InitializeParams Source #
InitializeParams | |
data InitializeError Source #
InitializeError | |
data TextDocumentSyncKind Source #
TdSyncNone | |
TdSyncFull | |
TdSyncIncremental |
data CompletionOptions Source #
CompletionOptions | |
Fields |
data SignatureHelpOptions Source #
SignatureHelpOptions | |
Fields |
data CodeLensOptions Source #
CodeLensOptions | |
Fields |
data DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions Source #
DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions | |
Fields |
data DocumentLinkOptions Source #
DocumentLinkOptions | |
data ExecuteCommandOptions Source #
ExecuteCommandOptions | |
data SaveOptions Source #
SaveOptions | |
data TextDocumentSyncOptions Source #
TextDocumentSyncOptions | |
Wrapper for TextDocumentSyncKind fallback.
TDSOptions TextDocumentSyncOptions | |
TDSKind TextDocumentSyncKind |
data GotoOptions Source #
GotoOptionsStatic Bool | |
GotoOptionsDynamic | |
data ColorOptions Source #
ColorOptionsStatic Bool | |
ColorOptionsDynamic | |
ColorOptionsDynamicDocument | |
Eq ColorOptions Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON | |
Read ColorOptions Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ColorOptions # readList :: ReadS [ColorOptions] # | |
Show ColorOptions Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ColorOptions -> ShowS # show :: ColorOptions -> String # showList :: [ColorOptions] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ColorOptions Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON Methods toJSON :: ColorOptions -> Value # toEncoding :: ColorOptions -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ColorOptions] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ColorOptions] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ColorOptions Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON | |
HasColorProvider InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner (Maybe ColorOptions) Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens |
data FoldingRangeOptions Source #
FoldingRangeOptionsStatic Bool | |
FoldingRangeOptionsDynamic | |
FoldingRangeOptionsDynamicDocument | |
data WorkspaceFolderChangeNotifications Source #
WorkspaceFolderChangeNotificationsString Text | |
WorkspaceFolderChangeNotificationsBool Bool |
data WorkspaceFolderOptions Source #
WorkspaceFolderOptions | |
data WorkspaceOptions Source #
WorkspaceOptions | |
data InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner Source #
InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner | |
data InitializeResponseCapabilities Source #
Information about the capabilities of a language server
InitializeResponseCapabilities | |
type InitializeRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod InitializeParams InitializeResponseCapabilities Source #
data InitializedParams Source #
InitializedParams | |
type ShutdownRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod (Maybe Value) Text Source #
type ShutdownResponse = ResponseMessage Text Source #
data ExitParams Source #
Notification from the server to actually exit now, after shutdown acked
ExitParams | |
Eq ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON | |
Read ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ExitParams # readList :: ReadS [ExitParams] # readPrec :: ReadPrec ExitParams # readListPrec :: ReadPrec [ExitParams] # | |
Show ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ExitParams -> ShowS # show :: ExitParams -> String # showList :: [ExitParams] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON Methods toJSON :: ExitParams -> Value # toEncoding :: ExitParams -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ExitParams] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ExitParams] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON |
data MessageType Source #
data ShowMessageParams Source #
ShowMessageParams | |
data MessageActionItem Source #
MessageActionItem | |
data ShowMessageRequestParams Source #
ShowMessageRequestParams | |
data LogMessageParams Source #
LogMessageParams | |
data Registration Source #
Registration | |
data RegistrationParams Source #
RegistrationParams | |
Fields |
type RegisterCapabilityRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod RegistrationParams () Source #
Note: originates at the server
type RegisterCapabilityResponse = ResponseMessage () Source #
data TextDocumentRegistrationOptions Source #
TextDocumentRegistrationOptions | |
Fields |
data Unregistration Source #
Unregistration | |
data UnregistrationParams Source #
UnregistrationParams | |
Fields |
type UnregisterCapabilityResponse = ResponseMessage () Source #
data DidChangeConfigurationParams Source #
DidChangeConfigurationParams | |
type DidChangeConfigurationNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeConfigurationParams Source #
data ConfigurationItem Source #
ConfigurationItem | |
data ConfigurationParams Source #
ConfigurationParams | |
Fields |
type ConfigurationResponse = ResponseMessage (List Value) Source #
data DidOpenTextDocumentParams Source #
DidOpenTextDocumentParams | |
Fields |
type DidOpenTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidOpenTextDocumentParams Source #
data TextDocumentContentChangeEvent Source #
TextDocumentContentChangeEvent | |
data DidChangeTextDocumentParams Source #
DidChangeTextDocumentParams | |
type DidChangeTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeTextDocumentParams Source #
data TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions Source #
TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions | |
data TextDocumentSaveReason Source #
SaveManual | Manually triggered, e.g. by the user pressing save, by starting debugging, or by an API call. |
SaveAfterDelay | Automatic after a delay |
SaveFocusOut | When the editor lost focus |
data WillSaveTextDocumentParams Source #
WillSaveTextDocumentParams | |
type WillSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams Source #
type WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocumentRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams (List TextEdit) Source #
data DidSaveTextDocumentParams Source #
DidSaveTextDocumentParams | |
Fields |
type DidSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidSaveTextDocumentParams Source #
data DidCloseTextDocumentParams Source #
DidCloseTextDocumentParams | |
Fields |
type DidCloseTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidCloseTextDocumentParams Source #
data FileChangeType Source #
FileEvent | |
data DidChangeWatchedFilesParams Source #
DidChangeWatchedFilesParams | |
type DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeWatchedFilesParams Source #
data PublishDiagnosticsParams Source #
PublishDiagnosticsParams | |
type PublishDiagnosticsNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod PublishDiagnosticsParams Source #
data LanguageString Source #
LanguageString | |
data MarkedString Source #
PlainString Text | |
CodeString LanguageString |
Eq MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON | |
Read MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS MarkedString # readList :: ReadS [MarkedString] # | |
Show MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MarkedString -> ShowS # show :: MarkedString -> String # showList :: [MarkedString] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON Methods toJSON :: MarkedString -> Value # toEncoding :: MarkedString -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [MarkedString] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [MarkedString] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON | |
HasContents Hover (List MarkedString) Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens |
type HoverResponse = ResponseMessage Hover Source #
data ParameterInformation Source #
ParameterInformation | |
data SignatureInformation Source #
SignatureInformation | |