haskell-tor-0.1.1: A Haskell Tor Node

Safe HaskellNone




Various options for running a Tor node


Options for running Tor

data TorOptions Source

How the node should be set up during initialization. For each of these items, Nothing means that the node will not operate in that capacity, while Just of the option type will initialize that system with those options.

Note that while we will do our best to make it work, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to be an Exit node and not be a Relay node.

defaultTorOptions :: TorOptions Source

A reasonable default set of options for a Tor node. Sets the node up as an entrance and relay node with their standard options, and logging output printed to stdout.

data TorEntranceOptions Source

Options for allowing circuits that originated at this node.




torInternalCircuitLength :: Int

The number of intermediate hops to use between this node and the exit node. To be clear, created circuits will have an entrance node, this number of nodes, and then the exit node.

torTargetLinks :: Int

The target number of external connections to keep alive for outgoing connections. Note that this is a target, rather than a hard minimum or limit.

defaultTorEntranceOptions :: TorEntranceOptions Source

A reasonable set of entrance options. The internal circuit length is set to 4, and a target number of links of 5.

data TorRelayOptions Source

Options for allowing circuits that pass through this node.




torOnionPort :: Word16

The port to listen on. By default, this is 9374, but there are compelling reasons to have it be some other wel-known port, like 80.

torNickname :: String

The nickname for this node. This is completely optional, but can be helpful in finding yourself in node lists.

torContact :: Maybe String

A contact email address. If not provided, we will either provide no email address or just include a junk address.

torFamilies :: [NodeFamily]

If you're setting up a number of nodes within the same operating environment, you might want to provide a "family" identifier. That way, those building circuits can limit what percentage of their hops might go through this group. A node can be a member of zero, one, or more families, thus the list.

torMaximumLinks :: Int

The maximum number of links from this node. Note that this should be greater than or equal to torTargetLinks if this node is also to be used as an entrance node.

defaultTorRelayOptions :: TorRelayOptions Source

A reasonable set of relay options. The onion port is set to 9374, the nickname is set to "", and no contact information is provided. These options set the maximum number of links to 50.

data TorExitOptions Source

Options for allowing circuits that end at this node.




torExitRules :: [ExitRule]

The rules for allowing or rejecting traffic leaving this node.

torIPv6Policy :: Either [PortSpec] [PortSpec]

The ports to disallow (Left) or allow (Right) when forwarding IPv6 traffic.

torAllowSingleHopExits :: Bool

Set this flag if you want to allow single-hop exits. These are usually not advisable, but according to the spec they may be usefule for "specialized controllers desgined to support perspective access and such."

defaultTorExitOptions :: TorExitOptions Source

A reasonable default exit node options. This allows all outgoing traffic to ports 22 (SSH), 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), 465 (SMTPS), and 993 (IMAPS), and disallows single hop exits.

data ExitRule Source

A rule for accepting or rejecting traffic, usually specified by exit nodes.


ExitRuleAccept AddrSpec PortSpec

Accept matching traffic.

ExitRuleReject AddrSpec PortSpec

Reject matching traffic.


data AddrSpec Source

An address or subnet specifier.



Accept any address

AddrSpecIP4 String

Accept this specific address.

AddrSpecIP4Mask String String

Accept this IP address and subnet mask (,etc.)

AddrSpecIP4Bits String Int

Accept this IP address and CIDR mask (/24,etc.)

AddrSpecIP6 String

Accept this specific IP6 address.

AddrSpecIP6Bits String Int

Accept this subnet and CIDR mask.

data PortSpec Source

A port specifier



Accept any port

PortSpecRange Word16 Word16

Accept ports between the two values, inclusive.

PortSpecSingle Word16

Accept only the given port.

Handy utilities

makeLogger :: (String -> IO ()) -> String -> IO () Source

If you like the output format of the default log function, but want to send it to your own output stream, this is the function for you! This function takes an outgoing logger and a string to log, and adds a nicely- formatted and easily-sortable timestamp to the front of it.

NOTE: The default value for the logger is (makeLogger putStrLn).